From the Press Event - New celebration to be called "What Will You Celebrate?"


Well-Known Member

When turning it in for a Fun Card, will you have to show that you have valid admission to the park? (Regular Ticket/Comp ticket/AP?)


New Member
*yawn* Just another boring "celebration" gimmick that no one will care about.:snore:

I'm booked to go for my birthday in January and I think its a great Idea. I will already have my tickets so I could go for the money on the card option or a fastpass.:sohappy:

So If you were going on your birthday you would turn down these offers? I think not.


New Member
Park Noob: "Hi, today's my son's birthday. He's turning 2 today. Here's his birth certificate. We would like to choose the fun card."

Ticket CM: "I'm sorry sir, but he is not eligible for the promotion. But I hope he has a fantastic birthday!"

Park Noob: "Yea, yea, I know he's only 2. So since he doesn't need free admission, we'd like the fun card instead."

Ticket CM: "I think there's been a misunderstanding, sir, the contest is only open to guest ages 3 and older."

Park Noob: "I know, but he still should be able to choose which prize he wants. We don't need the free admission, so we obviously would like to choose one of the alternatives."

Ticket CM: "I hate to say no, really I do, but unfortunately he just is not eligible."

Park Noob: "Okay, well how about getting the free park admission to use later."

Ticket CM: "Same problem, sir."

Park Noob: "No it's not. See he can use that ticket later at a time when he will be eligible, after he turns three. That way everyone wins, right?"

Ticket CM: "If you'll excuse me sir, I'll be happy to bring my manager over."

Park Noob: "No, no wait. Don't do that. I'll try to explain it in these terms. See, if you..."

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I don't know if you are referring to me, or someone else, but I'm not griping about it, nor saying that it's a bad thing because it wasn't more. I'm just putting in perspective and saying that it's really not that big a deal. If I lived within an hour or two of WDW and wanted to take a day off work on my birthday and visit a Disney park, then ya, it would be pretty cool that I'm getting in for free, as opposed to paying more than 70 bucks for a 1 day admission. But in perspective of a 7 or 8 day stay, in which I am paying 2 or 3 thousand dollars for the entire trip, the difference between a 7 day ticket and an 8 day ticket, for only one person in my party, isn't enough to get excited about. Sure, it's nice that they are offerering it and I won't complain about saving 10 bucks. But I'm not gonna get on the horn and book a trip based on this new promotion, either.

1: You could upgrade your free-one-day pass, essentially getting 72 dollars or so off of your MYW ticket

2: You can opt instead for a gift card worth the price of admission...restrictions on how to use it still apply, but still, it's over 70 dollars to spend.

3: You can opt, instead for 4 Fastpasses for you and up to 5 guests, givign you more time to do other things. Not sure if oney or time is more important to you, but it's still not a bad deal, I think.

The only thing that stinks is if you can't go on your birthday. My wife's bday is in late August, so it's a possibility for her, except we won't be able to go in 2009. My brithday is late November, but then I deal with Thanksgiving crowds, and we're already booked for December. I suspect I'll muddle through without these bonuses, and again for us it's a moot point since we won't be able to go next year without winning the lottery. But for everyone else, it would've been nice to see a promotion that more apply to more people.


Well-Known Member
1: You could upgrade your free-one-day pass, essentially getting 72 dollars or so off of your MYW ticket

2: You can opt instead for a gift card worth the price of admission...restrictions on how to use it still apply, but still, it's over 70 dollars to spend.

3: You can opt, instead for 4 Fastpasses for you and up to 5 guests, givign you more time to do other things. Not sure if oney or time is more important to you, but it's still not a bad deal, I think.

The only thing that stinks is if you can't go on your birthday. My wife's bday is in late August, so it's a possibility for her, except we won't be able to go in 2009. My brithday is late November, but then I deal with Thanksgiving crowds, and we're already booked for December. I suspect I'll muddle through without these bonuses, and again for us it's a moot point since we won't be able to go next year without winning the lottery. But for everyone else, it would've been nice to see a promotion that more apply to more people.

Okay, I guess I'll have to be man enough to admit that I posted my thoughts without adequately studying the material because, based on the info you just gave, it does sound like a good deal after all. Sounds like they made sure to make it attractive to people using the "more you play, the less per day" tickets.

We always go in April, but we would be willing to go in March, since that's close enough...especially late March when my wife's birthday is. And, while we currently have no trip planned, it's still within the realm of possibility that we may be able to go next year. Unfortunately, regarding my birthday (September 27), my wife is deathly terrified of storms, so she flat out refuses to go to Florida during hurricaine season. Even if the forecast shows sunny skies all week, just the fact that the calendar says "hurricaine season" is enough to close her off to the thought of going at that time. :brick:

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
It sounds AMAZING.Getting into WDW for FREE?Never thought I would see it happen.

