Disney doesn't allow guns at work!

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Active Member
Who the hell would want to carry a gun on them unless they were a criminal. Decent people don't need to carry guns! They are for killing people. Good on Disney's lawyers for once in getting this stopped.

Care to elaborate on that comment?


Well-Known Member
As a lawyer and former prosecutor in Florida, I recall that Floridian's needed a special license to carry a gun in the glove compartment of their car. It' s been over 10 years since I dealt with those issues so forgive me if i'm wrong. I don't recall exactly if having a license to carry a concealed firearm was sufficient enough so you could keep a gun in your car of if you required an additional license specific to your car. Anyway, I would suggest that if in your home state you haven't been issued a CCF license than you shouldn't bring your gun into the State of Florida. If you do have a license in GA, you really need to double check and make sure that license is recognized in FL. Honestly, i'm not too sure a CCF license would be recognized. Putting that all aside do you honestly think you need a gun to travel down I-75? You have a greater chance of having your car stolen and in turn your gun, than being in any situation where you would need to use a gun to protect yourself.

With respect to whether guests are allowed to have guns on property, I'll ask a relative I know who works in the Florida legislature, but I'm pretty sure the law applies to the cars of employees on the employer's property, not guests to the property.
I moved here from FLA 2 years ago. I kept either a 357 Magnum or a Glock 17-9mm in my glove box.
You do not have to have a permit to have a hand gun in the car as long as it is in the glove box.
There is a 2 step rule that means that there has to be 2 steps involved before you can fully access the gun to fire.
When stopped by an officer you MUST alert them know you have it before you open the glove box.
It helps when Grandpa was a Retired Detective Capt. for City of Miami Police for my info.:D


Well-Known Member
No way have I read the 11 pages of this thread. Nor will I. There are some things it just doesn't pay to get into.

But in a tiny attempt to insert a little levity to the discussion, Disney DOES clearly allow guns at work.

Guests are armed at Buzz Lightyear. The ship's crew is armed on the Liberty Square Riverboat (as are the unseen bad guys). There are still guns at the fort on Tom Sawyer's Island, or have those been removed? There is artillery and small arms throughout Pirates of the Caribbean. The skippers have been armed for years on the Jungle Cruise.

Bad guys are armed at the Great Movie Ride. So is John Wayne, clearly not a bad guy. A host of folks are armed in Star Tours. Also in the Indiana Jones Stunt Theater.

Perhaps most dangerous of all, elephant operators are armed at Kali River Rapids.

Now back to the red state-blue state debate
Looks to me that most people are missing the point, the law states that you can take it to work in the car. It does not state that you can carry a concealed weapon at work. If the gun is in you car it cannot be used in the park. (Also a car is a 2 ton killing machine.) Just go to PI and get plastered and run some one down and its a faster death then most guns. I think all laws have to be looked at for people to be in control of themselves. We just had a mass murder up this way he killed a acquantance of mine's father. He killed 8 people none of them with a gun! If fact he had lots of stollen guns, took a shot at a friends babysiters son, but never killed anyone with a gun. The murders were so gruesome that a gun would have made it cleaner.:brick:


Well-Known Member
Looks to me that most people are missing the point, the law states that you can take it to work in the car. It does not state that you can carry a concealed weapon at work. If the gun is in you car it cannot be used in the park. (Also a car is a 2 ton killing machine.) Just go to PI and get plastered and run some one down and its a faster death then most guns. I think all laws have to be looked at for people to be in control of themselves. We just had a mass murder up this way he killed a acquantance of mine's father. He killed 8 people none of them with a gun! If fact he had lots of stollen guns, took a shot at a friends babysiters son, but never killed anyone with a gun. The murders were so gruesome that a gun would have made it cleaner.:brick:

Yeah we had the Gainesville Student Murders here. I remember no one wanted to sleep in their apartments alone. :eek: I was 17 and renting in a house with 2 other people, and no one felt safe.

So sad...and also off-topic as all heck.



Well-Known Member
actually, i heard that after one of the world wars, japan had said that one of the reasons they didnt put forces in the us was because of the high percentage of united states citizens that own guns.

I'm not doubting that you heard that, but I've never heard it, and I don't think that's the reason why Japan never invaded the mainland. The reason why they didn't invade us is probably about the same as why we never invaded them. Had we not used the A-Bomb, there would have been an invasion, but we went to war with them in Dec 1941 and didn't get to the point of being able to invade until 1945. Neither side invaded the other because the ocean is too vast to just send a fleet of transport ships over and land on the shores, not to mention having an enemy navy in the way. That's why you have to Island hop and neutralize the navy, or else they can just sink your invading fleet before it even gets to the shore. Japan did take over a portion of US soil, though...Attu Island in the Aleuatian Island Chain off Alaska...the only US soil to be occupied by enemy forces in the entire war.

Sorry, totally off topic, and I'm not trying to disagree with your post. I'm all in favor of gun rights, although realistically, I don't see any danger of being invaded and consequently, needing guns to fight off an invading army...unless we're talking about all those darned illegals breaching our border in Texas.

