Disney doesn't allow guns at work!

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Well-Known Member
Well, if you actually read the article (Can gun nuts read? Well tell you at 11. :lookaroun), Disney is exempt from it because of a loophole in the law that basically says if you have a federal explosives permit, you are can be exempt from the law. Because of their fireworks productions, they happen to have said permit and are exempt from the law.

Personally, i don't want guns at Disney. Its the happiest place on earth; we don't need it looking like an armed camp in the Middle East.

The gun nuts can go up the street to Universal where.... oh wait, they're exempt too because of a relationship with the Orange County Public School system.

Wow...judgemental much??

I happen to be a member of the NRA, I can read, and what do you know, I think Disney is doing the right thing. But I guess I am still "nuts" :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
This is actually the real issue here and one I've ignored a bit in my responses because its what bothers me about this law. Up till now I've just been arguing why someone should have the right to carry a weapon. This is a troubling issue though because, as someone who values rights above all else, it seems a point where one points rights will have to trump another's rights. I don't know how to get around that.

Do we tell companies that they don't have a right to control what comes onto their private property, or do we tell someone else that you're not allowed to carry your weapon (which is a right provided to you by the constitution) on your way to and from work. These are two very important rights, and I don't know what the right answer is here.
This is an interesting point. I am not taking sides on this one but if you wanted some further info you could google "supreme court gun cases". Apparently there are some books written about them but I would be careful because many of them are probably slanted to one side or the other. If you could find the cases then you could look up the opinions on the Supreme Court web site. If you really wanted to do some homework you could read Montesquieu, Locke, and maybe even J.S. Mill. I offer those authors because they wrote largely about the "spirit of the laws" and they largely influenced the thinking of the founding fathers. I will admit that this will take some time but it seems like this is an important issue for you and so I am being thorough.:)
Edit: I forgot to throw in "Federalist Papers" and "Debates that happened during the Constitutional convention"


Active Member
What do WD Inc. shareholders think about this firearm policy? After all, this 'private property' is owned by the shareholders.

Perhaps they have the power, and responsibility, to clarify the position with respect to the FL law.

Disney-fied politics. This site keeps getting better since I joined! :sohappy:

Pass the popcorn please.


Well-Known Member
The loophole that is being exploited is that if your business holds a federal explosives permit, you are exempt from that law, which Disney happens to have because of their fireworks.

Universal is exempt because of an educational program relationship with the Orange County Schools.

As someone who attends theme parks, i don't want guns there. I don't want them in the parking lot, i don't want the employees to have them. I want to feel safe, and the idea that patrons and cast of Disney having guns doesn't make me feel safe one bit.
Gotya...and I agree. To be completely honest, I kinda want to know why Florida representatives don't have anything better to do that to come up, vote on, and sign this kind of legislation.


Devils advocate.....

So, according to the article, Disney does not allow fire arms on their property at all except for Police. If Disney informed you that you could not have your fire arm, what would you do? Would you refuse to leave & tell them they don't have the right to control what is brought onto their private property? Would you leave the resort and find a hotel off site that allows fire arms? Would you stay on site and not bring the fire arm?

Honestly, I probably wouldn't even have a gun if it wasn't for my job(I am not on duty when I am at Disney. Although, I am supposedly on duty 24/7 according to 'the man'). And they wouldn't even know I had one if I didn't tell anyone(Which I don't). If they're digging around in my safe, then we have issues. But if I were into guns and had my own(And a CCW) as average joe citizen, WDW doesn't fall into a protected no-gun-carrying category, so yes, I would take my gun with me(And promptly lock it in a safe or in a lock box in my trunk). And if they challenged me, I'd probably see them in US District Court.


Well-Known Member
We just recently puchased a gun for our home (for protection if ever needed) and we travel with it in our car on trips (again for safety). We never take it out of the car. We drive to Orlando 3 - 4 times each year.

I know this thread was started due to guns and cast members but many people have said that there are not allowed on property by anyone.


I have never heard of this rule / policy. Is this something that is made readily known to guests? I would hate to think that we should not be protected on our 8 hour drive just because Disney doesn't allow out gun to remain locked in the console of my private vehicle while we visit the resort.

Ok, I have to ask...protected from what? Are people being carjacked or attacked in large numbers en route to Disney that it necessitates being armed at all times. You aren't travelling through a war zone. It's ridiculous that people think that they have to be armed at all times to be safe, which actually gives them a false sense of security. And now criminals will get more savy...all those guns in unprotected cars...I would like to see the statistics for stolen weapons, and whether or not it increases as a result of this law. And I concur with another poster, what is the point of having a gun if it is locked away in your car? The NRA (or whoever else supports this new law) can probably site case after case where people were victimized and a gun would have come in handy, but those numbers wouldn't even be a fraction of a percent of people travelling without incident.

Are gun laws going to stop criminals from obtaining weapons? Of course not. Is it going to deter them from comitting crimes for fear their victim might be armed. Nope. Only in smaller communities that already have low crime rates would you see a potential decrease in crime, but in general you would most likely see an increase. And that is what people in support of all these weapons on the street think. You can arm every single citizen with a weapon and I guarantee you the crime rate will increase, as will the number of accidental gunshot wounds. A report recently released indicated that about half of all gunshot wounds were accidental. If you want a gun to keep your home safe, then more power to you. But bringing a weapon into the public sphere is unproductive. The odds are greater for you to injure an innocent party rather than your attacker.


