Lost Season 4 -- Oceanic 6 -- or was that 7?

Peaches Magee

New Member
Inside Jacob's cabin we see --

Gah! I love you resourceful people! :sohappy:
I was talking to my sister after last night's episode and told her that the man in the chair looked to me like Christian... and she thought I was crazy, cause she didnt see that. (I am obviously the more observant one in the family. hehe)
You know, I paused when we got tht first glimpse in the cabin when Ben takes Locke to see Jacob... and the quick look of him he had long straggly hair... weird.

And I think it was Locke's eye that popped up. He has a very familiar eye, ok that sounded creepy, but it's true.

Oh man I have sooo many questions after last night, just adding to the pile I already have. Like... Who are the complete Oceanic 6? We obviously know 3 by now. What did Jack not want Hurley to speak of? The rest of them left on the island, or what all happened there? Is Charlie dead? I am guessing he is, but seems not everyone stays dead on the island.

Anyone else share the theory that they could all be dead and this is a purgatory for their sins? I am half on that wagon, but then other things always disprove that. And did anyone see the Oceanic ad during Eli Stone? How he says they found 815, and showed the plane underwater. Wha?
That takes me back to the "dead" theory...
Ahh I am on Lost overload, forgive me. :lookaroun


New Member
Gah! I love you resourceful people! :sohappy:
I was talking to my sister after last night's episode and told her that the man in the chair looked to me like Christian... and she thought I was crazy, cause she didnt see that. (I am obviously the more observant one in the family. hehe)
You know, I paused when we got tht first glimpse in the cabin when Ben takes Locke to see Jacob... and the quick look of him he had long straggly hair... weird.

And I think it was Locke's eye that popped up. He has a very familiar eye, ok that sounded creepy, but it's true.

Oh man I have sooo many questions after last night, just adding to the pile I already have. Like... Who are the complete Oceanic 6? We obviously know 3 by now. What did Jack not want Hurley to speak of? The rest of them left on the island, or what all happened there? Is Charlie dead? I am guessing he is, but seems not everyone stays dead on the island.

Anyone else share the theory that they could all be dead and this is a purgatory for their sins? I am half on that wagon, but then other things always disprove that. And did anyone see the Oceanic ad during Eli Stone? How he says they found 815, and showed the plane underwater. Wha?
That takes me back to the "dead" theory...
Ahh I am on Lost overload, forgive me. :lookaroun
It's not purgatory. That was one theory the writers have already nixed.

I didn't catch the commercial during the next show. How weird!! Hmmm.... Are they trying to do a cover-up?


Well-Known Member
^They didn't make it easy, though. (The purgatory thing.) The guy who flew into the still-spinning turbine in the pilot episode? Name's Gary Troup, an anagram for... well, you get the picture. :lol:


New Member
^They didn't make it easy, though. (The purgatory thing.) The guy who flew into the still-spinning turbine in the pilot episode? Name's Gary Troup, an anagram for... well, you get the picture. :lol:
I bet a third of the stuff the creators of the show do, they do it to just play with people's minds--those people they know would take the time to try to figure all the little things out!

Peaches Magee

New Member
See, I am a bit of newbie. I just watched all 3 seasons on abc.com about a month ago. So haven't researched much into the meanings. But glad that one is nixed cause that eliminates that bit of confusion... cause we all know there is plenty to go around with this show...

And yeah the plane underwater... didn't Naomi aslso say that they had already found 815 underwater, no survivors, everyone in their seats??
What does that mean??


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OH -- remember Charlie swimming in the imaginary tank at the police station -- he had a special message for Hurley --



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BEWARE -- Episode 3 Spoilers have leaked over the weekend, and there is expected to be a SHOCKER Thursday. Please don't spoil here. Feel free to discuss, but don't destroy the show please.

Oh, and it's supposed to be just a warm up for the big EPISODE 4 BOMBSHELL!!!!

I think it's **** ** * *****! But I've been saying that since we first heard about the Others.


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Executive Producer Damon Lindelof Says: "Indeed, it would appear that we are in the endgame of the strike. Personally, I couldn't be more psyched to be part of this union. Like any negotiation, some parts suck and some parts surpassed my wildest expectations for what we could accomplish, but most of all I'm left with a feeling of pride.

