Mission: Space tragedy


Well-Known Member
Elonwy said:
OK, I'll be honest...So unless you are willing to blame every person in line, every person who worked on the ride and YOURSELF (because if you had the chance to stop the child and didn't you would be just as much to blame...if not more...than the mother) then just offer sympathies and leave it at that.

Sorry for being long winded...my two cents sometimes adds up to 16



Robfasto said:
Yes, I would... but I guess that is just me. Since my sons started going on rollercoasters and thrill rides at age 3 1/2 (Big Thunder Mountain) he has NEVER been on a ride that I haven't riden first. And this is at amusement parks all over the country and not just Disney...

And then when it really comes down to it...

His mother has the final say so.

Rob...that's a great example to be setting for people. I know it can be draining for parents to see their children really wanting to go on a ride and wondering whether it would be safe and I'm sure the temptation to take them on is at least equal to the temptation to let them down.

I think the Disney reputation of "Happiest place on Earth" can pacify parents into thinking that there's some pixie dust everywhere that protects every child from anything bad happening.

Unfortunately something like this terrible accident happens and people realize that bad things can happen and you can't let your guard down.

So hopefully someone reading this board will take the example of riding alone first to see if their kids can ride (it can be done easily according to erik...just ask a cast member) and one life could be spared.

Of course, there's always the chance something could happen anyway but any extra preventative measure can only decrease the chances of an accident


Well-Known Member
I feel horrible for the family, but I'm sure this has all ready been addressed, because there is no way that I'm going to read every single post on this topic...but personally, I wouldn't let my four-year-old child ride on MS. I'm not implying that the mom was "asking for it." All I'm saying is just use some common sense. Disney and the parent follow all safey procedures while the ride was in progress. I don't think it's either fault. I don't think that the parent knew that this child had a medical condition. Personally, I think the ride messed with his liberarium (sp?) from the ride's speed.


New Member
It is also my understanding that the insurance companies and not the parks set the final height requirement. Disney would suggest a height and then the insurance company will can go with that or with something else they would rather have.

This happened at Cedar Point back in 2000 when Millennium Force opened with a 54" Height requirement. The next year it was lowered to 48" and the reason given was the insurance company said they could lower it.

Most of the time the biggest factor in the Height Requirement is how the safe restraint works and where is the body pushes against it.


Active Member
Excuse me while I climb on my soapbox.

I've read some, but not all of the posts here and have been hesitant to express my opinions on what happened, mainly because there is some validity in just about all of the opinions expressed, save those that have resorted to mud slinging at others.

I just put my 4 year old daughter to bed. I choke up at the thought that anything so tragic could possibly happen to her. I just cannot imagine the pain and horror of this child's parents. As for the child, I'm sure he is now at rest in the hands of God. But to not see your own child grow up and realize their potential (mine is apparently going to be the first woman President), must be devastating. And to feel the guilt (valid or not) of responsibility must be even worse.

We can post pages of debate on ride safety, culpability, and media sesantionalism, but the bottom line is that this is a horrible tragedy that cannot be changed. When I go to bed shortly, I will say a prayer for the child, his parents, the CM's who witnessed this, and the ride's designers who may feel the weight of what happened. I would hope all of you out there would do the same.


Well-Known Member
AEfx said:
Thanks for saying this, Laura.

I almost didn't open this thread because I just knew the "heartless patrol" would be out.

However, I have come to realize that people that post these types of comments, saying it's no big deal, or that are otherwise remarkably callous on issues like this where a DEATH is involved, or pointing blame at ANYONE at this point with what little information we have, don't really feel that way. At least most of them don't.

It's just their defense mechanism, or way of dealing with something like this. No one wants to hear about deaths at the Happiest Place On Earth. Most of us can't even think about what it would feel like to have something so horrible happen there, let alone think about if we lost a child/sibling/etc in general. Only truly sick people discount feelings about such real issues like life and death like that that - the rest are just pretending to be all "tough" and "above it all" when something tragic happens so they don't reveal their true feelings.

At least that's what I try to tell myself, because if some of the people who post such comments really do feel as little for people than that - let's just say it would absolutey boggle my mind that people like that could even understand Disney magic, let alone come to a website all about it. Sick in a pathological, disturbing way - something I truly hope doesn't apply to anyone around here.

I'm not one for prayers, but my thoughts are definately with that family - who were trying to have a WDW trip like any of us that ended in a way that we really wish we didn't have to think about but unfortunately is a fact of life.


AS I know the direction that this was headed....

