Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince Reviews and *SPOILERS*


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I just finished the book last night. I wanted to take my time with it, considering it will probably be awhile for the next one. I just didn't want it to end. :cry:

I don't think Dumbledore is dead, but people have to believe he is. And Harry won't be going alone. He will have his friends. And who is the mysterious person who took the real locket? Sorry if that has been covered, there was a lot of pages to to read thru. :)


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Raven66 said:
I just finished the book last night. I wanted to take my time with it, considering it will probably be awhile for the next one. I just didn't want it to end. :cry:

I don't think Dumbledore is dead, but people have to believe he is. And Harry won't be going alone. He will have his friends. And who is the mysterious person who took the real locket? Sorry if that has been covered, there was a lot of pages to to read thru. :)
Many people believe it was Regalus Black...Sirus' brother...but that is speculation.


New Member
MCBRIZZ5 said:
I don't know why but I get the feeling that this won't be the last time we see Dumbledore. I think he is either not dead and Snape is still on his side(we don't actually see the body at the end being buried if I remember he was covered in a thing) or he is dead but there will be some way thay he will be able to contact Harry.

Overall it was a great book, but as stated earlier could have been longer.

Oh and who do you think R. A. B. is?

Don't know who R.A.B. is...perhaps it is a first initial for three people?

Anyhow...maybe our fallen wizard has had hor cruxes of his own set aside for just such a situation? And I agree that Snape can't be on the dark side...there is no way that Dumbledore would misplace his trust... it's either a set up...or he's under the imperius curse or something like that... (Polyjuice?)

Hogwarts has been open for thousands of years (or a thousand years?) so surely it won't close down because of this...

I was a bit disappointed we didn't see Voldemort...but oh well...and I thought it was too short, of course. But I do enjoy devouring these books. I can't wait for another...

I do find that I've become sketchy on the details of some of the previous books...so I need to reread those.... At least she doesn't spend too much time rehasing info from previous books...that always annoys me...


New Member
Number_6 said:
Yes, it's a compression of the greeting "What cheer?" which is pretty much the same thing.

As far as Snape being evil goes, there is alot of evidence that points to it being all part of the plan, strangely enough. That he is not evil, but had to do it to continue the fight. Snape took the Unbreakable Vow to finish Malfoy's job, but if he had refused, then Bellatrix probably would have taken that as her proof that he is working against Voldemort. Later, there was a point with Snape and Dumbledore arguing about something, but you never find out what, only Dumbledore telling Snape that if didn't want to do the job, he shouldn't have taken it. This could very well be that Snape informed Dumbledore that there was a plan against him involving Draco trying to kill him and that he took the vow to finish the job and protect Draco. Snape may have been refusing to kill Dumbledore and try to stop Draco and Dumbledore may have told him that Snape is more important to the Order as a Spy than Dumbledore is right now. Dumbledore later tells Harry that if he wants to help with the Horcruxes, that he has to swear to do whatever Dumbledore orders him, no matter how much he disagrees. Even if the order is to "Go run and save yourself." Dumbledores words were something to the effect of "I am much older, much cleverer and far less important to the Order than you are." When returning to Hogwarts and confronting Draco, Dumbledore said that Snape protected Draco under his orders and that he knew all along that Draco was trying to kill him. He also knew that Draco didn't have it in him. Draco thinks that Dumbledore is a fool, of course and that Snape only did it because he took the Vow, but Dumbledore seemed to accept that he was likely going to die one way or the other. When Snape finally arrived, Dumbledore pleaded with Snape, but never did he actually use the words "Don't kill me." He said "Please, Severus." Snape's face filled with hatred and revulsion, but it may have been more for having to be put in the situation of killing Dumbledore, the only man that ever gave him a fair chance at redemption and stood up for him all these years. My final clue is that when Harry is chasing him down, trying to curse him, he is using a bunch of defensive spells, but nothing harmful. He keeps trying to get Harry to cast wordlessly as he was teaching them this year in DADA and pointing that if he doesn't do it, then he won't stand a chance. From Harry's point of view, this would seem like taunting, especially with Harry being enraged at the time. But from Snape's point of view, it could have been one final lesson he could try to teach Harry to prepare him for his final battle with Voldemort, knowing that it might just be the only edge he will have. Obviously, this is alot of conjecture, but if Dumbledore trusted Snape, then I will too. Besides, it's just the kind of twist that JKR would put into the story. Any thoughts?

