Hyperion Wharf Begins


Well-Known Member
Perhaps if you HAD of read the complete thread you would have known the answer before admitting that you have your own preconceived notions about who should be visiting the WDW resort and who should not.

Well, I only have so long of a lunch break before I have to go back to work. And enough with people trying to twist their own words from what someone else says. I just don't get why someone can't go without a night club or a drink during a Disney visit.

I never once said who should be there. I served my country so that others would have the right to do as they wish. Alas, with that comes my right to voice my opinion, whether it be right, wrong, or indifferent. That being said, I guess if you have to have those types of activities, I guess that DTD is the best place.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
But there are folks who said they liked DL's parking lot more than DCA too.
The topic of what I truly believe is one of the most entertaining threads ever, over on Micechat (and linked to the Yesterland parking lot article). It's like some of those fans channeled a Bizarro Joni Mitchell: "They paved paradise and took out our parking lot." :lol:


Well-Known Member
I hate to bring a bit of critical thought to the latest doomfest but you can clearly see from the "skycam" pics posted by the very same SPI blog that they have already begun construction on something more than is depicted in the leaked drawings.


Carry on. :cool:

PS- I didn't really hate doing that.
The plans are not leaked. They are the ones included in permit filings. Deviating too much is a crime, but maybe the state is hiding the real plans with all of those drunk driving police reports.

Clearly none of us are sufficiently intelligent or culturally sophisticated to appreciate the bold new vision found in grass covered lots.
Don't forget the new theme where they make it look like an old industrial area converted to a mall, it's not like it has been done to actual old industrial sites and was the basis of the Pleasure Island backstory... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
The topic of what I truly believe is one of the most entertaining threads ever, over on Micechat (and linked to the Yesterland parking lot article). It's like some of those fans channeled a Bizarro Joni Mitchell: "They paved paradise and took out our parking lot." :lol:

The Disneyland parking lot is perhaps the best example of just how easily the mind can become nostalgic for anything...

I too have fond memories of The Walk through the parking lot up to the front gates and how I'd miss that now, but then my rational side sneaks up and reminds me it's just a parking lot.

I really miss the Adventurer's Club, and I have a lot of memories of it that are much better than The Walk through the Disneyland parking lot, but the club is gone, and I choose to keep the good memories pure, and not taint them with unnecessary negative baggage by dwelling on what happened next.

If that's not your plan, that's cool, and if you've got some really good rationale and maybe even a practical purpose for all the hard feelings you've got bottled up, even better.

But instead of raising an adventurer militia to burn down the wharf when it ever gets built I'll be thinking back to my first visit to the club and having the bartender sink my buddy's stool. I'll never forget how ed he was when we left 'cause he thought it happened because he wasn't drinking enough. But after I told him the real reason he thought it was hilarious and we went back for a week straight.

It was a great place, but to become truly legendary it also has to go before its time.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The topic of what I truly believe is one of the most entertaining threads ever, over on Micechat (and linked to the Yesterland parking lot article). It's like some of those fans channeled a Bizarro Joni Mitchell: "They paved paradise and took out our parking lot." :lol:


Crazy. The worst Disney park, which would be DSP and NOT DCA by a mile, is still a great place to visit.

People all have different tastes and its fine if DCA isn't (or wasn't) your cup of tea. But anyone who would rather a parking lot than a park, which can improve with time, isn't playing with a full deck.

'Course that would describe many fanbois, wouldn't it?:lol:


Well-Known Member
I hate to bring a bit of critical thought to the latest doomfest but you can clearly see from the "skycam" pics posted by the very same SPI blog that they have already begun construction on something more than is depicted in the leaked drawings.
Looks like the foundations for a high speed rail station.


Well-Known Member
Anyone want to pull one of Walt's quotes about NOT aiming specifically for children? TWDC of today believes everything must be acceptable to an emotionally fragile 6-year-old and her good Midwestern parents.

That line of thinking is insulting to the great number of guests who either aren't traveling with children or would like to enjoy some activities that don't say involve princesses, foamheads and pxie dust.

WDW/Orlando is the nation's No. 2 convention destination. Many of those travelers are not towing the strollers (or the kiddies that ride in them) to WDW. They tend to enjoy a drink or six ... and they usually have the expense accounts to buy them.

And plenty of folks just travel without kids ... how many college spring
breakers are at WDW now with their 11-year-old siblings?

Disney, as someone wrote a few posts back, went for the quick buck (or what they assumed would be) years ago when they decided they would kill PI and replace with third parties ... they didn't factor in the economic collapse or the overdevelopment in Orlando to begin with.

And now what are they left with? Or should I say we're left with?

Grass and wood chips. THAT is what Hyperion Wharf will largely be. Another Flamingo Crossings.


I think not.

But there are folks who said they liked DL's parking lot more than DCA too.

I think you're starting to grow on me '74.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think you're starting to grow on me '74.

He might until it dawns on you that he posts the same thing every single time. :snore:

But shall we take his main point and deconstruct it a bit? PI was there for about 20 years. WDW was right up there with the best as a draw for conventions most if not all of that time. Yet PI was fading during the entire time it existed. So the idea that big money can be made at WDW from partying conventioneers is absurd. PI also had the unpleasent side effect of pushing people away from the DTD area at night and thereby cutting into increasingly marginal profit margins. What he and just about everyone else refuses to see is that Disney had to be getting complaints from third party vendors of the slow deterioration of the area and increasing crime statistics.

