DTD's Marketplace Complete?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You certainly are excited about it. In fact, I think you show as much enthusiasm and child-like wonder for DTD as most people do for the parks themselves. I don't mean to take that magical feeling away from you, but to the majority of us - it's still just some shops and restaurants... It's not denial. Just the reality of it.

I remember what it was like in the early days before PI and I know the potential of the place. I think it will live up to that. It already does in many ways.

I think this new version of DTD can and will be a trendsetter in these type venues. And the parking lot indicates that others agree. Imagine when the changes are fully realized.

Then you will remeber who you heard it from. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I remember what it was like in the early days before PI and I know the potential of the place. I think it will live up to that. It already does in many ways.

I think this new version of DTD can and will be a trendsetter in these type venues. And the parking lot indicates that others agree. Imagine when the changes are fully realized.

Then you will remeber who you heard it from. :wave:

First, if you found the Disney Village to be awe-inspiring and something to "shoot for"...you have made my point for me...

Second. I have to ask - why do you keep bringing up the crowds and parking lot? We have established that you haven't been there in years. Are these the crowds you imagine being there?


Well-Known Member
It is a balancing act. And I think HW will strike that balance well. Clubs and Disney just don't mix. Don't be suprised to see Universal make the same decision eventually. But that will only help Orlando in the long term.

True, clubs don't seem like they would mix well with disney, but it looked like they did when I was down at PI before they opened up the gates.

With how popular citywalk is for Uni, I don't see them screwing with a popular attraction like tdo did.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
First, if you found the Disney Village to be awe-inspiring and something to "shoot for"...you have made my point for me...

Second. I have to ask - why do you keep bringing up the crowds and parking lot? We have established that you haven't been there in years. Are these the crowds you imagine being there?

Perhaps you should check out the Passport to Dreams blog. She does a great job documenting that era. I wouldn't call it awe-inspiring but it did prove the potential of such offerings as crowd pleasers. And I get plenty of second hand information from different sources as to the status of things at WDW.

It is about to be proven that PI was a huge error. I understand that people have constructed an entire narrative about how great PI was and that Disney should bring it back. Some of these folks are deeply emotionally invested in believing that. I just know they are wrong and I am willing to say so.

Even the person lauded by many as THE WDW expert, WDW74, praises the Village and is no major fan of what PI brought and even less of the WestEnd. But really, the bottom line is he knows what was lost when the Village was "reimagineered". They are finally getting back to a formula that makes sense and has the potential to bring back some of those aesthetics. I am certain he would be skeptical of that. I am not and think the changes will be incredibly successful.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
True, clubs don't seem like they would mix well with disney, but it looked like they did when I was down at PI before they opened up the gates.

With how popular citywalk is for Uni, I don't see them screwing with a popular attraction like tdo did.

Keep watching. Uni does have an older skewing customer base but I bet they are experiencing problems too.

I keep saying it, but I know that PI's profit margins were eaten up by the loss of customers elsewhere at DTD.

That is why it was phased out year after year. It is no more complicated than that. Do you really think WoD and Lego customers are going to want to run the gauntlet of boisterous patrons leaving PI to go to some other club? That hurts profits and there were not many profits in the later years to work with.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you should check out the Passport to Dreams blog. She does a great job documenting that era. I wouldn't call it awe-inspiring but it did prove the potential of such offerings as crowd pleasers. And I get plenty of second hand information from different sources as to the status of things at WDW.

Omg..it was even lamer than I remember... Clearly what worked in the 70s and early 80s won't have the same appeal in 2011. But I suppose there is a niche of people being ignored who would still love to buy a potted plant at WDW....


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Omg..it was even lamer than I remember... Clearly what worked in the 70s and early 80s won't have the same appeal in 2011. But I suppose there is a niche of people being ignored who would still love to buy a potted plant at WDW....

She has written at least a half dozen stories on the subject and it is not possible you read even one that quickly with any seriousness. I don't indulge trolls.

See ya. :wave:


Well-Known Member
She has written at least a half dozen stories on the subject and it is not possible you read even one that quickly with any seriousness.

That's correct. I live here dude. I went there many times. I don't need to study up on it to know what it was. I lived it. Did you ever go there? I am guessing...not. I am entertained that you have done some light reading and looked at some pictures and then speak as an authority on the subject and experience. Very much like you rave about the "buzz" and "vibe in the crowd" at DTD - when you haven't been and have no point of reference. Not mad at 'cha - just don't be silly...


