Hocus Pocus Sequel Being Developed for Disney+


Well-Known Member
The group in the video is on the Apologists side. They even say fans should not be able to review content. Because they are review bombing it and giving it low grades. So if they are saying the fix is in then you know it is.

It's odd they've got no problem with paid Shills of the Mouse. ... But they do have one with the regular normal people, being able to express their opinions. And show companies like Disney that we won't accept whatever bad content they give us with a wide joker smile.


Well-Known Member
Even if I bought into the idea that sometimes the critics are strong-armed into good reviews (and if I did, I definitely wouldn't think it was on that large a scale), I have a REALLY hard time buying into the idea that a straight to Disney+ movie is the kind of movie they would feel the need to provide a very positive review for. I mean, are we making the case that Disney pressured for THIS movie, but decided to let it play out for a movie with the budget the Eternals had? Again, I probably loathe critic reviews more than about anyone on this board, but not for being bought, but for their self-righteousness and constant need to find the biggest words to say the simplest things.

Disney Irish

Premium Member

4 minutes 55 seconds in

"Every single person that wants to have access to things early. That wants to get access to things so that traffic is drawn to their site will on occasion. Occasionally will play softball. Occasionally has to you know look the other way."

cohost asks what he means.

"In a sense you know I hated a movie, but I won't say that I hated the movie."

If you believe that, then you probably believe this is really Walt's head too....


I have it for sale, cheap price only $1500.....


Well-Known Member
I did when I was young, but then I grew up and stopped believing something just because "someone" said it.

LOL, you can believe what you want man. I'll end with this question for you.

What is more likely?...

A 180 billion dollar company likes to buy people off, which helps sell their content.


A 180 billion dollar company allows negative reviews, that could damage their profits.

Disney Irish

Premium Member
LOL, you can believe what you want man. I'll end with this question for you.

What is more likely?...

A 180 billion dollar company can buy people off and help sell their content.


A 180 billion dollar company allows negative reviews that could damage their profits.

I know that you think Disney is "all powerful", but they don't control everything. If they really did control everything they wouldn't "allow" ANY of their movies to get negative reviews.

Plus as someone already pointed out, why would they "pay" to get positive reviews for a D+ movie but not "pay" to get positive reviews for an MCU film released to theaters?

Not to mention if this was real it would be the biggest payola scandal since the 50s and 60s when records companies were actually doing it to get priority play time for their artists. And with today's climate with certain groups trying to take down Disney would bring lawsuits against them so fast you could set an egg timer to it.

So yeah what is more likely in reality.....


Well-Known Member
The original is kitschy fun but isn’t a particularly quality movie. Honestly if it wasn’t for the big name actresses playing the witches, it would be easy to mistake it for a Disney Channel Original
Agreed but it has become pretty beloved over the years. And yeah, the original is only 39% positive on Rotten Tomatoes. Those damned bought and paid for movie critics, LOL.


Well-Known Member
67% on Rotten Tomatoes. Not great but not terrible either.

Hocus Pocus 2 is basically a boiling cauldron of nostalgia, but that's more than enough for this belated sequel to cast a reasonably effective spell.”


oogie boogie man

Well-Known Member
Soooo. Who has watched it and is giving a review ?

RT is being pretty fishy with She-Hulk. You can't see any of the Critics Reviews.

But you can see the viewers reviews though. Most of them are 1 star or less and the 4 and 5 star ones use very little detail in their descriptions. Like they either haven't watched it or they're bots.

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