Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

Do you agree with Disney's decision to thow these kids out?

  • Yes

    Votes: 411 96.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 4.0%

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Well-Known Member
The guy who noted that kicking them out at 1am was logical because everyone would most likely be in their rooms is the winner of this thread. I don't know how no one thought of that until a couple of pages. That was a great point and should put to rest whether or not Disney should or shouldn't have done that.
If that would have been me, my parents would have beat the crap out of me...AND they would have sent me home way before Disney got the chance to kick us out. Parents really need to learn to control their children. I see some stuff that the parents let their kids get away with at the grocery store I work at and it is just amazing. These kids cry, kick, and scream for what they want...AND THEY STILL GET IT. My parents are good parents and I appreciate them being strict, especially now looking at some of's just sad what this world is coming to. Being polite, kind, and helpful to customers has really paid off and taken me a long way, thanks to my parents who have taught me that.

Disney did the right thing here! Gah, your kid got in a fight of Disney Property and Disney sends everyone in your party home and the mother has a problem with


Active Member
Completely disagree with the way this matter was handled. In particular, I disagree with the notion that each and every family was forced to leave in the middle of the night due to the actions of a small number of people.

Parents often do not have the luxury to choose the sports teams their children play for. Similarly, parents have very little say in which children (and thus the familiees from which they come) participate on the same teams as their own children, let alone which children participate throughout the entire league. To hold the families of policy-abiding children accountable with such harsh consequences is severe and unwarranted.

I understand that the rules say what they say, and I am in agreement that, as guests under the program, all families are subject to the policies. Still, that does not mean that each and every family should have been ejected in the middle of the night for the actions of others for which they have no control.

The results of this incidentare sad, and seem laced, at the very least, with classism.
I'm sorry, but what exactly is there to question? You have said how you completely disagree with what happened, but you understand that Disney did everything the way that they warned that they would. You know how many calls security probably gets a night in the areas where these groups are? And how many of those did they actually did they follow through with their warnings, none. I have a feeling that this was a full out fight or something of the sort as this is the only true reason why Disney would push their power to an extreme extent. And these families agreed with the policy when they came to Disney World, agreeing that their stay would be terminated immediately if they broke the rules, which they clearly did. And they probably were given warnings before by security for "loud" behavior.

They agreed to the terms and were punished because they broke the rules they agreed to. Compare it to the thousands of people whose iPhones were "bricked" or made useless by Apple in a patch update after these people "jailbroke" their phones (had it hacked so they could use it on another network other than AT&T which had specific agreements with apple so the phone could only be used on their network). The terms and conditions in the iPhone contract stated that Apple would "brick" their phones if they were to jailbreak it. All these people then complained to Apple and other sites about Apple's actions even though they agreed to these terms. (This is ignoring the fact that a very small percent of people had their phones bricked when they had not done anything wrong).


Well-Known Member
3 cheers for Disney

I couldn't be happier with Disney's actions, I hope it is a sign of things to come. Too many groups are allowed to get away with too much and it interferes with other guest's vacations (I guess they don't count). I am sick of the "boys will be boys" type of argument, that is how we end up with people like M. Vick. I do not feel very sorry for the parents of the kids that were not directly involved, perhaps they should choose their travel mates more carefully, things worked the way they are supposed to. I do feel very sorry for the families, including those who get awaken by running, screaming, jumping groups of teens at 1:00 in the morning, that pay retail for a nice family vacation to have it ruined by people paying the group discount rate.

I found the comment that it smacks of "classism" to be insulting and simply absurd and a convenient dodge for the fact that a bunch of combative delinquents without good upbringing or manners ruined it for a lot of people.

Let me see, I don't plan on voting for Barack Obama, I must be a racist
I don't plan on voting for Hillary Clinton, I must be a genderist
I don't plan on voting for Romney, I must hate Mormons,
I don't plan on voting for Huckaby, I must hate Baptists,
I don't plan on voting for Liberman, I must be an anti-semite,
I don't plan on voting for McCain, I must be an ageist,
I don't plan on voting for Richarson, I must be anti-Latino.
It wouldn't even occur that perhaps I just think Alan Keyes (who is an African-American Baptists) is a better choice.


Well-Known Member
Being a parent of 2 kids that play sports I can feel the pain of being one of the innocent kids/parents getting booted for the wrong doing of some punks.

On the other side of the token-Disney had no choice...The parents are mad since they got kicked in the middle of the night???? Well the fight was just 30 minutes prior they said???

Well from a legal standpoint if Disney didnt react right away and said that they could leave in the morning and yet another fight broke out lets say an hour later and a kid got killed???-Disney would be in DEEP DOOKIE!!!!!-

Disney did the right thing-They choose Safety over ing off parents.


Hello Everyone- Long time lurker, first post. I coached in Pop Warner this year in the 5-7 year olds, and let me say that teams are strictly a reflection of the coaches and parents. We went up against teams that were well behaved and those that weren't, and lo and behold, the fans were the same way. I'm glad they got the boot.

BTW- Great Forum
There's a good point. 5 and 6 year olds should not be playing contact football. If they are its becuase their parents are living life though them.


Active Member
I don't have a problem with the immediate offenders being ejected. I am even fine with the families of those immediate offenders being ejected. The remaining families did not break any rules, nor did they pose any immediate threat.

It was more than rude--it was excessive.

If you don't evict them all who's to say the the kids that were left would not have retaliated in some way? I'm sure that's the root of Disney's policy. It's pretty obvious that few if any adults were taking any responsibility for these children's actions. Who would allow kids out their room in the middle of the night?


