For all the people that LOVE to complain...


Active Member
OK..this thread has gotten far too outta hand!!

Agent86--No. I don't think that out of the blue people started to line up and complain about WDW. I know that there are some things that are going downhill, as people on here like to say. BUT, all I'M saying is that sometimes people complain a lil too much!!!

I think that there's a BIG difference in complaining and "complaining". Lemme explain:

The first complaint is usually reasonable because it gives us others lovers of Disney to be aware of certain changes, whether good or bad. It's usually a need-to-know or in-case-you-didn't-know discussion, which I'm perfectly fine with. I even occasionally tell the OP thank you for letting us know.

The second complaint is usually the people who are NEVER happy/satisfied with any Disney or anyone else does. No matter what Disney/person(s)/company(s) do for the people, they're never happy with it. THESE are the people that I'M talking about!!!:)

The OP for this thread did not intend on it to go like this. Why can't people post how their day went and how they found no problems at all without someone/people jumping on their parade?!?:shrug::shrug: I'm sorry!1 But, I'd be a lil defensive too if someone attacked me for me being nieve about ALL the wrong about Disney. What about ALL the RIGHT?!?!? And for us visitors, who can only come once a year, we only see what's right because we're not trying to be burden with all the wrong of Disney and what they're not doing.

Everyone does have a right to state their opinion. And yes, I do understand that if you didn't care, you wouldn't complain about it. But why do it on a thread where all the OP was saying is that they had a great time and had nothing to complain about?!?!? That I JUST DON'T GET!!!:drevil:

1. This thread is not "out of hand". Every poster has explained their point of view calmly, rationally, and with civility. How many other threads do you visit on this site, because this is one of the calmest ones.

2. You claim the "complainers" are "NEVER" happy with anything Disney does. The truth is, if Disney does do something right, credit will be given. The HM refurb, for example. But there is not alot of "right" going on at present. However, if something truly good happens at the parks, the "complainers" will be the first to give credit, because that's what they have been waiting to see.

3. The OP was not just writing about what a great time he had, there was intended sarcasm directed towards "complainers". That is why so many responded.


New Member
Since it seems like certain poster(s) like to pick on me so much, I'm going to say this: I'm going to agree to disagree.

Some of you are getting way into it and are starting to be rude and it's getting ugly. I have my opinion and you have yours. Not once have I stated that anyone on here was wrong about how they felt, but I'm constantly getting told that I don't care much about the place because I don't understand it's inner workings or how it used to be. That may be true, to a point. I DO CARE DEEPLY ABOUT DISNEY!!!!:wave:

But, I'm not going to sit here and let someone tell me that because I "may not understand the inner workings", that means I basically don't give a hoot about Disney or its products/services/etc. That's very far from the truth!!!

NO ONE seems to get what I was saying in the first place and I'm not going to say it again because, seriously?!?!:shrug: What's the point?? the OP...I thank you for posting that you had an awesome time and I'm glad you didn't see anything wrong while you were there. Obviously, you and I, as well as others, are in the same boat as not caring because we're not pointing out the faults...or at least the major ones:zipit:

I understand what you were trying to say and I appreciate it. Maybe next time, other posters won't read so much into a title or maybe you could've worded it differently, which I'm sure someone has already said something to you about it. I hope my vacation is as wonderful and "fault-free" as yours!!!!:ROFLOL::sohappy::cry:


Well-Known Member
If this thread classifies as rude or ugly then you haven't been in many discussion forums. No one has called anyone names yet at all. The original poster called out those of us who have issues with the current management at the parks. We responded tactfully with why we feel the way we do. If that's being rude and mean, then I'm sorry but I just don't see it as such.

This has been one of the calmer threads on here where any kind of disagreement exists. No one said you don't care about Disney because you don't take time to understand its inner workings, you just care in a different way. For you its an escape. You don't care what goes on as long as when you go you can forget the real world and have fun. There's nothing wrong with that.

There's also nothing wrong with those of us who do care on a deeper level, who have grown up with the parks, visited 100 times or more, and who want to see it grow to be what it can be and has been in the past. We also get tired of getting called out on here and told that we're making you all miserable. We both care in different ways and there's nothing wrong with either one. If you'll be happy with letting us discuss the areas where there are faults we'll be happy to let you discuss the areas where you had great fun.

But if you can't see where the op of this thread had an ulterior motive than just saying they had a great time then you aren't looking. Like you, I'll let that be my final word here.


