Disney doesn't allow guns at work!

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Active Member
Awesome post Brock615 - I hope you enjoy your upcoming trip!:)

Paragon, great post as well...hope to see you when we're there in September :wave:


New Member
If you are so well informed about gun crime you will know that the law was brought in after the murders of kids in Dunblane. Since then we have had no more incidents. However in the land of the free its at least an annual event, your answer appears to be lets have more guns.

My answer is, don't restrict the rights of the law abiding citizen because there are those among us (criminals and irrespsonsible owners) who do not obey the laws and never will obey the laws.

I'm saddended by the loss of any innocent life, but do you punish the entire populace because of the crimes of a few?

What if we applied your and other anit-gun logic to our other rights such as freedom of speech, voting, search and seizure, etc. While your at it, ban the selling and consumption of alchohol, because more kids (and adults) die in alchohol related deaths then by any other means. Regardless of how many adults handle thier consumption of alchohol responsibily, punish them all, I say!

Wait, the US already tried that and found out how that worked; it didn't and in fact became ugly real quick. The same results are occuring in those places where guns are being banned or severly restricted, but politicians don't want to admit it.

As for the rise in gun crime, its a fairly simple case of acuse and effect, and in areas where its concentrated however in these PC times you cant say it out loud.

As for general crime, where Im from is one of the most viloent city anywhere, just imagine if they added guns to the mix.

Crime would surely go down if the criminals knew citizens had the means and will to defend themselves. But they know you have neither. In communities all accross the US where find CCW friendly firearms laws you will find lower crime rates and the opposite is true in cities with very strict firearms laws. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
Did not bother reading the thread since political/social commentary threads here seem to be pretty lame.... but.....hmm

1. Get a job at disney
2. Bring gun to disney
3. Get fired
4. Sue
5. ???????
6. Profit!


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Crime would surely go down if the criminals knew citizens had the means and will to defend themselves. But they know you have neither. In communities all accross the US there are communities with very strict firearms laws with extremely low crime and the opposite is true in cities with very strict firearms laws. Why is that?

Source please?


Active Member
I am a frequent reader but rare poster here on these forums and this discussion certainly has gotten my attention.

I am a life long Disney fan who is planning his 8th trip to WDW which will begin in just 37 days & several hours (August 11-27, 2008). My first trip was back in 1984 when I was just 6-years-old. FYI - my other trips were in 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, & 2005. Additionally, I visited Disneyland for the first & only time in 2006 & I've taken 2 Disney Cruises (2002 & 2004). Heck, my house is virtually decorated in Disney!

All that being said, here's a little confession: I proudly belong to the National Rifle Association. I possess a Class A License to Carry Firearms here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (it allows for concealed & high capacity firearms). I'm a proud member of the Gun Owners' Action League (GOAL) of Massachusetts. I was also the Political Director of my local Rod & Gun Club until I resigned after being elected to become a member of the Massachusetts Republican State Committee (I'm also my county's coordinator for John McCain so yes, Disney fans are also conservative Republicans but THAT is another discussion entirely).

I cheered last week when the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Second Amendment being an individual right. I fully support the Florida legislation that Disney is using a loophole to circumvent (as I oppose my own employer, another very large nationwide & indeed international corporation, from prohibiting the storage of firearms in the locked cars of their associates - In Mass, it's legal to store a firearm in a locked trunk).

Anyway, I don't mean this post to be autobiographical but merely to state that Disney fans do not necessarily have to be anti-gun rights. Disney fans indeed can, and often are, on the right side of many political issues - and proudly so!

You know, while I often joke about how Walt Disney was a conservative Republican... but you know, liberal Democrats can & should enjoy WDW! Ditto with so-called "gun nuts" like myself.

I've mentioned, I'm an extremely political person... but I usually don't think of politics when I'm in the House of Mouse and it's probably best that way.

Well said, but I was asking for an explanation for the comment of:

Who the hell would want to carry a gun on them unless they were a criminal. Decent people don't need to carry guns!

I found that to be a rather ignorant statement.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Why is that?

I think you know the answer to that and its very little to do with fire power in the bedroom.

You do realise that pressure groups fund their own research.

You love guns I get it, Its your right, I get that too, but forgive me if I think most of what written by the NRA and its fans is gung ho dross.

Just as an aside, how will Orlando survive once the crims suss that everyone is tooled up except tourists. A few brains splattered on the street is not exactly going to boost the economy.


Active Member
In this day and age there is no need for guns. They should be outlawed completely. Anyone caught with a gun could be hanged on friday night pay-per-view to fund the program.