But for all those who keep talking nonsense about not needing a gun on I-75, or not needing a gun somewhere else, simply because those are safe areas, I should remind you that most victims of murder probably don't wake up that morning thinking that they are in an unsafe area and that they may be killed today. They get out of bed that morning, expecting to come home from work that night and have supper. Murders can happen anywhere, anytime. And no matter how safe an area is, you never know what might happen. Life is uncertain and there are no guarantees.

I keep a loaded gun in a sewing bag on my bed post. I seriously doubt that I'll ever need it. I'm not in fear of being attacked in my home. I'm realistic enough to know that the odds are very much in my favor that I will be secure in my home because we live in a low crime neighborhood. However, I also realize that most people who are murdered in their homes probably thought the same thing. The odds aren't very high that you'll get in a car wreck, but people die in car wrecks. The odds aren't very high that you'll get struck by lightening, yet people get struck by lightening. The odds aren't very high that you'll ever need that gun in your car or your home, but guess what? Many victims' lives have been saved because they had access to a gun. Are there accidents with guns where a child gets into it? Sure, unfortunately. And do guns always serve the intended purpose? No. If two people with guns face off, most likely one of them will end up dead and sadly, it will sometimes be the victim rather than the attacker. Just as seatbelts don't always save lives, so guns don't always mean that the attacker is thwarted. Again, there are no guarantees in life, but IMO, the possession of a gun gives you a better chance of surviving an attack...especially if you are a little old lady in your house and you have no way of physically going up against a strong young man, and no way of being able to escape the house.


Active Member
Well you have a point:lol:, but seriously there are situations out there that do warrant having a gun. I think the idea behind this law is that people have a right to carry guns to protect themselves, and company policies not allowing them on property inhibit this even off the companies property. Take a drive through some parts of Kissimme and you might want one too. Crime can happen anywhere, take for instance a hypothetical Disney employee who commutes from Tampa (I know a few) stops at a gas station on the way home from work(after an EMH this could be 3:00 am or later) and steps into a robbery taking place. Now if this Disney employee was trained to use a gun to protect himself and others, that gun that Disney doesn't allow might come in very handy.

Not to get too political but I think this story illustrates a very good example.


Sorry I disagree with your point would it not be better to call the police and get a licence plate number, everyone has cell phones now. And this way you are not going to risk lives including your own. I could never ever understand the people that carry guns. Although I live in Canada where owning hand guns, or most guns is illegal. And I am so glad. I don't even know where you could get a gun here?? And yes we do have less violent crimes because of it!!


Active Member
Seeing anyone justify having a gun really confuses me. Maybe Im an extremist? I dont think so - I just think Im taking the smarter stance on the issue. NO GUNS PEOPLE! not for any reason at anytime! If you want to carry a gun because you think you are entitled or its your right, what you really are passionately defending is an outdated written proclomation, and not the actual ability to carry a mechanism of death.

The 2nd ammendment was enacted at a time when this country was in an "every man for himself" situation. Back then, the need to bear arms was just as important as the desire to live without religious tyranny and start a new life in a new land independent from outdated laws from the mother-land. TIMES CHANGE. get with them. Be safe, instead of creating a false sense of safety with a gun.

Happy Independence Day!!!!

Well Said!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree, the ban seems like a foolish, knee-jerk reaction.

In a world of sound bites, no one wants solutions that look at the core of the problem.

Personally, I don't carry a gun, doubt I ever will, but I think there is far too much concern about letting people have them in their car.

Personal conspiracy theory (which I can't defend, but just seems like a possibility)-- I think that the last minute change by the bill was probably very much on purpose. It allowed Disney to get what they want and politicians to feign outrage.

Actually, I did. I offered some excellent sources for finding answers to these problems about five pages ago but no one seems to be willing to invest the time it takes to read lengthy supreme court cases or books such as the "Federalist Papers". As you said, they would rather have sound bytes. I have seen many people quote statistics here to back up their argument. One must remember that statistics are often skewed and slanted and in some cases, simply inaccurate. Just look at the PI closing. Disney claims that they were receiving feedback from guest surveys that said that people wanted more shops. However, many on this site have suggested that those surveys had to be a bit off. Same rule applies here.:)


Active Member
This is one of those subjects that constantly astounds me! I'm a Brit and over here, it's virtually unheard of to carry a gun - its just not allowed!

Maybe I'm naive but I really can't imagine ever being in a situation where I wished I had a gun on me!:shrug:

Mee too. As long as guns are aloud you are going to have irresponsible people owning them. If you don't allow guns it makes it that much harder for irresponsible people to own them, and yes at the expense of the responsible people but that sounds worth it to me!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I disagree with your point would it not be better to call the police and get a licence plate number, everyone has cell phones now. And this way you are not going to risk lives including your own. I could never ever understand the people that carry guns. Although I live in Canada where owning hand guns, or most guns is illegal. And I am so glad. I don't even know where you could get a gun here?? And yes we do have less violent crimes because of it!!

On the contrary, by not acting to stop the burglary, and calling the cops instead, you're risking the lives of the victims, who could very likely be dead bodies on the floor when the cops arrive.

