Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

Do you agree with Disney's decision to thow these kids out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 411 96.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 4.0%

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Active Member
Man the only thing I'm doing at 1 am at Walt Disney World is studying, watching TV, watching fireworks, or watching the drunks stumple in from DTD from my balcony! How bout ya'll?:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Man the only thing I'm doing at 1 am at Walt Disney World is studying, watching TV, watching fireworks, or watching the drunks stumple in from DTD from my balcony! How bout ya'll?:shrug:
Wuss, I'm totally swinging my Grumpy Big Fig at people trying to knock them out.


Well-Known Member
Boy, that "NO" answer at the poll has been trying hard all day to stay at 5% and it just can't do it. This may be the most one sided poll ever here at


Well-Known Member
I'm really shocked Disney had the balls to do something like this. I really am. As a CM, I can tell you Disney is usually a little apprehensive about such things like this unless it is something REALLY bad (which in all fairness, it's not like these kids shot or raped someone). That said.... :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

Pop Warner sucks. Working at the Studios for two years in a row is not fun when these brats show up. Their parents are worse. Just the other night me and some coworkers were eating off property right by Downtown Disney and the whole restaurant was filled with teenybopper cheerleaders. They were running around, throwing food at each other, yelling, etc. Their parents were in a nearby booth and didn't even notice them. Luckily we're all college-aged folks who didn't really care but I bet a family who is on vacation or someone just trying to have a decent, quick dinner would be extremely ed.

You bet we would have been and as a mother of a cheerleader, I would have pulled her out of there so fast she wouldn't know what got her. You just don't act like that anywhere. I have told my girls over & over that when you are out in public or anywhere for that matter, you represent your family & your school and you were not brought up that way.

LeeLee D

New Member
Man the only thing I'm doing at 1 am at Walt Disney World is studying, watching TV, watching fireworks, or watching the drunks stumple in from DTD from my balcony! How bout ya'll?:shrug:
1 AM? I'm sleeping, baby!

As to telling them to leave "in the middle of the night", what else could they do? Tell them they would have to leave in the morning and expect them to stay in their rooms and be good? At that point, what do they have to lose? Already kicked out, might as well cause more havoc.

True, it is a hard lesson for the ones who did not fight. But how would the managment just keep some out? Mug shots at each entrance? I have not stayed on property during this event (though I was at MK Saturday and was wondering who all the kids were) but from what others have said it seems quite chaotic. If just three families got kicked out, what would stop them from sneaking back in and staying in another person's room? Parents who would let their kids run wild wouldn't hesitate to break another rule or two.

Just my $0.02:)


New Member
I applaud the action that Disney took - and I'm fairly certain that we don't know 1/4 of the entire story. Bottom line is that in this and all situations, there has to be responsibility on many levels. In a group situation, such as teams - the responsibility falls on the group equally - it's part of being in a group.
I recall several years ago going on a mini-vacation with a group of friends - we were all adults at the time - ranging in age from 30's to 50's - we rented 3 motel rooms for about 10 people. About 4 of our group decided to sit outside and get completely smashed drunk. Though we knew they were outside - we weren't aware of how bad things were until we heard police sirens. The 4 of them decided it would be fun to hop the locked fence around the pool and go for a swim. Thankfully there were no injuries or fights -- but that isn't even the point - they were a reflection of the rest of our group - and I wouldn't have blamed management in the least had they kicked us out. In the case where we're dealing with a parent/child-- that responsibility - especially the shared part - quadruples for the parent. I'm sure we've all seen parents yapping away on their cell phones while the kids just entertain themselves. There needs to be responsibility for one's actions and those of their kids as well as defined consequences. Having a group frown on one's behavior can be a big consequence. I can tell you that no matter how much I enjoyed the company of those 4 people who couldn't control their drinking - that was the last time I stayed with any of them anywhere and the rest of the group made it clear that we would not ever be staying at the same place at the same time.


Active Member
I don't know if a middle of the night tossing was neccessary. Seems a little too cold for Disney.

I agree. They overdid the enforcement on this one.

Instead, they should have written a letter and put it under everyone's door overnight... "due to infraction of.... etc., etc. your contract is hereby terminated and you must leave Disney property. We regret this is necessary due to...."

Not, 1 a.m., get everyone out of bed and make them leave immediately.


Well-Known Member
Oh man i love it!!! People have to learn how to act in public.. or buh bye!!:wave: Back to six flags for the riff raff!! woohO!O!


Active Member
I agree. They overdid the enforcement on this one.

Instead, they should have written a letter and put it under everyone's door overnight... "due to infraction of.... etc., etc. your contract is hereby terminated and you must leave Disney property. We regret this is necessary due to...."

Not, 1 a.m., get everyone out of bed and make them leave immediately.

Except, at 1 a.m. they were outside of their rooms fighting so I don't think they would have gotten the notes. :rolleyes:


I Couldn't Help Myself



Well-Known Member
1 a.m.???