This actually gives me a chance to go next year.:D:sohappy:


I haven't read all the replies, so this may have been addressed already, but...

The concept of getting in for free on your birthday seems like it would only appeal to one day visitors...or two day visitors. Mostly locals, who may like the idea of taking a day off work on their birthday and spending it at the Magic Kingdom for free. But for people who are coming from far away for a vacation, what kind of savings does this really mean? Very minimal.

For example, let's say that my wife and I decided to go in the spring, in late March, and we will be there for her birthday on March 24. If we are staying for 8 days, then she will just have to buy a 7 day ticket, since she will get in free on her birthday. But if she didn't get in free, and she got an 8 day ticket instead, how much extra would she be spending? I honestly can't remember because I don't know right off hand how much tickets cost, or what the per day amount is for those tickets. But I do know that the difference between a 7 day and an 8 day ticket is probably not much more than 10 bucks.

So as a birthday present, we will save around 10 bucks. Whoop dee dee. :rolleyes:

I know, 10 bucks is 10 bucks and a penny saved is a penny earned and all that. And I certainly won't complain about saving 10 bucks while I can. But on the other hand, it's hardly worth getting excited about either.

no one says you have to use the $75 gift card for an admission ticket.


Well-Known Member
Holy cats! I should have known the press event was today... husband and I are going in Feb (for his birthday) and I went ahead and registered. I think it'll be great for him to have 70 some odd dollars to spend whilst at Epcot that morning. And it seems like a fairly simple redemption process....

If you have a multi-day/AP/etc. type of ticket you just walk up to Will Call, show them the conformation you print out online (you also get it in an email two weeks before you depart) as well as a valid form of ID, make your decision if you want the upgrade, the Fun Card, or the FastPasses then you are on your way! At least that's how I'm interpreting this thing...

Now I know you can only use that card on the day of the persons birthday but I'm wondering if you can say, start shopping at World of Disney then take the remaining moolah over to MouseGear?


New Member
I read that if you already have an annual pass that you will get a gift card up to the value of a one day park pass on your birthday....sweet...thats a free $75 buck!! PLUS a magic birthday fastpass and card


Well-Known Member
The people who post around here never cease to amaze me. The negativity is on overload in these forums and has been for a long time. Then funniest part is most of the complaining is coming from people who are ignorant of this new celebration simply because they seem to be too lazy to READ THE ANNOUNCEMENT first.
Yep, of course it's not surprising, but it's amazing how much griping can be done around here. It's a shame, too.

Couple of things on topic...

I've read many threads where people ask about their birthday and they always get a response similar to "be sure to stop and get your Birthday Button!" People are excited to get a BUTTON for their birthday and then have someone say "happy birthday." Yet, Disney announces that, in addition to that button, you can also choose a Free Ticket, $75 Gift card or a fistful of FastPasses. I would think everyone would be excited... not picking it apart wondering why they don't get more. Spoiled, perhaps?

Second... about the announcement. Anyone dissappointed has only themselves to blame. Nothing was ever hinted at BY DISNEY except a new way to celebrate. Anything else was pure speculation by those that wanted more.

Personally, I doubt we'll get the chance to take advantage of this celebration since none of our family's birthdays fall during our normal visit time. But, I'm betting there will be lots of people that will get to enjoy it and I'm very happy for them!


I doubt this is true.

Really this promotion doesn't cost Disney much at all under the Magic Your Way packages. Most people that are aware of the promotion won't go just on their birthday, but multiple days, and with others. On an expiring ticket, each additional day after 4 is short money (a few dollars).

and for the first time in history, i'll be happy to see disney increasing park tickets, as the gift card is the value of a single day admission ticket, not $75.


New Member
Servo has a great valid point. I am willing to bet that you will NOT have to show them a form of park admission to get a fun card. So those who don't want to brave the park on a busy day could pick up their fun card & spend it at the World Of Disney store in Downtown Disney or the pin location there. ;)


Well-Known Member
Servo has a great valid point. I am willing to bet that you will NOT have to show them a form of park admission to get a fun card. So those who don't want to brave the park on a busy day could pick up their fun card & spend it at the World Of Disney store in Downtown Disney or the pin location there. ;)

I did?

-checks post-

I was just hoping for that strongly.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I doubt we'll get the chance to take advantage of this celebration since none of our family's birthdays fall during our normal visit time. But, I'm betting there will be lots of people that will get to enjoy it and I'm very happy for them!

We also won't be able to take advantage of it. That doesn't mean we weren't thrilled as heck listening to the announcement today and considering the other implications it will have. Heck, watching the TV ad made me tear up a little!

Those who complain that it's not a new ride--is that all you do at Walt Disney World? This new celebration brings new entertainment options, new overlays in the parks--all sorts of new things!

As for there not being a "big" enough announcement? Phh. With the DVC announcements and this announcement, this has been one of the most exciting weeks concerning Disney news in a while!

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