Oh that makes sense - that way law abiding citizens would not be legally allowed to protect themselves from the criminals that would still be carrying guns anyway ...okay.



Well-Known Member
I am absolutelty stunned that this thread has lasted 13 pages. I would have expected it to get closed down a long time ago.

I hope this is a good sign of things to come. It's good that the name calling and insults were kept to a minumum and we've proven that we can debate an issue maturely.


Well-Known Member
Oh that makes sense - that way law abiding citizens would not be legally allowed to protect themselves from the criminals that would still be carrying guns anyway ...okay.


*sigh* You're so naive. Common sense would tell you that when they ban guns, the criminals will do the honorable thing and surrender all their firearms. You see, not only do criminals have a high respect for the law, but they also have a code of honor which forbids them to engage in an unfair fight. The only reason they have guns now is to protect themselves against people like you and me who may stop them from excercising their right to rape, steal and kill.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Whats the rate of injury and death as a result of a neglegent discharge against people murdered/injured as the result of failing to have a gun?


and has there been a sudden increase in street crime that requires Disney workers to protect themselves on their way to and from work?

To be honest its part of the culture and so engrained into society that it would be impossible to change, and its big buisness. Lets face it you can always get someone else to sort the mail.


New Member
I think you know the answer to that and its very little to do with fire power in the bedroom.

The answer, whether you accept it as truth or not, is that crime is lower in communities that allow its law abiding citizens to CCW because the criminals no longer operate in a safe zone. Why would anyone want a gun free zone? Criminals love gun free zones because they know they will find little to no resistance.

Just as an aside, how will Orlando survive once the crims suss that everyone is tooled up except tourists. A few brains splattered on the street is not exactly going to boost the economy.

Florida allows its citizens to CCW, so the residents who are exercising that right will less likely be the next crime statistic as those who don't. I would rather have the brains of a criminal splattered on the street than a law abiding citizen who works hard for what he/she has.

Anyone who is for the disarming of law abiding citizens is essentially supporting crime. You may as well join "Criminals for Gun Control."

I would rather send a message to criminals: Crime does not pay and it could cost you your life. As it stands now, who or what does the criminal fear? Law enforcement? No. Prison? No. They fear nothing, accept death.

A dead offender cannot be a repeat offender.

Next time you hear or read about a family that was butchered in their home, a women brutally raped, a women battered by an abusive spouse/boyfriend, a store owner robbed and beaten or killed, you think about how it may have been different if they had the means and will to defend themselves.

I may die defending myself, but at least I will have died trying and not like many here who would cower in a corner hoping that some two-bit, low life criminal would have mercy on me.

I believe I have stated my case clearly and accurately. Each one of us must choose whether we will take personal responsibility for our safety and security or leave it in the hands of our governments knowing the cannot be held accountable for the protection of the individual. Many, if not all states, have laws protecting law enforcement from such liability.

I don't think its necessary to take a weapon into any theme park, but shame on Disney and every other employer who does not allow their law abiding, background checked, finger printed, and photographed employees to keep a firearm LOCKED in their car as per state law.

I don't know of any employer who accepts responsibility for safety of their employees traveling to and from work, so to deny them their right to self defense is reprehensable.

If you are a Disney employee, I hope the courts side with you. If not, and you find yourself in harms way, get a good lawyer and get everything you can as Disney is responsible for denying you the means of self defense.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Is the red text suppose to represent the blood shed from victims of gun related crimes?


Well-Known Member
This has been an interesting discussion that has led me to further reading. One thing I've noted, is that the laws vary widely by state and circumstance, as you might expect.

For those people that travel across state lines with a gun to Disney as some have shared (concealed, loaded, or not) should make sure you research all the states you will be visiting because what may be perfectly valid in one state will land you in jail in another.



Well-Known Member
Is the red text suppose to represent the blood shed from victims of gun related crimes?


I tend to agree with Archie on that, despite the deliberate attempt by the writers to portay all of us pro-2nd ammendment people as ignorant bigots.:ROFLOL: People who have it in their mind and heart to murder someone will find whatever means they can to do so. Eliminating guns won't keep them out of the hands of people who have no regard to the law in the first place. Or if it does, they'll just hack you up with their switchblades or strangle you instead of shooting you. Either way, you're just as dead.

Perhaps it's just the murder weapon of choice that some of you find so offensive. Perhaps you wouldn't think it so bad if these people stabbed their victims or pushed them out of windows instead. Would that make you feel any better?
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