From the Press Event - New celebration to be called "What Will You Celebrate?"


New Member
Parents are crazy. People who give their children such elaborate parties end up with spoiled brats. I have three kids myself, and they have reasonable expectations because I don't waste money on such things.

anyone know how to register their birthdate on the website? I fully plan on taking advantage of this next year, for all 5 of us. Five fun cards is quite a haul in souvenirs.

Not that I would do the character thing, but I'm guessing I'm in the crazy territory, because we are springing for trip to Disney for the family and my DD's best friend in celebration of her 16th birthday. :eek: On the other hand, she doesn't act spoiled, though she knows she sometimes is, and has thanked us many times over for the trip. Probably that CAtholic education I spent a fortune for. :ROFLOL:


New Member
Fun Card

So the fun card is basically only valid for the purchase of Disney merchandise? As cool as that is, who needs more t-shirts and plush dolls? Most merch is stuff they get dirt cheap by the container load and then markup. That's quite a catch.


It's HarmonioUS, NOT HarmoniYOU.
What will I celebrate?


-That I am not bleeding (fingers crossed) after being run over by an ECV* (also applies to all strollers*)


-Dole Floats

-Tonga Toast

-Smoking sections, and that they still have them.

-That the wand is still gone.

So yeah... pretty much like every trip... nothing new. That is what I will Celebrate. :shrug::lookaroun :lol:


Well-Known Member
I haven't read all the replies, so this may have been addressed already, but...

The concept of getting in for free on your birthday seems like it would only appeal to one day visitors...or two day visitors. Mostly locals, who may like the idea of taking a day off work on their birthday and spending it at the Magic Kingdom for free. But for people who are coming from far away for a vacation, what kind of savings does this really mean? Very minimal.

For example, let's say that my wife and I decided to go in the spring, in late March, and we will be there for her birthday on March 24. If we are staying for 8 days, then she will just have to buy a 7 day ticket, since she will get in free on her birthday. But if she didn't get in free, and she got an 8 day ticket instead, how much extra would she be spending? I honestly can't remember because I don't know right off hand how much tickets cost, or what the per day amount is for those tickets. But I do know that the difference between a 7 day and an 8 day ticket is probably not much more than 10 bucks.

So as a birthday present, we will save around 10 bucks. Whoop dee dee. :rolleyes:

I know, 10 bucks is 10 bucks and a penny saved is a penny earned and all that. And I certainly won't complain about saving 10 bucks while I can. But on the other hand, it's hardly worth getting excited about either.


New Member
The Fun Card is not for the regular guest but just for the AP holders, Correct? :veryconfu

They should have just sent out a free ticket to all those who have come down to Disney over the last couple of years and brought great wealth to the Mouse! Then a family could get a free day into a park and this would cut out all the problems with figuring out how to work around the packages and ticket scenarios!

This free ticket would definitely get people to come down and spend more money!

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I can't believe all the griping that something free is a bad thing because it wasn't more.

Wait a minute. . . yes I can. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I see this new campaign as something designed for people who have not been to Disney World in a long time...a way to generate a buzz among those people that aren't like the majority of us checking message boards every day for Disney news, rumors, and discussion. I think it's another example in the line of genius marketing by the company. If you haven't had the opportunity yet, check out the commercial they have on their website.

Tell me that's not a GREAT commercial for Mr and Mrs Johnny USA to see and say, hey we should take the kids down there for their birthday. That would be special and we'd be saving money (even though we all know you will more then make up for that free day in the park on food and merch) Remember this fun economy we are in?

Sure I would have loved to hear about some amazing new attraction but we've known for days, at least on the boards, that this would not be about rides.

31 days until my next visit which happens to be my HONEYMOON!


New Member
Hopefully now the "charging for fastpass" discussion will die, since it would seem they needed to attach a dollar amount to fastpass in order to use it in this giveaway.

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
The people who post around here never cease to amaze me. The negativity is on overload in these forums and has been for a long time. Then funniest part is most of the complaining is coming from people who are ignorant of this new celebration simply because they seem to be too lazy to READ THE ANNOUNCEMENT first.

Ha, whatever! I'll continue to enjoy myself while all of you continue to moan and groan. ;)


New Member
The Fun Card is not for the regular guest but just for the AP holders, Correct? :veryconfu

No regular guest as well as AP holders would get the choice of what they want as their gift. (the ticket, fastpass, or fun card)

The only thing I note is you can't use the fun card on food so those of us who wanted to stock up on Dole Whip & Turkey Legs are out of luck.:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I'm a FL resident and AP holder but I still think it's a fun idea. I see people liking the concept because it's like, Happy Birthday! You can come to WDW free today! and that seems like a nice perk.

I really like that they've addressed AP holders by giving us a gift card in the amount of a day's admission. I don't know why anyone would be negative towards the idea - I mean, $72 in free merch as a birthday gift to me? Heck yeah! (I get excited when I get a free dessert on my birthday from wearing the birthday button.)

The only downfall I see is that a lot of people - especially locals - can't take a day off of work in order to go to Disney. I know we always celebrate our birthdays the closest weekend to our birthday instead. For $72 in merch though, I'd try to go out during the week, why not?

Is it as exciting as potentially staying in the Castle or getting to win world-tour of park admissions to all the parks around the world? No, but really, what were the odds you'd win that anyway? I've been a couple dozen times since YOAMD started and I've never won a single thing. At least this is a guarantee.

Though I do admit I'm bummed to see you can't spend you cash at Japan. I've had my eye on those wooden shoes forever and that'd make a great birthday present!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I can't believe all the griping that something free is a bad thing because it wasn't more.

Wait a minute. . . yes I can. :lol:

I don't know if you are referring to me, or someone else, but I'm not griping about it, nor saying that it's a bad thing because it wasn't more. I'm just putting in perspective and saying that it's really not that big a deal. If I lived within an hour or two of WDW and wanted to take a day off work on my birthday and visit a Disney park, then ya, it would be pretty cool that I'm getting in for free, as opposed to paying more than 70 bucks for a 1 day admission. But in perspective of a 7 or 8 day stay, in which I am paying 2 or 3 thousand dollars for the entire trip, the difference between a 7 day ticket and an 8 day ticket, for only one person in my party, isn't enough to get excited about. Sure, it's nice that they are offerering it and I won't complain about saving 10 bucks. But I'm not gonna get on the horn and book a trip based on this new promotion, either.

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