actually, i heard that after one of the world wars, japan had said that one of the reasons they didnt put forces in the us was because of the high percentage of united states citizens that own guns.
I'm not doubting that you heard that, but I've never heard it, and I don't think that's the reason why Japan never invaded the mainland. The reason why they didn't invade us is probably about the same as why we never invaded them. Had we not used the A-Bomb, there would have been an invasion, but we went to war with them in Dec 1941 and didn't get to the point of being able to invade until 1945. Neither side invaded the other because the ocean is too vast to just send a fleet of transport ships over and land on the shores, not to mention having an enemy navy in the way. That's why you have to Island hop and neutralize the navy, or else they can just sink your invading fleet before it even gets to the shore. Japan did take over a portion of US soil, though...Attu Island in the Aleuatian Island Chain off Alaska...the only US soil to be occupied by enemy forces in the entire war.
Sorry, totally off topic, and I'm not trying to disagree with your post. I'm all in favor of gun rights, although realistically, I don't see any danger of being invaded and consequently, needing guns to fight off an invading army...unless we're talking about all those darned illegals breaching our border in Texas.
But for all those who keep talking nonsense about not needing a gun on I-75, or not needing a gun somewhere else, simply because those are safe areas, I should remind you that most victims of murder probably don't wake up that morning thinking that they are in an unsafe area and that they may be killed today. They get out of bed that morning, expecting to come home from work that night and have supper. Murders can happen anywhere, anytime. And no matter how safe an area is, you never know what might happen. Life is uncertain and there are no guarantees.
I keep a loaded gun in a sewing bag on my bed post. I seriously doubt that I'll ever need it. I'm not in fear of being attacked in my home. I'm realistic enough to know that the odds are very much in my favor that I will be secure in my home because we live in a low crime neighborhood. However, I also realize that most people who are murdered in their homes probably thought the same thing. The odds aren't very high that you'll get in a car wreck, but people die in car wrecks. The odds aren't very high that you'll get struck by lightening, yet people get struck by lightening. The odds aren't very high that you'll ever need that gun in your car or your home, but guess what? Many victims' lives have been saved because they had access to a gun. Are there accidents with guns where a child gets into it? Sure, unfortunately. And do guns always serve the intended purpose? No. If two people with guns face off, most likely one of them will end up dead and sadly, it will sometimes be the victim rather than the attacker. Just as seatbelts don't always save lives, so guns don't always mean that the attacker is thwarted. Again, there are no guarantees in life, but IMO, the possession of a gun gives you a better chance of surviving an attack...especially if you are a little old lady in your house and you have no way of physically going up against a strong young man, and no way of being able to escape the house.