Ever been sick while on your trip?


I got sick on my honeymoon!!!! i constantly throwing up and i even had a yak at the airport on the way to WDW, i was sick for 1 day at DIsney and then i got over it... I couldnt miss being all up in the MAGIC!!! But it was sooo horrible being in another country thinking OMG i think im going to have to go to hospital.. as i couldnt stop throwing up.. but then i was ok...


Well-Known Member
This past October was our first MNSSHP trip. As soon as I got off the plane I had a killer sore throat. By the time we got to our resort, I had the chills so bad I could barely walk. I couldn't wait to lie down. After some Advil and nice warm humid Florida air I felt good enough to walk around. But the remainder of the trip I felt like hell. I also had wisdom teeth killing me. Was not my best WDW trip.
When I was at WDW during Memorial Day 2006, 2 of my friends and I were sharing a room. One of them got sick while we were there, constantly throwing up all night. On our last day he stayed at the hotel when the rest of us went to the park. Two days later, when I was at home, I too caught this stomach bug, throwing up all night. I found out later, it turns out, so did my friend who was sharing the room with us. It was a disaster.

Actually, though this is somewhat unrelated, I'm leaving for the world in just about an hour, and I've had a huge bruise on my foot for a couple days that still hasn't healed yet. I can walk pretty well, but I'll be semi-hobbling around the parks the next few days. I just hope the excess walking doesn't agitate it too much, lest my vacation be ruined!


New Member
I decided to not cancel my trip due to a little head cold and was very unpleasantly surprised how awful of a decision that was to make.

When my flight left from Jersey i had no problems with my ears on the take off, but as soon as we started descending my nightmare began. By the time the flight landed I could not hear out of either ear and the pains that it was causing made me sick to my stomach. We landed at 3pm that afternoon, and by 7pm at dinner my ears still had not popped. I mean I tried everything to get the pain to go away as at this point it felt like someone was sticking knives into my head. It wasn't until 11 pm that one of my ears loosened up and when the pressure started to decrease my noose started bleeding. My left ear stayed plugged up and continued to hurt all night. The next morning I was still in pain but tried to put it aside and enjoy my MK day, tried being the key word. Late that afternoon I returned grumpily to my hotel room and called DOCS for an appt. They didn't come until 11 pm since that was the only time they could come.

After the examination the dr, who was awesome, gave me super strength antibiotics and a pain killer which finally allowed me to get some sleep. It only took about a day to get all the pain and my left ear to pop. I still has a head cold, but was able to salvage a very memorable Disney Vacation. The flight home was no problem since I was pumped up on the antibiotics and decongestants.

The doctor told me that flying sick is one of the worst things you can do. When the plane descends it created a vacuum type sensation in your head and when your sick with a headcold it goes right in to my ears. Lucky for me it lodged in my middle ear, and actually caused enough of a problem that my equilibrium is off. I now have to go to the ear, nose and throat specialist every 6 months because of the damage I caused. Now when I fly I have to take numerous decongestants to eliminated any possibility of that happening again.

Oddly enough, if i knew then what I know now I would of still went, Its DISNEY how can you pass it up?


New Member
November 2003 - I had a double ear infection. After 2 days of pain, I finally called the front desk of the WL for advice, they called the nearest CentraCare Clinic which had a van there within 20 minutes.

They picked me up and a father and daughter, we filled in our medical info on clipboards on the ride over. I waited about 30 minutes to be seen, meds were prescribed, and then they took me to the pharmacy to fill the prescription - while they waited - and then they took me to the Studios where I met up with my family!

Highly recommended, and I believe my insurance covered everything.


I wish I new that, the front desk at Pop told me I had to call Docs, that was in 2005 but now im a bit annoyed because my insurance did not cover anything. It was all out of pocket, well except the meds which was just a copay, but still.


Well-Known Member
I went for my birthday last September, but came down with a bad cold the day I arrived. I pretty much contained it with cold medicine, but it was still hard to completely enjoy myself. By my last day there the medicine could no longer contain the cold and I was completely miserable. Since the whole trip was funded with the economic stimulus, I was able to afford a return trip in November.

I went again a few weeks ago and somehow injured my foot, causing me to limp around in pain everywhere. My last day there, however, I think I had a heat stroke (plus my sore foot). I don't know why though, it was actually a pretty decent day, cooler than it had been the previous days. But I could barely walk and stand for any length of time. I was so miserable I couldn't wait to leave. Since I refuse to go during the summer months, I'll have to wait until sometime in the fall to go again.

