By obscure, I mean that she didn't have any media exposure at the time. She wasn't even on Superfriends. The show had everybody! I wouldn't swear to it, but I think Captain Marvel/Shazam was even in it.
It was a weird show. Obviously, all the super heroes were on water skis! I recall that there were some chases and ramps and things like that. I remember all the heroes making a pyramid on water skis.
When the Joker and Penguin (maybe Riddler, I'm not sure) captured Robin in the crowd, I remember them performing a magic act. They set him up in a "death trap". Something like sawing him in half. Of course he escaped at the last minute. Cue applause and *big*bam*pow* fight complete with cards displaying *biff* *bam* and *pow*
Thsi link has more info and some great, campy pics:
There's more here: