Let’s Get Down to Business, to Defeat… the Run: A Wine & Dine Half Marathon TR

What can I say? I’ve been more than just a little obsessed with naming my reports after Disney songs as of late!

Things have been quite crazy in our lives since the last trip report was posted. We spent the better parts of October and November house hunting and then found our “dream” home just before Thanksgiving. Our fabulous realtor got us in to see it the very same day and we put an offer on it that night! Crazy, I know. But smart because it turned out that multiple other offers came in the very next day. We took another Disney trip over Thanksgiving and then upon returning, we closed on our house. Moved in right before Christmas and we’ve spent the last month trying to get situated. All excuses for why this trip report is incredibly late and also the reason why I’ve been MIA on the trip report forum as of late. Not only do I need to get my reports posted, but I need to catch up on so many of your fabulous reports, as well – my apologies, as I’ve been reading, but not responding!

So on to this trip report…

When: September 29th – October 3rd
Where: Disney’s All-Star Music Resort
Why: Wine & Dine Half Marathon
Who: Mr. and Mrs. Hollybelle


Yep, that’s us, after miraculously surviving the 2009 marathon - all the gory details here: Going the Distance from Mile 1 to 26.2!

Let’s back up a bit – like, to the middle of last year. :lol: June 2011 rolled around and I started getting the bug to do another Disney race. It hit me that we had participated in Disney races in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Surely we couldn’t let 2011 go by without lacing up the running shoes. There was only one rule – NO half-a$$ training. For real, this time. We both vowed to find a training schedule and stick to it like white on rice.

This time around it was about so much more than finishing the race. You see, we managed to accomplish that when we finished the Princess Half on no more than a couple of two or three mile runs – I won’t even pretend to call those training runs. And if I’m being honest, finishing that race didn’t really feel like much of an accomplishment because I knew so much more could have been accomplished if I’d only put forth the effort. No, the purpose of this race was not to finish it, but to train for it. The battle was not fought on the day of the race, but in the three months prior to it. For me, it was about goal setting and follow-through. For Brett it was about redemption. He claimed that this was a “business” trip... and he meant it.

With that we spent the month of July building up a base with some short 2-3 mile runs around the neighborhood. At the beginning of August we scoped out a local park/trail to do our long runs on and we found a very basic training plan that required a total of three runs per week over the course of eight weeks. Why did we choose a training schedule with a mere three runs per week? Because we don’t like to run. :eek: :lol: No really, I found that while training for the 2009 Marathon, I burned out long before I reached the halfway point in my training – and I attribute it in part to the fact that I was running five days a week.

The most basic of training schedules: http://mba.tuck.dartmouth.edu/pages/clubs/triathlon/training/Half_Marathon.htm

I’m proud to say we didn’t miss a single run, and believe me when I tell you that there were quite a few days when I really, really, did not want to suit up and hit the pavement. I feel like I’m constantly reading about people who love to run – folks who are itching to get outside and lose themselves in the steady rhythm of a good run. As much as I may wish it to be true - that is NOT me. And that’s okay. Throughout this experience, I found that what got me out the door was dedication to my goal, not the lure of the run itself. Don't get me wrong, the endorphin high that came after finishing a difficult run was addicting, but not the run itself.

A bit more specificity about our goals – Brett’s redemption goal was a two-hour finish time. Aside from not missing a training run, mine was to simply run all 13.1 miles (no walking) with the hopes of coming in under two and a half hours. From the very beginning, we split up. We went out to do our runs at the same time each day, but unlike all our runs of the past, we didn’t run together. Instead, we found ourselves passing by one another, high fiving, as we each moved along to our own beat. This allowed Brett to move at a more challenging pace, and it allowed me to find my own personal motivation to keep going.

Unfortunately, when he was about 5 miles into our last long run, a piercing pain shot up Brett’s calf. I remember coming around the edge of the running path to grab a gel at mile 4, only to find Brett leaning against the car, looking a bit distraught. He did the smart thing and bailed on the run. I offered to stop with him, but he wouldn’t hear of it. So he spent the time stretching at a picnic table while I finished the final 6 miles of my last long run. He put in a solid two miles for our last easy run the Tuesday before departure and we both hoped upon hope that all his prior training would be enough to carry him through race day.

An instagram Brett snapped as he waited for me to finish a long run – I’m not sure what it is about this picture, but I love it. It reminds me of all our training:


With that, it was time to put our training to the test, and get down to business... Shang-style! :lol:



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While we weren’t that sore from the previous night’s race, we were absolutely spent. I thought food would rectify that, but it hadn’t. So we decided to make our way towards the front of the park and take a mid-afternoon break. On the way out we hit up the miraculous Spaceship Earth.