I agree with your deductions--they sound very plausible to me. :) Well done.


New Member
MCBRIZZ5 said:
Harry has lead an unfortunate life and i think he will die in the last book. He will not be killed though. He will sacrafice himself because I believe he is the last Horcrux. That night when he killed the Potter he was not trying to kill Harry but actually was placing his soul in him.

Ooh....good thought that! I actually thought that in the end Harry might end up with a piece of Voldemort's sole in him...but I didn't think that it might've been placed there when he was a baby.... interesting thought... BUt I did think that in killing Voldemort he would somehow have the Dark Lord inhabit him...yes.... It's the old 'there can be only one' thread....

Also someone posted about the similarities between Dumbledore's death and Obi Won Kenobi's death...and I agree with the similarities there... "Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can imagine."


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STR8FAN2005 said:
Well, you do have the "buns of reason" :lol: A lot of these theories are well thought out. Some maybe even too much. Not everything in a book means something despite what my English teachers have been saying all of these years.

Symbolism= :brick: :hammer: :dazzle: :cry: :snore: :fork:

Whether any of the theories (or parts of them) will brear out in book 7, I'm enjoying them.... all of them... whether I agree with them or not... Keep e'm coming... I gotta read something to get my HP fix. :) I myself have long tottered back and forth as to whether Snape is evil or not... whether he can be trusted... and though the evidence does point towards him being on the dark side, I still am not convinced. In fact, if anything, I lean more towards him NOT being evil now... contridictions are always what make suspense novels interesting... if it was all transparent and easy to figure out, it wouldn't be half the fun to read. It certainly is fun for me to hear the theories though.


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nibblesandbits said:
Many people believe it was Regalus Black...Sirus' brother...but that is speculation.

Thanks nibbles! I was thinking maybe from the Black family. JK just needs to write the next book now! :lol:


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DisneyBride94 said:
I lean more towards him NOT being evil now... contridictions are always what make suspense novels interesting... if it was all transparent and easy to figure out, it wouldn't be half the fun to read. It certainly is fun for me to hear the theories though.

Haven't there been enough contradictions where Snape is concerned???


New Member
I have to say that being a huge Harry Potter fan and heavily involved in that fandom's websites, I adore that there is an HP/HBP thread here in my Disney fandom site.

You all have some really interesting theories. Feel free to check out more discussion at the Fiction Alley forums. We're a really friendly, if a bit obsessed, bunch. :wave:


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Danijo said:
You all have some really interesting theories. Feel free to check out more discussion at the Fiction Alley forums. We're a really friendly, if a bit obsessed, bunch. :wave:

I drop in on them once in awhile. I even post sometimes, as does my wife. Actually, she spends alot more time there than I do. Who are you there? Or is it the same name?


