Disney once again showing why...


Well-Known Member
A long time reader yet you only became a member today??? Hmmmmm

Yeah, that's always a bit of a tip. I hope the mods are paying attention before the newbie goes on a 64 post two-day attack-mode deal and leaves a mess to clean up.

Nice to see you back, Alissa. Was thinking about you recently! Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Believe me, I am on board with most of what you say, but what is a real fan? I have a brother in law who graduated from Miami of Ohio. He is a Ben "Don't let your daughter go to the bathroom in the same bar" Rapeherberger fan and now follows the Steelers over the hometown Bengal's he grew up rooting for. A 'real' fan would NEVER root for or follow the competition. Case in point, I do not know of any Red Sox fans that started rooting for theYankees when Johnny Damon wore the pinstripes.
A real fan is someone who sticks with their team through thick and thin... A real fan is someone who can still root for their team and yet be critical of it at the same time... A real fan isn't someone who drinks the spiked kool aid or, in Disney's case, snorts/smokes/shoots up unhealthy doses of pixie dust... Your brother in law was obviously not a real Bengals fan if he was able to drop them just like that... A real Bengals fan would follow them and root for them despite liking a player on another team... I consider myself a real NY Giants and a real NY Yankee fan despite being able to criticize them and moves management makes and players when they do not perform (especially with all that money they get paid)... At the same time I can appreciate players on other teams, and heck, other teams for that matter, giving props when props are due... I applauded Baltimore when they over performed based on their lower level talent... I manage to follow Tampa Bay because I happen to like Price and Longoria... But, I don't stop rooting for the Yankees because they are my favorite team (even though they pulled a major choke in the playoffs)... And a Red Sox fan could like Damon as a Yankee.. They don't have to like the Yankees though... Nothing wrong liking a player even though they wear a different uniform than your team...

In the Disney fan universe, you are not allowed to like anything other than Disney... And if you do, you are right away called a Uni fanboy or a Disney traitor, told you should stay away from Disney, called a hater... God forbid you like something that doesn't have the Disney name attached to it... I said it before, a lot of Disney fans in the community are vile creatures who spread hatred rather than happiness that Disney is supposed to stand for.. A lot of these so-called fans are idiots and brainless morons who have empty lives that are needed to be filled by worshipping a dead guy or an animated talking mouse... They live in a fantasy world where nothing exists other than Disney and that Disney is perfect in every way... There aren't falling branches on the Tree of Life.. AA's aren't broken... The food is the best they ever ate... And their 3 star hotels put 5 star hotels to shame... These people are nut jobs, plain and simple... Sadly the internet has given these people a voice... And the internet has allowed the idiots to find other idiots and they get to be louder because of it... And then they troll website like this, and are allowed to get away with it... They add nothing and only start trouble...

It is hard for these people to comprehend that REAL fans can be critical of a product they still do enjoy... People who just accept the status quo are brainless drones who are easily manipulated and led.. and TDO's perfect guests cause these people are willing to be fed any crap TDO shoves into their mouths...

Sorry for the tangent.. I'm done now LOL...

Oh, WildcatDen, this wasn't directed at you... :)


Well-Known Member
People who just accept the status quo are brainless drones who are easily manipulated and led.. and TDO's perfect guests cause these people are willing to be fed any crap TDO shoves into their mouths...
I do see the point of this and many other shared opinions on this site. The thing is, I guess from your definition, I am a brainless drone. Even though our next WDW trip is part of a school band trip, we will extend it into a family vacation. Why? We love Disney and what Disney World provides. If we are lucky, we get to visit every 3 to 4 years. When we are there, we leave everything else behind and immerse ourselves in the Magic. If this 'Magic' is referred to as Government Cheese, then pass me a cracker.


Well-Known Member
Why do you keep "consuming" a product that you find inferior?
One of the most difficult concepts to understand on these threads is that "WDW bashers" love WDW just as much as those with positive posts. The difference is "WDW bashers" believe WDW should be better and are vocal about it.

Do you have a favorite college or professional sports team? If so, is the only you ever say about them positive? "Gee, I'm really glad they had an 8-and-8 record last year!" Right now, "WDW bashers" believe WDW is having an 8-and-8 season. In previous decades, WDW used to be the Super Bowl Champions year-after-year, every year.