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So long, Food and Wine Festival. Hopefully, we’ll get to spend more time enjoying you next year!





We waited about ten minutes for the bus, which wasn’t too bad.




We arrived back at the resort around 2:45pm and made the trek back to the good ol’ Country Boots, where we may or may not have taken a brief nap before heading off to the Studios for the evening.



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Margaritas... :hurl: ....but I like the salt. I'm so odd. :lol:

Afternoon naps are the bestest even in Spaceship Earth. Not that I've ever done that once...or twice...or...:lookaroun :D


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On our way to the Studios, I enjoyed taking even more gratuitous shots of the classiest medal ever!





Our plan, upon entering the park, was to get a drink at the Tune-In Lounge. Prior to this trip, like so many others in the past, we had originally made reservations for dinner at Prime Time. And, just like all other trips in the past, we cancelled them a week or two before the trip and made reservations somewhere else. :lookaroun Neither one of us are big fans of the typically presented “southern cuisine” found at the Prime Time, so we always nix the reservation because nothing on the menu appeals to us. I’m sure we’ll eat there one day, but our new plan was to have a pre-dinner drink at the Tune-In Lounge so that we could at least get a taste of the ambience that is so highly recommended there.





The place was absolutely mobbed, and it was clear that there was no way we’d be getting anywhere near that bar. So we wandered over to Star Tours to pick up a fastpass – Star Tours is like DHS's version of Space Ranger Spin… no matter what time of day you pick up the fastpass, your return time is within the hour. Love it!


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We headed down Sunset to hit up the E-ticket attractions.





After our tour through the Twilight Zone, we headed back over to Star Tours to cash in our fastpasses. This time we were seated in the very front row – and it made me a bit queasy. The best part though was that Admiral Ackbar appeared before us. The worst part is that he didn’t scream out “It’s A Trap!” Boooo. For the rest of the night we took it upon ourselves to scream out “It’s A Trap!” every chance we got. :lol:





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We headed off to check-in the requisite 15 minutes early for our dinner reservations at the Brown Derby. The place was crazy. While waiting to check in, we overheard a family nearby tell someone that they had 5:05pm reservations and they were still waiting to be seated. :eek: It was 6:45pm! By the time we got to the podium to check in, the CM told us we should go enjoy the park some more and come back later to check in. The reason she gave when I inquired about our scheduled reservation time of 7pm was “It’s been a busy day with walk-ins.” Totally not cool. I realize that to prevent from losing revenue, the restaurants take a certain number of walk-ins throughout the day to counteract the folks who don’t show up for their reservations, but it’s not fair to the people who DO show up for their reservation. I wonder if this newish rule of having a credit card on file for cancellations at the signature restaurants has been an effective way to address these issues.

So, we walked over and through One Man’s Dream before deciding that we’d rather just put our name in and wait. We didn’t want counter service, and that was our only other option in the park, so we just decided to suck it up and wait for our table.


We checked in at 7pm and were seated 45 minutes later. Looks like they were starting to catch back up somewhat. At least we didn’t have to wait close to two hours like that one family.



Our server was a bit pushy – He was nice as could be, but I got sick of him trying to sell the menu and push the signature Cobb salad and grapefruit cheesecake. Enough already. I know they’re on the menu, kay, thanks!


Brett ordered the pork dish with Portobello. Honestly, it’s been so long since we ate there and I didn’t write down exactly what we had, so I can’t tell you what it was accompanied by. Just know that he thoroughly enjoyed it, and would highly recommend it. :lol:


I ordered the grouper, with cauliflower and risotto. It was quite good. I think Brett’s was better, but overall we were both very pleased with the meal.



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We arrived to a party! Seriously, there was a huge difference between the wait for the W&D and races we’ve run previously. People were actually responding to the DJ. Granted it was 7:30 in the evening, not 3:30am, so I’m sure that had a lot to do with it. It was also nice that the waiting area was in a grassy field and not a parking lot. Score a few points for the Wine & Dine!

The majority of our training had been in the prime heat and humidity of South Carolina, so the weather on race day was heavenly to us. As the sun set, the breeze picked up a bit and the temperature dropped enough for me to feel a bit cool while we were just standing around – perfect race weather, especially for that time of year!

Great TR. I have started training for a Disney 1/2 marathon myself and this is totally getting me psyched. I noticed that you mentioned that you trainined in the heat and humidity of South Carolina. Funny enough my family and I live in Columbia so I know exactly what you mean. I am not looking forward to training over the summer. There's nothing like summer in Columbia (the armpit of hell).

On a side note, I also noticed that you stayed at All Star Music. My wife, two sons and M-I-L will be staying in a family suite this upcoming November/December. Any advice and pros and cons you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Once again, great TR. Can't wait to see how it turns out.