New Member
Number_6 said:
Harry and Voldemort fight each other, and the "Priori Incantatum" is cast, causing the previous spells that have been cast to appear. The following appear when this happens: Cedric(Avada Kedavra), smoky glove(Wormtail's new hand), Frank Bryce(Avada Kedavra), Bertha Jorkins(Avada Kedavra), Lily Potter(Avada Kedavra) and finally James Potter(Avada Kedavra). If it is supposed to show all previously cast spells, then where's the one for Harry? If it was cast, it would show, even if it backfired. So therefore, the spell was never cast and he did not try to kill Harry. :D
Or maybe JK just made a mistake. She admits to making many mistakes during the writing of all the books. She may have just overlooked that particular spell or curse. However, I like all your theories so far. And I tend to agree with all of them (including this last one). Just throwing that possibility out there.
Here is another thought. As stated at the end of HBP, Harry is not planning on going back to Hogwarts. (even though we all hope he does) However, is it possible that the story could go on past 7 books now? I mean, JK was going to write about Harry's 7 years at Hogwarts. But, if there isn't a 7th year, the story could go on and on. She has sort of left it open...hasn't she? I guess that is just wishful thinking. Even though I am sure we are all going to want some sort of closure in this saga, I just don't want it to end.
2 cents: 1. Count me in as a Snape, um, well I am not a supporter, but I do think that in the end, he will be on the side of good. I have to admit, he is one of my favorite characters. Sooooo good to hate. I think Albus was asking..."Please" 'please do it, please get it over with, please protect Harry and Draco, please fulfill your promise to me'. Not, 'Please spare me'.
2. I think RAB is Regulus. I think he was to stupid to know what he was getting himself into.
3. I don't think Harry will die in the end. I don't think JK would be that cruel to so many kids around the world. There are already so many kids devistated by Dumbldore and Sirius.
4. I don't know what he is going to do, but I think that Neville is going to do something big in the last book. I think he will definately leave his mark. I also think that Fred and George will be more then just shop owners in the last book. They are such good characters and this last book could have used more of them.
5. I think that there will be some significance in the necklace that Harry has. I think he kept it for a reason. Who knows, maybe Dumbledore put a part of himself in it before he died.
Anyway, it is late but, I just wanted to throw some of those ideas out there.


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Kwit35 said:
Or maybe JK just made a mistake. She admits to making many mistakes during the writing of all the books. She may have just overlooked that particular spell or curse.

I asked my wife about the order and she informed me that in an interview back when GoF came out, JKR was asked about the order and said that when the book went to the publisher they got the order screwed up at the end and had James and then Lily come out, instead of Lily and then James. At that point, it had been in every copy printed for the first release, so I don't know if they have since corrected it. But she said that was the only mistake there was that and everything else was correct. So I don't think she forgot to put it in, I just think it wasn't cast on Harry.


New Member
Number_6 said:
I asked my wife about the order and she informed me that in an interview back when GoF came out, JKR was asked about the order and said that when the book went to the publisher they got the order screwed up at the end and had James and then Lily come out, instead of Lily and then James. At that point, it had been in every copy printed for the first release, so I don't know if they have since corrected it. But she said that was the only mistake there was that and everything else was correct. So I don't think she forgot to put it in, I just think it wasn't cast on Harry.
Ooohhhhh!?! Good to know. Your wife is a plethera of information. :)


Well-Known Member
I just finished last night. So many theories now, eh? I've enjoyed reading all of them, especially your's, Number_6!
This is some of what I figure based on the book and on what I've read here:

- Dumbledore is dead. The theories about him still being alive are extremely interesting and well thought out and make for some great discussion, but she said before the book came out that someone would be gone for good in this one (which leads me to believe that other "deaths" *cough*Sirius*cough* weren't "for good"). I think his portrait showing up that night in the headmistress' office solidified his death. Though, it would be wonderful to have him back...I loved reading his comments, especially in this book. Has anyone noticed how he and JKR seem to be so much alike?

- R.A.B. is Regulus Black. I figured that out at the second mention of the initials. It fits too perfectly not to be him. The kids figured that it had to be someone who knew Voldemort, and we all know Regulus was a Death Eater, but then realized how the Dark Lord was going about things and chickened out. And with someone (forget who) pointing out here that in book 5, Harry finds a locket that won't open in the Blacks' house, it all makes complete sense.

- Snape is not evil...not completely, anyway. I'm leaning toward Dumbledore telling Snape to kill him, or something to that effect. As for it all being part of a plan, I'd like to believe so. But JKR sort of made it seem in her interview that there really wasn't a plan (just how I took it)...but she could be putting up a front, as she does so well. I don't want to believe that Dumbledore would beg Snape for his life...begging him to do what Dumbledore asked him to do seems much more likely, imo. But I don't think he's fully good or fully evil...I believe it was Sirius who said in book 5 that no one is completely good or completely evil (although he saw nothing good in Snape or Kreacher). He could easily go one way or the other, but I tend to think he'll end up helping Harry in some way in the end.

