Lost Season 4 -- Oceanic 6 -- or was that 7?


New Member
-It was very interesting to note the "experiment" Daniel was conducting, and how the time was a half hour off...I'm starting to think there's some kind of "ripple" or something in the time continuum (please note, I am not a scientist, just a Lost nerd :ROFLOL:). That's why there was terrible turbulence when the helicopter tried to land, why that missile had to travel longer to get to it's destination, and why, since Day 1, we've heard whispers on the island (there's transcriptions of them on the Internet...the whispers seem to know what the Losties are about to do). It's got to be tied to Desmond re-living things, I guess you could say, and that lady who told him he had to do everything the same (remember Desmond's epi....I think there's a lot of answers there). I think it's also tied to Charlie telling Hurley "I'm dead, but I'm also here" (remember, the crazy guy saw him too)...as if there's two parallel universes or something (how does Kate end up not going to jail, anyway?).

Anyway, just some thoughts and musings...
I think a lot of people are buying into the time warp theory. It seems viable. Expecially when you think of how the series is focused on flash backs and flashforwards... it's goes with that theme.

Last night was great! I SHOULD have, but didn't see the Aaron twist coming AT ALL. Man! I love this show! So it has to be common knowledge that the baby isn't Kate's, right? She wasn't pregnant when she got on to flight 815, and a few months later she gets rescued with baby...?

Any guesses on who the last "survivor" is? I think someone on here guessed that Jin and Sun would be two of them--I thought that was a good guess too. I wonder who it will really be. And I wonder why they said only 8 people survived the crash... Why include two other people? Would one of those have to be Claire?


Well-Known Member
Would one of those have to be Claire?

That's one of the things I'm struggling with...remember last season Desmond told Charlie he had a vision with Claire and Aaron in a helicopter. That was the whole reason Charlie was willing to sacrifice himself to stop the blocking of the signal. Yet Kate has Aaron and there's no mention of Claire...

...makes you wonder...

Gosh, it's so maddening yet so darn fun at the same time :D


New Member
That's one of the things I'm struggling with...remember last season Desmond told Charlie he had a vision with Claire and Aaron in a helicopter. That was the whole reason Charlie was willing to sacrifice himself to stop the blocking of the signal. Yet Kate has Aaron and there's no mention of Claire...

...makes you wonder...

Gosh, it's so maddening yet so darn fun at the same time :D
Yes, I thought of that too. But it seems (with the departure of Sayid, et. all, and the delay in whatever the ship sent to Daniel) there's no garauntee of what happens to a helicopter once it leaves the island...

I'm still trying to figure out why Jack goes from upholding the island secret and not wanting to go back to the island, to being obsessed with getting back there... What causes him to change his mind so drastically. Could it be that he finds out that there is some type of time warp going on and he thinks maybe he can go back and help those that people once thought were dead...?

So many questions!


Well-Known Member
I love this show. That was such a great episode. I love how it makes you hang on to every word wondering what's going to happen. And then it throws in lines that make you laugh out loud. Like "You Scooby-dooed me". Hysterical.

I must say again. I love this show.


Well-Known Member
I called it but I had already read this thread and I'd heard rumors about Kate having Claire's baby. So I guess that doesn't really count!:lol:


Well-Known Member
...So, how do we know that Kate's Aaron is indeed "Claire's Aaron", that she didn't name her own baby after Claire's in her honour? I mean, sure Claire herself alluded to parenthood ("You should try it sometime."), but the show's had more surprising twists. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm still thinking through this. I've been reading someone else's thoughts (Terese Odell - LOVE her Lost blog) and I agree with them. I don't think Aaron is one of the Oceanic 6. He could be but I don't think so. He wasn't on the passenger manifest so he wouldn't necessarily be called one of the Oceanic 6.

Could be totally wrong though. :D

Next week is a Desmond episode. That's never a bad thing.:D


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Original Poster

That was one hell of an episode...

Desmond episodes are always the best, but this was FanTASTIC with a capital TASTIC...

First and foremost... the whole "Which is what makes....time.....travel....possible....." scenes were AWESOME. I mean they even had the scale model Hill Valley. We laughed our BUTTS off tonight. And Daniel does almost a better Doc Brown than Doc Brown does.

I hope we aren't done with Fisher Stevens yet. That was kinda weak to bring him in for just that... we'll see.

Who opened the door?

Was there ever a happier scene on network televison than that phone call... then the handshake?

I hope we aren't done with Christmas yet. I hope Rose gives Bernard a watch she made from things on the island like that old Paul Simon/Victoria Jackson skit on SNL.

Did your hearts break at some of Desmond's transfer points.. they really heart to see sometimes.

Next week.... SPOILERS

GOODWIN, ETHAN, TOM --- ALL BACK FROM THE DEAD --- or in flashbacks...

Also breaking this week, Flashforwards will end with episode 7 this year. Flashbacks from there on out.


New Member
LOVED the episode! :sohappy: It was twisted, but I loved it.

Random question... remember "Adam and Eve" in one of the earlier seasons...? Did someone say that "Eve" was pregnant? DH and I were discussing posible storylines and this question came up. I began to think so, but it may just be because I want to think so...

Think Michael opened the door? Think the Losties really KNOW how they got off the island, or are they really just traveling through time via their conscious and "found their constant" so they can stay in the future...?

I love how the idea of time travel/time warp goes along with the theme of the show all along--flashbacks and fastforwards. Man! This twist will definitely make it worth it to go back and watch the whole show again!


Well-Known Member
I never thought of Michael opening the door!! That's a great idea!

I LOVED LOVED LOVED this episode. I cried like a baby during the phone call. It was just wonderful.:sohappy:


New Member
I never thought of Michael opening the door!! That's a great idea!

I LOVED LOVED LOVED this episode. I cried like a baby during the phone call. It was just wonderful.:sohappy:
I did too! Both DH and I just kept saying, "pick up the phone... pick up the phone... PICK UP THE PHONE!"

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