Disney doesn't allow guns at work!

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Well-Known Member
Florida allows its citizens to CCW, so the residents who are exercising that right will less likely be the next crime statistic as those who don't. I would rather have the brains of a criminal splattered on the street than a law abiding citizen who works hard for what he/she has.

Anyone who is for the disarming of law abiding citizens is essentially supporting crime. You may as well join "Criminals for Gun Control."

By your logic, you're supporting the ability of criminals to gain weapons by having them in cars in peoples workplaces? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it's just the murder weapon of choice that some of you find so offensive. Perhaps you wouldn't think it so bad if these people stabbed their victims or pushed them out of windows instead. Would that make you feel any better?

I think the standard counter to that would be a knife can cut a tomato, a window is there to give light...a gun has no other function besides to kill/injure someone.

You can't use one as a can opener, ya know. ;)



Well-Known Member
Florida allows its citizens to CCW, so the residents who are exercising that right will less likely be the next crime statistic as those who don't. I would rather have the brains of a criminal splattered on the street than a law abiding citizen who works hard for what he/she has.

Anyone who is for the disarming of law abiding citizens is essentially supporting crime. You may as well join "Criminals for Gun Control."

I would rather send a message to criminals: Crime does not pay and it could cost you your life. As it stands now, who or what does the criminal fear? Law enforcement? No. Prison? No. They fear nothing, accept death.

A dead offender cannot be a repeat offender.

Next time you hear or read about a family that was butchered in their home, a women brutally raped, a women battered by an abusive spouse/boyfriend, a store owner robbed and beaten or killed, you think about how it may have been different if they had the means and will to defend themselves.

I may die defending myself, but at least I will have died trying and not like many here who would cower in a corner hoping that some two-bit, low life criminal would have mercy on me.

I believe I have stated my case clearly and accurately. Each one of us must choose whether we will take personal responsibility for our safety and security or leave it in the hands of our governments knowing the cannot be held accountable for the protection of the individual. Many, if not all states, have laws protecting law enforcement from such liability.

I don't think its necessary to take a weapon into any theme park, but shame on Disney and every other employer who does not allow their law abiding, background checked, finger printed, and photographed employees to keep a firearm LOCKED in their car as per state law.

I don't know of any employer who accepts responsibility for safety of their employees traveling to and from work, so to deny them their right to self defense is reprehensable.

If you are a Disney employee, I hope the courts side with you. If not, and you find yourself in harms way, get a good lawyer and get everything you can as Disney is responsible for denying you the means of self defense.

Hey EPCOT.nut, this is what i meant by a gun-nut. He's making the rest of you look really bad.

(go back to page one, kids)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult

I tend to agree with Archie on that, despite the deliberate attempt by the writers to portay all of us pro-2nd ammendment people as ignorant bigots.:ROFLOL: People who have it in their mind and heart to murder someone will find whatever means they can to do so. Eliminating guns won't keep them out of the hands of people who have no regard to the law in the first place. Or if it does, they'll just hack you up with their switchblades or strangle you instead of shooting you. Either way, you're just as dead.

Perhaps it's just the murder weapon of choice that some of you find so offensive. Perhaps you wouldn't think it so bad if these people stabbed their victims or pushed them out of windows instead. Would that make you feel any better?

Then they would make a rule about not having windows in your car. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I think the standard counter to that would be a knife can cut a tomato, a window is there to give light...a gun has no other function besides to kill/injure someone.

You can't use one as a can opener, ya know. ;)


Sure ya can. It's just gonna be alot messier. :D


Well-Known Member
Hey EPCOT.nut, this is what i meant by a gun-nut. He's making the rest of you look really bad.

(go back to page one, kids)

I wonder how many NRA members commit crimes with their legally registered guns? I am guessing not many since criminals are not usually law abiding citizens.