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We bypassed dessert, opting to stop in at the Apothecary on the way out instead. We got out of dinner just before 9pm and jumped in line for the last showing of the Voyage of the Little Mermaid. This show could most definitely use a little overhaul. But it’s cute.







As we exited the park, we completely forgot to get something sweet at the Apothecary. Drat! But we were exhausted and we had an early morning - plus we still had to pack, so back to the Country Boots we went.






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Day 5 – Monday, October 3, 2011: Check out / Magic Kingdom / Epcot

On Monday, we got up at 6:30am, packed, handed over our bags to bell services, and hopped in the car with a very important destination in mind – Wilderness Lodge WAFFLES! Hooray! Seriously, I love me some bananas fosters waffles. As you can see in the picture below, we both went with the children’s version this time around (two waffles instead of three), and get this… the children’s version includes a drink. I mean, really, bonus buy!


With full bellies we walked down to the boat ramp and made our way over to the Magic Kingdom.



The Grand Floridian is so picturesque.



Oddly enough, our whole morning at the Magic Kingdom, could’ve been taken from my May trip report. I think we did the exact same things on each of these departure days.


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First stop, fastpasses from Space Mountain, and a meet and greet with the chipmunks.



I think this one was trying to scare me from afar…


Next stop, TTA!







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Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin!


We went back to Space Mountain, where we witnessed some fabulous parenting as a mother physically forced her screaming child onto the ride. It became rather awkward to watch for most of us standing in the line. And quite unpleasant for the CM trying to intervene I would think – that has to be hard. Mom eventually won, and the rocket took off around the corner with a wailing/flailing child at it’s mercy. Yikes.

In the Merchant of Venus, we picked up one last character for the tree!


We stopped at the Hundred Acre Wood before heading on to Liberty Square.






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We rode the Haunted Mansion and then began making our way out of the park. We had lunch reservations over at Epcot and figured we should probably start making the trek.




We hopped on an empty boat back to the Wilderness Lodge.






As we were walking back into the hotel near Roaring Fork, Brett heard someone say “Hollybelle” a couple of times… finally, I caught on that they meant me! It was another forum member, Miriamsolana. We chatted with her for a bit and then went our separate ways, she was off to the Magic Kingdom and had a whole week of Disney ahead of her. If you’re reading this Miriam, I hope you had a fabulous trip – it was great to meet you!


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When we arrived at Epcot, we headed straight for Mexico, and made a trip through the River of Time before checking in at San Angel.

Oh, hi there…


Psst... check it out Kenzie - a mirror shot!^




The chargers were gorgeous…



The salsa that came with the chips was delicious – there was almost a creaminess to it that isn’t normally found in salsas.





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For lunch I had the enchiladas verdes, which were absolutely delicious. They were filled with chicken, sour cream, and a tomatillo sauce. I subbed out the black beans for rice, which didn’t seem to be a problem at all.


Brett had a grilled chicken served over cilantro lime rice. It had just the right amount of spice/seasoning and Brett said he’d definitely order it again. Unfortunately, it looks like it’s no longer on the menu, because I can’t find a more elaborate description on allears.


San Angel seems to have a bad rap, but we like it. And you just can’t deny the romantic ambiance. The place is beautiful.



By the time we finished lunch it was about 1:45pm and that meant time to go home. We stopped in at MouseGear to pick up some pretzels and other snacks and then headed back to Music to pick up our stuff.

Buh-bye Disney World! Thanks for another wonderful trip.


Overall, this was another great trip and the half marathon was by far the highlight. I’m ready to sign up for another runDisney event, but I don’t think Brett is. For whatever reason, the slightly longer distances aren’t agreeing with his legs, so he’s turned his fitness focus to the gym and gets most of his cardio by swimming. I’m not sure what my next event will be, but I feel certain that this wasn’t my last! I've got my eye on Marathon Weekend 2013, but only time will tell.

Next trip report on the agenda – Thanksgiving 2011!
Next trip on the agenda – this weekend!!! :eek:


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Okay, friends, I hate to leave you hanging, but I'll start responding to posts as soon as I can - but right now it's bedtime. I'm headed off to Orlando tomorrow (flight leaves at 5:30 am :eek:) for another work-related trip. And then Brett will be joining me on Friday for a quick weekend stint at the World. Where there will likely be lots of instagramming and possible twittering along the way.


Well-Known Member
Okay, friends, I hate to leave you hanging, but I'll start responding to posts as soon as I can - but right now it's bedtime. I'm headed off to Orlando tomorrow (flight leaves at 5:30 am :eek:) for another work-related trip. And then Brett will be joining me on Friday for a quick weekend stint at the World. Where there will likely be lots of instagramming and possible twittering along the way.

Yay, excited for you!

