New Member
Great Pics...but they kinda made me sad
. It really really made me miss Dl. I'm so happy to see that the inside now looks similar to the facade in DL. Weve had several threads about the the sights and sounds of Disney, and one of the sounds that I will never forget, is the tick of the clock In DL. The tick tock and the roaring of the Snowman in the Matterhorn in the distance are among the sounds that will forever remind me of Disney, whether, its DLR or WDW. To me, the steady tick tock is one of the sounds that will always be synonymous with Magic. So.... stupid question time... does it tick tock?
and to the soldiers and such to their little show?
The pics are great, and I'm sure it looks even better in person!

The pics are great, and I'm sure it looks even better in person!