Expedition Everest effects status watch


Well-Known Member
If you call barely seeng a static figure chilling and frightening!:lol:

Maybe not to you, but I know I was freaked out when I first saw B-Show. In fact, moreso then when I first saw A-Show.

The problem is we locals get tired of seeing B-Show. I love B-Show as a concept, but at this point we all just want to see A-Show again. A Show has repeatability. That's a lot to see. B-Show has thrill, but after more than Five Rides you understand what's going on, and thus has not much interest in terms of repeatability.

The point is, from a writing point of view, the Story structure remains unchanged, which was the whole point of B-Show. Carry out the Story when everything's gone FUBAR.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
Nah, B-mode is an embarrassment. Maybe not if the breakdown lasted a week or a month, or even 6 months if it was a catastrophic failure, but this has gone on long enough that someone has made the conscious decision not to fix it, and that's just unacceptable to me.

I'll take that day of my trip and go to Sea World and ride Manta instead.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The point is, from a writing point of view, the Story structure remains unchanged, which was the whole point of B-Show. Carry out the Story when everything's gone FUBAR.
You`re joking? The story collapses. The entire ride builds up to this one ferocious encounter, and you are left with a disco effect and a stuffed dummy.

Fail. Massive fail.


Well-Known Member
B-mode (aka "disco Yeti") is a joke - if you actually see it. How many people never experience the Yeti because they miss it completely - I almost did and I knew where to look.


The point is, from a writing point of view, the Story structure remains unchanged, which was the whole point of B-Show. Carry out the Story when everything's gone FUBAR.

Can't agree at all. Unless you know what/where to look, you can easily iss the yeti in B mode, which comepletely ruins the story.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! I'm a relatively new CP working on Expedition Everest, and I thought I'd just drop by and tell you what I've been told about the Yeti. Now, I haven't talked to maintenance directly about the issue, but I've discussed it with a couple of my managers, and they all say pretty much the same thing which is this: that the only way to fix the Yeti is a 6 month complete shut down of EE, which they will not do until DAK gets another E-ticket attraction, simply because they need a way to keep people coming to the park, and they need to have enough attractions to prevent the lines from getting outrageous. They've also said that they could theoretically repair the Yeti without shutting the ride down by doing it at night after the park closes, but that would take a year and a half (why they haven't been doing that for the PAST year and a half that it's been broken is beyond me, and none of them could explain it either - this option may just be a rumor, then). There's also the option of putting up a tarp in front of the Yeti so they can repair it during the day time and keep the ride open, but they consider that to be worse show than the Disco Yeti. When I asked them to give me the bottom line, most of the said they doubted it would ever be fixed.
Having said that, I do know that they work on it occasionally, because every little thing they do to it pops up on the monitor in the tower where we watch the on-ride cameras. Also, the Yeti was originally looking up when I started, and it's been looking down ever since, so there is SOME sort of movement that happens occasionally (probably when they play with it at night, I assume).
So, that's the info I have. Again, it's not straight from the mouths of the people who work directly with the Yeti, but it's from what I believe to be the next best source. Take it for what you will. :)


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! I'm a relatively new CP working on Expedition Everest, and I thought I'd just drop by and tell you what I've been told about the Yeti. Now, I haven't talked to maintenance directly about the issue, but I've discussed it with a couple of my managers, and they all say pretty much the same thing which is this: that the only way to fix the Yeti is a 6 month complete shut down of EE, which they will not do until DAK gets another E-ticket attraction, simply because they need a way to keep people coming to the park, and they need to have enough attractions to prevent the lines from getting outrageous. They've also said that they could theoretically repair the Yeti without shutting the ride down by doing it at night after the park closes, but that would take a year and a half (why they haven't been doing that for the PAST year and a half that it's been broken is beyond me, and none of them could explain it either - this option may just be a rumor, then). There's also the option of putting up a tarp in front of the Yeti so they can repair it during the day time and keep the ride open, but they consider that to be worse show than the Disco Yeti. When I asked them to give me the bottom line, most of the said they doubted it would ever be fixed.
Having said that, I do know that they work on it occasionally, because every little thing they do to it pops up on the monitor in the tower where we watch the on-ride cameras. Also, the Yeti was originally looking up when I started, and it's been looking down ever since, so there is SOME sort of movement that happens occasionally (probably when they play with it at night, I assume).
So, that's the info I have. Again, it's not straight from the mouths of the people who work directly with the Yeti, but it's from what I believe to be the next best source. Take it for what you will. :)

^That sounds extremely accurate and I believe it completely.


Active Member
The point is, from a writing point of view, the Story structure remains unchanged, which was the whole point of B-Show. Carry out the Story when everything's gone FUBAR.

Except the point of the story is that the yeti is a living, breathing creature. Having a strobe light and a fan blowing on a static figure= fakeness. Harold from the Matterhorn is more believable.

Disney launched a pretty extensive campaign related to the attraction about how amazing the Yeti was, ranging from Discovery Channel specials to endless press releases. Informed people go to DAK expecting to see an amazing animatronic, and I can't help but think that these people are disappointed.


