Disney once again showing why...

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Do you keep going to a restaurant and spending your money over and over again, even when the food is bad? If so, has that convinced the proprietor to change the menu, the chef, the decor, the wait staff?

You're comparing a restaurant to a theme park? Not the same at all. I could easily find a new restaurant. Not the same for WDW. The Disney parks are in a league of their own, really. WDW seems to be the only resort that's falling behind. People have been going here since CHILDHOOD. You can't just give that up. I've been visiting Disneyland since I was a baby, and it sucked seeing that park, along with DCA 1.0 fail. Especially DCA 1.0. I hated that park. I didn't want to, but I did. Thank God those days are over now, but it took a lot of voices, articles, websites and angry people to get the Disneyland Resort to where it is now. Unfortunately, WDW is going in the direction the DLR was going in, years ago. People like you, saying people should just shut up and stop going altogether is not going to help. It's time for a change, and people need to speak up, just like @ParentsOf4 is doing. Is that so much to ask?


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Because so many of the replies were snarky, ad hominem put downs rather than thoughtful responses. Those who have responded substantively have been genuinely thanked for their comments.

Well, I'm sure the gratitude was truly appreciated. But ti still doesn't answer the question: If you've received answers to your question, ones that you've supposedly appreciated, then why are you still asking the same one over and over again?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Just looking for thoughtful responses. Why is that so hard? I've attacked no one (though I've been attacked), I haven't condemned anyone for their views, haven't disagreed with anyone's opinion. I've simply asked a question that precious few seem willing to answer.
Search is your friend. All your answers have been answered time and time again. Hence why people may seem 'snarky'.


Well-Known Member
Because so many of the replies were snarky, ad hominem put downs rather than thoughtful responses. Those who have responded substantively have been genuinely thanked for their comments.

The best response I could give you is that WDW no longer meets the high standards it set itself years ago. Personally, I don't see any excuse why certain attractions across the resort are as poorly maintained as they are and that is my biggest gripe. As I see it, WDW is standing still while the competition around it are aggressively expanding and improving; success breeds complacency and WDW is suffering because of that.
Well, I'm sure the gratitude was truly appreciated. But ti still doesn't answer the question: If you've received answers to your question, ones that you've supposedly appreciated, then why are you still asking the same one over and over again?
I've only responded to those who came back at like you have (as I already explained previously), rather than providing thoughtful replies. Not sure you're finding this so difficult to comprehend, but I'll accept that you're simply unwilling to provide an answer and move on. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Another point about me/us. We are locals, and that DOES change things. Last night we had to drive down SR535 past the Crossroads/ WDW entrance to get to the Longhorn Steakhouse near the outlet mall. The traffic was so bad that it took us almost 30 mins to go the 1.5 miles from Joe's Crab Shack to I4. My kids got tired of hearing say how much I hate going to that end of Orlando.
It doesn't help that we are Universal AP holders and my kids are at the age where they would rather go there instead of Disney. I actually wanted to get the other 2 free passes from work to show the kids the Castle Lighting Christmas thing, but they just didn't want to do it. So we didn't.
The best response I could give you is that WDW no longer meets the high standards it set itself years ago. Personally, I don't see any excuse why certain attractions across the resort are as poorly maintained as they are and that is my biggest gripe. As I see it, WDW is standing still while the competition around it are aggressively expanding and improving; success breeds complacency and WDW is suffering because of that.
Thanks. In spite of the shortcomings, do you still visit? If so, is it less often than previous ones? Do you stay for shorter periods, spend less, etc.? Have you found suitable alternatives? Thanks.
Another point about me/us. We are locals, and that DOES change things. Last night we had to drive down SR535 past the Crossroads/ WDW entrance to get to the Longhorn Steakhouse near the outlet mall. The traffic was so bad that it took us almost 30 mins to go the 1.5 miles from Joe's Crab Shack to I4. My kids got tired of hearing say how much I hate going to that end of Orlando.
It doesn't help that we are Universal AP holders and my kids are at the age where they would rather go there instead of Disney. I actually wanted to get the other 2 free passes from work to show the kids the Castle Lighting Christmas thing, but they just didn't want to do it. So we didn't.
Fair enough. I'm not local, so my visits are fewer and with greater intervals. We're I to visit as frequently as you likely do, I'm sure my perspective would be different. Appreciate the thoughts.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I've only responded to those who came back at like you have (as I already explained previously), rather than providing thoughtful replies. Not sure you're finding this so difficult to comprehend, but I'll accept that you're simply unwilling to provide an answer and move on. Thanks.

Actually, I did provide a thoughtful answer, one that you apparently chose to overlook....