I have not commented on this topic because I, personally, am afraid of guns. I do, however believe in the 2nd ammendment right to own one. If my family were in danger by some thug criminal, I would like the option to have one to stop them from breaking in and killing me so that they could later sue me in a court of law for getting injured trying to commit a criminal act. :ROFLOL:
Seriously though- taking guns away from people that abide by the law is not going to stop criminals from getting them. Criminals do not in most case scenarios, buy guns at Wal-Mart etc., they buy them on the streets just like they do illegal drugs.
And terrorists did commit the terrible crimes that they did to this country with box cutters afterall. :shrug:

My 2 cents~


Well-Known Member
As someone who attends theme parks, i don't want guns there. I don't want them in the parking lot, i don't want the employees to have them. I want to feel safe, and the idea that patrons and cast of Disney having guns doesn't make me feel safe one bit.

I agree with this. It's Disney, you don't need a gun.

But the thing that really gets me here, is people just having a GUN locked in the center console of their car, or under the seat. That's the easiest way for a petty or full blown criminal to get his hands on one. And being a person whose car has been broken into at disney and also being with others whose cars have had locks and windows smashed there, it makes me think. Ok, so you have some lowlife who was willing to break into your car for a handul of change and your radar detector, and now you've just also given him easy access to a gun........That's how a lot of guns get into the wrong hands, and now it's in the wrong hands at a destination full of tourists with pockets full of cash.

Not to mention, I think that the possibility of some kid grabbing the gun in the car while no one was looking and killing himself or someone else is far greater than the chances of some nut holding up everyone in line at Cosmic Rays.


Well-Known Member
Hey EPCOT.nut, this is what i meant by a gun-nut. He's making the rest of you look really bad.

(go back to page one, kids)

Hey PhotoDave219, there are all kinds of people out there will all kinds of opinions. Sometimes it's just easier to let people think and feel what they want without name-calling. Give it a try! :wave:

It may be convenient for you to lump everyone that owns guns into the same category, but we're not all the same.

In the same way, just because a person goes to WDW doesn't make that person a sweetheart. You can stand in the queues for just a few minutes and figure that out.


Well-Known Member
Hey PhotoDave219, there are all kinds of people out there will all kinds of opinions. Sometimes it's just easier to let people think and feel what they want without name-calling. Give it a try! :wave:

It may be convenient for you to lump everyone that owns guns into the same category, but we're not all the same.

Ya missed the point here... I never called you a gun nut... an Epcot nut yes.... But that guy, he made all responsible gun owners trying to make points here look bad..... He's reinforcing the stereotype you're trying to break here.

Unless you want him to represent the whole. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Florida allows its citizens to CCW, so the residents who are exercising that right will less likely be the next crime statistic as those who don't. I would rather have the brains of a criminal splattered on the street than a law abiding citizen who works hard for what he/she has.

Anyone who is for the disarming of law abiding citizens is essentially supporting crime. You may as well join "Criminals for Gun Control."

I would rather send a message to criminals: Crime does not pay and it could cost you your life. As it stands now, who or what does the criminal fear? Law enforcement? No. Prison? No. They fear nothing, accept death.

A dead offender cannot be a repeat offender.

Next time you hear or read about a family that was butchered in their home, a women brutally raped, a women battered by an abusive spouse/boyfriend, a store owner robbed and beaten or killed, you think about how it may have been different if they had the means and will to defend themselves.

I may die defending myself, but at least I will have died trying and not like many here who would cower in a corner hoping that some two-bit, low life criminal would have mercy on me.

I believe I have stated my case clearly and accurately. Each one of us must choose whether we will take personal responsibility for our safety and security or leave it in the hands of our governments knowing the cannot be held accountable for the protection of the individual. Many, if not all states, have laws protecting law enforcement from such liability.

I don't think its necessary to take a weapon into any theme park, but shame on Disney and every other employer who does not allow their law abiding, background checked, finger printed, and photographed employees to keep a firearm LOCKED in their car as per state law.

