Hi there all!!!! I was speaking with Master Yoda today and we have decided to have two meeting times and places as some of it may be a bit early for some folks. So this is the deal, Master Yoda and I will be at the billboard between the front gates and the Bus Depot information site between 8:30 and 8:45 am (prior to park opening) This is the suggested time for anyone who wants autographs to show up as Disney had been doing this on a fast pass system and once the fastpasses aer gone, they are GONE!!!!!!!! For those of you who would like to join us a bit later we can meet in the outdoor area of the Backlot express across the street from Star Tours at about 1 pm. I will make it a point to wear my WDWMagic shirt so I can be spotted pretty easily. Any suggestions as far as what people would like to do would be appreciated. Master Yoda had indicated that he would like to get some autographs, do a Q & A session with some of the celebrities, and a couple of other Star Wars related items!! I want to see if we can catch a set of Mulch, Sweat & Shears and see if a certain Wookie who is friends with one of our members is out and about, other than that I am pretty open to suggestions. Belle