Disney doesn't allow guns at work!

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Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
I don't call this a loophole. Lawmakers placed the wording of the law in a way to exempt Disney. It states it in the OP, small group convince lawmakers to modify wording at the final reading. Disney controls FL lawmakers.


Well-Known Member
Long and short the politicians got the shaft at their own game so their just angry thats about it grow up people, like there isn't enough security at Disney World my god, having the sherrifs everywhere isn't enough???


Well-Known Member
I have to agree that I don't think guns belong on Disney property in the hands of Guests or CMs. If the OCSD has them on property, that's fine. But I see no reason to carry a gun with you in your car at all times.

Of course, in case you couldn't tell, I have never owned a firearm, and have never had a desire to. I have lived in some bad neighborhoods in New York, and currently live outside of Orlando, where the crime is pretty high, and my aluminium baseball bat will do nicely. If I need to defend myself, I will, but a gun would serve no purpose for me. If someone comes at me with a gun, they're either a) close enough that I can get them with that aforementioned bat, or b) far enough away that I can't hit them, in which case my only option would be to have a gun on me that I can aim and fire before they do, and the chances of that are not amazingly high.

Having a gun doesn't protect you from someone with a gun, IMHO. And I have to say that I'd rather Disney not allow CMs or Guests to bring guns on property at all. I feel safer without guns than with.

I agree with this 100%. I'm kind of shocked that anyone would lobby against Disney because they don't want guns on their property.


New Member
OK, first - I don't swing one way or the other on the gun issue. I carried one myself (at all times) because of a protection issue (my life was threatened). It felt nice knowing if someone came at me, I would be able to match fire with fire (literally). However, I no longer carry nor do we have a gun in our house. Personally, the gun issue is a little bit out of control (too many stupid people want the right to bear arms without having the knowledge that should go with being armed).

Anyway, I do have to agree with the majority of the posters that guns do not belong on Disney property. I totally understand about the one poster, though (GrowingUpDisney), who brings his with him when he travels. I think this is ok. I'm not sure about the law, but maybe you should look into whether tourists are exempt as long as they have a valid permit to carry. PigletIsMyCat is right on IMHO (BTW - love the hair!!!). I can understand the possible need to carry protection in some areas in and around Orlando, but I personally don't think Disney is the type of crime-ridden area where you would need to be armed.

OK, that was my two cents....I am now off the soapbox.

PS - I hope I didn't offend anybody, that is never my intention (I just also speak my mind).

The Mom

Premium Member
I think that this is an interesting situation, and was the topic of discussion around the breakfast table yesterday, as My daughter is visiting with her bf, a 3rd year law student.

It's up to the courts to decide whether the constitutional right to own and control your own property along with the behavior of guests/customers/employees supercedes the constitutional right to bear arms.

Compelling arguments can be made for both sides, if people calm down and look at things rationally. Calling people with a differing view names is not going to do anything but start a fight, and get this thread locked.

Do I want to see people carrying guns within the theme park itself,? Hell no! Do I want someone who is legally licensed and trained to carry a gun have to travel unarmed, because they can't leave their gun locked in their car upon arrival? I'm not so sure.

But my right to own a firearm if I feel the need to do so depends upon guaranteeing the right of others to do the same, just as my right to vote depends upon insuring that others who I disagree with continue to have that right.

If legal questions had obvious answers (according to the rule of law, rather than personal opinion) we wouldn't need civil courts.


Well-Known Member
I can't claim to understand anyones desire/need to carry a weapon (though I can stretch to law enforement bu officials), especially a firearm:shrug:. And they certainly shouldn't be allowed in Disney


Naturally Grumpy
Seeing anyone justify having a gun really confuses me. Maybe Im an extremist? I dont think so - I just think Im taking the smarter stance on the issue. NO GUNS PEOPLE! not for any reason at anytime! If you want to carry a gun because you think you are entitled or its your right, what you really are passionately defending is an outdated written proclomation, and not the actual ability to carry a mechanism of death.

The 2nd ammendment was enacted at a time when this country was in an "every man for himself" situation. Back then, the need to bear arms was just as important as the desire to live without religious tyranny and start a new life in a new land independent from outdated laws from the mother-land. TIMES CHANGE. get with them. Be safe, instead of creating a false sense of safety with a gun.

