Ever been sick while on your trip?


Well-Known Member
Well in Jan 2001 I got food poisoning and was extremely sick after leaving the MK that night. We left the MK and headed to Racetrack for dinner and I felt the urge to get sick but there were a bunch of kids in there so I ran outside by the helipad and traintracks and left a deposit :hurl: Not a great story but you asked if we was ever sick while on vacation. This trip a few weeks ago I wasnt sick but fighting a bad back pain after my plane flight to Florida.

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
Few years back, on our last day my son and I both woke with fevers and the aches and pains and so stayed in the room all day sleeping so we'd be able to endure the long drive home, the next day...:(


just this Jan. i ate something at the all star sports that i beleive made me sick with some type of either food poisoning or something. i was fine about 6pm when I ate but about 8 when we were at Downtown I started feeling sick to my stomach. I never threw up but I wish I did just for it to be over with. I was also running to the bathroom every 20 or 30 minutes which made my last 3 days pretty miserable. so Im never going to eat at that place again. I've to
wdw over 100 times and have NEVER got sick til then.:(


Well-Known Member
I once caught the flu on my first day of a three day trip. I toughed it out for the sake of my daughter, but WDW with a high fever and multiple symptoms was a drag.

Me, too. Day after we arrived on our 2nd family trip (Jan. '05) I had fever, body aches, sore throat, congestion, cough, etc. It was horrible! I didn't want to miss anything or disappoint our kiddos so I pushed thru. I lived on orange juice and apple slices that trip. We drove down so we had our own vehicle to drive off property to a drug store for medicine. It was brutal trying to keep moving with the fever and all. I'll never forget how awful it was. A couple days into the trip I sent hubby to go grab me yet another bottle of juice when he finally realized how much they cost. He came over to me with the juice in total disbelief over how much it was. I told him I didn't care if it was $10 a bottle. It was one of the few things I could taste so we'll pay it. LOL! And a big perk to being sick on a WDW vacation is.....losing 10 lbs in a week! Saaaweeeeeet!

Also, the last day of our Dec. '07 trip my youngest son woke up with a fever and not feeling so hot. Motrin kept the fever somewhat under control but when he needed a dose you could really tell. He tried to push thru but he was feeling too yucky. Poor guy. After we got home I took him to the pediatrician and he had bronchitis. :lookaroun


Active Member
On our trip in Oct. 2002, my dad got sick on the 3rd day of a 6 day trip. Looking back on photos, you could tell there was something wrong from Day 1. It was so obvious in the photos. Physically, he didn't get sick until the 3rd day and didn't get any better. He was weak, nauseated, etc. for the remainder of the trip. 4 days after we got home, he had to have emergency surgery to remove his gall bladder.
My daughter, about 7 years old at the time, got strep throat during a trip about 5 years ago. It struck at night, of course, and I remember sitting on a bench by the marina at the Poly with her and a popsicle (thank God Capt. Cook's is open 24 hrs!). Thankfully, I have a friend whose father is a doctor in Florida and he phoned in a prescription. All was well about 24 hours later!

During our most recent trip last August, my husband had a terrible migraine the first day. He spent the day in a dark room taking his meds, but then the meds caused a terrible rash. Imagine a full body rash in 90-degree plus heat and humidity! I have to say he was a real trooper, though. After getting meds for the rash, he braved the parks every day!


Well-Known Member
Two years ago, all of us had a cold for the first week. A cold doesn't slow me down much, but my girlfriend is a baby when she's sick. She was so miserable to be around that first week. Being 95 degrees and having a cold is bad enough.


Well-Known Member
About 7 years ago, our oldest son (16 at the time) got a terrible case of food poisoning from Hollywood and Vine. It must have been the bruschetta, 'cos he ate a lot of it and no one else in our family had any.

It was our last day at WDW and we were supposed to go to DAK (my hubby's favorite), but checked out late and drove to some relative's home in Winter Park. I took our son to the hospital to rule out anything super serious (he couldn't keep anything down). They thought he might have appendicitis, but tests results showed he didn't. Whew!

We spent the night with our relatives and drove home slowly the next day. Although it was an isolated incident, I can't get our son to eat bruschetta, go back to Hollywood and Vine, or even eat at a buffet.


