For all the people that LOVE to complain...


I have no problems with people complaining..I guess when it gets to be over silly trivial things like food and napkins then I just :brick:..

Oh, I completely agree on that point. I could care less what plate I eat off, or what cup I drink out of.

But I'm not gonna be okay with a broken yeti when its the climax of the ride. And I'm not going to be okay with letting MK's classic attractions fall into despair. And I'm not going to be okay with a sub-par attraction when I know what WDI is capable of.


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit confused. From what I can tell, this is a thread complaining that people complain about WDW. Or am I totally off the mark here?

Cause it seems like there are two groups forming here at magic. I don't want to offend anyone, but I'll use stereotypes.

There are the "complainers."

And the "kool-aid drinkers."

Honestly, I am probably a little of both, as I'm sure most people on this site are.

This particular thread, however, seems like its "kool-aid drinkers" complaining that the "complainers" complain about the kool-aid drinkers. Anyone else see the irony contained within this thread? :shrug:

To the OP: I realize this was probably not your intention when starting this discussion, but it seems to have evolved into the us versus them mentality.


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit confused. From what I can tell, this is a thread complaining that people complain about WDW. Or am I totally off the mark here?

Cause it seems like there are two groups forming here at magic. I don't want to offend anyone, but I'll use stereotypes.

There are the "complainers."

And the "kool-aid drinkers."

Honestly, I am probably a little of both, as I'm sure most people on this site are.

This particular thread, however, seems like its "kool-aid drinkers" complaining that the "complainers" complain about the kool-aid drinkers. Anyone else see the irony contained within this thread? :shrug:

To the OP: I realize this was probably not your intention when starting this discussion, but it seems to have evolved into the us versus them mentality.

nah... just having some good clean fun.

i complain about disney, but love it to no end. i have no room to criticize anybody.


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit confused. From what I can tell, this is a thread complaining that people complain about WDW. Or am I totally off the mark here?

Cause it seems like there are two groups forming here at magic. I don't want to offend anyone, but I'll use stereotypes.

There are the "complainers."

And the "kool-aid drinkers."

Honestly, I am probably a little of both, as I'm sure most people on this site are.

This particular thread, however, seems like its "kool-aid drinkers" complaining that the "complainers" complain about the kool-aid drinkers. Anyone else see the irony contained within this thread? :shrug:

To the OP: I realize this was probably not your intention when starting this discussion, but it seems to have evolved into the us versus them mentality.
I prefer water over koolaid...but I am in the koolaid group and darn proud..:D:lookaroun

It is a vicious cycle that will never stop..

Koolaid drinkers complain about the complainers and vice is a discussion forum and that is what you can expect to get.

I posted above what my problems were with certain kinds of complainers..other then that I just read the threads and dream of when I will be at WDW drinking from a Halloween cup and using a Christmas napkin and smile..:D

Unless it gets ugly..which it is interesting to read everyones thoughts..whether you agree with them or not..

Though it is fun to read all the ugly discussions...;)


Well-Known Member
I admit that I am amused in a certain kind of way when I see a thread like this.

I know someone else has already used the term 'passive aggressive' to describe the tone of the OP and I'd agree and go even further.

This person clearly didn't/doesn't want to discuss his/her perfect day at EPCOT. If they did the thread wouldn't be an 'in your face' challenge to those people on here who choose to hold Disney to its own standards and point out how all too often in the 21st century it falls far short of them.

If this person wanted to just talk about how wonderful his/her day was they would NOT have titled it 'For all the people that LOVE to complain' now would they? If that isn't a shot across the bow, I really don't know what is.

No, this person wanted to call us out ... well, here we are ... what's on your mind?

It sure doesn't seem it was your day at Epcot ... unless you wanted to be patted on the bottom and told 'way to go! Disney rocks!' by the Mickey Can Do No Wrong (AKA the Kool Aid drinkers) Crowd.

I don't believe there is one person on this board who doesn't enjoy WDW. Most of us, myself included, love the place. That's why when we see it losing its magic -- the real stuff, not the contrived marketing crap shoved down our throats -- we speak out.

I've held an AP for WDW since they were first offered. I was at the opening day of two of the four parks .. I've held APs at the resorts in Anaheim and Paris as well. I've spent time at the off-site DVC resorts, visited HKDL ... and cruised on the Disney Magic. I've stayed at every single WDW resort with the exception of two DVC locales and one All Star (most of them many, many times) as well as all three DL resorts multiple times as well as two DLP resorts. I've spent so much money on Disney, I don't ever want to know that figure. And I feel that 95% of that money has been very well spent.