Happy Independence Day!!!!

I think that this is an interesting situation, and was the topic of discussion around the breakfast table yesterday, as My daughter is visiting with her bf, a 3rd year law student.

It's up to the courts to decide whether the constitutional right to own and control your own property along with the behavior of guests/customers/employees supercedes the constitutional right to bear arms.

Compelling arguments can be made for both sides, if people calm down and look at things rationally. Calling people with a differing view names is not going to do anything but start an fight, and get this thread locked.

Do I want to see people carrying guns within the theme park itself,? Hell no! Do I want someone who is legally licensed and trained to carry a gun have to travel unarmed, because they can't leave their gun locked in their car upon arrival? I'm not so sure.

But my right to own a firearm if I feel the need to do so depends upon guaranteeing the right of others to do the same, just as my right to vote depends upon insuring that others who I disagree with continue to have that right.

If legal questions had obvious answers (according to the rule of law, rather than personal opinion) we wouldn't need civil courts.

I don't consider you an extremist in any way, and you have a valid argument, but hopefully you know that there are many who don't see it that way, and I consider their view equally valid.

The Supreme Court just ruled on a gun issue (specific to Washington DC) that would put their opinion somewhat at odds with yours however.

I also tend to agree with you on your constitution comment. I believe the "right to bear arms" is taken literally rather than in the proper historical perspective. That goes for a lot of other constitutional governances as well.

Do I see a problem with law abiding citizens owning guns...not in the least...do I think that one person has "the right" to own a half dozen assault weapons, a dozen high powered rifles and a bunch of handguns...no. Am I comfortable with guns being sold at flea markets....no. Bottom line is guns will be part of our culture....I just wish people could separate "right to own" with responsible ownership...meaning registration, waiting periods, proper background checks many of these issues would diminish.

With all that said, some people do not like guns, do not like hunting, and will never accept any of that culture.


New Member
Regardless of the law, has the crime in Florida, or the Orlando area, gotten that bad that you would want to carry a gun in your car? For you CM's and Orlando locals, do you feel its necessary to protect yourself on a day-to-day basis?

I was thinking the same thing as i read this thread.. is it really that bad espically while in Disney that people need to carry guns?


This is one of those subjects that constantly astounds me! I'm a Brit and over here, it's virtually unheard of to carry a gun - its just not allowed!

Maybe I'm naive but I really can't imagine ever being in a situation where I wished I had a gun on me!:shrug:


Account Suspended
Disney and Guns

not sure but i may be in the minority here but i truly believe that Disney should not allow guns at all on their property and should not even be selling toy guns (pirates gift shop) anywhere on property

having kids running around shooting each other, at their parents, and complete strangers may have been fun back in the day but in today's climate, it is no longer appropriate

if parents want their kids to learn about guns and be responsible gun owners, that is something that should be taught at home or at a lisenced gun range

anyone who has lost a family member or loved ones to illegal guns or anyone involved at any of the multiple school shootings that have been going on around the country would agree

as someone who nearly lost a family member to a student with a gun here in new york, i do not see the fun in teaching kids to shoot toy guns for the fun of it

think about the parents and loved ones who lost so much at the Columbine shootings before responding negatively to my posting


New Member
We just recently puchased a gun for our home (for protection if ever needed) and we travel with it in our car on trips (again for safety). We never take it out of the car. We drive to Orlando 3 - 4 times each year.

I know this thread was started due to guns and cast members but many people have said that there are not allowed on property by anyone.


I have never heard of this rule / policy. Is this something that is made readily known to guests? I would hate to think that we should not be protected on our 8 hour drive just because Disney doesn't allow out gun to remain locked in the console of my private vehicle while we visit the resort.

Additionally, how would anyone know what someone has in their car? Do they do random car checks?

FYI - I have no political views on this subject, so I am not looking for a fight or sarcastic remarks. I am really just wondering.

