Expedition Everest effects status watch


I'm pretty lucky, then!! I also got to ride two times because of the child swap. Hehehe... (I went with my dad and stepmom, a rare occasion)

you are indeed! those are the greatest times. Or asking a CM for an extra fast pass since they all hold about 50 of them for whatever ride they happen to be in front of ;)

we should have a calendar of when disney execs are going to be in parks since those days everything works top notch


Well-Known Member
Animal Kingdom survived 8 years without EE... I'm pretty sure it can go 6 months. I'm not upset with you, natatomic, I just loathe the possibility of never having A-mode back because they're afraid of shutting it down for 6 months? Thanks for the info, I definitely don't count it out given TDO's track record. Had they shut it down in early January, it would have been up and running by summer to go along with everything else that WDW appears to be getting. ARGH! What if we all wrote a strongly worded letter, put them in a box, and shipped it to TDO? Ahh, who am I kidding? I think every time I ride E:E now I'll just bust out some glow sticks and dance it out with, Buster. :wave:

Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'd rather they shut the mountain down for those six months and deal with the rest of the park being a bit overcrowded and underwhelming (for "thrill seekers" anyway) than have a forever pathetic, broken Yeti which really cheeses up the ride and tarnishes the Disney name. I mean, it's just one ride. I know some people save up their whole lives for one trip to Disney World, and they might miss out on EE, but there's hundreds of other attractions to do, and if really THAT important to them to ride EE, then they'll plan ahead and come when it's open. My two cents, anyway.
Maybe we SHOULD write a letter. Anyone have Joe Rohde's address? ;)


Oh, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'd rather they shut the mountain down for those six months and deal with the rest of the park being a bit overcrowded and underwhelming (for "thrill seekers" anyway) than have a forever pathetic, broken Yeti which really cheeses up the ride and tarnishes the Disney name. I mean, it's just one ride. I know some people save up their whole lives for one trip to Disney World, and they might miss out on EE, but there's hundreds of other attractions to do, and if really THAT important to them to ride EE, then they'll plan ahead and come when it's open. My two cents, anyway.
Maybe we SHOULD write a letter. Anyone have Joe Rohde's address? ;)

I think that's a very good point. AK opened in 1998. EE debuted in 2006. I don't claim to know what the crowds were like before EE. But the park obviously survived without it for 8 years prior to it's opening. I'd imagine it will survive for 6 months while they repair the yeti. Hopefully permanently. I know EE is a major draw and one of the elite rides at WDW. But I think people underestimate the rest of the park. AK has tons of other things that people will enjoy while the repair takes place.

If they are going to repair it do it right. If you have to shut the ride down for 6 months to fix him, I'd rather them do that then pretty much have a very expensive statue sitting at the end of the ride that most people can barely see.

Little Princess

New Member
you are indeed! those are the greatest times. Or asking a CM for an extra fast pass since they all hold about 50 of them for whatever ride they happen to be in front of ;)

we should have a calendar of when disney execs are going to be in parks since those days everything works top notch

You've asked for one and they've given it to you? Wow, I thought they were pretty stingy about that.


Active Member
you are indeed! those are the greatest times. Or asking a CM for an extra fast pass since they all hold about 50 of them for whatever ride they happen to be in front of ;)

we should have a calendar of when disney execs are going to be in parks since those days everything works top notch

I was about to suggest that. Does anyone have a calendar?! :D


Well-Known Member
Call me stupid, but how can it possibly take six months to fix this? Worst case scenario would be a complete structural overhaul with part of the mountain being dismantled, followed by rewiring, reprogramming, and testing for safety. Maybe I'm a crazy slave driver, but it seems that getting the parts on site, mocking up a relatively cheap replacement to stand in front of the real yeti to receive the disco lights, and having the work done mostly at night, would lead to an actual shutdown of no more than a month. I assume some type of yeti tarp is possible, or even keeping the real yeti intact from the front viewpoint while work is done from the back end.