Well-Known Member
Since it seems like certain poster(s) like to pick on me so much, I'm going to say this: I'm going to agree to disagree.

Some of you are getting way into it and are starting to be rude and it's getting ugly. I have my opinion and you have yours. Not once have I stated that anyone on here was wrong about how they felt, but I'm constantly getting told that I don't care much about the place because I don't understand it's inner workings or how it used to be. That may be true, to a point. I DO CARE DEEPLY ABOUT DISNEY!!!!:wave:

But, I'm not going to sit here and let someone tell me that because I "may not understand the inner workings", that means I basically don't give a hoot about Disney or its products/services/etc. That's very far from the truth!!!

NO ONE seems to get what I was saying in the first place and I'm not going to say it again because, seriously?!?!:shrug: What's the point?? the OP...I thank you for posting that you had an awesome time and I'm glad you didn't see anything wrong while you were there. Obviously, you and I, as well as others, are in the same boat as not caring because we're not pointing out the faults...or at least the major ones:zipit:

I understand what you were trying to say and I appreciate it. Maybe next time, other posters won't read so much into a title or maybe you could've worded it differently, which I'm sure someone has already said something to you about it. I hope my vacation is as wonderful and "fault-free" as yours!!!!:ROFLOL::sohappy::cry:
As a fellow "koolaid drinker"..;)

This thread has not gotten out of hand at all..and no one has been rude or ugly at all..:shrug:

If you think this thread is rude and ugly..stick around..there can be some that really get out of hand and turn really ugly..this one has been handled very nicely.

Are you reading all the posts in this thread?

Alos from the way this thread is was calling people out..there is no way that can be denied..all you have to do is read it.


New Member
I don't believe anyone who posts here actually "hates" Disney, but I do believe that the so-called "complainers" are typically the ones who seem to genuinely understand what Disney is supposed to be about, and are also the ones who seem to actually have a deeper love for it. But when people defend the unacceptable behavior of the rare CM who is not doing his/her job, or say they "don't care" about the little details such as holiday napkins in summer months or burned out light bulbs, or when they accept rides like Everest as being in the same caliber of Disney's best attractions... then it's those people that I think don't really truly understand Disney, and consequently cannot have the same level of appreciation for it.

kcnole, this is what I was talking about. (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong!! I'm going off of memory!!) To me, that's just rude, unless I'm taking it the wrong way. Maybe someone can explain it to me. But just because I or others may not "totally" understand Disney, doesn't mean that we don't appreciate it. This is what I meant by saying people were being rude/mean/whatever


Active Member
As a fellow "koolaid drinker"..;)

This thread has not gotten out of hand at all..and no one has been rude or ugly at all..:shrug:

If you think this thread is rude and ugly..stick around..there can be some that really get out of hand and turn really ugly..this one has been handled very nicely.

Are you reading all the posts in this thread?

Alos from the way this thread is was calling people out..there is no way that can be denied..all you have to do is read it.

Thank you, Dana. You are being very fair.


Active Member
kcnole, this is what I was talking about. (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong!! I'm going off of memory!!) To me, that's just rude, unless I'm taking it the wrong way. Maybe someone can explain it to me. But just because I or others may not "totally" understand Disney, doesn't mean that we don't appreciate it. This is what I meant by saying people were being rude/mean/whatever

Don't use agent86 as an example of the average poster, though.

I don't "totally understand" Disney. I don't work there, I'm no insider and don't pretend to be. If I complain about something, it's because it's in plain sight.


Well-Known Member
kcnole, this is what I was talking about. (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong!! I'm going off of memory!!) To me, that's just rude, unless I'm taking it the wrong way. Maybe someone can explain it to me. But just because I or others may not "totally" understand Disney, doesn't mean that we don't appreciate it. This is what I meant by saying people were being rude/mean/whatever
It is not rude..I just think you do not understand...

Like I said in an earlier post..I know NOTHING about the inner workings of Disney nor do I care to know..I also do not look for or am oblivious to things that could be wrong or not up to par while at WDW as you also seem to be.

Some of the posters do know and do invest time in learning about who certain people are and what goes on at Disney and do see things and it does bother they will ..not really complain..though some do..but will discuss or vent about the state of things at WDW.

I appreciate Disney for how I feel while there and that WDW gives me a place to escape too and so while there I guess the things that are wrong or could be wrong do not get thought of or even seen by me because I am in my own state of happiness.

