Disney once again showing why...


Park History nut
Premium Member
Not market research or affiliated with WDW or any other theme park or entertainment company. Just intrigued by consumer behavior and further intrigued by the tenor and substance of the responses I've received to my original inquiry.

Lets try again. Your original enquiry has been answered many times on these boards in the past, quite recently too. You need to look for it instead of expecting people to type paragraph after paragraph out yet again. I think that's what's annoying people, hence they answer you with short shrift.
You're comparing a restaurant to a theme park? Not the same at all. I could easily find a new restaurant. Not the same for WDW. The Disney parks are in a league of their own, really. WDW seems to be the only resort that's falling behind. People have been going here since CHILDHOOD. You can't just give that up. I've been visiting Disneyland since I was a baby, and it sucked seeing that park, along with DCA 1.0 fail. Especially DCA 1.0. I hated that park. I didn't want to, but I did. Thank God those days are over now, but it took a lot of voices, articles, websites and angry people to get the Disneyland Resort to where it is now. Unfortunately, WDW is going in the direction the DLR was going in, years ago. People like you, saying people should just shut up and stop going altogether is not going to help. It's time for a change, and people need to speak up, just like @ParentsOf4 is doing. Is that so much to ask?
Meant to ask . . . On what criteria did you conclude that DLR and DCA 1.0 'failed'? Haven't been to DLR in 20 years so I'm certainly not knowledgable on what's gone on there.
I'm not sure how asking why you are repeating the same question over and over again, after you've been given "thoughtful replies," is a personal attack. Unless you have other motives for your incessant line of repeated questioning.
I've yet to see a thoughtful response from you. What I have seen, in abundance, are snarky attacks. And I'll happily leave it at that, as there's little value in any further exchange between us.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. In spite of the shortcomings, do you still visit? If so, is it less often than previous ones? Do you stay for shorter periods, spend less, etc.? Have you found suitable alternatives? Thanks.

We do still visit. I should have posted in that response that I personally don't think things are quite as bad as some others on the forum do but I usually only get to WDW from the UK for a fortnight once a year, sometimes twice if we're lucky; if we were local or lived in America and visited more then I would probably feel the way they do. For the past few years it has become increasingly difficult to ignore some of the increasingly obvious maintenance issues; Spash Mountain was particularly bad this year while I also spotted things on Big Thunder Mountain, Dinosaur, Maelstrom and the Great Movie Ride. I don't think it's unreasonable of anyone to expect attractions to be in good working order for what it costs to get into the parks and these problems can be rectified fairly easily if Disney improve maintenance. We do tend to spend less each year because the merchandise has become more generic in recent years but as part of our holiday package we get the Dining Plan so I don't really have many complaints about the food options. As far as alternatives go, I'm not really a fan of either Universal or Seaworld but they have both improved significanty recently and look like they will continue to do so in the coming years; as a Disney fan I'm looking for WDW to do the same but I think TDO have become too complacent to achieve that any time soon.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I've yet to see a thoughtful response from you. What I have seen, in abundance, are snarky attacks. And I'll happily leave it at that, as there's little value in any further exchange between us.

So, at the core we're not to question your motives, but ours are fair game? Seems reasonable....


Well-Known Member
Again, have never posted here under any other name, though I'm certainly cognizant of this type of attack.

Yep ... and none of us here have ever seen a newbie come in, state they're a long time reader/first time poster and ask a question that's been asked and answered hundreds/thousands of time before and blanket a thread with your posts over a day or two. You hold as much water as a toddler's bladder, Billy Boi.

Why should anyone have to justify why they go to WDW to you? Will no one play with you this week?
When a new member shows up and, for lack of a better term, plays the roll of a bratty child that keeps asking 'why? why? why?' even when (to use a legal term) it's already been 'asked and answered' numerous times, of course the person is a troll.

So you sit back and wonder is it simply some fanboi that is so in love with WDW that he rubs himself up against wall carpeting in queues just to get the scent on him ... or is he a Disney plant who is trying to derail other discussions (can't be complaining about Little Mermaid already falling apart, apparently Belle as well, or discussing Lou Mongello getting a shoutout in a seminal issue of Spidey or talking about bad guest service at WDW etc IF we're going back and forth with someone who hears an answer but doesn't want to accept it and move on and tell us which plush is his favorite) ... or maybe it's just someone who isn't a fan of MAGIC or many of its members and they actually think this is a good way to spend time. I dunno ... I don't care.

Ask yourself if you really think this newbie is going to be here a month from now?

