Well-Known Member
I'm with those of you who can't stand the use of DD, DS, DW, DH. I don't know why but it has always bothered me.
As I mentioned, I don't have a problem with abbreviating up to a point, but part of the reason that really bugs me is because it falls on the other side of the line where I find it to be extreme and unnecessary. Or, I guess another way for me to put it is that I see a fine line between abbreviating and "text speak". Calling Walt Disney World, "WDW" or using "USA" in place of United States of America, is abbreviating and is fine. Typing "where r u and y are u not here" is "text talk" and is lazy and uncalled for. To me, saying "DS" instead of "my son" is too close to text talk.
I think the other reason it bugs me so much is because we're talking about a human being here and it just seems so impersonal or something. Kind of like at work when the manager says "I need more bodies to help on this side of the store". It bugs me to hear them refer to human beings as "bodies" rather than "people". Maybe that's part of the reason why I hate this "DS", "DW", etc, stuff because it's just too impersonal. Plus, again, IMO, it's just lazy, unnecessary, and too similar to text talk.
Like I said, I'm kind of middle of the road on the abbreviations. I don't shun it altogether, but I excercise some discretion as to when and what I abbreviate. I don't abbreviate Splash Mountain or Space Mountain, since they have the same abbreviation. I don't abbreviate Small World, since it's easy enough to type. Other things, which have long names, I may simply choose to type one word, such as "Monsters Inc" vs "MILF". However, I may very well us "TOT" instead of typing out Tower of Terror. Or, as I said earlier, I may type the word out the first time in a post, then abbreviate it thereafter. And I also take note of the original poster's post count, if I'm answering a question. If I see he's a total newbie, then I'm not gonna use all the abbreviations, as i will assume he doesn't know what the heck I'm talking about. But if, hypothetically, say, MontyMon opens a thread and I reply to what he wrote, I will know that he understands all the abbreviations, so I can feel free to abbreviate if I choose to.