And you seem to have a need to repeat the same question again and again to those who apparently disagree with you, or provided answers you deem less than thoughtful. Not sure what you expect to gain with such a tactic in the end.....


Park History nut
Premium Member
Again, the responses I've seem have pretty consistently been long on complaining and snark and quite short on substance and reasoned thought.
Again, the answers and thoughtful discussions you seem to yearn for already exist. You just need to look for them since they aren't two sentence replies.

You're not market research are you?
You're comparing a restaurant to a theme park? Not the same at all. I could easily find a new restaurant. Not the same for WDW. The Disney parks are in a league of their own, really. WDW seems to be the only resort that's falling behind. People have been going here since CHILDHOOD. You can't just give that up. I've been visiting Disneyland since I was a baby, and it sucked seeing that park, along with DCA 1.0 fail. Especially DCA 1.0. I hated that park. I didn't want to, but I did. Thank God those days are over now, but it took a lot of voices, articles, websites and angry people to get the Disneyland Resort to where it is now. Unfortunately, WDW is going in the direction the DLR was going in, years ago. People like you, saying people should just shut up and stop going altogether is not going to help. It's time for a change, and people need to speak up, just like @ParentsOf4 is doing. Is that so much to ask?
Please provide the text of where I said "people should just shut up". I've reviewed each of my posts and haven't located any such phrase. Would appreciate it if you could point out where I said or inferred any such admonition.

As for the comparison, theme parks and restaurants exist in the broad category of "entertainment venues" given the discretionary dollars that support them. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of alternatives to theme parks. Just confused as to why people spend significant sums of money on products they consider to be poor.
Actually, I did provide a thoughtful answer, one that you apparently chose to overlook....

And you seem to have a need to repeat the same question again and again to those who apparently disagree with you, or provided answers you deem less than thoughtful. Not sure what you expect to gain with such a tactic in the end.....
We can agree to disagree as to the thoughtfulness of your replies. I simply saw personal attacks, which was clearly your mission.
Again, the answers and thoughtful discussions you seem to yearn for already exist. You just need to look for them since they aren't two sentence replies.

You're not market research are you?
Not market research or affiliated with WDW or any other theme park or entertainment company. Just intrigued by consumer behavior and further intrigued by the tenor and substance of the responses I've received to my original inquiry.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
We can agree to disagree as to the thoughtfulness of your replies. I simply saw personal attacks, which was clearly your mission.

I'm not sure how asking why you are repeating the same question over and over again, after you've been given "thoughtful replies," is a personal attack. Unless you have other motives for your incessant line of repeated questioning.


Well-Known Member
I'm convinced this is the case.

When a new member seemingly asks a question in earnest -- no matter how many times that question has already been asked and answered -- I generally tend to give him/her the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes I'll even spend several minutes of my time composing an earnest and thoughtful response.

But when that person continues to ask the same thing again and again, all while completely ignoring the serious responses that other people have provided, then it's clear that the person's intent is to troll rather than actually provide anything of meaning to the boards.

When a new member shows up and, for lack of a better term, plays the roll of a bratty child that keeps asking 'why? why? why?' even when (to use a legal term) it's already been 'asked and answered' numerous times, of course the person is a troll.

So you sit back and wonder is it simply some fanboi that is so in love with WDW that he rubs himself up against wall carpeting in queues just to get the scent on him ... or is he a Disney plant who is trying to derail other discussions (can't be complaining about Little Mermaid already falling apart, apparently Belle as well, or discussing Lou Mongello getting a shoutout in a seminal issue of Spidey or talking about bad guest service at WDW etc IF we're going back and forth with someone who hears an answer but doesn't want to accept it and move on and tell us which plush is his favorite) ... or maybe it's just someone who isn't a fan of MAGIC or many of its members and they actually think this is a good way to spend time. I dunno ... I don't care.

Ask yourself if you really think this newbie is going to be here a month from now?

Californian Elitist

Well-Known Member
Please provide the text of where I said "people should just shut up". I've reviewed each of my posts and haven't located any such phrase. Would appreciate it if you could point out where I said or inferred any such admonition.

As for the comparison, theme parks and restaurants exist in the broad category of "entertainment venues" given the discretionary dollars that support them. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of alternatives to theme parks. Just confused as to why people spend significant sums of money on products they consider to be poor.

I'm sorry for getting things mixed up. I was talking about people in general. A lot of people here really do tell others to shut up and quit going, though. Again, sorry for the confusion.

I still say theme parks and restaurants shouldn't be compared in a situation like this. Since you do, I'm going to just end it here. We'll be going around in a circle, with nothing accomplished. Like the caucus race in Alice in Wonderland.


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