Disney Looking To Re-Open Some Clubs at PI For the Holiday Season?


We now return you to the topic at hand...

Is there any new information????

We are headed down the week before Christmas and would LOVE it if this were true!



New Member
I agree, the Mom needs to relax, I'm sure it wasn't meant in a derogatory way towards certain ethnic groups. Plus, freedom of speech is a constitutional right last I checked...

Neither the origins nor the impact of a racially derogatory term or phrase disappear merely because the popular use of that term has grown to encompass a wider group of people. The use of a racially derogatory term, without knowing the origins is excusable. However, the continued use of a racially derogatory term, even after understanding the underlying impact on that particular group, is ignorant regardless of intentions.

Also, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don't honestly think that the First Amendment establishes a right to post derogatory or otherwise insulting language on this particular message board.


New Member
Neither the origins nor the impact of a racially derogatory term or phrase disappear merely because the popular use of that term has grown to encompass a wider group of people. The use of a racially derogatory term, without knowing the origins is excusable. However, the continued use of a racially derogatory term, even after understanding the underlying impact on that particular group, is ignorant regardless of intentions.

Also, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don't honestly think that the First Amendment establishes a right to post derogatory or otherwise insulting language on this particular message board.

well, that's true but do you realize the amount of words everyone uses every day that originated somewhere else. It's just like when people use the word gay these days. We all know it means happy. But in today's language, when they say, "that's so gay", they mean odd. I don't use it except now as an example. Either way, I agree that saying it and using it is as a radical term towards a race is not tasteful.
I choose to call those guys hip hop wannabe cool thugsters! :) ...not the other word!

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
It is a derogatory term for a particular ethnic group that has been around for almost a century. It is insulting, and will not be allowed. If you want to point out inappropriate/silly behavior by a particular group of people, please do so without using ethnic slurs. Thank you.

May I ask how it is insulting? I am part of the ethnic group which you mention and I in no way find it as an offensive term.

The term derives from a person who is named Guido, not a particular word. I wonder what a person called Guido would think if people thought that his name was offensive.



New Member
May I ask how it is insulting? I am part of the ethnic group which you mention and I in no way find it as an offensive term.

The term derives from a person who is named Guido, not a particular word. I wonder what a person called Guido would think if people thought that his name was offensive.


for anyone that was wondering...I posted earlier on this from www.websters.com the word where anyone could read the definition and hear how it's said to determine on your own whether you think it's offensive or not.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
It is a derogatory term for a particular ethnic group that has been around for almost a century. It is insulting, and will not be allowed. If you want to point out inappropriate/silly behavior by a particular group of people, please do so without using ethnic slurs. Thank you.

Im 100% Italian and some of the guys on my Softball team call me Guido. They are all black, I am white. Its not offensive at all. I really hope your not giving out apples and tooth brushes tonight.

liquid toez

New Member
I, for one, would certainly not want to test a certain group that fits the "G" word description by calling them the "G" word, especially if they were complete strangers.

Anyways, I think this thread has gone off-topic a tad; anything else to add regarding the re-opening of PI clubs?


New Member
Im 100% Italian and some of the guys on my Softball team call me Guido. They are all black, I am white. Its not offensive at all. I really hope your not giving out apples and tooth brushes tonight.

Okay, it's a bit self-centered to conclude that because you are "100% Italian" that you speak for all others of similar heritage regarding what does and does not constitute racially or culturally offensive speech to those individuals. I acknowledge that some minority groups embrace terms of offensive origin as a way to take ownership and diffuse the effects of those words when they are used maliciously. Still, the context will often determine, on an individual basis, which words are and are not offensive.

Also, the acceptability of a term used among members of a relatively close-knit group (I think a softball teammate applies) does not apply equally among a larger group of unacquainted strangers.

Finally, some people enjoy apples, and appreciate dental hygiene.


Well-Known Member
Anyways, I think this thread has gone off-topic a tad; anything else to add regarding the re-opening of PI clubs?

Yeah, but it's not good. Spoke with one former AC employee last night, read an email from another on a different forum--the first said "no way" to PI reopening, the other saw a very slim chance of the AC re-opening, but no hope for the rest of PI.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Neither the origins nor the impact of a racially derogatory term or phrase disappear merely because the popular use of that term has grown to encompass a wider group of people. The use of a racially derogatory term, without knowing the origins is excusable. However, the continued use of a racially derogatory term, even after understanding the underlying impact on that particular group, is ignorant regardless of intentions.

Also, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you don't honestly think that the First Amendment establishes a right to post derogatory or otherwise insulting language on this particular message board.

This thread has 8,666 views and nobody said A WORD about race until about the 8,660th.

Im not speaking for all Italians Im speaking for myself. You can can call me a Dego and I dont know you and I aint going to care. Im not a sensitive baby.

Thos dudes ARE called Guidos. And REAL back in the day hairy chested, gold chain, jump suit wearing Guidos is what THEY WANTED TO BE CALLED. Thats what those "gangs" of dudes referred to each other as. So dont come on here all high and mighty trying to make a point when you dont even know what youre talking about. If real Guidos are going to be offended its going to be because they are being compared to a bunch of corny kids who need their faces pounded off a few times.

The Mom

Premium Member
Im 100% Italian and some of the guys on my Softball team call me Guido. They are all black, I am white. Its not offensive at all. I really hope your not giving out apples and tooth brushes tonight.

Actually, I'm giving out candy and toys. :lol:

I'm old enough to have had living (well into my teens) relatives who were immigrants, as did most of my friends.

I grew up at a time when terms such as these were not only used to insult, but were also used while denying the targets (including my grandfather, and uncles) jobs, housing, education, and other opportunities.

I'm happy that they've lost their sting for most people, but they still make me, and others, cringe.

But, if people are comfortable using it, go right ahead. :(


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but it's not good. Spoke with one former AC employee last night, read an email from another on a different forum--the first said "no way" to PI reopening, the other saw a very slim chance of the AC re-opening, but no hope for the rest of PI.

Ok to really throw some cold water on you all. This was posted on the yahoo AC group from well you can see who it was posted from. This was about the Club reopening for the holidays.

OK if I can add my 2 cents here.

All the Food and Beverage owned stock and equipment has been removed from
all the clubs. When a convention is booked, conventions brings in their own
stock for that event only. Most of the clubs are still intact, kinda.
Comedy backstage has been boxed up and most likely removed at this point.
My understanding is that nothing has been removed entertainment wise from
the Ad club. However the chance of the Island re-opening is a pipe dream at
best. Management, actors, Techs, Musicians, DJs door hosts, F&B staff have
all been either relocated or let go. Bringing a group back that would be
able to restore the clubs and fully staff for a season, is way too much of
an undertaking. It would be too much of an impact on the locations where
all the staff wound up. Think robbing Peter to pay Paul. Not just anyone
can walk in a do the job, even though sometimes it feels the company thinks
so. And the company never wants to seem like they have made a mistake. In
all areas of the company we have to live with decisions that have been made
no matter how wrong they are.

I hate to say it, but the Island is gone, There may be a very slight
chance that the club will return, but I doubt it.

Formally Dave the sound guy

Master Gracey

Well-Known Member
OK, I'll throw in my $0.02 for the day. Most of the Food & Beverage staff is still working the outdoor bars; PI Live's DJ has returned to his lofty booth (I've been told he was the Phantom of the Opera for Halloween); actors, musicians and techs are still within the company; door hosts are still around in various places (I believe Kirk is at the Contemporary) and most of the Managers would love to return to Pleasure Island!

It is high time that The Disney Company admits that they were wrong about this decision and to look back to it's founder and take advice from some of his life lessons. Walt himself knew that he wasn't infallible and was able to admit this about his Laugh-O-Gram venture,
I’d failed. I think it’s important to have a good hard failure when you’re young. . .I learned a lot from that. ~Walt Disney
The company should now learn a lot from the fact that many guests still walk up to the Adventurers Club doors and try to enter, only to see that they are locked tight, but the light, air conditioning and even the music loop are still on. All it takes is for a wise and brave executive to admit that they decision was a failure and The Adventurers Club is needed in Walt Disney World!

Some days you eat the mouse.
Some days the mouse eats you.
But never give into the mouse without a fight!


Well-Known Member
Not saying it can't happen, or it can.

But, it wouldn't take much for it to happen.
Staff can easily be pulled, the DJ's still have there contracts, the equipment is still there and if anything all that needs to happen is a good cleaning of the ice bins and blow out the soda lines. That can be done it a few days time.


Well-Known Member
PI is D-E-A-D ... it isn't coming back to life, folks.

Not in a perfect world, let alone a very imperfect World.

Let the corpse go, mourn and move along.


Well-Known Member
PI is D-E-A-D ... it isn't coming back to life, folks.

Not in a perfect world, let alone a very imperfect World.

Let the corpse go, mourn and move along.

You are a walking contradiction. You make a thread complaining about how stale WDW is, cuts, etc, but you are dead set on being against PI when it's being replaced by the very things that are the problem with WDW (stale, unimaginative shops and dining.) PI needed some freshening up, sure. The Adventurers Club should not die, and it never will completely because people like me will continue to keep it alive in our thoughts, hearts, and actions. Adventurers are reckless, brave, and loyal, and valiant to the end.


Well-Known Member
You are a walking contradiction. You make a thread complaining about how stale WDW is, cuts, etc, but you are dead set on being against PI when it's being replaced by the very things that are the problem with WDW (stale, unimaginative shops and dining.) PI needed some freshening up, sure. The Adventurers Club should not die, and it never will completely because people like me will continue to keep it alive in our thoughts, hearts, and actions. Adventurers are reckless, brave, and loyal, and valiant to the end.

I'll take the contradiction comment as a compliment since who really wants to be predictable, right?

I am not happy PI is dead. But I accept it because that is the reality (much like I accept the fact our economy has been destroyed, doesn't mean I like it!)

All the , moaning, whining and fan rants isn't going to bring about any change.

PI was deliberately killed by Disney management over the last 7-8 years. It was all a given. It shouldn't have surprised anyone who spent time there.

Nightclubs need to constantly be fresh and reinvent themselves and PI was the direct opposite. It was very stale. You had the AC geeks who sat in one club all night, you had some CW groupies who sat through performance after performance, you had conventioneers on expense accounts who were good for bar tabs and you had 22-year-old CMs looking to get lucky ... and that's about it.

That wasn't going to sustain PI. It never should have come to that. And it's sad for those who loved the place.

Myself, I'm more upset with the loss of River Country.

But either way, it doesn't matter because both places are DEAD and they aren't making a dramatic comeback no matter how much people would like them to.

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