Kids Thrown Out Of Disneyworld

Do you agree with Disney's decision to thow these kids out?

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    Votes: 411 96.0%
  • No

    Votes: 17 4.0%

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Well-Known Member
Bunch of Freaky stuff going at WDW this week...

Im just waiting for the Headlines to read.....



Well-Known Member
After a bit of investigating, found something interesting. The folks involved had had a run in the night before and had had to have a rather loud "gathering" which had to be broken up by Disney and officials. My guess is that warnings were issued to the parties involved during the breaking up of that gathering. When those warnings went unheeded, then the heavy end of the hammer fell
Is this information from a "reliable" source? I am assuming it is or you wouldn't have posted it. If true, these parents are really pathetic threatening a law suit.


Well-Known Member
Is this information from a "reliable" source?

Super Reliable... Well, about there being a Pop Warner run in the day before at All Star

I don't KNOW it was the same group, and I further don't KNOW that warnings were issued, but I can make educated assumptions and investigate further.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Totally support Disney on this one. Group policy clearly stated what actions would lead to removal from the property. Sorry folks! Thanks for coming. Next time, control your kids.:wave:
just to give you all some examples of what goes on at the All Stars during Pop Warner week ... CM's are specifically assigned to "watch' the jewelry area when groups of cheerleaders or players come into the gift shops ... during the last stay, a Disney security officer was posted outisde the door of the room of a chaperone because she was so intoxicated, she kept insisting on coming out of her room in her underwear .... groups of cheerleaders screaming at other groups of cheerleader just how "f******" awesome they are ............... now, I can understand why Disney likes to host the games at WWoS, but with year after year after year of numerous complaints, altercations, situations and so on, why do they keep allowing these groups to stay on property? ..... my only suggestion to any of you that have stayed on proerty and have had these problems, grab a pen and paper ( e-mails don't carry any weight as of yet ) and make sure the powers that be @ WDW know of your frustrations .... I'm sure there are other CM's on here who can tell story after story of Pop Warner hell week
If they were loud and fighting in the middle of the night, than all of those other "behaved" families in the resort (also with TIRED babies and children) were being disturbed. Disney has an obligation to those people to maintain the peace.
Goodbye you brats, no matter what hour it is...and don't let the happily themed doors hit you on the way out!


New Member
OK, so we have established an altercation took place, one in which somebody was sent to the ER for. We know the previous night they were warned about such behavior. Everyone associated with it was asked to leave.

Now, some think it's unfair that those in the groups in question that didn't "do" anything were evicted at the same time. While it's very possible that they were innocent, it's also possible that they were taunting. Just because they didn't throw any fists, doesn't mean they are innocent.

One question I do have, though, what about the money that was paid for the rooms? Do they forfeit the room payment(s)? My guess is that they got a refund for the day(s) they didn't get to spend there. On one hand this seems fair. On the other, forfeiting your payment doesn't sound so bad either.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
when i was in highschool our dance team was kicked out of wdw for stealing...
You should be lucky it was only kicked out... in my observations WDW likes to set examples when it involves theft.


Kudos to WDW. Bring down the hammer when it needs to be brought down. :sohappy:

Now, if WDW would use that same hammer on a certain tour group that we all know and love..... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
They should build a resort near the WWOS complex just for Pop Warner teams,cheerleaders or any other group like that. Its like what the Dean of Atoms College said at the end of Revenge of the Nerds: "They're jocks, let them stay in the gym."


New Member
Good for Disney

I took my family in mid February 2007 and there were soccer and cheer leader competitions going on, it seemed like the parents let the kids run free, we were woke up several times throughout the week with children running through the resorts and making alot of noise in the middle of the night with no parental supervision.


Well-Known Member
Whenever my high school marching band traveled long distances, the director made it very, very clear that if anyone ever stepped a bit out of line, he'd personally escort the person in question to the airport and put them on the next available flight home at their parents' expense.

We never had any problems.

I'm glad management acted the way they did.

Same here. My sophmore year we went to Philly for a band competition. We had several kids sent home for drugs/alcohol the night before the competition.

Also, I read on another Disney board that some of the Pop kids were involved with a huge brawl at MK.


Well-Known Member
These groups are known for being rude, I think what Disney did is great. There should be more supervision. Now maybe they will crack down on the "other" rude groups!


After reading several posts about these groups allowing kids to run around the resorts and parks unattended, maybe that can be added to the contract:

"Anyone under the age of 12 found without a chaperone in the parks or resorts shall have their admission revoked." Just a thought!


Crazy Cat Lady
After reading several posts about these groups allowing kids to run around the resorts and parks unattended, maybe that can be added to the contract:

"Anyone under the age of 12 found without a chaperone in the parks or resorts shall have their admission revoked." Just a thought!

i kinda like it!


Well-Known Member
Here's another link to an article:
Three teams competing in the Pop Warner Super Bowl Competition were evicted from Walt Disney World’s All-Star Resort over the weekend because of a fighting incident at the hotel.

“This was unfortunate, but with thousands of guests staying at the resort we have to maintain a safe environment for everyone,” Jacob DiPietre, a spokesman for Walt Disney World, said Monday.

“All participants were made aware of our strict zero-tolerance policy regarding any physical disturbances. Any teams involved in fighting are subject to disqualification and eviction. We were in direct consultation with both Pop Warner officials and law enforcement throughout the course of the event.”

The fight occurred around 1 a.m. Saturday morning, according to DiPietre. At that time, members of the midget league teams, their families and others traveling with the teams, were told to leave the hotel.

The midget league is in the age range of 14 to 16 years old.

The teams involved were the Westport Patriots of Baltimore; the Kahalu’u Hei’eia Broncos of Kailua, Hawaii; and the Waianae Tigers of Waianae, Hawaii.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
With Pop Warner stressing the importance of teamwork over individual accomplishments, it's only fitting to evict the team instead of the guilty players.


While individual statistics may be more common, particularly among older football players, Pop Warner only recognizes the athletic accomplishments of the team, not the individual. We don't track personal tallies of touchdowns or yards rushing per game. We don't count sacks or blocked kicks. We applaud the athletic efforts of the team to reinforce the importance of teamwork, with each member.

I thought the tourney was over Saturday anyway. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
1 a.m.???

Why on earth were they out of their rooms during a competition at that time of the morning? Where were the adults?


Well-Known Member
Suprised I didn't see this earlier, and I'm glad Disney did what they did. I don't care if the parents had to drag their kids out of bed at 1 am. Learn to control your obnoxious teenagers and this won't happen.
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