For all the people that LOVE to complain...


Well-Known Member
Good post but some complaining is OK especially on a WDW site. If for example people are complaning about major things I am OK with it but if someone is complaining about the shade of paint that is used on MainStreet, that's just too much.


Well-Known Member
Within reason, I agree with that. If they decided to paint the whole thing neon green and purple I think I might have to complain about that. I don't see them doing anything that silly though. If its just that this shade of tan isn't as nice as another shade of tan once was, then I'm not going to get that upset about it.


New Member
Again, you don't understand why we complain. We still love the parks, if we didn't love and enjoy the parks then we wouldn't care enough to complain. Its because we love them and want to see them be their best that we do. We're not trying to make anyone's live's miserable. We're just discussing the good and the bad of the parks we love.

I understand, but it's just getting to be a little too much lately...on ALL of the boards.

And how long are we supposed to enjoy what they have while ignoring the obvious shortcomings. When should we speak up? Do we wait until it gets to a point where the parks are no nicer than Six Flags? Are we allowed to speak up then, or do we just continue to sit back and give them our money every year and say, whatever you want to do is fine with us. We're just blindly in love with you.

I'm not saying that you have to ignore it, but instead of complaining here one the boards, take it to the people that really matter--the CM's, VP's, Pres, whoever at Disney. They're not going to hear it these forums.

If the parks continue to decline then I probably will go somewhere else. It'll get to a point where its not worth the money they're charging me to go. Right now it still is, but its getting marginal. The ticket prices keep going up each year while the quality of the experience keeps getting diminished.

I will agree that this is the case sometimes. But, sometimes people need to break it down by how much they actually spend per day and what's actually offered. You'd be surprised!!! I know I was:)

There are several types of people when it comes to Disney. There are those for whom Disney can do no wrong, there are those for whom Disney can do no right (I don't think that's any of us on this forum, because we still all acknowledge when they do things the right way), there are those of us who just want it to be the place that it can be, and there are those who just see it as a vacation like any other and they don't care one way or another.

Most of us on this forum are either the ones who see Disney doing no wrong, or who want it to be the best that it can be. Its not any more fair for you to demand that we be quiet than it would be of me to say that you aren't allowed to say how much you love Stitch's Great Escape or Sound's Dangerous.

I'm not saying to be quiet and never say anything. But, sometimes people complain just a lil too much. Maybe I am different because I get sooo caught up in things that I don't notice that the Yeti is broken, paint is chipping off, etc. Maybe from now I should just either read these threads and not post or not read it altogether. It seems like my message never gets acrossed and I come out looking like a butt:brick:!!

Sorry to have offened everyone and see ya round next time.


Well-Known Member
I understand, but it's just getting to be a little too much lately...on ALL of the boards.

And you don't think there is a rational explanation for this? You don't honestly think that one day tons of people on different forums said to themselves "I'M GONNA COMPLAIN!" at the same time overnight?


Active Member
Original Poster
Then I'd say that statement is not entirely true. :lookaroun

This is like me saying your avatar isn't an accuarate representation of Epcot because there isn't an actual giant hand holding a giant beer in front of Spaceship Earth.

Common sense would tell you that I didn't ride Spaceship Earth all day. I did not ride it from 9am to 9pm. Next time I'll be more specific.


Well-Known Member
This is like me saying your avatar isn't an accuarate representation of Epcot because there isn't an actual giant hand holding a giant beer in front of Spaceship Earth.

But wouldn't have been great if it did?

I'm just saying, don't start a "stop complaining" thread, and start it with a observation that you can't back up, unless you did ride SSE all day.

That's all, nothing less.


Active Member
Original Poster
But wouldn't have been great if it did?

I'm just saying, don't start a "stop complaining" thread, and start it with a observation that you can't back up, unless you did ride SSE all day.

That's all, nothing less.

Nowhere in my original post did I claim I was on Spceship Earth all day. Talk about reading too much into a post. And feel free to reread this comment from a previous post of mine:
"Common sense would tell you that I didn't ride Spaceship Earth all day. I did not ride it from 9am to 9pm. Next time I'll be more specific."

I guess I gave you way too much credit by assuming you wouldn't think I was on that one ride for 12 hours. I'm just saying.


Well-Known Member
Went to Epcot yesterday:
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Gladly? Come on honest.
:shrug:Wehn I am there and need something to drink I will gladly pay that..

I really never even think of prices while I am there..

It seems like everyone is reading into the OP post too much..

I mean did anyone really think he rode SSE all day long?:shrug::hammer:

Seriously guys..He was just saying that he had a great time and that there was nothing he found that he could complain about..shouldn't all the complainers be happy that that happened?




:shrug:Wehn I am there and need something to drink I will gladly pay that..

I really never even think of prices while I am there..

It seems like everyone is reading into the OP post too much..

I mean did anyone really think he rode SSE all day long?:shrug::hammer:

Seriously guys..He was just saying that he had a great time and that there was nothing he found that he could complain about..shouldn't all the complainers be happy that that happened?



So...I know I'm branded as a "complainer," but all these positive threads just to prove the "complainers" wrong are completely unnecessary and immature, as are some of the threads that are just about pointing out everything that is wrong with WDW.


New Member
Went to Epcot yesterday:
1) Spaceship Earth didn't stop once.
2) Test Track was up and running just fine.
3) Had lunch and didn't use Holiday napkins.
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Loved every minute of the day and was just so thankful I was there! Had a wonderful time!

BRAVO! That's how I always feel when I'm there too-- every second is like a gift! It's all us Disney Addicts look forward to year in and out. So even if:

-I got stuck on Spaceship Earth 7 times,
-Had to miss out on Test Track,
-Ate with Holiday napkins in the middle of August, and
-Paid $4.50 for a bottle of water...

I'd still be having a billion times more fun than up here in the reality of winter in Rhode Island!


Well-Known Member
So...I know I'm branded as a "complainer," but all these positive threads just to prove the "complainers" wrong are completely unnecessary and immature, as are some of the threads that are just about pointing out everything that is wrong with WDW.
I guess that is just what you get on a forum..:lol:

I have no problems with people complaining..I guess when it gets to be over silly trivial things like food and napkins then I just :brick:..or when people who never had a problem with WDW or TWDC at all until AC closes or something like that and then they start going off on how Disney is just going downhill and Disney is just turning into trash and blah blah blah ...

When in reality if AC or whatever was still open then they would be all Disney is all ice cream cones and puppy dogs..and can do no wrong..:lol::shrug:

There are some posters who really do show major interest in TWDC and do have good can read their posts from the past years and months that back them up..then you have the wannabe posters who try to fit in with the big dogs and fail..and their old posts also prove that.




Well-Known Member
Went to Epcot yesterday:
1) Spaceship Earth didn't stop once.
2) Test Track was up and running just fine.
3) Had lunch and didn't use Holiday napkins.
4) Gladly paid $2.50 for a bottle of water.

Loved every minute of the day and was just so thankful I was there! Had a wonderful time!

1) I was stuck on SSE
2) Didn't ride TT
3) Brought a lunch
4) Drank water out of a fountain for free

Had a blast. Honestly! No sarcasm.

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