Well-Known Member
the only way to fix the Yeti is a 6 month complete shut down of EE, which they will not do until DAK gets another E-ticket attraction, simply because they need a way to keep people coming to the park, and they need to have enough attractions to prevent the lines from getting outrageous.

If that's true, than that goes to show how dreadfully under-built the park is.


Active Member
Now, I haven't talked to maintenance directly about the issue, but I've discussed it with a couple of my managers, and they all say pretty much the same thing which is this: that the only way to fix the Yeti is a 6 month complete shut down of EE, which they will not do until DAK gets another E-ticket attraction, simply because they need a way to keep people coming to the park, and they need to have enough attractions to prevent the lines from getting outrageous.
Well, guess it's time for Beastly Kingdom, then. Where's Rhonda Kendall when you need her?


Latest rumor I've heard was that they're considering building a new Yeti completely.

Supposedly it will be similar to the original, but the movements and such won't be so hard on its supports, as to prevent it from breaking again and having to return to the less than thrilling B-mode.

I heard this from a respectable source, and it was presented as fact. But they did confirm that it came from someone else's mouth, so take this with a grain of salt as it could be merely speculation.

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Latest rumor I've heard was that they're considering building a new Yeti completely.

Supposedly it will be similar to the original, but the movements and such won't be so hard on its supports, as to prevent it from breaking again and having to return to the less than thrilling B-mode.

I heard this from a respectable source, and it was presented as fact. But they did confirm that it came from someone else's mouth, so take this with a grain of salt as it could be merely speculation.

That would be highly, highly interesting. Still need to shut down EE to install him, too, it's not fool proof. :lol:


Well-Known Member
There's also the option of putting up a tarp in front of the Yeti so they can repair it during the day time and keep the ride open, but they consider that to be worse show than the Disco Yeti.

Put up a tarp with his face on it and start working!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
There's also the option of putting up a tarp in front of the Yeti so they can repair it during the day time and keep the ride open, but they consider that to be worse show than the Disco Yeti.

Put up a tarp with his face on it and start working!

Ohhh...good answer. :wave:

Get the artist that does the tarps for Main Street to paint one for the Yeti.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys! I'm a relatively new CP working on Expedition Everest, and I thought I'd just drop by and tell you what I've been told about the Yeti. Now, I haven't talked to maintenance directly about the issue, but I've discussed it with a couple of my managers, and they all say pretty much the same thing which is this: that the only way to fix the Yeti is a 6 month complete shut down of EE, which they will not do until DAK gets another E-ticket attraction, simply because they need a way to keep people coming to the park, and they need to have enough attractions to prevent the lines from getting outrageous. They've also said that they could theoretically repair the Yeti without shutting the ride down by doing it at night after the park closes, but that would take a year and a half (why they haven't been doing that for the PAST year and a half that it's been broken is beyond me, and none of them could explain it either - this option may just be a rumor, then). There's also the option of putting up a tarp in front of the Yeti so they can repair it during the day time and keep the ride open, but they consider that to be worse show than the Disco Yeti. When I asked them to give me the bottom line, most of the said they doubted it would ever be fixed.
Having said that, I do know that they work on it occasionally, because every little thing they do to it pops up on the monitor in the tower where we watch the on-ride cameras. Also, the Yeti was originally looking up when I started, and it's been looking down ever since, so there is SOME sort of movement that happens occasionally (probably when they play with it at night, I assume).
So, that's the info I have. Again, it's not straight from the mouths of the people who work directly with the Yeti, but it's from what I believe to be the next best source. Take it for what you will. :)

Animal Kingdom survived 8 years without EE... I'm pretty sure it can go 6 months. I'm not upset with you, natatomic, I just loathe the possibility of never having A-mode back because they're afraid of shutting it down for 6 months? Thanks for the info, I definitely don't count it out given TDO's track record. Had they shut it down in early January, it would have been up and running by summer to go along with everything else that WDW appears to be getting. ARGH! What if we all wrote a strongly worded letter, put them in a box, and shipped it to TDO? Ahh, who am I kidding? I think every time I ride E:E now I'll just bust out some glow sticks and dance it out with, Buster. :wave:

Little Princess

New Member
I rode last summer, and it must have been on A mode, I watched a clip of the stationary yeti and he was DEFFINATELY swinging at us. Sorry if I cant get my timeline right, but it's a pretty difficult subject to follow as nothing is for sure.


I rode last summer, and it must have been on A mode, I watched a clip of the stationary yeti and he was DEFFINATELY swinging at us. Sorry if I cant get my timeline right, but it's a pretty difficult subject to follow as nothing is for sure.
possibly you caught it on a day when a disney executive or imagineer happened to be in the park. Those days, everyone at DAK made sure everything works great haha

Little Princess

New Member
possibly you caught it on a day when a disney executive or imagineer happened to be in the park. Those days, everyone at DAK made sure everything works great haha
I'm pretty lucky, then!! I also got to ride two times because of the child swap. Hehehe... (I went with my dad and stepmom, a rare occasion)

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