Thanks - Niki

As a lawyer and former prosecutor in Florida, I recall that Floridian's needed a special license to carry a gun in the glove compartment of their car. It' s been over 10 years since I dealt with those issues so forgive me if i'm wrong. I don't recall exactly if having a license to carry a concealed firearm was sufficient enough so you could keep a gun in your car of if you required an additional license specific to your car. Anyway, I would suggest that if in your home state you haven't been issued a CCF license than you shouldn't bring your gun into the State of Florida. If you do have a license in GA, you really need to double check and make sure that license is recognized in FL. Honestly, i'm not too sure a CCF license would be recognized. Putting that all aside do you honestly think you need a gun to travel down I-75? You have a greater chance of having your car stolen and in turn your gun, than being in any situation where you would need to use a gun to protect yourself.

With respect to whether guests are allowed to have guns on property, I'll ask a relative I know who works in the Florida legislature, but I'm pretty sure the law applies to the cars of employees on the employer's property, not guests to the property.


Well-Known Member
Hm. That IS true! Then how about the captain for the Jungle Cruise, or the gangster in the GMR? Maybe Disney's making a mistake here... :lookaroun


Actually, the guns used in the GMR are already REAL. Disney employs someone who can modify them to only accept blanks and fix them when needed. Same for the guns at Indy and LMA. Technically, guns are already on property. :lookaroun


I would like to comment on this matter as I myself carry a firearm and have a CCW permit.I do so responsibly,and lawfully. I do not take it with me when I go into a grocery store,mall or business.I do not carry it with me into WDW,but it does go with me when we stay at one of the resorts,or when we travel.When I do have on my person,it is carried in a proper holster that would not allow anyone to see it.This is not because I do not want anyone to know I have it, it is so there is not a instance to create a situation that could cause someone concern or fear that I have it. I have had to use my firearm to protect myself,and have also unfortunately had to use it to save the life of a women who I did not know.In this instance the woman was being viciously and severly attacked. I found out afterwards it was an ex-boyfriend she had a restraining order on.I was forced to shoot the man as he would not stop choking her.The police told me afterwards he attempted to harm her twice before but they had not been able to catch him,and said if I had not interviened she would have lost her life. I must agree with some of the posts.Gun ownership is not a right it is a responsibility,and it must be earned.Before being allowed to own or carry a firearm,I believe you should first learn how to lawfully and responsibly do so.Unfortunately in this day and age there are people out there who mean to do us harm,and do so by any means necessary.


Active Member
I think people need to step away from the 2nd am. issue and look at this from the employer's stand point. If I was an employer I would NOT want my employees to have guns locked in their cars. Did we not just see a disgruntled employee shoot up his work place and killed people a week or so ago?

I have been involved in union arbitrations when one employee threatened or physically assaulted another. Most of the time its just a case of words being exchanged and people shoving each other. Just imagined how these kinds of situations could have escalated if one or both of them could have gone out to his/her car and brought back a gun. Suddenly the threat level has just escalated.

How safe are people going to feel at work if they know the co-worker they just angered has a gun waiting in their car?

I'm not going to argue that keeping guns out of employee's cars eliminates the possibility of someone bringing one on property and going postal. I just think it helps.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to answer these as calmly as I know how. This is an issue that I feel very passionately about, but I'm going to do my best to refrain from getting angered by any of the comments I read on here.

I'm just going to respond to a few statements.

Personally, i don't want guns at Disney. Its the happiest place on earth; we don't need it looking like an armed camp in the Middle East.

It's not going to look like an armed camp. There are already laws in place as to how guns are supposed to be carried legally in your vehicle. The law does not allow you to remove them from your vehicle or display them, only have one in the vehicle. So this is a spurious argument at best.

The only reason I have allowed them is because they have locks on them. I don't see why gun owners get so mad when it's brought up that locks should become law. You would think they would want the guns to be safe.

If we're talking about guns that are used for sports only then I see your point, but if the idea is to have a gun for protection, putting a lock on it makes it useless. You're not going to have time to unlock the thing if you truly need to use it to defend yourself.

Seeing anyone justify having a gun really confuses me. Maybe Im an extremist? I dont think so - I just think Im taking the smarter stance on the issue. NO GUNS PEOPLE! not for any reason at anytime! If you want to carry a gun because you think you are entitled or its your right, what you really are passionately defending is an outdated written proclomation, and not the actual ability to carry a mechanism of death.

