Oh come on! Y'all didn't think I'd actually NOT post some sort of telling of the tale, did you?
Wait! I take that back! There was a rule about hashtags! Crap! @Ariel484 , you had the list of rules, right?
No notes to use. Just the pictures and the memories that stand out. For whatever reason there's holes here and there in my pictoral timeline. Oh well. Prob'ly better that way.

Many of the girls said things like, "What happens on the girls' cruise stays on the girls' cruise." Um, yeah. No promises on whether or not what follows is strategically edited. Chances are it is. If you want to know what really happens on the unOfficial WDWMagic Girls Cruise you'll just have to book yourself a stateroom on the next one. Needless to say, 27 ladies + 1 cruise = a hellagood time.
Part 1 of 2. This was a 2-part runaway from home for me. I decided to do these recountings in 2 pieces then link them to each other accordingly. Part 1 contains the girls cruise experience. Part 2 contains the 20th anniversary escape for me & my Sweetness. Definitely 2 vastly different trips connected by time. You can see part 2 HERE.
Also, please forgive whatever crap I post for pictures. I got a new camera a few days before I left home. I played a lot with my shots and have been experimenting heavily with editing. Oftentimes you'll see pictures taken only seconds apart that look very different. That's because in editing I'm still playing with a range of settings to find what my mind's eye enjoys. K?
With that, lets get this thing rolling!
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