Some people don't feel the need to post "My thoughts and prayers go out to his family,,,what a terrible tragedy".....as in the end, it does not mean jack, except maybe it makes the member that posted that feel a little better about themself. Good for you. You have a spot reserved in the good part of heaven.

Now, if you would like to do something useful, try getting the message to the family, as they most likely are not members here, and will never get your thoughtful condolences.

Moses and Agnes Bamuwamye
406 Park Avenue
Sellersville, PA

*Edit....this is not a knock on those who believe in prayer....but don't judge those that don't and label them as heartless.


Well-Known Member
miles1 said:
Excuse me while I climb on my soapbox.

I've read some, but not all of the posts here and have been hesitant to express my opinions on what happened, mainly because there is some validity in just about all of the opinions expressed, save those that have resorted to mud slinging at others.

I just put my 4 year old daughter to bed. I choke up at the thought that anything so tragic could possibly happen to her. I just cannot imagine the pain and horror of this child's parents. As for the child, I'm sure he is now at rest in the hands of God. But to not see your own child grow up and realize their potential (mine is apparently going to be the first woman President), must be devastating. And to feel the guilt (valid or not) of responsibility must be even worse.

We can post pages of debate on ride safety, culpability, and media sesantionalism, but the bottom line is that this is a horrible tragedy that cannot be changed. When I go to bed shortly, I will say a prayer for the child, his parents, the CM's who witnessed this, and the ride's designers who may feel the weight of what happened. I would hope all of you out there would do the same.

well said...


Well-Known Member
A little off topic, but I thought it was funny enough to mention...

The news teaser here said that at 11:00 they're going to have details about a child that died on a ride at the Magic Kingdom. :brick:


Almost made it through all posts, but not quite.

Some thoughts...

-- M:S looks deceptively innocent. It's indoors and relatively small - unlike a big old outdoor looping coaster which inspires fear just by looking at it.

-- Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from fact. Disney routinely puts stories on the queue screens that are not true. They are there to enhance the experience.

-- In this country we are generally accustomed to many safety regulations in all areas of our lives which has given us the perception that the gov't (or somebody) wouldn't let anything really dangerous happen. But sometimes bad things do happen repeatedly before the regulations are put in place.


Well-Known Member
I am all for parents taking responsibility and checking out things before their kid does, that is just common sense.

What I don't understand is how that would have changed anything here - how is a layman parent to know at what level the motion becomes harmful? Do these parents have acces to electronic devices that measure G-forces? Do they also have degress in Engineering AND pediatric physiology to be able to make that distinction as to what is and is not appropriate physiologically for their child in a medical sense?

"Yes, after experiencing that attraction I feel as if my child has a chance of having a Brain Anyerism/heart failure/other unexpected medical issue that will cause death even though they meet the height requirement."

I just don't see it...unless there was knowledge of a pre-existing medical condition, there should be a reasonable expectation that it doesn't foster danger to a healthy person.

We have no idea what happened here. Blaming ANYONE is wrong, at least until we know medically what actually happened. M:S isn't a terribly intense ride to someone without motion sickness - roller coasters have higher G-force ratings. But, if you are sensitive to spinning, as I am - you get nauseus. If their child didn't have a diagnosed medical problem, even begining to second guess the parents at this point is in very, very poor taste - regardless of your opinion.



New Member
My prayers are with the child's family. This is a very horrible tragedy.

I don't mean to sound materialistic at the moment, but Mission Space needs to close if it is causing this many people to be sick or worse. I know there are those pre-existing conditions which people ignore about themselves. However, most other rides do not cause such bad things to happen. This is not an accident like BTTMR at DL. This is a repetitive occurence which must be stopped.


Well-Known Member
DisneyMarg said:
-- In this country we are generally accustomed to many safety regulations in all areas of our lives which has given us the perception that the gov't (or somebody) wouldn't let anything really dangerous happen. But sometimes bad things do happen repeatedly before the regulations are put in place.

but what regulation would/could be put in place...

The ride has been safe for 8.6million people, but 1 has died and 6 were sent to the hospital for "non-serious" conditions.

Do we live in a country that we need to regulate everything to the point where there is ZERO chance of death....as MS already has a number as close to ZERO as possible when it comes to people not being dead when the ride is over.

Unfortuntately, EVERYTHING has a chance of death behind it.......even sitting in your home on your couch.


New Member
speck76 said:
Unfortuntately, EVERYTHING has a chance of death behind it.......even sitting in your home on your couch.

Very true, maybe all computers should have a warning at startup that the radiation could cause result in death if exposed too long.

