Ever been sick while on your trip?


New Member
Last year I got sick. On day 6 of a 9 day trip I woke up not-feeling-too-good. My wife and I went to AK and about 11:00 a.m. I needed to get back to the resort. I was tired, weak and nauseous. I spent the rest of the day sleeping and :hurl:ing. But I did luck out. The next day I felt better. We were able to go back to the parks. I was still a little tired, but at least we were able to enjoy the rest of the vacation. I always tell my wife "The Happiest Place On Earth" and I was stuck in the bathroom :hurl:. It's just not fair!


I had a bad asthma attack and had to call 911 it took the ambulance forever to get there
everyone always says it takes EMS forever to arrive when in reality it is most likely 5-7 mins the average patient waits for EMS/FD arrival, especially in Reedy Creek, RCFD is an excellent system I doubt it was forever, Now if you stayed off property Orange County or Osceola Cnty it may have taken longer ,

When a person can not breath ( and yes I have asthma) it does seem like an eternity to get help, Please do not bash EMS as we all do our jobs in as timely as manner as possible, we in the industry strive to offer care as quick as possible. Give RCFD or whatever EMS/FD responded and treated you some respect.Its unfortunate you experienced this in one of the happiest places and your vacation fun was temporarily interrupted


Active Member
In 1999 my DD was 3 years old and had a horrible case of croup, we wound up in celebration Hospital where they took wonderful care of her. In Jan. 2008 same DD woke up the day after we got to Disney with 103 temp. (didn't complain about feeling ill until she woke up that morning) took her to the walk-in clinic (can't remember the name but Disney provides free transport to and from), she had strep and a double ear infection. Walk-in clinic took excellent care of her!


New Member
I took my oldest dd to Disney when she was 3. We met up with my family who were already there. I made plans for all of us to go to the Luau, but the day of, I got a nasty stomach bug, so I stayed back at the hotel. The next day, I was fine and took my dd to Cinderella's Castle for breakfast. My family had a later seating and were just coming in when we were leaving and my younger sister, who was 10 at the time, threw up all over the place in the restaurant. How magical!!
In a weird way I feel better reading this thread. Not better to think about all the potential germs that we could pick up, but better that since the last 2 years we dealt with someone being sick ('07 ear infection for son and throat infection for hubby, '08 some virus for daughter, bronchitis for son and sinus infection for me). I thought it was my bad luck and kept thinking why are we the only lucky ones that have to deal with getting sick here. Apparently alot of you have had to deal with the same thing.


Not me but my son was.

On our 2006 trip to DL my son got the stomach flu... in the middle of the night... oh yeah - it was great! Disney was awesome about helping! Called the front desk at Paradise Pier and they sent a clean up crew right away - they even washed the carpet and set a fan out to dry it! Then they had a on duty doctor call to help get me some meds for his fever! After that I never worried about anyone getting sick on our trip to Disney because we were so well taken care of!


Active Member
Every time I go to orlando, I get a cold sore because I'm too excited the day before we get in the car.That has happened 21 times in a row!:lookaroun Everytime I open my mouth to scream on a ride, I scream for the pain Im having instead.It goes away on the third day we are there.And the weirdest thing about it is...my mom allways packs cold sore medicine.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
In 200??? the year of Hurricane Charlie, well two days after I contracted Bells Palsy, oh what a hoot. Went to the Medical Centre near Crossroads and got checked out, after some tests the Doc said its Ok Sak you havent had a stroke! This came as a shock as I never even considered I had. Did lose the use of some facial muscles for a few weeks, so I was even harder to understand than usual. Had to wear an eye patch to stop the air con drying out my non blinking eye, but it made me look windswept and interesting, or a pirate wannabe.

And of course a few months ago, I was one of the many who got a dose of the scoor while staying at SS.

Neither event disrupted park attendance.


Spring Break 2008 were staying at All Star Movies. I woke up one morning, about 3 days into our trip with the WORST abdominal pain. We went to POFQ to take some pictures for a scrapbook page from our engagement trip then back to the hotel. It got worse throughout the day and my mom called the front desk to see if we could get some peppermint tea, I figured it was indigestion or something. Anyway, they offerred the house Dr. and we didn't call them but eventually decided to. He recommended that we call an ambulance for transport to Celebration Hospital. They were there within a few minutes and took me to the hospital. I had an amazing Dr. who knew exactly what the problem was (turns I had 2 gallstones hanging out from when I had my gallbladder removed 10 years before). It was rotten because in addition to losing that entire day, we were in the ER until like 5am so it wrecked the next day also. All of the employees we talked to were a great help. I suppose that's what I get for saying I wondered what Celebration Hospital was like..


When I was much younger, I had mono, but the MDs thought that it was an ear infection or something. They gave me Amoxicillin, and I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. When we went to WDW, I had a rash from my feet to my head and everything in between. I couldn't sleep at night. Some CM gave me a free soda, he probably saw how miserable I was -- or thought that I was a dying child on his last wish trip.
Oh my goodness... when my 5 year old was 6 months old, my husband, myself and my then 4 year old (who is now 9) all came down with a throwing up (and other stuff) virus on day 3 of our trip. I swear, we couldn't keep anything down and were fighting over the bathroom and garbage pails every 20 minutes for 3 days for me and my 4 year old, and then 3 days for my husband. Luckily, he didn't get it until my four year old and myself were on our last day, so someone was able to take care of the 6 month old the whole time. I remember the first day my oldest and I felt better, I took him and the 6 month old to MK for a couple hours to get out of the hotel we had been throwing up in for three days, but we couldn't barely make it down main street after not eating for so long, and I was dizzy and it was the day they were taping the Holiday Parade for TV... what a nightmare! I had thought I was going to die that week, because I was still exclusively breastfeeding the 6 month old (he wouldn't take a bottle) and I had to continue that in between bouts of running to the bathroom...
to this day, we have never and will never stay at the All Star Movies again...
and we had to extend our vacation a day, because no one was well enough to drive the three hours home.
Every trip since then, I have a special suitcase with lysol, 409, and paper towels in it, and for an hour before anyone comes in the hotel room, I clean every inch of it including toilets, remotes, doorknobs, light switches, etc. We also don't allow housekeeping in the whole time were there, and we bring our own towels, blankets, and pillows... excessive? Maybe, but all it takes is one vacation like that, and you're cured of any kind of "it won't happen to us" disease, lol...


Active Member
When I was much younger, I had mono, but the MDs thought that it was an ear infection or something. They gave me Amoxicillin, and I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic. When we went to WDW, I had a rash from my feet to my head and everything in between. I couldn't sleep at night. Some CM gave me a free soda, he probably saw how miserable I was -- or thought that I was a dying child on his last wish trip.

I got mono in 5th grade and I was out of school for 3 months.


Well-Known Member
The First time we came down to disneyworld was in 05' in May. My DH is a diabetic and cant take extreme hot temps. That week was extremely hot for Fl. He became extremely dyhadrated and was in bed for the next two days throwing up and just being miserably sick. Then our next trip in 06' I had the flu for the first 2 days of the trip but i saliored on didn't want to
dissapoint the kids. Thank god last trip no one was sick.
Our next trip in Sept is just the 2 of us hoping for good health!:)

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