"As for Lost (pending the actual lifting of the strike, which we vote for on Tuesday), a game plan should begin to manifest by the end of the week. All I can say is that Carlton and I and the rest of the writers have every intention of making sure you guys get more episodes this season beyond the eight already completed. How many and how they will be aired is a conversation we'll be having with our bosses, but as soon as we've got a plan, we'll tell the fans first."

What We're Hearing: Lost's actors are on standby, and the show is expected to produce more episodes this season. Fingers crossed! The bigger question is who'll keep the golden Thursday at 9 p.m. time slot once those Seattle Grace docs also return...How 'bout we put Sawyer and McDreamy in a cage and let 'em duke it out? ('Cause we know who'd win...)


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I think that's why he went to Australia in the first place.

It's been so long... I'm sure someone else could help fill in the gaps.

Didn't he drive up to the house with Ana Lucia? Before that, he paid for Claire's mom's medical bills, right?

I don't recall if Claire knew that the man at the door was her father...I wonder if Jack and Claire will ever find out they're brother and sister :shrug:

So, according to the preview another member of the Oceanic 6 will be revealed Thursday. My guess is Sayid. Kristin Dos Santos on E! Online has two clips from Thursday's episode, and I just got the vibe it'll be Sayid from them.

Feels good to be back into Lost. Last year, I thought the first episodes were really bad. Luckily, the second half of the season was back to "classic" Lost. This season has started off the best since season 2, IMO.


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Producers say they're shooting for 5 more episodes to make 13 for season 4.


He was a fixture on the picket lines and at strike rallies, often with his bike in tow.

Then on Saturday night, "Lost" executive producer/co-showrunner Carlton Cuse was onstage at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles as a member of the team briefing fellow writers on the tentative agreement struck with the producers. That is the same stage where 2 1/2 years ago, Cuse stood up to accept a best series Emmy as a member of the producing team of the hit drama "Lost."

"It was incredible," Cuse said of his experience Saturday night. "It was so gratifying to see that at the end of the strike, we were still united as a guild despite all the talk that writers are hellbent ideologues who can't understand a complex deal."

What is even more incredible is that unity was preserved by the very issue that divided the writers and studios and led to the strike -- new media -- through sites like UnitedHollywood.com.

"The Internet became a tool for a really complex communication with the writers," Cuse said. "Because of that level of communication, writers understood the details in the negotiations, felt very participatory, and that level of involvement and understanding was key to maintaining the unity of the guild."

Cuse said he's happy with the outcome of the strike and can't wait to go back to his day job on "Lost."

"We're going to have to hit the ground running, go from zero to 100 mph in a matter of days to make as many episodes as possible," he said.

The goal for Cuse and co-showrunner Damon Lindelof is to produce five more episodes this season, a tall order given the time constraints and the scope of storytelling and production on "Lost." Even with five additional hours, Cuse and Lindelof will be three episodes short of the premapped fourth season.

"We will have to condense some stories," Cuse said.


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Wow, that was some crazy kinda episode. Sayied is Ben's little B. And Ben did "something" to get out of Locke's tight grip. I'm almost sure now that Kate has to leave because of her baby, and that's who's "waiting" at home for her.

Penny's dad -- the leader of the freighters??? Looks possible. Esp with a Desmond episode coming up.


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Kristin at E! says we will get a six-week break before the season wraps:

The last episode of the current pod (episode seven) will air Mar. 13. Then the show will be off the air for six weeks and return Apr. 24 at 9 p.m. That Apr. 24 episode will be the already-completed episode eight, which was filmed prestrike, but which apparently works much better as a minipremiere than it does as a minifinale.


Well-Known Member
Wow, that was some crazy kinda episode. Sayied is Ben's little B. And Ben did "something" to get out of Locke's tight grip. I'm almost sure now that Kate has to leave because of her baby, and that's who's "waiting" at home for her.

Penny's dad -- the leader of the freighters??? Looks possible. Esp with a Desmond episode coming up.

My brain hurts from that episode :ROFLOL:

Some thoughts (if you haven't watched, beware of SPOILERS from tonight's epi and a lame theory from yours truly ):

-I love Sayid...I'm so glad he is getting something meaty to do. I have to admit, that girl had me fooled (I'm so gullible).

-I don't know how, but Ben has started to grow on me. Originally, I just wanted him dead. Not only is he incredibly charismatic, though, he is such a complex and fascinating character...it's hard to remember the show without him.