Grim Grinner

New Member
During the tail end of my honeymoon, my first viewing of Fantasmic got to me. It was a cold night (considering I'm from Illinois, that's saying a lot), and the fountains of the show drenched me. A kid seated behind me who was obviously sick (I won't get into the details...), kept touching me with his plagued hands.

The next morning, I was as sick as a dog with 2 days left of our trip. Dole Whips are great for sore throats, although-boy does that juice burn. However it hurt, that treat is a borderline miracle elixir. I chalk it up to Disney magic, I guess.

Also, I threw out my back 3 trips ago (I was running down those conveyor walkways on my way into Universal IOA for the first time). For the rest of the month, the slightest motion caused be terrible pain. It didn't stop me from riding anything, but when boats bumped in Mexico, Small World or Pirates, the symphony of pain was nigh unbearable.

My wife hurt her back jumping on that suspension bridge on Tom Sawyer Island once, and caught a very basic cold last time.

You have to figure that with so many people bringing their germs to the parks, you're bound to get sick sooner or later. Especially when you have people from regions unknown, bringing in all manner of illnesses from which you probably haven't built a resistance to. (To be fair, we have all manner of things that they don't have resistances to as well.)



Active Member
I've never been sick at WDW, but on one trip back in 3/04 my wife, daughter and son all took turns being sick with a nasty, albeit fast moving, stomch bug. We were staying at POR. I spent three days cleaning up upchuck, running to the store for meds and ginger ale, and taking whichever kid was well to a park for a few hours. Not our greatest WDW vacation.


Active Member
Also, the last day of our Dec. '07 trip my youngest son woke up with a fever and not feeling so hot. Motrin kept the fever somewhat under control but when he needed a dose you could really tell. He tried to push thru but he was feeling too yucky. Poor guy. After we got home I took him to the pediatrician and he had bronchitis. :lookaroun

This basically happened to us too in Dec 06. DS(3 at the time) had a fever and a cough. We thought it was his asthma and maybe croup. It was about 3 days before we were to leave to go home. On our 2nd to last day we let him decide if we went to the park or stayed at the hotel. He chose park. Luckily it was the day we were going to DHS where we usually do a lot more walking around and taking everything in than going on rides and into shows. We tylenoled him and he was doing ok. He took a lot of naps in his stroller. The last day we went to DTD and had his pic taken with Santa, you could see how blah he was feeling by his eyes in the pic. So we called the pediatrician while we were walking around to make an appt for the next day. His coughing really picked up on the plane(sorry to anyone on our flight). Turns out he has pneumonia. My poor little guy!


It can take two to 72 hours for food poisoning to hit . . . therefore making it almost impossible to pinpoint. For instance one of the posters said they got it from a restaurant at WDW . . . perhaps it was burger or salad they ate two to three days earlier before they even got to WDW . . . that is how long it can take to creep up on you . . . you will never know. Statistics say salad is the number one culprit in restaurants . . . not washed properly or washed by someone who has dirty hands.

I have asked many a doctor about this as I have had food poisoning four different times . . . thankfully never at WDW as that would suck!!!
It seems like the last few times I've been I've been terribly sick. The last time I went I had cold/flu type thing. Felt like I was dying the entire time. Time before that I had a bad cold. And the last Disney Cruise I went on I was sicker than a dog the whole time, not because of the waves or anything either. I was congested the whole time, fever, sinuses, and such. Spent the entire time in the room sleeping and watching the same five movies over and over again.


Well-Known Member
I had a hellish migraine (Like being sick for me) but that did not ruin EPCOT for me.:lol: I powered through it...and almost had a protein spill on UoE of all things.:lol::lookaroun

I hear you there. UGH! I get pretty bad migraines and I have had them at WDW. I carry my headache meds and painkillers with me where ever I go.