First off, what I'm defending is the constitution of the United States of America. Its the most important document in our nations history, and in my opinion one of the most important and brilliant documents ever written. If you're fine with just ignoring the entire basis of our society because it doesn't fit your worldview, so be it, but our constitution is far from an outdated document.

Secondly, there are tons of reasons why one would want a gun for protection. I can especially understand why someone who works for Disney would want the right to carry one in their vehicle. Many people at Disney work very late hours, and many of those people live in areas of Orlando that are very unsafe. Traveling home at 2 in the morning to some of these locations can be very dangerous. I think they have every right to carry a weapon to protect themselves should they be attacked.

I have two friends who are alive (or at the very least, escaped a damaging situation) because of their guns. One was a friend of mine's girlfriend. He was out of town and she was at home. They had a pump shotgun in the closet. At about 1 in the morning someone broke into the house. She woke up and made a noise. She heard one of them say, "Someone's upstairs, go take care of it." At that point she ran for the closet, grabbed the shotgun and pumped it once. If you've never heard that sound its a very descriptive sound. All she heard after that point was a curse word followed by him yelling, "Shotgun" and they ran. Had she not had the gun, who knows what would have happened to her.

Another friend of mine was attacked by someone while going home late at night from work. He got to his apt complex about 2:30 in the morning and someone attempted to jump him in the parking lot. The attacker hit him with something (he never knew quite what) which knocked him to the ground. He rolled a few times and pulled his gun from his jacket pocket where he carried it and pointed it the guy. The guy immediately stopped and ran.

So you try and tell me why someone shouldn't carry a weapon. Had they not had them they could easily have been dead, raped, beaten, etc... That weapon saved them and I am thankful that I live in a country where I'm allowed to defend myself from those who would harm me.

The fact is, those who are legally licensed to carry guns (which is who this law is written about) are not the ones who you need to worry about. I don't have the statistics in front of me, but those who legally carry firearms (especially those with CWL's) do not commit crimes. Its those who carry them illegally that you have to worry about. So sure, your whole "no guns people" argument is great if nobody would carry guns. But that's just not a fact of life, the truth is if we outlaw guns, then the only people who will have them, are those who will use them for harm in the first place.


Well-Known Member
I'm a firm believer in 2nd ammendment rights, and I am the owner of 4 guns, including a semi-automatic handgun. Being brought up around guns all my life, I wouldn't feel threatened or insecure if fellow guests at WDW were to be carrying guns. It wouldn't matter much to me if they have them in their cars or on their persons.

Having said all that, this is a sticky issue, IMO, because it puts 2nd Ammendment rights against the right of a person or entity to excersice jurisdiction over their own private property. For example, your right to own a gun doesn't give you the right to bring it into my house if I don't want guns in my house. So the issue here is, does your right to own a gun outweigh the right of the Disney Company to set rules for their property?

As far as the common argument of "why does anyone need to carry a gun on them at WDW or have it in their car", my answer is that a person's right is not determined by their ability to prove to someone else that they need it. I own four guns and I really don't need any of them. I have my handgun next to my bed should I need it against an intruder, but my other three guns are in zip up cases in my back pantry area where they would not do anyone any good, since I would probably be dead before I could get back there, unzip the case, get the ammo out of the container and load the gun. So do I need these guns? Sure don't. I haven't fired them in years. But I believe the constitution gives me the right to have them and the law currently agrees, since I was able to get them. I chose to buy them and I choose to keep them and I don't owe anyone any explanation of why I need them or should be allowed to have them. My right to own them isn't dependent on me being able to give a good reason why I need them. So the question of why anyone needs a gun in their car is irrelevant. Either they're entitled to under gun ownership rights, or Disney is entitled to excercise jurisdiction over their property and forbid the presence of guns on their property, and being able to explain to anyone why they do or don't need it is irrelevant. I have lots of other things in my house besides guns that I don't really need, but I don't need to demonstrate a need for it in order to have it.


New Member

What's the BIG deal? I see guns all over the place at Disney. In POC's shop..all over FrontierLand...GEEEZ ! :animwink:
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