"WDW bashers" don't stop being fans or switch teams just because WDW is having a bad season.

In baseball, the Cubs have been a bunch of “Loveable Losers” for 100 years. Millions still follow them anyway, with a couple of million paying serious money to see them play. Their fandom in ingrained into them. Fans simply cannot walk away, no matter how bad the team. I spent years in Chicago and listened to sports talk radio from time-to-time. Year-after-year, it was the same fans calling in, complaining how bad the team was this year, threatening to start following another team next year. Every year, they came back for more.

WDW is no different. In fact, WDW’s fans are spoiled. As recently as 5 years ago, WDW was the undisputed champion, even if their best years were in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

Suddenly, Universal gets its act together and scores a major victory with WWOHP. (A victory, by the way, that WDW had apparently won but then lost on a last-second buzzer beater.) Suddenly, DLR takes care of that gigantic wart that was called DCA and scores a major victory with Carsland. Suddenly, SeaWorld has a major new renovation in progress and looks like it will be better than ever. Suddenly (it feels), everyone is talking about how much nicer Disneyland Tokyo and Disneyland Paris are than WDW. All within the last few years, it feels as if WDW is falling behind everyone else. (OK, they’re still ahead of Six Flags. Whoopee!)

I’ve been a WDW fan for decades and I’m not ready to throw in the towel. I want Disney managment to get its act to get and make WDW the undisputed champion once again.

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
I must say Disney sure is good at marketing their... well everything... except John Carter... nothing was saving that (went there!). I have a killer idea for some marketing Disney could do for the July 4th weekend but I wouldn't share it because I don't want them to profit off of it unless I was benefiting as well. Seriously though there are some opportunities they could exploit.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I do see the point of this and many other shared opinions on this site. The thing is, I guess from your definition, I am a brainless drone. Even though our next WDW trip is part of a school band trip, we will extend it into a family vacation. Why? We love Disney and what Disney World provides. If we are lucky, we get to visit every 3 to 4 years. When we are there, we leave everything else behind and immerse ourselves in the Magic. If this 'Magic' is referred to as Government Cheese, then pass me a cracker.
I think you may have misinterpreted what I said... But, instead of repeating myself and going round and round in circles, I'll just say this... You seem like a reasonable person (unlike some other members here and in the online community)... If you can enjoy WDW but be critical of the failings, you are not a mindless drone... If you WDW and accept the cut in entertainment, shuttered attractions/restaurants with no replacements, bad show, broken AA's, terrible decisions made by management, constant rising of prices while cheapening the product and think there is nothing wrong with this AND defend it because it is Disney (but then bash other theme parks for some of the same), then yes, you are a mindless drone...

Bottom line is, we all enjoy WDW... some of us want to see WDW be the best it can be and right now it isn't... Some of us want to hold TDO/WDW to the high standards Disney created (and right now they don't hold themselves to that standard while competitors are doing Disney better than Disney is doing Disney, in Orlando anyway)... Some of us refuse to defend mediocrity... Doesn't make us haters or doom and gloomers... We just know Disney is better than what they are producing in Orlando and we aren't mindlessly accepting the crap being shoved down our throats... We are being vocal about it... We still enjoy WDW, but we want it to be better...

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
One of the most difficult concepts to understand on these threads is that "WDW bashers" love WDW just as much as those with positive posts. The difference is "WDW bashers" believe WDW should be better and are vocal about it.

Do you have a favorite college or professional sports team? If so, is the only you ever say about them positive? "Gee, I'm really glad they had an 8-and-8 record last year!" Right now, "WDW bashers" believe WDW is having an 8-and-8 season. In previous decades, WDW used to be the Super Bowl Champions year-after-year, every year.

"WDW bashers" don't stop being fans or switch teams just because WDW is having a bad season.

In baseball, the Cubs have been a bunch of “Loveable Losers” for 100 years. Millions still follow them anyway, with a couple of million paying serious money to see them play. Their fandom in ingrained into them. Fans simply cannot walk away, no matter how bad the team. I spent years in Chicago and listened to sports talk radio from time-to-time. Year-after-year, it was the same fans calling in, complaining how bad the team was this year, threatening to start following another team next year. Every year, they came back for more.