That's the problem with calling the cops. As high tech as we are, we haven't reached Star Trek levels yet, and we don't have transporters where the cops can instantly beam from the police station to the crime scene in seconds. When you're being attacked, you have to defend yourself NOW. By the time the cops get there, you're dead, and all they can do is arrest the murderer, but it won't do you much good will it?

Of course, I hope your laws in Canada aren't as stupid as they are in England, because I hear that you can't even defend yourself over there. Apparently, you're supposed to stand there and let someone attack you, and then, if you are still alive, you can call the cops. But if you dare to defend yourself, that makes you a criminal, too.


We just had a mass murder up this way he killed a acquantance of mine's father. He killed 8 people none of them with a gun!

Ah, I'm from West-Central Illinois (Galesburg to be specific) and that's where they are trying that methed-out lunatic.

And bravo to Paragon, but it's a shame so many people have passed over your contribution. Makes a lot of sense.


I don't call this a loophole. Lawmakers placed the wording of the law in a way to exempt Disney. It states it in the OP, small group convince lawmakers to modify wording at the final reading. Disney controls FL lawmakers.

i agree with you about disney controlling fl lawmakers. if im not mistaken, doesn't it say on the back of park tickets that any lawsuit brought against disney must be tried in the state of florida? wonder why that is.


Gotta love the US and their stupid Gun laws. Take a look at the crime rates of the rest of the world, and see why those laws do NOT work. Glad I don't live there.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
I will concede that one did not cause the other.

I also notice from the graphs that the ban did nothing to reduce the assault or robbery rate either.

If you are so well informed about gun crime you will know that the law was brought in after the murders of kids in Dunblane. Since then we have had no more incidents. However in the land of the free its at least an annual event, your answer appears to be lets have more guns.

As for the rise in gun crime, its a fairly simple case of acuse and effect, and in areas where its concentrated however in these PC times you cant say it out loud.

As for general crime, where Im from is one of the most viloent city anywhere, just imagine if they added guns to the mix.

The Mom

Premium Member
Could I please remind everyone to keep this discussion civil? I understand that there are strong feelings on both sides of this issue, but name calling is only going to get what has generally been an interesting discussion locked.

Thank you.


Active Member
Anyone who knows anything about the wording of laws knows that the reason laws take so long to enact is because committee, after committee, after committee reviewsthe wording and changs the wording, I mean when a bill goes from the house committees to the senate committees it could come back saying something completly different which is why most bills don't become laws. If there is a so called "loop-hole" in this law it was put there for a reason; the people who sit on committees are usually educated on that subject or if they aren't when they recieve that position they try to become educated on the subject. So basically my point here is loop-holes exist for a reason.

*Steps onto soapbox*
OH! And sitting here bashing each others opinions just shows how unaccepting you all are of others ideas and beliefs. I mean come on guys, do not sit here and say to one another I think you're dense or stupid or whatever because you believe that. I mean seriously, if person A doesn't like or belief the same thing as person B you know what an intelligent person would say? I respect your opinions and beliefs and I see how you got to that opinion of the situation but, my opinions and beliefs are this or these. Maybe if you sit here and discuss this in a civil manner you will learn something from one another, not sit here and bad mouth each other.
*Steps off of soapbox*


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
This could get interesting!

*sits back with popcorn*



New Member
I for one

Care to elaborate on that comment?

I am a frequent reader but rare poster here on these forums and this discussion certainly has gotten my attention.

I am a life long Disney fan who is planning his 8th trip to WDW which will begin in just 37 days & several hours (August 11-27, 2008). My first trip was back in 1984 when I was just 6-years-old. FYI - my other trips were in 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, & 2005. Additionally, I visited Disneyland for the first & only time in 2006 & I've taken 2 Disney Cruises (2002 & 2004). Heck, my house is virtually decorated in Disney!

All that being said, here's a little confession: I proudly belong to the National Rifle Association. I possess a Class A License to Carry Firearms here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (it allows for concealed & high capacity firearms). I'm a proud member of the Gun Owners' Action League (GOAL) of Massachusetts. I was also the Political Director of my local Rod & Gun Club until I resigned after being elected to become a member of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee (I'm also my county's coordinator for John McCain so yes, Disney fans are also conservative Republicans but THAT is another discussion entirely).

I cheered last week when the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Second Amendment being an individual right. I fully support the Florida legislation that Disney is using a loophole to circumvent (as I oppose my own employer, another very large nationwide & indeed international corporation, from prohibiting the storage of firearms in the locked cars of their associates - In Mass, it's legal to store a firearm in a locked trunk).

Anyway, I don't mean this post to be autobiographical but merely to state that Disney fans do not necessarily have to be anti-gun rights. Disney fans indeed can, and often are, on the right side of many political issues - and proudly so!

You know, while I often joke about how Walt Disney was a conservative Republican... but you know, liberal Democrats can & should enjoy WDW! Ditto with so-called "gun nuts" like myself.

I've mentioned, I'm an extremely political person... but I usually don't think of politics when I'm in the House of Mouse and it's probably best that way.
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