It would truly take someone that has a very loose grasp of reality and rationality to assume I am anything -- like most here -- but a Disney lover.

But threads like this prove nothing other than there are divisive people who enjoy engaging others for no good reason. If this thread had been 'My great day at Epcot' I likely wouldn't have even looked at it, let alone read four pages of posts and then commented.

Since I do love WDW, I do understand when people post glowing reports (and I usually agree with much of what they write), but it sure would be nice if people gave the rest of us the courtesy of respecting our right to be unhappy with certain things or engaged us in meaningful debate instead of simply posting childish drivel that says nothing and means less.

Just a few thoughts from a chronic 'complainer' ... or WDW realist as I like to call myself.


Great post '74. Thanks for posting that. But of course they'll still say we're nothing but babies who should just be happy that the parks are there. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Great post '74. Thanks for posting that. But of course they'll still say we're nothing but babies who should just be happy that the parks are there. :rolleyes:

Thanks ... and that's a very simplistic if not downright ignorant viewpoint.

I kinda think the whole purpose of the thread was to be divisive and go on and on and on ... because no one can say much if someone says they had a great day at Epcot other than to respond something like 'that's terrific, good to hear!' or maybe ask 'how were the crowds?'

That very obviously wasn't the purpose here. ... it was for pages of back and forth. ... And until I decide I'm bored, I'm in!:wave:


Well-Known Member
I admit that I am amused in a certain kind of way when I see a thread like this.

I know someone else has already used the term 'passive aggressive' to describe the tone of the OP and I'd agree and go even further.

This person clearly didn't/doesn't want to discuss his/her perfect day at EPCOT. If they did the thread wouldn't be an 'in your face' challenge to those people on here who choose to hold Disney to its own standards and point out how all too often in the 21st century it falls far short of them.

If this person wanted to just talk about how wonderful his/her day was they would NOT have titled it 'For all the people that LOVE to complain' now would they? If that isn't a shot across the bow, I really don't know what is.

No, this person wanted to call us out ... well, here we are ... what's on your mind?

It sure doesn't seem it was your day at Epcot ... unless you wanted to be patted on the bottom and told 'way to go! Disney rocks!' by the Mickey Can Do No Wrong (AKA the Kool Aid drinkers) Crowd.

I don't believe there is one person on this board who doesn't enjoy WDW. Most of us, myself included, love the place. That's why when we see it losing its magic -- the real stuff, not the contrived marketing crap shoved down our throats -- we speak out.

I've held an AP for WDW since they were first offered. I was at the opening day of two of the four parks .. I've held APs at the resorts in Anaheim and Paris as well. I've spent time at the off-site DVC resorts, visited HKDL ... and cruised on the Disney Magic. I've stayed at every single WDW resort with the exception of two DVC locales and one All Star (most of them many, many times) as well as all three DL resorts multiple times as well as two DLP resorts. I've spent so much money on Disney, I don't ever want to know that figure. And I feel that 95% of that money has been very well spent.

It would truly take someone that has a very loose grasp of reality and rationality to assume I am anything -- like most here -- but a Disney lover.

But threads like this prove nothing other than there are divisive people who enjoy engaging others for no good reason. If this thread had been 'My great day at Epcot' I likely wouldn't have even looked at it, let alone read four pages of posts and then commented.

Since I do love WDW, I do understand when people post glowing reports (and I usually agree with much of what they write), but it sure would be nice if people gave the rest of us the courtesy of respecting our right to be unhappy with certain things or engaged us in meaningful debate instead of simply posting childish drivel that says nothing and means less.

Just a few thoughts from a chronic 'complainer' ... or WDW realist as I like to call myself.
Very nice..:)

*toasts you with my koolaid*

I do respect your right to be unhappy with certain things and like I said above..I stated what bothered me about some complainers..but you know there are some who also have to go in threads where people do say great things about WDW and do not repect their right to be happy..not you, just some.

I do only see the good things about Disney..I do not know anything at all about the inner workings of WDW and TWDC at all.

I do not know who Meg or Bill or All or John Boy is and I really do not care to be honest with you.

I love WDW, the parks, attractions, atmosphere, characters, parades, food..everything really..even though I go every single year it still makes me happy..makes me put the outside world away and just be happy with my family in a place I love.

