Hyperion Wharf Begins


Well-Known Member
And yet again I ask, why party at a Disney facility? Are there not enough night clubs and bars in the Orlando area? I just don't get why you'd want to party at a place that was made famous by a mouse and other cartoon/film characters. And I'm not saying others are wrong for it, I'm trying to understand. So please quit reaching for ridiculous statements and trying to twist my posts around. It's a waste of time.

Crusade? I am just trying to understand your point of view and logic.

Why would someone want to go to a club at Disney? Because you are already there. If I just spent the day at Disney - and am done with the parks at 10pm, but not ready to go home - why would I drive an hour to get to somewhere downtown to drink and mingle with other adults if I can do that where I am already at?

As far as your Disney comments as to being "made famous by a mouse and other cartoon/film characters". I think its a shame that you don't recognize WDW for what it is, but rather the stereotype of it.


Lee said the new restaurant on the pad we are talking about here would be the boat themed Mahogany Bay as he hisownself told us. And Lee is never wrong according to you. :shrug:

I don't think I said that...

I seem to recall saying that Mahogany Bay was one concept that had been proposed for Hyperion Wharf. I didn't then, and don't now, have any clue if it will in fact ever happen, or where it will go.
As far as I know, no contracts are in place for any new restaurants at HW.


Well-Known Member
And yet again I ask, why party at a Disney facility? Are there not enough night clubs and bars in the Orlando area? I just don't get why you'd want to party at a place that was made famous by a mouse and other cartoon/film characters. And I'm not saying others are wrong for it, I'm trying to understand. So please quit reaching for ridiculous statements and trying to twist my posts around. It's a waste of time.

Disney catered to the young and the young at heart during his career, and his earliest characters and their situations were definitely geared to adults. It is the company today that has transformed these characters to being strictly for little kids (I hate this Mickey Mouse Clubhouse version of the fab 5).

So why shouldn't the resort cater to both children and adults alike, the great thing about Disney World is that there is more to do there than just visiting the theme parks, and because this is the most traveled vacation destination in the world and is also a very popular spot for conventions and honeymooners, there should of course be "adult" things to do at WDW, be it night clubs, spas, golf, fishing, etc... Not everyone likes spending all of their time at Walt Disney World in the theme parks, but with the other options, it allows to you do a wide variety of things without having to leave the resort property. Bring the grandparents to watch the kids or leave the kids at the Cubs Den and go enjoy a Signature Dinner or Drinks and Dancing or whatever you fancy... Why you're so against having the adult options???


Yes, I'm also excited about losing unique entertainment for stores and shops I can find at any decent mall in America.

//end sarcasm

RIP Adv Club

Good riddance, empty PI dance clubs

This is when I wish I wasn't born in 1993 and I was born a lot earlier just so I could see was AC because it annoys me that I haven't seen something like this so I can't comment on AC but I am looking forward to HW if it all works out. :)

And secondly, oh yes Universal Citywalk in Hollywood doesn't contain your typical third party mall shops at all does it? :rolleyes:
Even though most people are probably Americans there is probably a number of international visitors like myself who don't see stores like that everyday. Now I'm not saying that these shops should replace AC or PI because they probably shouldn't but you can't be negative about something that hasn't even opened and it is a shame that they've gone but there's nothing you can do and yes, if HW is bad complain at me all you like. :animwink:

As far as your Disney comments as to being "made famous by a mouse and other cartoon/film characters". I think its a shame that you don't recognize WDW for what it is, but rather the stereotype of it.

Well to be honest, most people I know only want to go to Walt Disney World for that 'stereotypical' reason because a lot aren't fans like we are and it is a shame but most people do think of it stereotypically. :)


Well-Known Member
Probably because you can't understand other points of view...

Actually I did understand, which is why I withdrew my original posting a few minutes ago.

There's a difference between not understanding and not agreeing with. But to each their own, I have no qualms with that.

And like the poster above me said, I have never run into anyone saying "man, I can't wait to hit the clubs at WDW"!!


Well-Known Member
Well, only because it was poorly written. I felt like I was looking at a drawing done by a 2 year old. Yeah, it's no Picasso but you have to clap and make smiley faces at them anyways.

So, pat yourself on the back big boy, you did well!


I can't tell if that's supposed to be a jab or something.


Well-Known Member
Well to be honest, most people I know only want to go to Walt Disney World for that 'stereotypical' reason because a lot aren't fans like we are and it is a shame but most people do think of it stereotypically. :)

Which is probably Disney's marketing at its best, unfortunately. But as you said, anyone who is bothering to post on these threads should be well aware of the difference between the "fairytale" Magic Kingdom, and the resort as a whole. I don't think anyone on here should be able to claim ignorance as to what WDW offers for adults...


Actually I did understand, which is why I withdrew my original posting a few minutes ago.

There's a difference between not understanding and not agreeing with. But to each their own, I have no qualms with that.

And like the poster above me said, I have never run into anyone saying "man, I can't wait to hit the clubs at WDW"!!

I can't wait to drink my way around World Showcase in May.

No really, I can't. It's a phenomonal time.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I'm not a big clubber, but I do enjoy strolling through World Showcase with a beer or cocktail.

Yes, we have alcohol where I live...but we don't have Epcot where I live!

Beer at home = nice.

Beer at Disney = better!

It's about the whole experience...each part subtly re-inforcing the other. Or that's the view from here, anyway. :)


Well-Known Member
And like the poster above me said, I have never run into anyone saying "man, I can't wait to hit the clubs at WDW"!!

Hahaha! Who would say that?? Someone you met while waiting for the parade? Regardless, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. No one is saying that. You have two young kids - so that's not your scene when you vacation right now. At the same time though - should people with toddlers claim there should be no rollercoasters at Disney - because they can't do them with their youngsters? No... And they shouldn't make a general claim that there is no place at Disney for thrill rides either, just because it doesn't cater to themselves. That would be an amazing form of selfishness...

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