Perhaps a thoughtful response instead of this sort of personal attack would be of more value, don't you think? But, yeah, I'll be here in a month.


Well-Known Member
Another point about me/us. We are locals, and that DOES change things. Last night we had to drive down SR535 past the Crossroads/ WDW entrance to get to the Longhorn Steakhouse near the outlet mall. The traffic was so bad that it took us almost 30 mins to go the 1.5 miles from Joe's Crab Shack to I4. My kids got tired of hearing say how much I hate going to that end of Orlando.
It doesn't help that we are Universal AP holders and my kids are at the age where they would rather go there instead of Disney. I actually wanted to get the other 2 free passes from work to show the kids the Castle Lighting Christmas thing, but they just didn't want to do it. So we didn't.

I can imagine. Traffic was already a nightmare last week. ... as to your kids, well, any kid who wouldn't want to see WDW's MAGICal Christmas tree lighting clearly would be as odd as the parental unit!:D

And I had a tasty steak at that Longhorn a few trips ago!

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Meant to ask . . . On what criteria did you conclude that DLR and DCA 1.0 'failed'? Haven't been to DLR in 20 years so I'm certainly not knowledgable on what's gone on there.

You should have seen it. Hot a** mess aren't the words I should be using. It was worse. A big catastrophe. Basically Disneyland was in the shape WDW is in now. Broken effects, chipped paint EVERYWHERE, no love for the parks. DCA 1.0 was a huge nightmare. I was nine when the park premiered, and when I first stepped foot there in 2001, I was seriously underwhelmed. Usually kids don't care where they are, as long as they're having fun. If a nine year old little girl couldn't have fun at a Disney park, you knew something was wrong. The place was built on the cheap, and it was insanely tacky. The only part of the park that was decent was Condor Flats, and I don't even think that was the name of the land back then. I'll admit I liked the big letters in the front and Soarin' Over California. Other than that, pure crap. See for yourself:

Just click on the links to witness the catastrophe


Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Ya know, there are many members here who are annoying... Billy Chin, bulls, notsofrostyjosh, whoever this reincarnation is tops them all... Thank Steve for the ignore feature... My list grows and grows....
Yep ... and none of us here have ever seen a newbie come in, state they're a long time reader/first time poster and ask a question that's been asked and answered hundreds/thousands of time before and blanket a thread with your posts over a day or two. You hold as much water as a toddler's bladder, Billy Boi.

Why should anyone have to justify why they go to WDW to you? Will no one play with you this week?
Again, all personal attacks. Billy Boi? Toddler's bladder? No one will play with you?

Perhaps if you provided substantive responses, the discussion could be advanced and / or concluded.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps a thoughtful response instead of this sort of personal attack would be of more value, don't you think? But, yeah, I'll be here in a month.

I sincerely hope not. But you have a MAGICal day because I'm done wasting time with you and I'm an adult that can ignore people without even a 'button' (although I wish I had one for real life). Enjoy your play time.
You should have seen it. Hot a** mess aren't the words I should be using. It was worse. A big catastrophe. Basically Disneyland was in the shape WDW is in now. Broken effects, chipped paint EVERYWHERE, no love for the parks. DCA 1.0 was a huge nightmare. I was nine when the park premiered, and when I first stepped foot there in 2001, I was seriously underwhelmed. Usually kids don't care where they are, as long as they're having fun. If a nine year old little girl couldn't have fun at a Disney park, you knew something was wrong. The place was built on the cheap, and it was insanely tacky. The only part of the park that was decent was Condor Flats, and I don't even think that was the name of the land back then. I'll admit I liked the big letters in the front and Soarin' Over California. Other than that, pure crap. See for yourself:

Just click on the links to witness the catastrophe

Thanks for the response. The expense of a day or week (or whatever amount of time one chooses to spend) at any Disney park is considerable, and it should be a top notch experience. When it doesn't live up to that, it stinks. Has it improved enough to "re-earn" your business?
I sincerely hope not. But you have a MAGICal day because I'm done wasting time with you and I'm an adult that can ignore people without even a 'button' (although I wish I had one for real life). Enjoy your play time.
More personal attacks from you. Disappointing, but not surprising.


Well-Known Member
Again, all personal attacks. Billy Boi? Toddler's bladder? No one will play with you?

Perhaps if you provided substantive responses, the discussion could be advanced and / or concluded.

Actually - those are all hilarious - and made me laugh.

As far as advancing the discussion? It seems to already be going over your head.

As far as concluding it? This could be done by you researching, reading, and learning.

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