Maybe that is why I do not see the bad things, the downfall that is going on or why I do not get angry when things change.

So, I do respect you and some others who "complain" about the going ons at WDW that I do not know of..but I would also like to be able to see the "koolaid" drinkers..the "Rose colored glasses wearing" guests like me get some respect also..and be able to say what and how we feel.:shrug:without others telling us how blind we are and so forth..

Granted, I understand what you mean by this thread in general..the title is asking for something to happen and was calling people out.


Active Member
Original Poster
i admit that i am amused in a certain kind of way when i see a thread like this.

I know someone else has already used the term 'passive aggressive' to describe the tone of the op and i'd agree and go even further.

passive aggressive?! Ha ha! I simply said i had a great day at epcot and found nothing to complain about! Lol

this person clearly didn't/doesn't want to discuss his/her perfect day at epcot. If they did the thread wouldn't be an 'in your face' challenge to those people on here who choose to hold disney to its own standards and point out how all too often in the 21st century it falls far short of them.

yeah that's exactly what i was doing, discussing my fun day... Wasn't anything 'in your face' about it... I had a great day at epcot, it was wonderful. I find it hilarious that you thought this was a challenge! Lol

if this person wanted to just talk about how wonderful his/her day was they would not have titled it 'for all the people that love to complain' now would they? If that isn't a shot across the bow, i really don't know what is.

you know as well as i do people on these boards love to complain about little things as small things alike. Why are you taking my post so personal??? Are you one of the people that love to complain? :lol:

no, this person wanted to call us out ... Well, here we are ... What's on your mind?

what on my mind is that you feel so threatened by this post! I must have struck a nerve here with you! Lol :roflol:

it sure doesn't seem it was your day at epcot ... Unless you wanted to be patted on the bottom and told 'way to go! Disney rocks!' by the mickey can do no wrong (aka the kool aid drinkers) crowd.

I don't believe there is one person on this board who doesn't enjoy wdw. Most of us, myself included, love the place. That's why when we see it losing its magic -- the real stuff, not the contrived marketing crap shoved down our throats -- we speak out.

I've held an ap for wdw since they were first offered. I was at the opening day of two of the four parks .. I've held aps at the resorts in anaheim and paris as well. I've spent time at the off-site dvc resorts, visited hkdl ... And cruised on the disney magic. I've stayed at every single wdw resort with the exception of two dvc locales and one all star (most of them many, many times) as well as all three dl resorts multiple times as well as two dlp resorts. I've spent so much money on disney, i don't ever want to know that figure. And i feel that 95% of that money has been very well spent.

wow... We have a self proclaimed big spender! Want a cookie? Lol :roflol:

it would truly take someone that has a very loose grasp of reality and rationality to assume i am anything -- like most here -- but a disney lover.

But threads like this prove nothing other than there are divisive people who enjoy engaging others for no good reason. If this thread had been 'my great day at epcot' i likely wouldn't have even looked at it, let alone read four pages of posts and then commented.

and no one asked you to look at this thread! Move on! :wave:

since i do love wdw, i do understand when people post glowing reports (and i usually agree with much of what they write), but it sure would be nice if people gave the rest of us the courtesy of respecting our right to be unhappy with certain things or engaged us in meaningful debate instead of simply posting childish drivel that says nothing and means less.

just like you have a right to be unhappy, i have a right to be happy! And yes you have a right to a meaningful debate, except since you completely missed everything i said and feel so threatened by what was said, your debate is, well... Meaningless to me! Lol :roflol:

just a few thoughts from a chronic 'complainer' ... Or wdw realist as i like to call myself.



Well-Known Member
Very nice..:)

*toasts you with my koolaid*

Don't do it! It'll go straight to your thighs.

Use Crystal Light. Much better. Only five calories per serving (but no pixie dust either)

I do respect your right to be unhappy with certain things and like I said above..I stated what bothered me about some complainers..but you know there are some who also have to go in threads where people do say great things about WDW and do not repect their right to be happy..not you, just some.

If someone started a thread and it was simply about a great day at Disney, I would in no way rain on their parade. Would someone? Likely.
But I guarantee you if I start a thread about an actual cutback ... something that does lower quality for ALL guests (even if it doesn't bother an individual) there'll be a line of folks looking to not only attack my facts and opinions but myself as well.

I do only see the good things about Disney..I do not know anything at all about the inner workings of WDW and TWDC at all.

