I just want to say...I'm absolutely brining red bull and jäger on the next girls cruise. It's a done deal!
So now you're committed to the next one! OKAY!
Love it. It was def a blast and lots of fun memories. Some I missed out but others I fell right into place.. With such a large group it is so hard to hang out with everyone and feel like you get to know them.
I didn't post much before the cruise so I went in only knowing a few people going. The rest I couldn't even tell ya screen names going.
Now after the fact between fb/instragram I am putting all the faces to name and know who everyone is finally
It is hard to spend as much time individually as you want with such a big group and so many going in different directions.
Geez, I feel like I miss out on so much because I don't FB. Eh, worth it to keep my email and MacBook intact, tho.
Glad it was fun for everyone else, too!
I think many of us stepped out of our comfort zone...ok, maybe those of us who grew up shy did, and that includes me...this was a GREAT TIME. And I value having met and spent time with every single WDWMagic girl. Maybe because I'm a wee bit older than many of y'all, or maybe because I went to an all-girls high school, so-called "girl power" means a lot to me. Personally, I've always had an easier time befriending guys than gals, so I treasure my female friendships. And I feel like I came away from this trip with a lot of new girlfriends. WDWMagic Girls rock.
I have always befriended guys much easier than girls. I tend to trust girls less. Guys I can read like a book I've read a dozen times. LOL!
An all-girls high school??? Did your parents not like you???? Just kidding! At least you went to school.

I concur: WDWMagic Girls ROCK!
For the record, I would not do Jagerbombs with anyone other than you, @
Geez, that's so sweet & sappy in kinda a non-fluffy way.
I need to get my game face on.. our cruise is in like 3 weeks and I haven't done much of anything but book port excursions!
What else is there???? I shouldn't say that. I've been spending daaaaays pouring over Cruise Critic trying to learn about Royal Caribbean as well as shore-up port plans. For some reason, I feel like we'll be "sailing" on a mall. I predict much time in our stateroom so we can actually enjoy the sea from our verandah.
Thanks for sharing your trip. It sounds wonderful. Glad to hear it may be an annual thing, I'd love to be able to join you all one day. Until then, I'll just live vicariously through your reports.
You have encouraged me to different voyages. After reading your Galveston cruise, I convinces the hubby that we needed to go to key west without the kids. Just got back and it was fabulous. Alas the Better than Sex restaurant was closed for vacation when we were there. Reason for a return trip!
I hope you can join us sometime, too! The more the merrier. Never too many.
Oh now I'm jealous! You did a Key West trip?! Oh MAN! I'm sooooo gonna be sure to remember to contact Better Than Sex before we go to make sure they're going to be open. I would be crushed. I still very much want to do a Christmas in Key West. I think that'd be the BEST way to celebrate!
cool pics, i used to be on one of the CG boats where the cruise ships are in Canaveral, always wanted to ride one of the disney ones since they were right there just never did. Atlantis is a neat resort to visit, specially the casino.
You should try a Disney cruise sometime. They're really a lot of fun. Atlantis is really cool. I'm not a gambler. I get really mad if I put money in a machine and nothing comes back out. But the casino is really nice inside, for sure.
Fab fab fab TR, Miss Kelly!
Don't fret - your "downer" days are totally normal. How often are you away from your family? Of course it's strange to be separated. I'm sure my parents felt this way when they started going on vacation without us.. now they're like WHATEVA (of course, C and I are both at university - don't panic, you still have several years!).
Sounds like the girls were a lovely support and just generally fabulous company - someday I'll have the pleasure of making everyone's acquaintance! Really, really looking forward to it
I'll be keeping an eye out for your updates on you and your lova's trip! <3 I hope, for the love of Mickey, that you brought appropriate footwear.
I do still have several years. Chandler will likely go to a local college. No clue what Brian will do. If he doesn't leave for the military right away he'll prob'ly stay local as well. Who knows? I don't think I so much wanted the boys to be on the trip with me as much as I just missed them.
The girls were awesome! Loved 'em!
Hopefully I'll be starting to get the first part of my trip with my sweetie up soon. I just copied all the jpegs. All I have to do is upload and I'll be ready to begin.
Well, I had the footwear but I didn't really need it. You'll see...
LOVED reading your TR!!!
Someday I will do "The Girls Cruise" ... kids are almost out of college so we will be rich $$$$ (NOT)
BUT I will go anyway!
Yay! More peeps for the girls cruise!
Awww I'm happy to hear it! And I'm glad you said jäger bombs...as in plural. Multiple shots?! Ok Siobhan if you insist!
Just to make sure we're clear: Siobhan has committed to plural jager bombs. I'll say 1 then more as needed.