Does not mean that others do not think of or like Disney for what I see it as but that they invest more in the WDWC as a whole...and want Disney to be what they feel or know it can be.

I guess we all do apprecite Disney but in different ways..and there is nothng wrong with that..we all have a love for it.

They just do not live in Fantasyland like I do..and I LOVE that about me..:D

I will however say something if posters complain about chciken and light bulbs..:animwink::lol:

That may or may not make sense..:lol::shrug::eek:
Thank you, Dana. You are being very fair.
Thanks..I try..

I may have learned a thing or two myself in this thread..and I do not at all give WDW1974 any credit for that..:D:lookaroun


New Member
Don't use agent86 as an example of the average poster, though.

I don't "totally understand" Disney. I don't work there, I'm no insider and don't pretend to be. If I complain about something, it's because it's in plain sight.

I'm not using agent86 as an "average poster". I was simply backing up what I said about people being rude on this thread. Believe me, I know people can be rude!!! I'm sure they weren't specifically talking to me when they posted that, but alot of things I was saying portrayed what this poster wrote. That's all.

If I was like that, I would never post!!!!:lol::lol: As far as putting everyone in the same catagory for what someone said.


Well-Known Member
I will however say something if posters complain about chciken and light bulbs..:animwink::lol:

Ah, the days when there weren't any burned out bulbs on Main Street. :lookaroun

I may have learned a thing or two myself in this thread..and I do not at all give WDW1974 any credit for that..:D:lookaroun

And yet someone brings him back up again. If no one's learning anything from him, or at least seeing things from his side, why is he always being refered too? Hmmmm. :drevil: Although he can come across as a crotchety old coot, he (or she) has many valid points.

I, like everyone here, loves it when I'm at the parks. Look at my signature for crying out loud. I've been there over 30 times in 33 years! It's still my favorite place to be, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that are wrong with it. Some of us just don't like to wander around with rose colored glasses.


Well-Known Member
Ah, the days when there weren't any burned out bulbs on Main Street. :lookaroun

And yet someone brings him back up again. If no one's learning anything from him, or at least seeing things from his side, why is he always being refered too? Hmmmm. :drevil: Although he can come across as a crotchety old coot, he (or she) has many valid points.

I, like everyone here, loves it when I'm at the parks. Look at my signature for crying out loud. I've been there over 30 times in 33 years! It's still my favorite place to be, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that are wrong with it. Some of us just don't like to wander around with rose colored glasses.
I was joking..hence the smilies..:)

I like him..:)


Well-Known Member
I think of the immortal words of Stantler and Wardolf (sp?) in "the Muppets go to Walt Disney World"


Well-Known Member
I would say probably the main issue is that there are too many opinions thrown around as facts, and too many "facts" that have never been proven in either direction.

It makes objective, civilized discussion impossible.

For example, DVC is hurting WDW development.

When actually they are different departments no more related than WDW and ABC (okay maybe a little closer).

I'm all up for a good debate, but you can't debate opinion that is based in flawed logic.


Well-Known Member
I don't like some of the cutbacks and problems I'm hearing myself. (I know I don't like hearing that the centerpiece of EE, The Yeti isn't working properly) but there's something we gotta remember. (takes a deep breathe)
That includes Disney. Do you suppose that Disney LIKES it when their rides breakdown? No but we have to be realistic. Even when Disney WAS making record profits, you're still dealing with the fact that WDW is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGEE! Isn't it like, twice the size of Manhattan? That means a LOT of Cast Members to pay for, a LOT of food to pay for, a LOT of Fireworks to pay for, a HUGE electric bill, and I'm not even getting into what it must cost to feed those exotic animals in Animal Kingdom. I can understand being upset when major points of an attraction don't work, but I think a park that feels it has to advertise the fact that you'll never see a burnt our light bulb, seems a wee bit on the side to me. Kinda like when you have to work with a clean-freak making sure every picture frame is upright and every toilet paper roll is facing the proper direction or something. And as to those saying Penny Pinchers are sacrificing Walt's dream for profit, that may be true to a degree but Walt never tried to run a Resort complex twice the size of Manhattan during a major world-wide rescission.


New Member
kTo me, that's just rude, unless I'm taking it the wrong way. Maybe someone can explain it to me.

Yes, you took it the wrong way. Nothing about my post was meant to be rude. I'm happy to clarify what I meant if I was not clear. Why don't we start with...what about my post came across to you as rude?

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