That's OK. Many people here don't. It ain't a requirement of being a fan!

I love WDW, the parks, attractions, atmosphere, characters, parades, food..everything really..even though I go every single year it still makes me happy..makes me put the outside world away and just be happy with my family in a place I love.

Maybe that is why I do not see the bad things, the downfall that is going on or why I do not get angry when things change.

Again, fair enough.

I can't argue with that. No one could really. It's an opinion. And if you're happy at WDW, that's terrific. The world isn't very pleasant these days and if you can escape, I am happy for you.

So, I do respect you and some others who "complain" about the going ons at WDW that I do not know of..but I would also like to be able to see the "koolaid" drinkers..the "Rose colored glasses wearing" guests like me get some respect also..and be able to say what and how we feel.:shrug:without others telling us how blind we are and so forth..

I respect any and all articulate, intelligent and mature POVs ... that doesn't mean I won't disagree or challenge or question.

The one thing that angers me about many of the 'Kool-Aid Drinkers' is that many will admit that things are wrong, but they'll justify it by saying it doesn't bother them so it's OK.

If dirty resort rooms or poorly maintained attractions or stale entertainment (and yes, I am beaing a bit dramatic as we know this isn't the case overall) don't bother you (and I don't mean you, Dana, I mean the general you) that's one thing ... but to criticize others because it does bother them or suggest there's something wrong with them because they notice just rankles me greatly.

THAT is an ignorant POV. (Again, not saying it is yours!)

You (general) don't care that Disney is showing a 2001 parade that was lousy to begin with and calling it new ... you don't care that the DDP has made getting into favorite restaurants near impossible for locals and APers and people who don't make meal plans months ahead of time ... you don't care thet most of the effects on EE never work including the key Yeti AA ... you don't care that the Mousekeepers let god-knows-what pile up under the bed because they make towel animals etc ... that's fine ... but please don't you (again NOT YOU!) tell me there's something wrong with me for not being happy with those things.

Granted, I understand what you mean by this thread in general..the title is asking for something to happen and was calling people out.

And that's the whole reason I am here ...


Well-Known Member
Don't do it! It'll go straight to your thighs.

Use Crystal Light. Much better. Only five calories per serving (but no pixie dust either)

If someone started a thread and it was simply about a great day at Disney, I would in no way rain on their parade. Would someone? Likely.
But I guarantee you if I start a thread about an actual cutback ... something that does lower quality for ALL guests (even if it doesn't bother an individual) there'll be a line of folks looking to not only attack my facts and opinions but myself as well.

That's OK. Many people here don't. It ain't a requirement of being a fan!

Again, fair enough.

I can't argue with that. No one could really. It's an opinion. And if you're happy at WDW, that's terrific. The world isn't very pleasant these days and if you can escape, I am happy for you.

I respect any and all articulate, intelligent and mature POVs ... that doesn't mean I won't disagree or challenge or question.

The one thing that angers me about many of the 'Kool-Aid Drinkers' is that many will admit that things are wrong, but they'll justify it by saying it doesn't bother them so it's OK.

If dirty resort rooms or poorly maintained attractions or stale entertainment (and yes, I am beaing a bit dramatic as we know this isn't the case overall) don't bother you (and I don't mean you, Dana, I mean the general you) that's one thing ... but to criticize others because it does bother them or suggest there's something wrong with them because they notice just rankles me greatly.

THAT is an ignorant POV. (Again, not saying it is yours!)

You (general) don't care that Disney is showing a 2001 parade that was lousy to begin with and calling it new ... you don't care that the DDP has made getting into favorite restaurants near impossible for locals and APers and people who don't make meal plans months ahead of time ... you don't care thet most of the effects on EE never work including the key Yeti AA ... you don't care that the Mousekeepers let god-knows-what pile up under the bed because they make towel animals etc ... that's fine ... but please don't you (again NOT YOU!) tell me there's something wrong with me for not being happy with those things.

And that's the whole reason I am here ...

Glad you are here..:)


Active Member
I drew this lovely picture to illustrate the issue:

It's what the "Kool-Aid Drinkers" think of the "Complainers" and vice versa.

:sohappy: That was classic.

This thread is ironic and amusing. You must understand, Kool-Aid Drinkers, that the "complainers" complain because they care. They love WDW. You don't want to see something you love become something any less than it deserves. And "complainers", don't be too hard on the Kool-Aid drinkers. They don't come as often as we locals do, and when they do it's their chance to get away from reality and spend time with their families. Of course it feels perfect to them. Just remember that we all are here for the same reason- we love WDW.