Just to clarify, what I am proposing is keeping the ride open with a fake yeti in front until the actual parts are on-site and the repairmen are ready to roll. Then, shut down the ride for a few weeks to get it done. Unless the parts themselves cannot be brought in without tearing apart the mountain, can't these changes be made quickly with a minimal shut down? I can guarantee you that there will be much wasted time during a six-month shut down, the majority of which should be avoidable if the proper planning is done.

I can't help but think that they aren't even trying, and a less than forthright attitude on this from Joe Rhode makes my respect for him drop into the toilet. I'm coming to the World in May, for the first time in a year and a half, and it truly is un-Disney to have this thing still a problem.

Of course, the hypocrisy of making this work while the bigwigs are on site is also disturbing. I wonder how the Harry Potter stuff will look?


Well-Known Member
Call me stupid, but how can it possibly take six months to fix this? Worst case scenario would be a complete structural overhaul with part of the mountain being dismantled, followed by rewiring, reprogramming, and testing for safety. Maybe I'm a crazy slave driver, but it seems that getting the parts on site, mocking up a relatively cheap replacement to stand in front of the real yeti to receive the disco lights, and having the work done mostly at night, would lead to an actual shutdown of no more than a month. I assume some type of yeti tarp is possible, or even keeping the real yeti intact from the front viewpoint while work is done from the back end.

Just to clarify, what I am proposing is keeping the ride open with a fake yeti in front until the actual parts are on-site and the repairmen are ready to roll. Then, shut down the ride for a few weeks to get it done. Unless the parts themselves cannot be brought in without tearing apart the mountain, can't these changes be made quickly with a minimal shut down? I can guarantee you that there will be much wasted time during a six-month shut down, the majority of which should be avoidable if the proper planning is done.

I can't help but think that they aren't even trying, and a less than forthright attitude on this from Joe Rhode makes my respect for him drop into the toilet. I'm coming to the World in May, for the first time in a year and a half, and it truly is un-Disney to have this thing still a problem.

Of course, the hypocrisy of making this work while the bigwigs are on site is also disturbing. I wonder how the Harry Potter stuff will look?

I feel your frustration. I'm defintely not an insider, nor do I claim to know the mechanics of the ride, but from what I've been reading on here the yeti AA is a one of a kind and very complicated piece of equipment. Six months may seem like a very long time but the ride could definitely benefit quite a bit from a lengthy refurb. Assuming it doesn't turn into a half-arsed one. The yeti is the main concern obviously but there are also numerous other effects that I guess are hit or miss and need to be tweaked to be more consistent. I guess the six months would seem like a long time if there was an entire crew of people working on the yeti at one time, but I have a feeling there are only a select few Imagineers that truly understand all the intricacies and infrastructure of the yeti. I don't know that but I just have a feeling. I hope it gets some serious attention soon. I don't care if it was down for a year, I just want that yeti in full A-mode again. What a waste if it continues to sit like it is for the remainder of its life.


Well-Known Member
Fix the Yeti Campaign

So I've decided to start my own "Fix the Yeti" campaign here at WDWMagic. If Disney really does monitor this site at all then I think they understand how much we care for the quality of the parks and how much we don't want to see them in disrepair. So how do you help? Just put my yeti avatar as yours and soon we should have a group of avatars that plead for Disney to give us the true E:E experience as so few have been able to witness. I know it's a long shot and it will probably be for nothing but at least we can say we tried. How long must you leave your avatar up? For as long as you like. Personally, I plan to leave mine up until the yeti is restored to his former glory. If that means I never change it again, then so be it. Thanks to any and all that participate. :wave:

Just right click and save my avatar picture and I think you can use it as your own.