New Member
If you don't evict them all who's to say the the kids that were left would not have retaliated in some way? I'm sure that's the root of Disney's policy. It's pretty obvious that few if any adults were taking any responsibility for these children's actions. Who would allow kids out their room in the middle of the night?

That's what I was thinking too.


I don't know, I think I agree with Disney's decision. There should not, under any circumstances be fights like that in a hotel where kids are in the area.

Who knows, it's just my opinion anyway.


Well-Known Member
I'm a strong believer that Disney should have a solid set of rules and enforce them with an iron fist.

If you disrupt guests repeatedly, you get kicked out.
If you endanger others, you get kicked out.
If you do anything illegal, you get kicked out.


i've been to disney alone, with family, and as part of one of these groups (robotics fyi). i know it's hard to control kids on their own, but they have to know the line.
I'm sorry, but what exactly is there to question? You have said how you completely disagree with what happened, but you understand that Disney did everything the way that they warned that they would. You know how many calls security probably gets a night in the areas where these groups are? And how many of those did they actually did they follow through with their warnings, none. I have a feeling that this was a full out fight or something of the sort as this is the only true reason why Disney would push their power to an extreme extent. And these families agreed with the policy when they came to Disney World, agreeing that their stay would be terminated immediately if they broke the rules, which they clearly did. And they probably were given warnings before by security for "loud" behavior.

They agreed to the terms and were punished because they broke the rules they agreed to. Compare it to the thousands of people whose iPhones were "bricked" or made useless by Apple in a patch update after these people "jailbroke" their phones (had it hacked so they could use it on another network other than AT&T which had specific agreements with apple so the phone could only be used on their network). The terms and conditions in the iPhone contract stated that Apple would "brick" their phones if they were to jailbreak it. All these people then complained to Apple and other sites about Apple's actions even though they agreed to these terms. (This is ignoring the fact that a very small percent of people had their phones bricked when they had not done anything wrong).

Hello. A couple points I'd like to address:

First, you mischaracterized my post when I said that I agree that families must abide by the poicies set forth by Disney. What I take exception to is the ejection of ALL families in the middle of the night. From the article linked at the top of this thread, there is no mention of how or when families will be forced to leave. Unless the policy states that all families must leave IMMEDIATELY, I believe that this situation was handled poorly, and in a disrespectful manner to those that did not have children involved in altercations.

I'm confused about your statement that

"I have a feeling that this was a full out fight or something of the sort as this is the only true reason why Disney would push their power to an extreme extent."

Why is this the "only true reason" Disney would eject several families in the middle of the night?

Like I said originally, Disney is entitled to enforce their agreement. I believe the execution of that enforcement was in poor taste.

Then, something about the iPhone...

I don't recall seeing anything about iPhone owners being ejected from a hotel room in the middle of the night. That's a different discussion


Well-Known Member
You would think that if all of the parents had to agree to a policy that might put them all on the street should any of the kids act up, it would serve as a powerful incentive for "all" of the parents to do a better job of supervising.

You might think that...


Just because she carries a gun does not mean she's crazy. And what does being Amish have to do with it? If, indeed, her explanation (from the news reports I read) is true then she's perfectly safe to be "packin".

Oh no.... its the woman with the gun thread all over again. I may have to jump of my roof if this starts all over again!!:dazzle:


Active Member
...I'm confused about your statement that

"I have a feeling that this was a full out fight or something of the sort as this is the only true reason why Disney would push their power to an extreme extent."

Why is this the "only true reason" Disney would eject several families in the middle of the night?
Okay, so a bad choice of words, I was meaning that they must have been involved in such great a fight that Disney would go to the extent that they wold eject people from the premises. I hope that this clarifies this.
Then, something about the iPhone...

I don't recall seeing anything about iPhone owners being ejected from a hotel room in the middle of the night. That's a different discussion
You are missing my point on this connection, I am comparing it to the people who complained about having their phones made useless, read the articles in this thread that discussed it on another site,


There's a good point. 5 and 6 year olds should not be playing contact football. If they are its becuase their parents are living life though them.
I agree that the 5 year olds should not play- they are not ready to handle it, but the 6-7 year olds had a blast- it's much safer I believe then playing flag. And as for living through the kids, you wouldn't feel that way after coaching them. The sense of accomplishment and the fun they had was priceless. It wasn't easy for them, but they battled through it. I had my doubts at first, but my son grew some mentally in the process.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Disney = Private property.

Got a problem with their decision? Too bad.
You are missing my point on this connection, I am comparing it to the people who complained about having their phones made useless, read the articles in this thread that discussed it on another site,

Okay, I see where you're going with this...

In response, I would say this:

While I am not familiar with the iPhone "bricking" policy, I imagine the agreement stated somewhere that the phone would be rendered useless, and even with that knowledge, people complained when their phones were disengaged upon violating the agreement.

In the Disney/Pop Warner issue, it is true that families were informed that they would be "forced to leave" in the case of an altercation. However, I cannot tell whether or not the policy stated that the families would be ejected "immediately." This makes the Disney consequences a little more ambiguous than the ultimate shut-down of an iPhone.

Like I said before, my only disagreement is that Disney did not have to eject ALL families in the middle of the night in order to enforce their agreement. I understand that distinguishing between the violators (or the families of those violators) and the non-violators might be cumbersome. I just feel that Disney could have shown a little more class by not humiliating the innocent families with a middle-of-the-night ejection.


Well-Known Member
After a bit of investigating, found something interesting. The folks involved had had a run in the night before and had had to have a rather loud "gathering" which had to be broken up by Disney and officials. My guess is that warnings were issued to the parties involved during the breaking up of that gathering. When those warnings went unheeded, then the heavy end of the hammer fell
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