New Member
I think the people who are annoyed by the complainers on here don't understand two things.

1. The way WDW used to run things.

2. The true feelings of those of us who complain.

WDW used to pride itself on holding to a certain standard. One of the ones I always point out is that they used to advertise that you'd never see a burned out lightbulb along main street anywhere, and you didn't. If one did happen to burn out before it was expected to, it was replaced quickly. Now, how often do you see burned out neon, etc... all over the place. The sign for the Great Movie Ride was burned out for months, I'm still not sure if its lighting up properly.

I'm not going to rehash all the things we complain about but its because we know that WDW is capable of doing things to a much greater level. All you have to do is look at Tokyo Disney to see what they're truly capable of still, but the local heads of WDW are too focused on money over guest experience.

To the second point, those of us who complain (at least most of us) don't hate the parks. We still have a great time when we go. There's enough great old stuff (and the occassional great new thing) to still have a great time. We're not blind however and we see the parts of the park that are being allowed to degrade. We want the experience that Walt wanted his guests to have, and the current penny pinchers aren't allowing that to happen.

Its still a great experience, I still recommend WDW to all my friends, I'm just a bit sad because I know its not living up to its potential.

I admit that I am amused in a certain kind of way when I see a thread like this.

I know someone else has already used the term 'passive aggressive' to describe the tone of the OP and I'd agree and go even further.

This person clearly didn't/doesn't want to discuss his/her perfect day at EPCOT. If they did the thread wouldn't be an 'in your face' challenge to those people on here who choose to hold Disney to its own standards and point out how all too often in the 21st century it falls far short of them.

If this person wanted to just talk about how wonderful his/her day was they would NOT have titled it 'For all the people that LOVE to complain' now would they? If that isn't a shot across the bow, I really don't know what is.

No, this person wanted to call us out ... well, here we are ... what's on your mind?

It sure doesn't seem it was your day at Epcot ... unless you wanted to be patted on the bottom and told 'way to go! Disney rocks!' by the Mickey Can Do No Wrong (AKA the Kool Aid drinkers) Crowd.

I don't believe there is one person on this board who doesn't enjoy WDW. Most of us, myself included, love the place. That's why when we see it losing its magic -- the real stuff, not the contrived marketing crap shoved down our throats -- we speak out.

I've held an AP for WDW since they were first offered. I was at the opening day of two of the four parks .. I've held APs at the resorts in Anaheim and Paris as well. I've spent time at the off-site DVC resorts, visited HKDL ... and cruised on the Disney Magic. I've stayed at every single WDW resort with the exception of two DVC locales and one All Star (most of them many, many times) as well as all three DL resorts multiple times as well as two DLP resorts. I've spent so much money on Disney, I don't ever want to know that figure. And I feel that 95% of that money has been very well spent.

It would truly take someone that has a very loose grasp of reality and rationality to assume I am anything -- like most here -- but a Disney lover.

But threads like this prove nothing other than there are divisive people who enjoy engaging others for no good reason. If this thread had been 'My great day at Epcot' I likely wouldn't have even looked at it, let alone read four pages of posts and then commented.

Since I do love WDW, I do understand when people post glowing reports (and I usually agree with much of what they write), but it sure would be nice if people gave the rest of us the courtesy of respecting our right to be unhappy with certain things or engaged us in meaningful debate instead of simply posting childish drivel that says nothing and means less.

Just a few thoughts from a chronic 'complainer' ... or WDW realist as I like to call myself.

:sohappy::sohappy: Both of these posts are extremely well stated!! It's unfortunate that a person who loves Disney dearly (such as myself) cannot be disappointed with something and come here to comment about it without being essentially attacked and accused of "hating" Disney. I don't believe anyone who posts here actually "hates" Disney, but I do believe that the so-called "complainers" are typically the ones who seem to genuinely understand what Disney is supposed to be about, and are also the ones who seem to actually have a deeper love for it. But when people defend the unacceptable behavior of the rare CM who is not doing his/her job, or say they "don't care" about the little details such as holiday napkins in summer months or burned out light bulbs, or when they accept rides like Everest as being in the same caliber of Disney's best attractions... then it's those people that I think don't really truly understand Disney, and consequently cannot have the same level of appreciation for it.

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