Fantasmic gets cut to just 2 shows per week


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. This will def make it harder to get into if only offered 2 nights a week. It is a huge theatre but crowded already. What an awesome show, too.


Premium Member
Thanks for confirming JP. Not good news at all. Announcements like this take me back to 2001, when so much was being closed and put on hold.


New Member
Sadly, it's true, everyone.

I went tonight, and as a former PAC/F! trainer, I still have my friends who are still statused to PAC/F!.

And I was told by one of them tonight before the 1030 show that they were informed today before opening the theater for the 9pm show that F! was being cut to 2 shows a week.

I even spoke to one of the entertainment cast members in the cast parking lot on my way out (entertainment wasn't informed until AFTER the 1030 show) who expressed his anger and disappointment when he overheard my friend telling someone over the phone of the decision to us.

What is a PAC?


Premium Member
This decision has a bigger impact on the park as a whole. The Studios was just beginning to come back to life after years of being at the bottom of the pack. Mania, Block Party, Idol, the new name - were all signs that there was a push to get the Studios back up there. Losing a nightshow is a major major blow to the park. Guests nowadays expect a nightshow, they are going to be dissapointed to find it not running when they visit. Secondly, on the two nights were it does run, it's going to be beyond chaotic with everyone trying to see the show - this is again going to lead to unhappy guests.

For the good of the park and the guests. Let's hope attendence picks up, and Disney can get the show running nightly again.


Well-Known Member
The first few posts worried me for a while but I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it will be staying.

Even in the quiet times of year the theatre is packed and people love it. By limiting it to twice a week it's just going to create massive queues and a lot of disapointment for anyone who doesn't get in line 3 hours early

EDIT: Just read a few more posts and it looks like it is true. This is just crazy and I seriously hope that this isn't a long term thing. The idea of an American Idol final instead just isn't very Disney IMO.


Well-Known Member
or more likely bc of american idol's 'finale' each night. imo

I think you hit the nail on the head. Especially since they will apparently be showing the finale performances on a huge screen by the hat as Fantasmic every night will make it more likely the show will have a full house each night for the finale and a decent-sized crowd outside.

As JPVonDrake's post illuminates, Disney PR is really pushing all the new stuff to do in DHS to get people in the park and keep them there...long lines and late FPs for TSMM will especially keep lots of people in the parks late for that attraction alone. It really does seem logical then that this move will not only cut costs, as Fantasmic is likely a very expensive show, but ensures a good crowd in the early goings for AI (providing more PR fodder to send out to major news outlets, thereby creating more buzz about AI leading into peak season next summer, where they're probably hoping both Fantasmic and AI will be playing to full houses).

Oh, and as Steve mentions, it will be extremely crazy (which is already is anyway) with people cramming to get into Fantasmic when it does run. This may also increase numbers at the dining locations for the Fantasmic package to get guaranteed seating at the show and avoid the crazy crowds - once again padding the wallets of stockholders.


New Member
This is unfortunate news. I try going once or twice to F every visit, and it is always pack. Of course I go at peak season and have never been during an off season. I hope this cut back is short and will change with a rebounding economy and a solution to our fuel issues (hopefully sooner than later :shrug:).


Thanks for confirming JP. Not good news at all. Announcements like this take me back to 2001, when so much was being closed and put on hold.
reminds me of 92 & early 93 when dlr & wdw were taking cuts because dlp attendance was soooooooooooooooooooooooo low. anyone remember the parks opening at 10? illimuinatoins & spectro were shown on alternating nights, there was no nighttime entertainment done reguarly at studios back then. anyone remember the two white christmas trees that had blue lights on them that used 2 be infront of the castle? seems those were a loss during that cut back period & never made it back.:fork:


God bless the "Ignore" button.
No! Why re they cutting back on a wonderful show? Just so guests will have nothing to do at night but watch American Karaoke? What are all the F! cast members gooing to do now?


Well-Known Member
Yikes! Steve is right in that this is gonna murder MGM's nighttime counts. Looks like they are focusing the cuts hardest on WDW's least popular park so the other parks can keep their entertainment going. Hopefully they will take the time off to make some much needed upgrades to Fantasmic like Disneyland does during the off season.

BTW, take your last rides on the Backlot Tour before the end of the year too. That ride is next on the chopping block.


Well-Known Member
If gaining American Idol means losing Fantasmic, except for those two days, I say we lose American Idol. If I wanted to watch people I don't know sing, I'd watch the TV show.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Thanks for the additional info. If it is true (I'm a die-hard skeptic; sue me :)), what would be the reason for cutting back the shows?
One would be price of fuels. They do use an awful lot of natural gas all over the World, and that stuff ain't cheap! I know they have their own power plant too, but what do you think they use to create that power? Everything costs more money, and corners have to be cut, I also love the show and would feel sad if it were cut to just 2 shows a week, but having an open mind I realize some of the possible reasons they need to do this. Things are tuff all over, even for Disney. But it's better than raising rates big time to make up for the faster than light cost of fuels rising. :shrug:


New Member
This is thoroughly disappointing news - we'll be at the world for the first week of January '09, and our opportunities to watch one of our favourite shows at WDW will now be severely restricted.

I hope more details about the reasoning behind this are given soon.


Is attendance/revenue at the parks really that bad to make them do this? I keep hearing that the crowds are bigger than ever, all year long.

So many families plan their week around EMH's and nighttime shows, I think this is just going to deaden the Studios most of the week and make it unbearable on Mondays and Thursdays. It will also increase the crowds during nighttime shows at Epcot and MK, since Animal Kingdom also doesn't have one. Very big disappointment.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
How can this possibly be good? JP, I understand that you're repeating the company line on this, but there is no way to put a positive spin on this.

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