I don't know of any employer who accepts responsibility for safety of their employees traveling to and from work, so to deny them their right to self defense is reprehensable.

If you are a Disney employee, I hope the courts side with you. If not, and you find yourself in harms way, get a good lawyer and get everything you can as Disney is responsible for denying you the means of self defense.

Thats awesome. You make going to work sound like a couple of tours through Vietnam. The problem you seem to be looking over, and its actually been mentioned here at least once, is that most gun owners don't take the proper precautions with locking up their firearm. Locking a gun in the center console of your car is not going to stop ANYONE from getting to it.

And that is being just as selfish as everyone here thinks the Fla gov't is being. When a criminal can break into your car, get a gun and then use that gun to commit a crime--that is garbage. I think that if Fla is going to enact these laws than they should also enact laws that apply to the original owner of the gun. If your gun was stolen from your car and used in a robbery, than by all means you should face damages also. You have the gun to protect yourselves from the criminal element, you should also have the decency to protect others from the damage your gun can have. You have to weigh the options. Of course everyone should have the right to protect themselves from harm. But when that right becomes a danger to others, as I believe it would in this case, than it should not be allowed. Its a give and take, two-sided scenario. Violence at Disney has never escalated to a point where guns were necesary or even warranted, why create issues where they don't need to be created.

I'm a firm believer in the less government the better and also a firm believer in the less guns the better. Use them for sport, use them responsibly. We don't need to introduce them to a place that has produced no valid reasons to carry them. Unfortunately, thats not the case in this country. Criminals exist and most gun owners are careless--as far as I'm concerned. I worry more about the careless gun owner than I do the lone random criminal.


Well-Known Member
Hey EPCOT.nut, this is what i meant by a gun-nut. He's making the rest of you look really bad.

(go back to page one, kids)

I'm not totally sure I agree with him that Disney should be legally required to allow people to bring guns on property, since, as has been mentioned, it's a matter of personal gun rights vs private property rights. I'm all for gun rights, but I also don't want to infringe on the rights of private property owners to excercise dominion over their land and set rules on what can be brought on their property. On the other hand, your car is an extension of your property,and I'm not sure that anyone should be able to tell you what you can and can't have in your car. So I'm really not sure which right needs to give here since one is pitted against the other.

Having said all that, although I already said I'm not sure I agree with him on that point, I'm right behind him on the rest of this post and all I can say to him is "well said".

So I guess I'm a gun nut, too, and am also guilty of making the rest of them look bad. :shrug:


Account Suspended
gun rights

would you like to explain your open lax point of view on guns and gun control and gun rights to one of the parents of Columbine, or the Amish school in Penn, or Bryant School right here in Queens NY ?

guns have no place in disney, either toy guns or real guns

what is wrong with you people? we have the right to bear arms to protect our home, family, and property -- NOT to bring to Disney World on vacation

stop comparing a car to a gun, that is just ludicrous and a childish comparison



Well-Known Member
would you like to explain your open lax point of view on guns and gun control and gun rights to one of the parents of Columbine, or the Amish school in Penn, or Bryant School right here in Queens NY ?

guns have no place in disney, either toy guns or real guns

what is wrong with you people? we have the right to bear arms to protect our home, family, and property -- NOT to bring to Disney World on vacation

stop comparing a car to a gun, that is just ludicrous and a childish comparison


So I'm assumming you've already written a letter to the Walt Disney Company explaining to them that they need to get rid of the POTC attraction and all the toy guns that are sold in the gift shop? And that they need to get rid of the guns in the Jungle Cruise ride, The Great Movie Ride, and any other ride or attraction which features guns or any reference to guns?


Well-Known Member
Ya missed the point here... I never called you a gun nut... an Epcot nut yes.... But that guy, he made all responsible gun owners trying to make points here look bad..... He's reinforcing the stereotype you're trying to break here.

Unless you want him to represent the whole. :shrug:

You can't help his opinion - just try and ignore it best you can.