Third parties pay a premium to be located at DTD and the fact that PI had become an increasing liability to the rest of DTD sealed the islands fate.

Sorry to bring common sense to the party but it is my thread. :lol:


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Original Poster
Because we are on vacation. Having a drink, and going out for a night is a fun thing to do while on vacation.

And there are still pleanty of places on property for people to do just that. Obviously you are a rare case when it comes to people vacationing at WDW because the venues that offer what you are looking for are rarely crowded. And now there is a rumor Universal is starting to do at CW exactly what Disney did at PI. Obviously it is a business on the wane. But when people can barely afford a to put a meal on the table I guess spending big money drinking and clubbing loses much of its appeal.


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Original Poster
Oh, and one more thing....

the plans that people are going nuts over are hydrological drawings that deal with drainage and runoff and the like which are required by the state of Florida. Because the island formerly known as PI is surrounded by, well you know......WATER! :ROFLOL:

As is the new rumored DVC wing at the GF. In fact Disney plans to alter the shoreline of the SSL which, in case you don't know, if filled with WATER. And not the magical kind but the real stuff! So Disney had to submit drawings to the same agency.

BTW, kudos to whoever figured out this new source of insider information.

PS- oh, and before someone makes the point that the GF plans shows a building structure and the DTD pland do not, that is meaningless. Obviously hydrology drawings could be made before the archtectural drawings are complete. I am sure it is just a matter of adding footnotes and adding amendments later. :)


Think for yourselfer
And there are still pleanty of places on property for people to do just that. Obviously you are a rare case when it comes to people vacationing at WDW because the venues that offer what you are looking for are rarely crowded. And now there is a rumor Universal is starting to do at CW exactly what Disney did at PI. Obviously it is a business on the wane. But when people can barely afford a to put a meal on the table I guess spending big money drinking and clubbing loses much of its appeal.

JT, I actually appreciate your optimism when it comes to TDO. It is a nice counter balance to a lot of the negative feelings toward them on these boards. And like any good democracy you need balance.

About the above quote, you are a little misguided. For one thing, I was not claiming the PI clubs were profitable. Some may have been, some maybe not. I am saying sometimes people like to have a drink and a night out while on vacation. I can site many examples of places in WDW that are quite crowded quite often, Jelly Rolls, Raglan Road, Rose & Crown, any beverage cart in the WS, Big River Grill. I think you get the point. WDW does not have to be devoid of adult options. That is all I was driving at with my comment that people enjoy a night out. WDW is one of the top Honeymoon destinations in the US, that is a group traveling without kids. Think they may enjoy a drink and a night out?

The problem I have with HW, is that they are basically replacing the old clubs with nothing. Half of one club is now an outdoor amphitheater, the rest grass and mulch. When they make one real announcement about some kind of new offering coming to the old PI, then maybe popular opinion will begin to sway. Grass and mulch is not going to get people excited though.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he is seeing the footprint for Aurora's cottage... :lol:


It's funny because it's true.

When you've been wrong as much as jt has (which is nearly all the time) you'd think you'd be a little gun shy about making unsubstantiated claims that will eventually be proven false. But I guess he figures he has no credibility left to loose.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
JT, I actually appreciate your optimism when it comes to TDO. It is a nice counter balance to a lot of the negative feelings toward them on these boards. And like any good democracy you need balance.

About the above quote, you are a little misguided. For one thing, I was not claiming the PI clubs were profitable. Some may have been, some maybe not. I am saying sometimes people like to have a drink and a night out while on vacation. I can site many examples of places in WDW that are quite crowded quite often, Jelly Rolls, Raglan Road, Rose & Crown, any beverage cart in the WS, Big River Grill. I think you get the point. WDW does not have to be devoid of adult options. That is all I was driving at with my comment that people enjoy a night out. WDW is one of the top Honeymoon destinations in the US, that is a group traveling without kids. Think they may enjoy a drink and a night out?

The problem I have with HW, is that they are basically replacing the old clubs with nothing. Half of one club is now an outdoor amphitheater, the rest grass and mulch. When they make one real announcement about some kind of new offering coming to the old PI, then maybe popular opinion will begin to sway. Grass and mulch is not going to get people excited though.

I think you might want to refer to the artist concept drawings. I wouldn't believe the latest spin about DTD being the new Flamingo Crossing.

I was responding to the idea that there are herds of convention going guests that were showering PI with $100 bills until Disney closed the clubs. Some spirit is evidently posting from the Twilight Zone if he actually believes that.

And you mentioned several places for people to go for a night out. HW will add modestly to the list. I am not seeing the problem. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster

It's funny because it's true.

When you've been wrong as much as jt has (which is nearly all the time) you'd think you'd be a little gun shy about making unsubstantiated claims that will eventually be proven false. But I guess he figures he has no credibility left to loose.

I claimed something BIG was coming to the MK before the leak when ALL of the insiders were saying that it wasn't. Including that expert over at the other place (the other Lee).

So, that right there makes up for my other "mistakes". Assuming, of course, they were "mistakes" :lol::lookaroun

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