WDW is no different. In fact, WDW’s fans are spoiled. As recently as 5 years ago, WDW was the undisputed champion, even if their best years were in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

Suddenly, Universal gets its act together and scores a major victory with WWOHP. (A victory, by the way, that WDW had apparently won but then lost on a last-second buzzer beater.) Suddenly, DLR takes care of that gigantic wart that was called DCA and scores a major victory with Carsland. Suddenly, SeaWorld has a major new renovation in progress and looks like it will be better than ever. Suddenly (it feels), everyone is talking about how much nicer Disneyland Tokyo and Disneyland Paris are than WDW. All within the last few years, it feels as if WDW is falling behind everyone else. (OK, they’re still ahead of Six Flags. Whoopee!)

I’ve been a WDW fan for decades and I’m not ready to throw in the towel. I want Disney managment to get its act to get and make WDW the undisputed champion once again.
Preach it brother man...

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
Bottom line is, we all enjoy WDW... some of us want to see WDW be the best it can be and right now it isn't... Some of us want to hold TDO/WDW to the high standards Disney created (and right now they don't hold themselves to that standard while competitors are doing Disney better than Disney is doing Disney, in Orlando anyway)... Some of us refuse to defend mediocrity... Doesn't make us haters or doom and gloomers... We just know Disney is better than what they are producing in Orlando and we aren't mindlessly accepting the crap being shoved down our throats... We are being vocal about it... We still enjoy WDW, but we want it to be better...

We are simply trying to hold TWDC and specifically TDO to the very standards they set for themselves yet do not adhere to.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
We are simply trying to hold TWDC and specifically TDO to the very standards they set for themselves yet do not adhere to.
Exactly... That is all... It's amazing that it is so hard for people to comprehend this... Maybe they do comprehend it but as I said, their lives are so pathetic and empty they need to troll fan sites and cause problems... Anyway, time to call it a night..


Well-Known Member
Going back to the parade isn't the Daytona 500 the same thing 40+ companies sponsoring a car that goes around in circles for hours? I remember when the parade was live. Yeah each Christmas seems for now pretty wet but I wish they could make it live again and not so much a comercial. And yes I agree with you dxer07002 and jmc107. Yes wish John carter got more attention. The negative reviews really killed it as well but I love that movie I though it was one of the best book to movies film that Disney has done is a while. Sorry about spell check phone.

Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
I was soooo excited to watch the parade this year, and although it made me happy to see my favorite characters on tv (gave me that little dose of magic to hold me over till my next trip) I was a little disapointed, not with the whole parade, but more that the SAME floats are used for everything. I think Disney really needs to make some new floats/parades. I felt that the floats from the MISICI did not fit the theme, yes they are presents, but not very holidayish. I also did not like that I paid money to go to the MNSSHP this year and some of the floats were used in the xmas parade (Pirates, Goofy candy) it made me feel like I wasted money to see something "special" that the whole world could see for free from the comfort of their own home. It felt stale, atleast for me since I watch the parades during every trip, I know that a lot of people who have never been to Disney before probably liked the floats and probably had no idea they were being recycled from other parades, but I just really think its time for some new entertainment in the parks. Hope everyone had a great holiday!


Well-Known Member
I love Disney. Not sure what that makes me:Fan, Fan Boy, Freak, whatever. Sometimes when you adore something or someone, you can be the most critical. If I think Disney botched something, it does not mean I no longer love Disney, it just means I think they are capable of doing better.

As a parent of two teenagers who are in Advanced Placement classes and get straight A's, I hold them to a higher standard. I love them no matter what and support them 110% as well. BUT after knowing they can achieve straight A's, how would I feel if they started to get C's??? Just like Disney, we all know what the company is capable of doing and when we see a sub par brand experience or bad show we become critical.

Remember, it was Disney who set their OWN bar to be second to none, not consumers. It was Disney who marketed themselves as the cleanest and best theme parks in the world, NOT the consumer. Based on that, I do not think we are being unfair to hold them to a standard to which they themselves have set.


Well-Known Member
Nice anology with the straight A's. I used to get them myself back at old Greenhills High until other things, activities, people started taking over my time. Safe to say our friends in Orlando are distracted by the Charts and not seeing the impact from poor decisions?

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