I always think (laughingly) when I read some crack-pot stuff..."Jeesh, I'm glad I'm not related to them..!"

Sorry to get annoyed at you...I just felt like you were pulling a "neener-neener" and I'm thinking - HEY I don't know this guy...leave me out of the picture! :lol:

I just really like my firearms. I love to shoot - it's challenging and fun - and I'd hate for that to ever be taken away from me. When I was a kid, a typical Saturday was to go down in the morning to my Uncle's gun shop, grab a soda, and listen to the grown-ups talk. I was raised that way here in the South, learning to shoot and have respect for firearms, and plinking, laughing, and enjoying the great outdoors. :)


Account Suspended
as a matter of fact yes i have, i has asked for all of the toy guns to be pulled from the shelves not from the attractions

guns and weapons taken in the context of the rides hold no problem

by the way, would you like the phone number of Mothers Against Guns here in NY? It is an organization here of mothers who have lost their children to kids that brought guns to school for fun?

I almost lose a 5 yr old family member to a child who mixed up their toy gun with their dad's real gun and brought it to school after vacation to show his friends.

guns don't kill people, people kill people? ________________
guns do not load themselves or pull their own triggers

i am totally for gun rights and in some cultures in this country children learn to play with them from an early age and learn to use them responsibly

on vacation, where you have people from all parts of this country and world, some rules and laws must apply and one of them is no guns in the parks for everyone's protection


Well-Known Member
as a matter of fact yes i have, i has asked for all of the toy guns to be pulled from the shelves not from the attractions

guns and weapons taken in the context of the rides hold no problem

by the way, would you like the phone number of Mothers Against Guns here in NY? It is an organization here of mothers who have lost their children to kids that brought guns to school for fun?

I almost lose a 5 yr old family member to a child who mixed up their toy gun with their dad's real gun and brought it to school after vacation to show his friends.

guns don't kill people, people kill people? ________________
guns do not load themselves or pull their own triggers

i am totally for gun rights and in some cultures in this country children learn to play with them from an early age and learn to use them responsibly

on vacation, where you have people from all parts of this country and world, some rules and laws must apply and one of them is no guns in the parks for everyone's protection

No, I'm not interested in the phone number for that group. It's just another example of people thinking with their emotions and not with their brains.

I grew up in a conservative religious environment and I have spent all my life hearing similar demagogary against alcoholic beverages. Even though the Bible says nothing against the consumption of alcohol (only against overindulgence), for my entire life, I have had to listen to people in church talking about how evil alcohol is because of those idiots that choose to abuse it and get themselves and others killed and spout as god inspired doctrine that no one who is an obedient Christian should touch alcohol.

Both groups are making the same idiotic mistake...their not using their brains to think the issue through, but only reacting out of emotion. Because the actions of a few irresponsible people, they demonize the object (be it guns or alcohol) and try to take it away from everyone.

Foolish nonsense.


Account Suspended
please send a message to the poster of this thread to cancel it out and remove it

this has gone on too long and has gotten out of control

all those who agree, please send a message to the original poster of the thread to remove it

please also send a message to the webmaster of this site, check the contact link in the top right

discussions such as this have no place on this website


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not interested in the phone number for that group. It's just another example of people thinking with their emotions and not with their brains.

I grew up in a conservative religious environment and I have spent all my life hearing similar demagogary against alcoholic beverages. Even though the Bible says nothing against the consumption of alcohol (only against overindulgence), for my entire life, I have had to listen to people in church talking about how evil alcohol is because of those idiots that choose to abuse it and get themselves and others killed and spout as god inspired doctrine that no one who is an obedient Christian should touch alcohol.

Both groups are making the same idiotic mistake...their not using their brains to think the issue through, but only reacting out of emotion. Because the actions of a few irresponsible people, they demonize the object (be it guns or alcohol) and try to take it away from everyone.

Foolish nonsense.

Emotional responses come from both sides of the coin, pro-gun and anti-gun.
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