New Member
Went one time and caught a stomach virus. That was no fun at all. The cleaning lady was really sweet and thought I just had a cold and left 50 million mints on my pillow. I hope I never experience that again.


Well-Known Member
Oh, yeah...sure have. Our last trip, all but two of the 13 of us came down with the influenza or bronchits either right before or during out trip.

It was a little rough, but none of us really cared. We all knew our worst day at WDW was still far better than our best day back home at work!!


Well-Known Member
November 2003 - I had a double ear infection. After 2 days of pain, I finally called the front desk of the WL for advice, they called the nearest CentraCare Clinic which had a van there within 20 minutes.

They picked me up and a father and daughter, we filled in our medical info on clipboards on the ride over. I waited about 30 minutes to be seen, meds were prescribed, and then they took me to the pharmacy to fill the prescription - while they waited - and then they took me to the Studios where I met up with my family!

Highly recommended, and I believe my insurance covered everything.



Well-Known Member
I once caught the flu on my first day of a three day trip. I toughed it out for the sake of my daughter, but WDW with a high fever and multiple symptoms was a drag.

We caught it on our Febuary 2007 trip. It was terrible, DH got it first then me and we did like you said and toughed it out in the Florida sun all day with fevers. It was weird though because as long as we were on rides I felt a little better but when we sat down to eat or watch a show I thought I was going to die. We ended up coming home a day early once the kids got it, they could not keep going like we did. It was one miserable ride home! :eek: There were a ton of sick coughing people there that trip I guess because it was flu season.


New Member
During my December 06/January 07 trip, I completely lost my voice 2 days into a 8 day trip. I guess the weather change from NY to FL prompted it. It was a big family reunion type trip and I squeaked the whole time. My sister had to order for me at any restaurants and I went on Tower for the first time and my mouth was open like I was screaming, but no sound came out, lol.

I didn't let it slow me down though, and kept going. However during the flight home, my ears popped and it took 2 weeks for them to unclog. I also continued to not have a voice for a week after we got home, lol


Well-Known Member
I got food poisoning from Alfredo's twice, ended up at Celebration Hospital.

General colds every once in awhile. This has greatly decreased since we stopped eating at buffets. If we do eat at buffets we ALWAYS book first seating.

The same thing happened to my father-in-law. We never believed he got food poisoning when we ate there so we thought it was all in hi head.


Active Member
November 2003 - I had a double ear infection. After 2 days of pain, I finally called the front desk of the WL for advice, they called the nearest CentraCare Clinic which had a van there within 20 minutes.

They picked me up and a father and daughter, we filled in our medical info on clipboards on the ride over. I waited about 30 minutes to be seen, meds were prescribed, and then they took me to the pharmacy to fill the prescription - while they waited - and then they took me to the Studios where I met up with my family!

Highly recommended, and I believe my insurance covered everything.


When I had Strep this January I went to the CentraCare right near the Crossroads. It took a long time to get in, but maybe I just went at a bad time. Still everyone was freindly, and I got my much needed antibiotics. Only cost me $30 after insurance.


Well-Known Member
This thread is my worst WDW nightmare! Well besides the Small World kids trying to eat me...
Anyway I travel with an arsonal of meds with us and a small selection in the parks. I also come to FL with a script of amoxcillon for the kids just in case. If you are sick the last weekend of May find KristaMouse in the All Star Movies;)
Good to see most of you salvaged some of your trip!
I've spent an evening or two in the bathroom, most likely something I had eaten. DH was the same way.. Other than that, nothing serious, knock on wood. I do travel with most medications known to man, for those just in case situations (my mom was a nurse and trained me well), however, thankfully, I usually just bring them home. I just find that I sometimes get a head cold when we get home. I attribute that to the plane ride home. I am just sure to be diligent about washing my hands very, very well before we eat anything while at the world. That does seem to help..


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Not in Disney but once in Miami, I had my AC on like 3 degrees and it got cold out that night and to say the least I got a sore throat and the flu!


New Member
On our last trip (Feb. 1 - Feb. 6, 2009), both my DH and I got sick, possibly food poisoning. He got sick the fourth day of our trip, I got the same thing the day after and I can tell you, the trip flying home was not very pleasant.

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