-It was very interesting to note the "experiment" Daniel was conducting, and how the time was a half hour off...I'm starting to think there's some kind of "ripple" or something in the time continuum (please note, I am not a scientist, just a Lost nerd :ROFLOL:). That's why there was terrible turbulence when the helicopter tried to land, why that missile had to travel longer to get to it's destination, and why, since Day 1, we've heard whispers on the island (there's transcriptions of them on the Internet...the whispers seem to know what the Losties are about to do). It's got to be tied to Desmond re-living things, I guess you could say, and that lady who told him he had to do everything the same (remember Desmond's epi....I think there's a lot of answers there). I think it's also tied to Charlie telling Hurley "I'm dead, but I'm also here" (remember, the crazy guy saw him too)...as if there's two parallel universes or something (how does Kate end up not going to jail, anyway?).

Anyway, just some thoughts and musings...


Well-Known Member
My brain hurts from that episode :ROFLOL:

Some thoughts (if you haven't watched, beware of SPOILERS from tonight's epi and a lame theory from yours truly ):

-I love Sayid...I'm so glad he is getting something meaty to do. I have to admit, that girl had me fooled (I'm so gullible).

-I don't know how, but Ben has started to grow on me. Originally, I just wanted him dead. Not only is he incredibly charismatic, though, he is such a complex and fascinating character...it's hard to remember the show without him.

-It was very interesting to note the "experiment" Daniel was conducting, and how the time was a half hour off...I'm starting to think there's some kind of "ripple" or something in the time continuum (please note, I am not a scientist, just a Lost nerd :ROFLOL:). That's why there was terrible turbulence when the helicopter tried to land, why that missile had to travel longer to get to it's destination, and why, since Day 1, we've heard whispers on the island (there's transcriptions of them on the Internet...the whispers seem to know what the Losties are about to do). It's got to be tied to Desmond re-living things, I guess you could say, and that lady who told him he had to do everything the same (remember Desmond's epi....I think there's a lot of answers there). I think it's also tied to Charlie telling Hurley "I'm dead, but I'm also here" (remember, the crazy guy saw him too)...as if there's two parallel universes or something (how does Kate end up not going to jail, anyway?).

Anyway, just some thoughts and musings...

Some good thoughts.
Any episode that focuses on Sayid is a good one. Of all the characters I think his backstory is one of the most interesting and his future looks to be even better. If there were ever going to be a Lost spinoff, we could have Sayid the Assassin going on missions for Ben and I'd watch.

I feel just the opposite about Ben though. I have yet to see his good side and it just angers me even more to know that A. he gets off the island alive and B. that he's still just as big of a jerk in the future as he is now. If Ben is still alive by the end of the series, I hope the Sayid the Assassin spinoff will be all about how Sayid tracks Ben down and kills him.

I don't know what to think about the whole time difference thing, just the thought they are caught in some sort of time warp or worm hole or whatever it may be makes my brain hurt.


Well-Known Member
wow the german on the menu card (when sayid enters the bar at the beginning)
was so bad .. I wonder why they can't ask some german native to check the details for spelling and grammar .. must be within the budget :lol:

Grilltes Hühnerfilet & Gemüse (Gegrilltes)
Steak & Knobloch Kartoffen (Knoblauch Kartoffeln)


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So, what happened....


Claire dead?
Did she give up Aaron to Kate?
Did Kate "jack" Aaron?


Does Jack know Aaron is his nephew yet?
Is that why he won't see him?
Is it because he was stolen and it was too late to change it?

One thing we do know.

The Aussie psychic from season one said that if somebody raised Aaron, there would be hell on earth or he would become an evil demon child or something like that.

So -- is that why they have to go back. To reunite Claire and Aaron????

Very interesting.


Well-Known Member
So, what happened....


Claire dead?
Did she give up Aaron to Kate?
Did Kate "jack" Aaron?


Does Jack know Aaron is his nephew yet?
Is that why he won't see him?
Is it because he was stolen and it was too late to change it?

One thing we do know.

The Aussie psychic from season one said that if somebody raised Aaron, there would be hell on earth or he would become an evil demon child or something like that.

So -- is that why they have to go back. To reunite Claire and Aaron????

Very interesting.

Very interesting indeed! I like your thoughts on tonight's episode too.

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