Ralph Wiggum

Account Suspended
I took my 56 inch, 12 year old, daughter on SheiKra at Busch Gardens today 5 times in a row. the ride produces a real 70 MPH and 4 G's. we both lived. those G's are well above what MS produces. age notwithstanding, how do you cite a company like Disney that tested the hell out of MS? relax, and let the facts come out. if they're culpable, the theme park industry is pretty much screwed. but I think this was an isolated incident. a tragic one, but an isolated one.


Account Suspended
AEfx said:
Thanks for saying this, Laura.

I almost didn't open this thread because I just knew the "heartless patrol" would be out.

However, I have come to realize that people that post these types of comments, saying it's no big deal, or that are otherwise remarkably callous on issues like this where a DEATH is involved, or pointing blame at ANYONE at this point with what little information we have, don't really feel that way. At least most of them don't.

It's just their defense mechanism, or way of dealing with something like this. No one wants to hear about deaths at the Happiest Place On Earth. Most of us can't even think about what it would feel like to have something so horrible happen there, let alone think about if we lost a child/sibling/etc in general. Only truly sick people discount feelings about such real issues like life and death like that that - the rest are just pretending to be all "tough" and "above it all" when something tragic happens so they don't reveal their true feelings.

At least that's what I try to tell myself, because if some of the people who post such comments really do feel as little for people than that - let's just say it would absolutey boggle my mind that people like that could even understand Disney magic, let alone come to a website all about it. Sick in a pathological, disturbing way - something I truly hope doesn't apply to anyone around here.

I'm not one for prayers, but my thoughts are definately with that family - who were trying to have a WDW trip like any of us that ended in a way that we really wish we didn't have to think about but unfortunately is a fact of life.

And we both know EXACTLY who you are referring to....


Well-Known Member
MagicalMonorail said:
My prayers are with the child's family. This is a very horrible tragedy.

I don't mean to sound materialistic at the moment, but Mission Space needs to close if it is causing this many people to be sick or worse. I know there are those pre-existing conditions which people ignore about themselves. However, most other rides do not cause such bad things to happen. This is not an accident like BTTMR at DL. This is a repetitive occurence which must be stopped.
Im sorry but this is not a repetitive occurance. It was one time. The other problems were with people simply feeling ill after riding. And seriously how many people feel ill after riding ToT of even the teacups. The answer is alot.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
AS I know the direction that this was headed....

Some people don't feel the need to post "My thoughts and prayers go out to his family,,,what a terrible tragedy".....as in the end, it does not mean jack, except maybe it makes the member that posted that feel a little better about themself. Good for you. You have a spot reserved in the good part of heaven.

No, you are right, Speck. Not everyone needs to say those things.

I wouldn't have posted simply to say so. I've avoided posting in this thread at all until the level of disgusting posts got so high.

But then we have cold people like yourself who post right away "no big deal, happens a couple of times a year..." and your continued posts in this thread just shrugging it off.

It's just sick and unneccesary to say such a thing. Why do YOU feel the need to be so frigging cold about it? YES, we know, you are above it all, Speck - not only are you the smartest person on these boards (because you have statistics!) but you also are the most stoic, unemotional person here. We all bow down before you and your enlightened view of the world.

speck76 said:
Now, if you would like to do something useful, try getting the message to the family, as they most likely are not members here, and will never get your thoughtful condolences.

Well, I can't believe the VERY poor taste you presented in giving out the name and address, if in fact that really is it.

Your attempt to label me a false-bleeding heart would be laughable if you weren't so sad. I am NEVER one to be like that. However, IF IN FACT anyone who knows this family ever sees what is written here, I posted so they knew that people that say some of the things as you have in this thread are not normal and that they should see your words as what they are - simply a defense mechanism.

speck76 said:
*Edit....this is not a knock on those who believe in prayer....but don't judge those that don't and label them as heartless.

Neither was mine. I don't pray. And my judgement of "you" had nothing to do with prayer.

In fact, it was about several types of posts I have seen here. You were correct in assuming (even though I did not mention you) that yours were among that type of post that I felt was unnecessary.

I don't think ill of you because you didn't post some heartfelt posting, I think ill of you for posting such callous, heartless comments. You go out of your way to let everyone know just how little this affects you and how not a big deal it is - which is just in terrible, terrible taste.

You present this attutide quite often, Speck. I truly do hope that it's just your way of dealing with things, because otherwise your life must be very, very sad.

And yes, that is a judgement, since you not only put the evidence out there that you wish people to believe these things about you, you paint them red and stick them on your front porch.

So no, I don't fault you for not posting a gushy "feel good" post, but for feeling the need to repeatedly post your callous, unfeeling comments in this thread.


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