For all the people that LOVE to complain...


Since when is Universal cheaper than disney. Last I checked Universal charges $2.75 for a bottle of water and has for some time.

Yea, their food prices are actually a bit higher than Disney's.

But I mean, all theme parks are like that. It's one thing I don't complain about too much.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, except now is THE time to build. Materials are cheaper, people need jobs, and you want something shiny when people do start travelling again. When the economy does turn around, and Universal has a TON of new things to show off and WDW has none, people WILL notice. And the people who do go to Disney WILL notice that there are rides that are falling apart at the seams.

The general public, surprisingly, seems to notice and care more than many fans on forums such as this.

The thing is, Joe and Jane Average and family don't post on sites like this.

They'll go, be disappointed and not return or not return regularly ... and they'll tell their friends.

This is what the morons at TDO miss. They think it's only us 'crazies' that care when that's far from the truth.

It's amazing some of the things you'll hear at WDW if you just listen.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that's a great a positive company outlook. "There's nothing we can do better than this. So we're going to do nothing." And I'm sure that is NOT what Disney is thinking. No. Disney is thinking, "Sure, we could build something great that could compete with Universal and Potter, but it's a lot cheaper to just keep what we have and build some mediocre new things."

Yes, Sir.

It's not even that as much as it's a 'let's go hide and pass off the same tired recycled crap as new magic' ...

Almost the entire MK park is in bad shape. Jungle Cruise is despicable. Half the animated figures don't move nearly as well as they should. Pirates breaks down almost once a day. Peter Pan, along with most of Fantasyland, could use a lot of TLC. And Buzz Lightyear looks like they haven't cleaned it since it opened. And let's be real, Space Mountain is only getting a rehab because it is getting close to a safety concern.

I can't hear you (FINGERS IN EARS!!!!!!) ... Running in the closet for pixie dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oops, sorry, was being a Kool-Aid loving fanboy.

Yeah, MK is in sucky shape. No doubt about it.

Epcot and DHS are in the best shape, apart from Test Track going down way too much, and don't get me started on the whole Fantasmic! debacle.

AK. The yeti. Period. The people who say its not a big deal obviously don't care about story telling, and a little thing called a climax(there's an inappropriate joke in there somewhere). A broken yeti= a broken story. And when its such a hyped attraction it's a travesty.

All the parks have serious issues, none worse than MK. But DAK used to be a shining beacon of the old WDW ways ... and now it is falling into looking like just another part of old WDW.

And guess what? Tentative companies fail. Companies that are dynamic, take risks, and show people they are doing something new and exciting win. Look at Nintendo. Instead of doing the same thing as Microsoft and Sony, they blazed their own path and created a truly one of a kind product. Disney needs to get on the the ball and do just that, before its too late.

Yep ... they can keep recycling the magic, shilling timeshare and running marketing campaigns that don't tell the real tale of what WDW is in 2009.

Now, is the absolute perfect time to be doing massive projects much like what is happening at DCA.

There never will be a better time for massive Fantasyland work, major construction at DAK, smaller projects (but still significant) at the other parks.

Why is it that crap rises to the top of major companies like Disney? It's not like they're the exception. Is this the natural progression of capitalism (much like what's gone on by socializing Wall Street)? Is the answer always going to be lowest common denominator stuff in the 21st century? WalMart or bust?

It's very disheartening to see the incredible dumbing down of EVERYTHING in this country. WDW is just a microcosm for the big picture.


Well-Known Member
Going to a Disney Park and complaining about the cost of things is similar to landing on the sun and complaining that it's hot.

If you want to be cheap go to Universal, that's why it's there. Disney is and will always be expensive. It stinks that it's expensive, but that's just part of it.

Plus it keeps out the hoi polloi.

I love intelligent new posters ...


'74, I know what you mean by the crap rising to the top. Many, many CMs share our views. They know this company isn't what it used to be. We all want these parks to be back to their rightful splendor.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Going to a Disney Park and complaining about the cost of things is similar to landing on the sun and complaining that it's hot.

If you want to be cheap go to Universal, that's why it's there. Disney is and will always be expensive. It stinks that it's expensive, but that's just part of it.

Plus it keeps out the hoi polloi.

I'm not sure where the complaining is that you're refering to in the post that you quoted. As Steve stated in his post, he was simply passing along information that might be of use to people. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
'74, I know what you mean by the crap rising to the top. Many, many CMs share our views. They know this company isn't what it used to be. We all want these parks to be back to their rightful splendor.

Well, that's good to hear ... but we need CMs to be proactive ... you know things like say Jungle Cruise skippers naming some of the gorillas (and other creatures) Phil ... and Dan ... and Erin ... and Al ... and Meg ... and you get the idea.


Well, that's good to hear ... but we need CMs to be proactive ... you know things like say Jungle Cruise skippers naming some of the gorillas (and other creatures) Phil ... and Dan ... and Erin ... and Al ... and Meg ... and you get the idea.

Oh, I would. Unfortunately if we don't play ball the way our managers want us to, they find ways to get rid of us. No lie.

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