For all the people that LOVE to complain...


Well-Known Member

What about stuff that money was set aside years ago and just never happened until now *coughSpaceMountainredocough* or the fact that Country Bears was still using it's original speakers until last October, or Pirates not getting all it's stuff. All that had nothing to do with the enconomy now, but still happened. That's what upsets me. And now your shouting to tellme like Dinsey wants me to hea that the economy now is to blame for thier lack of initiative in the past. It's not a good excuse like you think it is. Only for stuff that's happening now like Monster's coaster and Little Mermaid are directly affected by this (except Mermiad's budget was included in DCA's redo whic got all it's funding).


Well-Known Member
Hmm, a good point that makes Disney sound a little fishy but I still think the basic fact that Disney World has a s*** load of other things to pay for other than refurbs could have something to do with it too. Because of the Economy, that money set aside for other things most probably ended up having to be used for paying for other things. Lke trying not to fire any more of their cast members?


Hmm, a good point that makes Disney sound a little fishy but I still think the basic fact that Disney World has a s*** load of other things to pay for other than refurbs could have something to do with it too. Because of the Economy, that money set aside for other things most probably ended up having to be used for paying for other things. Lke trying not to fire any more of their cast members?

Hmmm, except now is THE time to build. Materials are cheaper, people need jobs, and you want something shiny when people do start travelling again. When the economy does turn around, and Universal has a TON of new things to show off and WDW has none, people WILL notice. And the people who do go to Disney WILL notice that there are rides that are falling apart at the seams.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I've always theorized that Disney refuses to build something because no matter WHAT they build now, people are going to go to Universal anyway for the Harry Potter park. Thus anything they build will be a waste of money. Harry Potter fans are nothing if not loyal. Besides, what could Disney POSSIBLY answer to Harry frickin' Potter? Twilight? XD (Actually, I'd love to see Disneyland's Pirate lair brought to WDW somewhere)
Plus, I don't know if we're going to the same parks but the only ride I see tearing apart at the seams is Space Mountain. Everything else seems fine to me. *Okay, maybe POTC could use new speakers but that doesn't exactly ruin the experience for me* But then, I'm either just really amused or I may just be dense ^^;
And though the economy WILL get better at some point, I think Disney's still too nervous because they don't know when exactly and if they were absolutely sure the Economy would be fixed by the end of this year they probably would be building something but they unfortunately aren't.


Well-Known Member
Hmm, a good point that makes Disney sound a little fishy but I still think the basic fact that Disney World has a s*** load of other things to pay for other than refurbs could have something to do with it too.

But it doesn't. Disney has always had tons of stuff to pay for in the past and they always divided up the money accordingly. Only in the past decade or so Disney has not been spending all of the money in order to keep more in their pockets and please higher ups. Now that they've waited until the last minute to do stuff (probably because even the have noticed the decline or complaints, of John did) the economy has gotten bad (which they never could see happening after the next fiscal quarter) and they are too sacred to do anything and the quality of WDW has just slipped even further.

I agree with Sirgoofy, now is the time to get busy. Give people jobs so they can spend money elsehwere (hell, offer contruction workers discounts on food and merch so they can buy some of that too) and build somethin so wonderful guests will just have to come. OLC subscribes to the "you have to spend money to amke money" philosophy and WDW did once too. It's risky now to try, but in a sutiation like this, it's better to at least attempt something to just slowin die without trying. I have no doubt Disney will get better in the next few years but it doens't hurt to push them to do something now and make it happen sooner.


Well-Known Member
I also can't stand when people use the excuse "Disney is a business like any other" because it clearly is not. Disney isn't GM, IBM, GE or CC. Nothing is like Disney, it needs it's own special kind of thinking, planning and management that has the ability to recognize it's complexity and have some kind of longish term vision for the product. The sooner current Disney higher ups realize this the better for WDW. When you run Disney "like any other business" you cause the product to suffer.


Actually, I've always theorized that Disney refuses to build something because no matter WHAT they build now, people are going to go to Universal anyway for the Harry Potter park. Thus anything they build will be a waste of money. Harry Potter fans are nothing if not loyal. Besides, what could Disney POSSIBLY answer to Harry frickin' Potter? Twilight? XD (Actually, I'd love to see Disneyland's Pirate lair brought to WDW somewhere)

Oh, that's a great a positive company outlook. "There's nothing we can do better than this. So we're going to do nothing." And I'm sure that is NOT what Disney is thinking. No. Disney is thinking, "Sure, we could build something great that could compete with Universal and Potter, but it's a lot cheaper to just keep what we have and build some mediocre new things."

Plus, I don't know if we're going to the same parks but the only ride I see tearing apart at the seams is Space Mountain. Everything else seems fine to me. *Okay, maybe POTC could use new speakers but that doesn't exactly ruin the experience for me* But then, I'm either just really amused or I may just be dense ^^;

Almost the entire MK park is in bad shape. Jungle Cruise is despicable. Half the animated figures don't move nearly as well as they should. Pirates breaks down almost once a day. Peter Pan, along with most of Fantasyland, could use a lot of TLC. And Buzz Lightyear looks like they haven't cleaned it since it opened. And let's be real, Space Mountain is only getting a rehab because it is getting close to a safety concern.