Active Member
Original Poster
Honestly, I probably wouldn't even have a gun if it wasn't for my job(I am not on duty when I am at Disney. Although, I am supposedly on duty 24/7 according to 'the man'). And they wouldn't even know I had one if I didn't tell anyone(Which I don't). If they're digging around in my safe, then we have issues. But if I were into guns and had my own(And a CCW) as average joe citizen, WDW doesn't fall into a protected no-gun-carrying category, so yes, I would take my gun with me(And promptly lock it in a safe or in a lock box in my trunk). And if they challenged me, I'd probably see them in US District Court.

With that being said, it made me think of other situations. I understand you are leaving your gun in the safe, and yes, if they are going through you safe, there is a totally different matter at hand. I.E. They shouldn't be!

Going to a basketball game in Orlando can be very dangerous as the arena sits in our high crime area. So, there for one would want to bring their gun with them. You are not allowed into the arena with a gun. Do they have the right to tell you you can't bring a gun into the arena? If they do have the right, why does Disney not have the right to stop guns from the resorts/property? If they don't have the right, why do they get away with refusing entry?

How about other theme parks which have metal detectors and will not allow entry with a gun. Universal does this during Horror Nights.

As mentioned, when does the right of a person step over the right of a company to protect what it owns, it's guest, it's employees? If guns are allowed, does that mean insurance the company pays for go up? (This is for any establishment, not just Disney)

BTW: My sister was robbed and almost rapped when in college at VATech in the parking lot of a 7-11. Would a gun have helped? possibly. I personally don't like guns, but I am also not against guns in the hands of those who are trained and have the proper permits. With that said, I think a company has the right to not allow guns, knifes, or other items that may fall into that category on their property.


Active Member
It must be terrible to live in such fear all the time. I live in Orlando and I don't feel the need to carry a weapon.

Aaaaanyhoo, I don't think Disney employees should be allowed to carry or keep weapons in their vehicles. I can understand why employees are allowed to do this at other businesses, but this should not be the case at a place where there are so many security and police officers.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I probably wouldn't even have a gun if it wasn't for my job(I am not on duty when I am at Disney. Although, I am supposedly on duty 24/7 according to 'the man'). And they wouldn't even know I had one if I didn't tell anyone(Which I don't). If they're digging around in my safe, then we have issues. But if I were into guns and had my own(And a CCW) as average joe citizen, WDW doesn't fall into a protected no-gun-carrying category, so yes, I would take my gun with me(And promptly lock it in a safe or in a lock box in my trunk). And if they challenged me, I'd probably see them in US District Court.

This new law notwithstanding, you would lose in court. As private property, Disney has every right to restrict the possession of weapons on its property.


Well-Known Member
I don't live in fear, I just use common sense. I don't live in fear of getting hit by a car, but I wear my seatbelt, etc... Of course we don't live in a warzone, but there are a lot of people up to no good at 2 in the morning. If you have to travel at that time it makes sense to have some protection. I wonder how many of you saying carrying guns is ridiculous have to often travel home from work very late into areas that aren't very safe.


Well-Known Member
All I know is I would NOT be comfortable going to work knowing that other employees may have guns!
I can just see it now, "Don't tick that guy off, he carries a gun!"


Well-Known Member
I don't live in fear, I just use common sense. I don't live in fear of getting hit by a car, but I wear my seatbelt, etc... Of course we don't live in a warzone, but there are a lot of people up to no good at 2 in the morning. If you have to travel at that time it makes sense to have some protection. I wonder how many of you saying carrying guns is ridiculous have to often travel home from work very late into areas that aren't very safe.

There are a lot of people up to no good at 2 in the afternoon as well.

Good post.


New Member
This has nothing to do with national defense...it's about personal defense, and individual rights, guaranteed by our Constitution...last time I checked, the NRA didn't write the Constitution.

I believe it has to do with both personal and national defense.
I believe (I pray it never happens) a invading force or forces will
understand they will fight the military, and potentialy armed citizens.
With well over 300 millon people in america, who have the right to own and use a gun, WOW....:eek: Sound like a well defended nation to me, on a local and nation level. Of course this is just my own opinion.

My next trip to the world on sept 13, I'll leave my guns and grenades at


Active Member
Can you prove they're facts? Can you come up with a compelling reason - beyond fear of the unknown and what might happen on your way to work - why you need a gun in your car on your way to and from work?

Anyone who watches more news than what the drive by media provides knows the facts - the world is not always a safe place. Why in the world would I not want to protect myself in my personal vehicle? I am completely within my rights to do so.


Well-Known Member
All I know is I would NOT be comfortable going to work knowing that other employees may have guns!
I can just see it now, "Don't tick that guy off, he carries a gun!"

You think its not this way already. There are a ton of people who bring them whether the employer allows it or not (which isn't illegal). They just don't bring them out. Again, those who have the concealed weapon License aren't the ones to worry about. They're not the people who are going to come shoot you. Its those who have their guns illegally who will do so.


Active Member
I believe it has to do with both personal and national defense.
I believe (I pray it never happens) a invading force or forces will
understand they will fight the military, and potentialy armed citizens.
With well over 300 millon people in america, who have the right to own and use a gun, WOW....:eek: Sound like a well defended nation to me, on a local and nation level. Of course this is just my own opinion.

Yeah, you're really going to put up a huge fight against an invading army. Did you just recently watch Red Dawn or something?


Active Member
You think its not this way already. There are a ton of people who bring them whether the employer allows it or not (which isn't illegal). They just don't bring them out. Again, those who have the concealed weapon License aren't the ones to worry about. They're not the people who are going to come shoot you. Its those who have their guns illegally who will do so.

I wish I had your ability to see into the future and know who is and isn't going to shoot me.
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