Well-Known Member
So I've decided to start my own "Fix the Yeti" campaign here at WDWMagic. If Disney really does monitor this site at all then I think they understand how much we care for the quality of the parks and how much we don't want to see them in disrepair. So how do you help? Just put my yeti avatar as yours and soon we should have a group of avatars that plead for Disney to give us the true E:E experience as so few have been able to witness. I know it's a long shot and it will probably be for nothing but at least we can say we tried. How long must you leave your avatar up? For as long as you like. Personally, I plan to leave mine up until the yeti is restored to his former glory. If that means I never change it again, then so be it. Thanks to any and all that participate. :wave:

Just right click and save my avatar picture and I think you can use it as your own.

That all sounds good and I wish you the best of luck, but maybe broaden your campain to cover all of EE. I understand that the Yeti is a major part of EE, but when most of the other effects are not working it makes the Yeti in "B" mode look just fine.


Well-Known Member
That all sounds good and I wish you the best of luck, but maybe broaden your campain to cover all of EE. I understand that the Yeti is a major part of EE, but when most of the other effects are not working it makes the Yeti in "B" mode look just fine.

My initial hope is that if they shut down to fix the Yeti that the other effects would be fixed as well. Even if the other effects were working 100% it would be a plus, but the true E:E mastery is encountering that huge Yeti AA. That's what the whole queue builds you up for. But I do agree that E:E needs fixed completely. Thanks for the luck, I feel as though I'm going to need every ounce I can get. :)


Active Member
Do we really know why it works in A mode every now and then? I even read somewhere in this forum that it wasn't working one day and then later that same day it was. Could it be that he runs at various times in the day? I hope to investigate when I go at the end of the month. I barely saw him when I went in 2008 and then I found this forum. Now that I'm going again it's so disappointing to find out he's STILL not fixed. The things Disney has created through the years and they can't even fix the Yeti. Walt Disney would be ashamed at how unreliable the Yeti is. There's no magic in strobe lights. They should at least keep a light on him.


Well-Known Member
Do we really know why it works in A mode every now and then? I even read somewhere in this forum that it wasn't working one day and then later that same day it was. Could it be that he runs at various times in the day? I hope to investigate when I go at the end of the month. I barely saw him when I went in 2008 and then I found this forum. Now that I'm going again it's so disappointing to find out he's STILL not fixed. The things Disney has created through the years and they can't even fix the Yeti. Walt Disney would be ashamed at how unreliable the Yeti is. There's no magic in strobe lights. They should at least keep a light on him.

Some insiders have said that when big wigs are in the park they run the Yeti in A-Mode so that it puts on the best show. Not sure if this is true or not but it's what many have said.


New Member
I watched this quick 4 minute documentary of EE and saw how the Yeti originally moved. Before I didn't really mind it so much that he wasn't moving because that part is so quick, but man he had some really good animation and it causes me saddness now.

Pepper's Ghost

Well-Known Member
There's also the option of putting up a tarp in front of the Yeti so they can repair it during the day time and keep the ride open, but they consider that to be worse show than the Disco Yeti.

Put up a tarp with his face on it and start working!

How about instead of a tarp while they make the repairs, they temporarily replace him with a GIANT one of these....



Well-Known Member
How about instead of a tarp while they make the repairs, they temporarily replace him with a GIANT one of these....



And instead of it swiping down in front of the car like it's going to crush you it tries to give you a hug!

That might get people to second guess what they saw even more.

"Is that what the queue was trying to warn us about?"
"I think... Did it try to hug us?"
"Let's ride again to be sure."


We went on EE a few days ago and we really enjyed it great ride! But a thing that disapointed me was that the Yeti near the end wasn't lit very well and therefore couldn't see him that well :( anyone else experienced that?



New Member
We went on EE a few days ago and we really enjyed it great ride! But a thing that disapointed me was that the Yeti near the end wasn't lit very well and therefore couldn't see him that well :( anyone else experienced that?

I didn't see him the first time I went through because of the lighting, they should at least make him a little more noticeable.

It'd be pretty funny if they put a large cute yeti at the end. It would be the funniest thing for first-time riders.

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