I wonder if there is a difference between the habitable areas, such as the resort hotels, as opposed to the "wild" areas, when it comes to the laws. Maybe the law prohibits tampering with the wildlife in the lakes and undeveloped areas, but allows them to be caught when they are on the grounds of the hotels. :shrug:
I'm no lawyer so don't quote me on this but if a gator is deemed a nuisance it can be caught & relocated or destroyed by people who are licensed by the Wildlife Commission to do just this very thing. I remember back in the day when gators were considered endangered and the laws to not bother them at all were super duper strict. The populations have recovered well. Trust me. I'm not real sure about Florida but I'm pretty sure in at least Louisiana there's a certain number of "tags" given out each year to hunters (or maybe they have to pay so much to Wildlife & Fisheries per tag) for them to hunt alligators. There's a season for that, tho.
When I was a kid living in Central Florida we used to swim in the creek behind our neighborhood and camp overnight on the shores regularly. I'm sure there were snakes and gators in there. I know my brothers and their friends used to catch snapping turtles and huuuuge gar in that same creek. :shrug:
Also, fun stuff! When we lived in the New Orleans area when you drive out a ways on some of the highways that are lined with canals and bogs during hatching season there'd be tons of baby gators trying to cross the highways. Looked like freakin' hamburger meat strewn across the highway. I've seen huuuuuge 12+ foot ones walking down the same highways before. Those you wanna go slow down & drive around. If you hit 'em you'll total your car and really make 'em mad at you. :lol:
Also, for those who say that
chlorinated water is safe. That video in the link is the city I live in now. That Gator Country park that man works at in the video I do NOT recommend anyone go to. I was sickened by what I saw there. It was like a redneck side show. The animals were not well cared for at all.
Also, those who think swimming in larger bodies (not just canals) is safe
here's a tidbit that occurred where we used to live in Louisiana. The guy in the white shirt talking is the Sheriff I used to work for. I know the deputies who responded to this. The boy lived. No, he doesn't have his arm.
Like Yoda said, gotta respect 'em.