Florida allows its citizens to CCW, so the residents who are exercising that right will less likely be the next crime statistic as those who don't. I would rather have the brains of a criminal splattered on the street than a law abiding citizen who works hard for what he/she has.
Anyone who is for the disarming of law abiding citizens is essentially supporting crime. You may as well join "Criminals for Gun Control."
I would rather send a message to criminals: Crime does not pay and it could cost you your life. As it stands now, who or what does the criminal fear? Law enforcement? No. Prison? No. They fear nothing, accept death.
A dead offender cannot be a repeat offender.
Next time you hear or read about a family that was butchered in their home, a women brutally raped, a women battered by an abusive spouse/boyfriend, a store owner robbed and beaten or killed, you think about how it may have been different if they had the means and will to defend themselves.
I may die defending myself, but at least I will have died trying and not like many here who would cower in a corner hoping that some two-bit, low life criminal would have mercy on me.
I believe I have stated my case clearly and accurately. Each one of us must choose whether we will take personal responsibility for our safety and security or leave it in the hands of our governments knowing the cannot be held accountable for the protection of the individual. Many, if not all states, have laws protecting law enforcement from such liability.
I don't think its necessary to take a weapon into any theme park, but shame on Disney and every other employer who does not allow their law abiding, background checked, finger printed, and photographed employees to keep a firearm LOCKED in their car as per state law.
I don't know of any employer who accepts responsibility for safety of their employees traveling to and from work, so to deny them their right to self defense is reprehensable.
If you are a Disney employee, I hope the courts side with you. If not, and you find yourself in harms way, get a good lawyer and get everything you can as Disney is responsible for denying you the means of self defense.