For all the people that LOVE to complain...


New Member
I understand, but it's just getting to be a little too much lately...on ALL of the boards.

Do you think that's because all these people have suddenly decided, out of the blue, to become complainers and look at the negative of things just for kicks? Of course not. It's because, sadly, there is more to complain about as of late.


New Member
I mean did anyone really think he rode SSE all day long?:shrug::hammer:

I don't think that was mcjaco's point. Obviously no one thinks the OP rode it "all day long", but he did make the claim that it "didn't stop once". Unless he was there all day long, how could he know whether it stopped or not at all during the day?? Just because it never stopped during the times he was riding it (which is probably what he should have said), that doesn't mean it "didn't stop once". I think that was just the point mcjaco was trying to make, and I agree with it.

Went to Epcot yesterday:
1) Spaceship Earth didn't stop once.
2) Test Track was up and running just fine.
3) Had lunch and didn't use Holiday napkins.
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Loved every minute of the day and was just so thankful I was there! Had a wonderful time!

Thunder Kz

Active Member
What I can't understand is why some people come on to these boards to complain about Disney and then go ballistic when someone compares/complains about Universal and defends it to the death. :shrug:
Go start a Universal page.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
What I can't understand is why some people come on to these boards to complain about Disney and then go ballistic when someone compares/complains about Universal and defends it to the death. :shrug:
Go start a Universal page.

Id imagine its because some people find it strange when those that complain about Universal admit to have never having been yet at the same time the Ubber fans attempt to ridicule complaints despite most being substantiated and not purely subjective like some of the Universal comments.

As for your comment about starting a Universal page, you may have not noticed this site caters for other central Florida attractions, so Id imagine that debate is generally welcomed about all parks.

Personally Ill defend Universal if I think they have a position worthy of defence, though I enjoy fishing.


Well-Known Member
What I can't understand is why some people come on to these boards to complain about Disney and then go ballistic when someone compares/complains about Universal and defends it to the death.

If you read my posts on the Universal forums you'll see that I complain a great deal over there. I HATE the new roller coaster they're putting in. Its ruining the sitelines. But my complaints are valid because I've been to the car. What we get annoyed with are the people who hate Universal just because its not Disney yet ignore things that are the same or even worse at Disney.

The fact is that both Universal and Disney offer some amazing experiences, and they also have some problems. I'm going to defend the parks when they're being unfairly criticized and I'm going to criticize them when they fall short of what they should. Those posters who will praise everything they do no matter what (ie. That Drew Carey Sound's Dangerous show is just amazing because Disney can't do anything poor) just because its Disney, or criticize Universal when they've never visited the park, or the exact same things exist at Disney annoy me, and I'm going to call those posts out.

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
I don't think that was mcjaco's point. Obviously no one thinks the OP rode it "all day long", but he did make the claim that it "didn't stop once". Unless he was there all day long, how could he know whether it stopped or not at all during the day?? Just because it never stopped during the times he was riding it (which is probably what he should have said), that doesn't mean it "didn't stop once". I think that was just the point mcjaco was trying to make, and I agree with it. did that get attributed to me? Your quoting the wrong poster.

Pumbas...where the heck have you been? I was going to start calling the hospitals.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that was mcjaco's point. Obviously no one thinks the OP rode it "all day long", but he did make the claim that it "didn't stop once". Unless he was there all day long, how could he know whether it stopped or not at all during the day?? Just because it never stopped during the times he was riding it (which is probably what he should have said), that doesn't mean it "didn't stop once". I think that was just the point mcjaco was trying to make, and I agree with it.

Exactly. The statement should have been, SSE didn't stop once on my two rides. But then it wouldn't have been quite as significant as a statement then, would it have? :lol: did that get attributed to me? Your quoting the wrong poster.

maggiegrace's original post is coded wrong. That's why.


New Member
Do you think that's because all these people have suddenly decided, out of the blue, to become complainers and look at the negative of things just for kicks? Of course not. It's because, sadly, there is more to complain about as of late.

Agent86--No. I don't think that out of the blue people started to line up and complain about WDW. I know that there are some things that are going downhill, as people on here like to say. BUT, all I'M saying is that sometimes people complain a lil too much!!!