I'm not sure how many days into our trip we were but I got some sort of rash on the backs of both of my legs. I was sick to my stomach and it was horrible. It looked so gross. We happened to have driven that year so we went to Walgreens and got some cream. My family went to DHS that next day without me and I slept. But I was ready to go that night. The rash was still there and I just know everyone was staring at me. :lol:

And then one trip my DD was just kind of dragging. And we were by Rainforest next to the frog and I asked her what was wrong and she said she didn't feel good. I felt her head and she was burning up. So we went back to the room and I gave her medicine. I always carry every thing with me. My DH went to ESPN and had wings and we hung out in the room while she slept. She was better the next day. :)


New Member
My husband got sick the night before we were to go on a Disney Cruise. We think it was food poisoning. We had to cancel our cruise. Called the insurance people we bought through Disney Cruise and they just told us we didn't need to get a dr's signature if we were sick, just tell him we were sick and we'd get a refund. Well....didn't happen that way....never went to the dr and they wouldn't refund our money. After fighting and a few appeals, we wrote Disney a registered letter. A few months later we got a certificate in the mail from Disney for a free cruise. My in laws went on the cruise and on the bus ride over they were telling people that if you were sick, felt sick in any way, not to go on board and they would refund/credit you so you could go on another cruise. It was when the Norwalk-like virus was effecting a lot of the cruise lines.

Then my husband got sick a few years later while just doing Disney. Had a fever of 105. Wouldn't go to the hospital, etc. I should've just made him go but since he's a paramedic, figured he knew to go or not. After a few days he was a little better. Got home and the whole thing happened again. This time I did take him to the ER and he had an ear infection. He didn't know since his ears never hurt.

This past trip my son at 15 months threw up in several restaurants. We thought he'd be feeling better so we'd go out and for about 3 days he threw up in a restaurant or car....not fun! Just as my son was feeling better, but husband got sick. This was at the end of our trip and no choice but to drive home anyway. Long drive back to Maine!


On our last trip, I was fine for the first week but we went to TL on the middle weekend and the following Monday I woke up with such a bad earache. It hurt so much that it made my teeth ache, all across my eyes and all my nose. I couldn't bear to eat or drink anything cold and I couldn't breathe in the cold air from the air conditioning. It kind of ruined our last week as I couldn't go more than a few hours without painkillers, I was getting any sleep at night and we had planned on going to our first MNSSHP but I just wasn't well enough. I was gutted.

We put it down to the water from TL maybe getting in my ears but when I got home, I went to my GP and he said I had a really bad sinus infection and put me on strong antibiotics! Worst week I've ever had on holiday!:(

But we plan on more than making up for it when we go this October!:sohappy:


New Member
When I was a single parent 13 yrs ago, I had planned my trip for months and had scrimped and saved like crazy to take my parents and then 5 yr old to WDW. On the way from Iowa driving down with my mom and dad I got bronchitis, I was running a high temp the entire time we were at WDW with a sinus and ear infections. I get grumpy when I am sick, I was delirius but everyone was going to have a good time! :mad: I was like the queen from Alice In Wonderland ordering everyone to have a good time while resisting the urge to pass out. We also went to Sea World, I was so miserable and don't remember much about the trip. My efforts ended me up in the hospital for two days with pnumonia, I have asthma so it was pretty bad.
It is so upsetting when it happens because like many people you have saved and planned for the trip months in advance and want your kids to have the fairytale zippidee do da time of their dreams. We are saving for a trip in December and am going to take vitamin c, avoid going out in public, carry a bottle of hand sanitizer, take Zicam, and put my youngest in a bubble for two weeks prior.:lookaroun


Active Member
I'll be down there 5 weeks from today and I am beginning to think that maybe I'll start taking tylenol or motrin now! I hope everyone down there now or are on their way in a few days are feeling great and enjoying their trips.



Well-Known Member
On our honeymoon (DH's first trip) he ended up having an allegric reaction to something in the air or water?... not sure... but his feet were so swollen, red and purple, that he couldnt even wear flip flops... at night when he would sleep the swelling would go down some but the horrible bruised look would not go away... fortunetly we only had 2 days left... so one night it was so bad i called to the front desk at WL and they had a van take us to the Ness station down the road to get some allergy medicine because they were out.

I thought that it was so nice that they drove us there at 12:30 in the morning!

Anywho, when we arrived home (all the way in Texas!) we got a package in the mail the next couple days from the WL... and inside was allergy pills with a note saying that by the time they had gotten the medicine in we had already checked out so the went ahead and sent it to our house!.

Now if thats not good service I dont know what is... haha


New Member
During my 2nd trip EVER age 5 (1975) i had to go to the E.R.!
Ear infection and according to my mom.....i cried alot!
I had to have surgery.....tubes in ears...one of 4 times total.
However, as an adult....nope never gotten sick.......:hammer:knock on wood.

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