Active Member
That's correct. I live here dude. I went there many times. I don't need to study up on it to know what it was. I lived it. Did you ever go there? I am guessing...not. I am entertained that you have done some light reading and looked at some pictures and then speak as an authority on the subject and experience. Very much like you rave about the "buzz" and "vibe in the crowd" at DTD - when you haven't been and have no point of reference. Not mad at 'cha - just don't be silly...

LMAO - don't worry, he's an expert on dozens of things he's never seen or experienced.

On a side note, could you people please stop responding to him. I have him blocked but I still have to put up with his trolling nonsense because people feel the need to quote him and respond to his idiocy constantly, anyway.


Well-Known Member
On a side note, could you people please stop responding to him. I have him blocked but I still have to put up with his trolling nonsense because people feel the need to quote him and respond to his idiocy constantly, anyway.

LOL - Sometimes it is just hard to resist. It's like having to reason with someone that the earth is round, not flat - It's hard to ignore that kind of crazy talk... I will try to be better. :zipit:


Well-Known Member
Keep watching. Uni does have an older skewing customer base but I bet they are experiencing problems too.

I keep saying it, but I know that PI's profit margins were eaten up by the loss of customers elsewhere at DTD.

That is why it was phased out year after year. It is no more complicated than that. Do you really think WoD and Lego customers are going to want to run the gauntlet of boisterous patrons leaving PI to go to some other club? That hurts profits and there were not many profits in the later years to work with.

As I said, if the concern is to have a natural flow from the village to the west end, then disney should have built a link and also used it as a way to add more leaseable space.


Adventurers Club is gone, dead, nevermore

Adventurers club is gone it is dead and it was beautiful and amazing and a wonderful place to go.

The Warf is coming and looks beautiful I think it is aesthetically pleasing and will offer interesting options. DO I want Adventurers Club? YES! Will that make it come back...well....NO!

Will blaming a location for the decisions of people make since anymore tomorrow then right now? NO! Its time for us to keep talking and begging for Adventurers Club back but also move on. I love 90's cloths they were ugly in a fun way now do I go walking around cussing out talking shi* about khaki pants because they aren't acid washed? No! It would be silly and I'm not walking around naked either (your welcome) I enjoy the cloths I have and will enjoy Hyperion Warf and GET OVER ADVENTURERS CLUB


Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
The Disney Village aesthetic is gone forever, and the subject that actually inspired this thread — the addition of giant Disney characters made out of Legos — is a primary exhibit showing why.

Like 'em or not, Lego sculptures are about as far away from the bucolic New England village vibe that area used to have as you can get. So are T-Rexes, Planet Hollywood globes, movie theaters, arcades and (to a lesser extent) hot air balloons.

There are still corners of the property that fit the original theming (Fulton's comes to mind), but it's probably more by accident than design. The place has become a mall, and adding a little more green space in the middle won't reverse that. It would take a top-to-bottom retheme to scrub the place of the very generic feel that a lot of the third parties have brought to it.

(For the record, I think the Lego sculptures are charming and fun.) :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As I said, if the concern is to have a natural flow from the village to the west end, then disney should have built a link and also used it as a way to add more leaseable space.

However there would still be points where mixed use areas converge and that would cause the same issues as before. There is a simple solution and that is to build a PI or CW area in another area. Perhaps they will reconsider the FC area. Imagine if they gave Joe Rohde a blank canvas to create a resort based on AC and SEA characters throughout including the entertainment and pool areas. I think that would work.

The Disney Village aesthetic is gone forever, and the subject that actually inspired this thread — the addition of giant Disney characters made out of Legos — is a primary exhibit showing why.

Like 'em or not, Lego sculptures are about as far away from the bucolic New England village vibe that area used to have as you can get. So are T-Rexes, Planet Hollywood globes, movie theaters, arcades and (to a lesser extent) hot air balloons.

There are still corners of the property that fit the original theming (Fulton's comes to mind), but it's probably more by accident than design. The place has become a mall, and adding a little more green space in the middle won't reverse that. It would take a top-to-bottom retheme to scrub the place of the very generic feel that a lot of the third parties have brought to it.