Also, you're on THE TWITTER? kbmacdowell, follow me pleaseeeee so I can keep up with this trippy!


Well-Known Member
Fabulous report, Holly! So much to comment on...

Maybe Marathon Weekend 2013.

SQUEE! How fun would that be?! :sohappy:

Wow, Corral B...that's serious business! The corral placement thing is something I totally overthink when it comes to these races. I keep thinking I have it somewhat figured out, then *poof* they throw me another curveball. Sneaky runDisney.

LOVE the nighttime parade character photos...very cool. I think we saw the Spectro fireflies on the marathon course, but I can't remember for sure. I'm glad that you weren't disappointed by the lack of characters! And I LOL'd at the thought of Brett grabbing some complete stranger in a matching fuchsia top. Too funny.

Hooray for no Biofreeze! :sohappy: That must've been a great feeling. I totally know what you mean about those Amphipod fuel belts. Mine either sits in just the right place or is unwearable. It seems to change from run to run. :rolleyes: Your pockets sound very creative...what kind of running skirts to you have? I know some have a small pocket above the butt, but even those are probably only big enough for just one gel. At any rate, I'm glad you didn't have a wardrobe malfunction on the course! :lol: :eek:

I'm so sorry to hear that Brett was having issues during the race :( But 2:02 with 7 character stops and an injury is an amazing, so kudos to Brett! And kudos to you too for an awesome time as well! :sohappy: You guys rock!

Bud Light?! LAME. But at least you got to meet Chip and Dale in their cooking gear! So cute.

So do you think you'd do the Wine & Dine again? Which course (W&D or Princess) did you like better, or is it too hard to compare since they are such different experiences (night with no characters vs. day race with characters)?

You're right that the medal is all kinds of classy! Love the short of it with blurry Spaceship Earth in the background!

Yay for meeting up with Shelley, Jason and Jess! You got lots of WDWMagic love on this trip! :sohappy:

Thor Donald...so adorable! Love him.

Will and I are hoping to stay in the Wilderness Lodge on our next long trip and I've been talking up those waffles to him for some time now...they look so mouth-wateringly good! YUM. Your review of San Angel is, I think, one of the only positive ones I've seen. Boy did the food look good in your pictures...we'll have to give it a try sometime.

I'm so sad that Brett may be retiring from runDisney! But he's smart to realize what is and is not right for his body. And if you ever need a runDisney buddy...you know where to find me! :wave: :lol:

LOVED the report, as usual! I hope the new house is treating you guys well and that you have a fabulous weekend in WDW!


Active Member
I feel like I missed something… I’m not familiar with this Once Upon a Time show – is it Beauty and the Beast inspired?

Ain’t no thing! I’m an avid Beauty and the Beast fan. Belle is certainly my favorite princess.

Nope, it's inspired by all of the fairy tales! The evil queen (aka Snow's step mother) sets a curse apon the fairy tale characters when Snow White and hubby are having a baby (whom Rumplestiltskin wants to steal)(I can never remember how to spell his name, so if I get it wrong don't kill me! lol). And Rump is actually the one who designs the spell - and the baby is the only one who can break it. Everyone in the story ends up in this realm, and now the baby is an adult who's son's step mother is the evil queen. It sounds so much more confusing than it is, but it is an AMAZING show! ABC, Sunday nights 8pm. :animwink:

I am so enjoying this report. I am trying to talk my husband into running the Tower of Terror run in the fall. He is so not a runner. I ran track in school years ago and when I was in the Army :eek: but after 4 kids, I am not sure if I could even do it anymore. C25K here we come. LOL Can't wait for the rest of it but I am off to bed. Hoping it will be up for breakfast tomorrow. :ROFLOL::ROFLOL:
Yay ToT race!!! Join us! :sohappy:

You're with my twin and older sister!!!!!! :D:lol:

Yay, excited for you!

Also, you're on THE TWITTER? kbmacdowell, follow me pleaseeeee so I can keep up with this trippy!

AGREED!!!!! kortni24! I love followers. :D


Active Member
YAY, what a fantastic report.....I SO look forward to these. I really want to do a run and this is certainly making me want to sign up for one right now. I actually sent you a message a few weeks ago but I don't think it went through since I didn't hear back (and there was nothing in my sent message so I must not have done it correctly). We are planning our first famiy Disney trip with Oliver and I wanted some advice. We are in the process of booking through Tammy (who has been awesome) but the crazy planner in me is over thinking everything (of course). Oliver will only be 2 so we are only doing 4 days at Disney and then jumping on the Fantasy for 7 nights.....can't wait. I still have your email address so I might send you a quick message for some pointers, if you don't mind.

And awesome job on the run to both of you.....such a wonderful accomplishment !!!!!

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