- Harry being a Horcrux....friggin genius whoever mentioned that first on here...I NEVER would've thought about that! It fits, though, it really does. Not sure I want it to, though...cause seems like that would mean Harry would HAVE to die in order to kill Voldy. But, yeah, that's a very huge possibility! Nice thinking to all those who thought of that!

- Inferi...did anybody else pick up on that in Chapter 4 and immediately think of Sirius? omg, if he comes back as an Inferi, I think I'll have to wring JKR's neck!

- Tonks/Lupin - the only thing that really shocked me at the end! I never ever saw that coming! But what a cute couple they make! I'm so very happy with that pairing!

- Harry/Ginny - I think most of us kind of saw that coming...but do you think they'll end up back together in book 7? I certainly hope so.

- Neville/Luna - anyone else think they'll end up together?

I found this book to be much more enjoyable than the last two (even though there was no Sirius, except for small mentions of him :( that certainly made it less enjoyable for me) But I also found the ending to be predictable. I knew after reading the chapter titles that Dumbledore would die, I knew after Chapter 2 that Snape would be the one to kill him, and I knew after the Sectumsempra chapter that Snape was the Half-Blood Prince (even though I thought he would be that because he'd be half vampire....which JKR pretty much shot down in that interview). The last chapter was certainly sad, but Dumbledore's death was no where near as devistating as Sirius's, for me. I guess because I saw it coming (as did Dumbledore) and because Dumbledore was so old and it was bound to happen sooner or later (...er...hopefully that doesn't sound too harsh and that you all know what I mean). I hate that he had to die, but I knew it had to happen because, like JKR said, in this genre the heros have to face the badie alone (or with a little help - i.e. Star Wars = Vader, HP = Snape?...maybe even Pettigrew (after all, Peter owes Harry his life) though I don't think we'll be hearing "Harry...I am your father" from either one of them at then end....then again...)
Someone mentioned earlier here that this one didn't feel like an HP book, and I have to agree. Although, I felt that way about 4 and 5 also (moreso about 5 than 4). I think it's because we're getting near the end and the sense of adventure is slowly going away...it's not all fun and games anymore. We're getting down to the final showdown. This isn't the same innnocent Harry we saw in the first couple of books; he, as well as the readers, are realizing the magnitude of the situation - he know's Voldy's back, he knows people are dieing, and he knows it's not going to stop until he does something about it. That's a lot of weight on a 16/17 year old, and I think the books reflect that.
Overall I enjoyed it, although it's no where near my favorite...that honor still goes to Prisoner of Azkaban, for several reasons: as someone said earlier, it has one of the greatest plot twists and lots of adventure; it's funnest of the series to read, imo; it was kind of dark and mysterious while still being light-hearted; it probably has the happiest/most hope-filled ending out of all of them (except for Pettigrew getting away); it was our introduction to Sirius *blush* :D But yeah, I enjoyed 6, and I'd say it's probably my fourth favorite.


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Erika said:
Am I the only one who giggles every time somebody calls him "Voldy?"
lol, I kind of think it's silly (or sounds silly for such an evil guy), but it's a heck of a lot easier and quicker to type than Voldemort. :)


New Member
First, to start off, I'd like to say that I liked HBP ENOUGH, but it was certainly not my favorite. I think that both OP and HBP lack the magic, etc. of the first four. So yea. I think JKR is losing her touch or something. But I have hope for the 7th.

Anyway. I think the last three pages of HBP were the WORST I have ever read in my life. They absolutely sucked and I was fuming when I finished the book. I was really angry at JKR for just ending it so abruptly.

As for Harry being a horcrux, I don't think it's possible. If Harry was a horcrux, Voldemort would never die. If he killed Harry, he would still be alive. If Harry killed him, he would still be alive INSIDE of Harry. The propehecy would only be one sided if Harry was a horcrux.

The only way I can see Harry being a horcrux were if he AND Voldemory killed EACH OTHER at the end of book 7. This way NIETHER would live while EITHER survive. Still fulfilling the prophecy.

I also think (and I'm hoping as well) that Harry dies in the seventh book. It seems like it would be the only right ending.

Does this make me a bad person?

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