Epcot and DHS are in the best shape, apart from Test Track going down way too much, and don't get me started on the whole Fantasmic! debacle.

AK. The yeti. Period. The people who say its not a big deal obviously don't care about story telling, and a little thing called a climax(there's an inappropriate joke in there somewhere). A broken yeti= a broken story. And when its such a hyped attraction it's a travesty.

And though the economy WILL get better at some point, I think Disney's still too nervous because they don't know when exactly and if they were absolutely sure the Economy would be fixed by the end of this year they probably would be building something but they unfortunately aren't.

And guess what? Tentative companies fail. Companies that are dynamic, take risks, and show people they are doing something new and exciting win. Look at Nintendo. Instead of doing the same thing as Microsoft and Sony, they blazed their own path and created a truly one of a kind product. Disney needs to get on the the ball and do just that, before its too late.


Well-Known Member
And guess what? Tentative companies fail. Companies that are dynamic, take risks, and show people they are doing something new and exciting win. Look at Nintendo. Instead of doing the same thing as Microsoft and Sony, they blazed their own path and created a truly one of a kind product. Disney needs to get on the the ball and do just that, before its too late.

I think that's a great point. Disney has always blazed new trails, that is why they are so successful. They have so much land, so much potential, I think we actually WILL see some great things the next couple of years, economy or not.

Besides, what could Disney POSSIBLY answer to Harry frickin' Potter?

Ok, I could care less about Harry Potter. In fact, I won't take my kids to see the movies, don't allow them to read the books and certainly won't go to Universal just to see some new land. There are plenty of people who agree with me as well. Sure, Harry Potter fans are loyal...but so are Star Wars fans, Indy fans, Pirates fans, etc. I don't think Harry Potter is going to do much, its not big news IMO. There are more people than you think who don't jump on the "dark" type bandwagons such as Harry Potter and Twilight.


New Member
To the OP - thank you! That was a breath of fresh air!

Everything we do is a choice. Disney has these miraculous machines throughout their parks that provide sub palatable but safe to drink water at the push of a button. I think if you choose to pay $2.50 for a bottle of water, then there's no point in complaining.

By the way, it's been $2.50 for over 10 years now. It was that price when I worked there in 1999. Way to buck the system, Disney! Congratulations on not raising the price of bottled water in over a decade! :animwink:


By the way, it's been $2.50 for over 10 years now. It was that price when I worked there in 1999. Way to buck the system, Disney! Congratulations on not raising the price of bottled water in over a decade! :animwink:

Sorry...but the price just went up by 50 cents a couple weeks ago. It was $2.00 before.:wave:

Club Cooloholic

Well-Known Member
To the OP - thank you! That was a breath of fresh air!

Everything we do is a choice. Disney has these miraculous machines throughout their parks that provide sub palatable but safe to drink water at the push of a button. I think if you choose to pay $2.50 for a bottle of water, then there's no point in complaining.

By the way, it's been $2.50 for over 10 years now. It was that price when I worked there in 1999. Way to buck the system, Disney! Congratulations on not raising the price of bottled water in over a decade! :animwink:

OK...for the sake of argument, let us assume what you are saying is true. Would that not mean then that perhaps Disney is guilty of having installed an insanely price for the water a decade ago, and it has leveled out over the years to be a more acceptable price? For that we should congratulate them?


New Member
My thread informing people about the price rise of water was to provide information, which is what the site is for. It's not complaining, it's just letting people know.

If a family of 4 buys 4 bottles of water, 4 times a day, that's $32 on the old pricing, and $40 on the new pricing. If they are there for a week, that's $224 on the old pricing, and $280 on the new pricing. That is quite a jump in budget that people need to be prepared for.

Glad you had a nice time.

Going to a Disney Park and complaining about the cost of things is similar to landing on the sun and complaining that it's hot.

If you want to be cheap go to Universal, that's why it's there. Disney is and will always be expensive. It stinks that it's expensive, but that's just part of it.

Plus it keeps out the hoi polloi.


Well-Known Member
Going to a Disney Park and complaining about the cost of things is similar to landing on the sun and complaining that it's hot.

If you want to be cheap go to Universal, that's why it's there. Disney is and will always be expensive. It stinks that it's expensive, but that's just part of it.

Plus it keeps out the hoi polloi.
Since when is Universal cheaper than disney. Last I checked Universal charges $2.75 for a bottle of water and has for some time.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Going to a Disney Park and complaining about the cost of things is similar to landing on the sun and complaining that it's hot.

If you want to be cheap go to Universal, that's why it's there. Disney is and will always be expensive. It stinks that it's expensive, but that's just part of it.

Plus it keeps out the hoi polloi.



I feel like I'm about to pour gasoline on the fire, but here goes...

I have a family member who has been an Imagineer for around 20 years, and she commented to us several years ago that Disney's safety concerns were not what they had been or should be. This was well before the economy tanked.

And although the price of water and food is what it is (and it is high), I think you can "complain" about the cost of going to Disney if you're getting less quality for more money (in an apples to apples scenario). Whether you go once a year or once a week, you're spending a good chunk of money. I at least expect a consistent, if not improving, level of quality especially as the prices increase.

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