I think that there's a BIG difference in complaining and "complaining". Lemme explain:

The first complaint is usually reasonable because it gives us others lovers of Disney to be aware of certain changes, whether good or bad. It's usually a need-to-know or in-case-you-didn't-know discussion, which I'm perfectly fine with. I even occasionally tell the OP thank you for letting us know.

The second complaint is usually the people who are NEVER happy/satisfied with any Disney or anyone else does. No matter what Disney/person(s)/company(s) do for the people, they're never happy with it. THESE are the people that I'M talking about!!!:)

The OP for this thread did not intend on it to go like this. Why can't people post how their day went and how they found no problems at all without someone/people jumping on their parade?!?:shrug::shrug: I'm sorry!1 But, I'd be a lil defensive too if someone attacked me for me being nieve about ALL the wrong about Disney. What about ALL the RIGHT?!?!? And for us visitors, who can only come once a year, we only see what's right because we're not trying to be burden with all the wrong of Disney and what they're not doing.

Everyone does have a right to state their opinion. And yes, I do understand that if you didn't care, you wouldn't complain about it. But why do it on a thread where all the OP was saying is that they had a great time and had nothing to complain about?!?!? That I JUST DON'T GET!!!:drevil:


Well-Known Member
The second complaint is usually the people who are NEVER happy/satisfied with any Disney or anyone else does. No matter what Disney/person(s)/company(s) do for the people, they're never happy with it. THESE are the people that I'M talking about!!!:)

Sure there may be one or two folks like this, but the majority of people you're thinking who are like this are not. On another board I go to there's a poster named TDLFan who rips WDW. He gets accused of hating the place. He doesn't, he just has the opportunity to visit the other resorts worldwide and see how they can be run, he also was able to visit WDW back when it was run correctly. If they'd bring the standards back up he wouldn't complain.

That's how all of us are. When WDW does something right we praise it, when they don't we say how they failed. I don't think any of the people you would classify as complainers on here did anything but be thankful when the wand came down from SSE. If Disney were to move the hat from in front of GMR we'd all proclaim it as a great day as well. We recognize when they do things exceptionally well, we complain when they don't. Its as simple as that. The problem is, far too often lately they don't.

And it gets results. Several years ago Disneyland was in horrendous shape so much that many of their guests began to notice. People like Al Lutz sprung up online and began to complain about all the problems that Pressler and Harris were causing at the resorts. They were noticed and the problems began to get better. Now most people recognize that DL is in far better shape than WDW.

Edisto Pluto

New Member
Went to Epcot yesterday:
1) Spaceship Earth didn't stop once.
2) Test Track was up and running just fine.
3) Had lunch and didn't use Holiday napkins.
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Loved every minute of the day and was just so thankful I was there! Had a wonderful time!
Thanks for your post. I love reading others experiences on the board but the complaining does get old


Well-Known Member
But when people defend the unacceptable behavior of the rare CM who is not doing his/her job, or say they "don't care" about the little details such as holiday napkins in summer months or burned out light bulbs, or when they accept rides like Everest as being in the same caliber of Disney's best attractions... then it's those people that I think don't really truly understand Disney, and consequently cannot have the same level of appreciation for it.



Well-Known Member
Sweatshirt moms, kool-aid drinkers, fan boyz, epcot center defenders, and lolgurls everywhere these days :lol:

Of course anyone would want to have a good time when they go to WDW, but with the amount of money it costs to go there, let alone spend while in the parks....yes one could say "well if you don't like it then don't go", but many of the complainers (such as myself) have been going for quite some time, and do enjoy WDW, but how can I not complain that...just going a few weeks ago....that the metal railings throughout space mtn's queue have lots of scratches and paint peeled, that the audio throughout the CoP is dull and quiet, the Country Bears, with new fur, lighting, and sound, still has an clicking issue...

...that I personally don't enjoy how Main Street has become a shopping mall, and areas of Innoventions and the main path to world showcase is a flea market of stands and DVC.

Sure, I can't help but smile when a kid sees a character, or gets their autograph, and I enjoy the refurbed IASW, and HM, and most of the refurbed SSE, and numerous other things I enjoy while at WDW, but how can I look through rose colored glasses at something I like?

Loving something involves both care and criticism. Otherwise you spoil it and it becomes Innoventions Plaza and the cluster of DVC booths throughout the 4 parks. :zipit:

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