(For the record, I think the Lego sculptures are charming and fun.) :)

I agree that the NE Village setting is gone as it was borrowed for other locations on property. But one of the features of HW will be that it will have the ability to change throughout the day. So instead of a NE Village it appears they plan more of a quaint turn of the century fishing port that subtley advances in time as the day progresses. Use of BGM, sound effects and other effects to pull off the illusion. That is how I read the description from the announcement. By late evening the 'energy' brought to a crescendo with characters, live music, and lighting effects. Success will bring more success. It is a great plan if I am right about what they are building. And each morning it will 'reset' back to the quiet fishing village.

I think the potential is quite significant. And I am being serious. :)


Well-Known Member
However there would still be points where mixed use areas converge and that would cause the same issues as before. There is a simple solution and that is to build a PI or CW area in another area. Perhaps they will reconsider the FC area. Imagine if they gave Joe Rohde a blank canvas to create a resort based on AC and SEA characters throughout including the entertainment and pool areas. I think that would work.

I think we are going to have to agree to disagree, unless we want to add a few thousand to our post counts.

Disney/RCID (same thing) has lots of land west of FC, all the way out to CR 545. If Rohde was given a decent size budget, they could build another PI style location as a marque feature of a larger area with a mix of hotels, retail, restaurants and possibly a water park. They could really just make this area an adults only section, which would help to stop any conflicts with the different types of guests.


Think for yourselfer
Adventurers club is gone it is dead and it was beautiful and amazing and a wonderful place to go.

The Warf is coming and looks beautiful I think it is aesthetically pleasing and will offer interesting options. DO I want Adventurers Club? YES! Will that make it come back...well....NO!

Will blaming a location for the decisions of people make since anymore tomorrow then right now? NO! Its time for us to keep talking and begging for Adventurers Club back but also move on. I love 90's cloths they were ugly in a fun way now do I go walking around cussing out talking shi* about khaki pants because they aren't acid washed? No! It would be silly and I'm not walking around naked either (your welcome) I enjoy the cloths I have and will enjoy Hyperion Warf and GET OVER ADVENTURERS CLUB


"The Warf" is a figment of your imagination. A few pieces of vague concept art from months ago. The facts are staring you in the face. There is nothing coming. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I think we are going to have to agree to disagree, unless we want to add a few thousand to our post counts.

Disney/RCID (same thing) has lots of land west of FC, all the way out to CR 545. If Rohde was given a decent size budget, they could build another PI style location as a marque feature of a larger area with a mix of hotels, retail, restaurants and possibly a water park. They could really just make this area an adults only section, which would help to stop any conflicts with the different types of guests.

Sounds like we agree.

CR 545? Do you have a map by chance? :D

"The Warf" is a figment of your imagination. A few pieces of vague concept art from months ago. The facts are staring you in the face. There is nothing coming. Sorry.

The site that can't be named reconfirmed yesterday that it is happening. Sorry to dissapoint you.


Well-Known Member
I mentioned this on another thread, but I will try to expand on it here. Before we had kids we loved PI. Now that we have little ones, we stopped going there. However once my kids are grown, I would love to have PI back. IMO, PI was ruined when they took the admission gates down.

I understand the traffic flow issues to the Westside, but that is not why the Westside has not reached its full potential. It has not reached its full potential b/c of the lack of shops that appeal to a majority of people. I for one don't want to buy magnets or magic props while on vacation at Disney. If I don't have tix for Cirque or reservations for HOB there is no reason to go there.

I fear that the Marketplace is heading down hill as well. The lure of the Marketplace (regardless of its origins) is (was) the shops that SCREAMED Disney. I go to DisneyWorld to be immersed in Disney, not to shop at a place that feels like an upscale outlet mall. I enjoyed the Gourmet Pantry before it became the Earl of Sandwich. I enjoy Team Disney. I enjoyed Pooh's Corner. I enjoy the WOD (even though I feel that this megastore is allowing TDO to get more 3rd party vendors, b/c the Disneyesque stores are closing one by one).

Once there are only third party vendors at Downtown Disney, there will be no need for me to go there.


Well-Known Member
"The Warf" is a figment of your imagination. A few pieces of vague concept art from months ago. The facts are staring you in the face. There is nothing coming. Sorry.

I agree. These "wharf plans" weren't even released for us. They were more of a desperate plea to third party vendors. As if to say - "Omg..please, if you come and lease space from us we will build this - we promise!" And from the looks of things...still no takers....


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Sounds like we agree.

CR 545? Do you have a map by chance? :D

The site that can't be named reconfirmed yesterday that it is happening. Sorry to dissapoint you.

actually I'm hearing info that will break your heart. Only time will tell which of us gets what he wants!

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