I am new to posting on these specific boards but not new to reading them. Just like almost all of you I am a life long disney-holic who lives for my next trip to Disney. We spend 10 days every August at the Poly and have been on 11 cruises. Some years we do two trips a year so you can see where my hard earned dollars have gone. I always joke that half my salary should just be direct deposited to Disney. But I am happy to do it because it provides us memories like no other.
In saying that we have thought long and hard about our upcoming trip this August. Back when Disney first announced they were re-opening we booked our park reservations and re-made our dining reservations and were fully intent on going. I am by no means a hypochondriac. However with the state of the virus in Florida my wife and I decided that it just wasn't worth the inherent risk for us to make the trip this year. It breaks our heart and we want to go so badly, but we just feel it may be too risky for us and our kids. Not because of anything Disney has done, as we fully believe they are doing everything possible to keep everyone safe. But as I said this is a CHOICE we are making.
Reading these boards, which are usually filled with great info and some fun debate, I am honestly blown away by the amount of people who believe it's OK to shame others or feel they have an invitation to tell others what they should do. We are making the decision not to go, because we feel it is too risky...that is OUR choice. However I would never begrudge anyone who felt differently and felt it was safe enough for them to go. If you feel safe...go and I hope you have a wonderful time.... if you don't feel safe, then do as we are and stay at home. It really sucks, but it's the choice we feel we have to make.