Why on earth were they out of their rooms during a competition at that time of the morning? Where were the adults?
drinking...:lookaroun :lol:

No seriously, I've been on a tour group before (Not to Disney, but I did go to a couple of different places in high school.) On one of them, we went to Chicago, and while we were well behaved kids (for the most part), we did go out in downtown Chicago in the middle of the night, probably around midnight or so, and had no supervision. Our chaperones didn't know we were leaving. We just simply left the hotel b/c we were hungry and were looking for a place to get some food. However, we could have easily been sneaking out at that time of night to be doing something a little more risque. So essentially, it is quite easy to "get away" with things when on a trip like the Disney one. (And like I said, we were good kids...we pretty much obeyed the rules and were respectful.)

This however, doesn't mean that I don't believe that these kids shouldn't have been kicked out...all of them, even those who didn't commit the offense. I definitely believe that they do. There is no telling what could have happened. Another fight could have broken out in retaliation and also, it might be harder to find these people in the morning as well. Who knows what time those people would have gotten up and could have been hard tracking them down then. So the 1 am kicking out was acceptable to me.

And by kicking all of them out and at that time of night, really sends a message that Disney won't tolerate these children misbehaving in these ways and if you do something wrong, they will do the same thing to you at any hour of the night. Maybe, just maybe, it might deter some of these other kids from doing something stupid (probably not though...:rolleyes: )


I agree. They overdid the enforcement on this one.

Instead, they should have written a letter and put it under everyone's door overnight... "due to infraction of.... etc., etc. your contract is hereby terminated and you must leave Disney property. We regret this is necessary due to...."

Except, as LeeLee D and others have pointed out, they would have nothing else to lose at that point, and things could turn REALLY ugly. Not to mention all of the OTHER guests at the hotel that would have to deal with the evicted teams all night and into the next morning. It sounds like Disney was concerned about a bad situation getting even worse.

It amazes me that people don't think they're responsible for following the rules, fine print, etc. It's like everyone thinks that stuff is written for all the OTHER people in the world, not "Me". I can't count the number of times I heard excuses like "Oh, I know what the rules ARE, but I shouldn't have to follow them for blah blah reason...". No - you DO have to follow them. ALL of them. Even the ones you don't like or don't agree with.

Oh, and if you think Disney was "rude" in evicting these kids, or inconveniencing "innocent" people, you would have LOVED my senior class trip to Europe. Some of my classmates were caught out of their hotel rooms after lights out, and everyone in all the rooms involved (whether they were caught out or not) was sent home on the next flight out. From London to Chicago. At their parents' expense. :lol:


I don't have a problem with them getting kicked out at 1 am. If they did something wrong it should be dealt with in a reasonable time manner.

Also could you image how ugly of a scene the next morning if they had to leave when other guest are getting up and heading to the parks.


New Member
A bit insensitive anyone?

Disney definitely had the right to kick all of them out, but I'm also on the side that feels it is too harsh. And while it may be convenient for Disney to get all of the kids who were fighting out of Disney to just force the entire group to leave in the middle of the night, there are tons of things that our law enforcement can do that are "convenient" to find criminals but those are illegal for a reason.

I think everyone is too busy thinking about the Pop Warner brats that they have encountered as opposed to the entire group. And as stated before, not many kids have the luxury to pick and choose between football teams. And if you really want to play football, you're going to play football no matter where and how you have to. Plus, what kid would pass up the chance to go to Disney World? And how much control do you have over your team-mates anyhow?

I think it was a bit excessive to kick them out in the middle of the night. As for getting rid of the kids who were fighting right away...why not call the police immediately? I think there would be no better lesson to these students and their parents on what happens if you don't control your kids than having to bail them out of jail. My teacher told us all the time that if we got into trouble it would be our parents who would have to fly out to Florida and bail us out, that he would have no problem leaving the troublemakers behind. That would have solved the problem, and put a more of an immediate stop to the fighting, don't you think? And then Disney could have kicked them out the next day. (Plus they would have trouble competing in Pop Warner because some of the students would be in jail...go figure)

And yes, in terms of whether this is truly classism or not, the question isn't whether Disney has the right to enforce the policy, but the question is truly how many times has Disney NOT enforced the policy when it should have been implemented? That is the real question. Oh, how so inconvenient that we never have statistics on that...


Active Member
they could have waited till the morning i will give them that due to the small children they had & knowing what that is like to deal with. but yeah don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
They all KNEW that there would be repercussions from their actions.

The parents knew the rules also.

Good job Disney.


Well-Known Member
I agree. They overdid the enforcement on this one.

Instead, they should have written a letter and put it under everyone's door overnight... "due to infraction of.... etc., etc. your contract is hereby terminated and you must leave Disney property. We regret this is necessary due to...."

Not, 1 a.m., get everyone out of bed and make them leave immediately.

The problem with this is that it gives the kids time to retaliate against each other. It also allows time for anyone who is immature enough to do it to really cause some serious damage to their rooms or the hotel at large.

The only real option is to have them leave immediately.
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