I'm going to answer these as calmly as I know how. This is an issue that I feel very passionately about, but I'm going to do my best to refrain from getting angered by any of the comments I read on here.
I'm just going to respond to a few statements.
Personally, i don't want guns at Disney. Its the happiest place on earth; we don't need it looking like an armed camp in the Middle East.
It's not going to look like an armed camp. There are already laws in place as to how guns are supposed to be carried legally in your vehicle. The law does not allow you to remove them from your vehicle or display them, only have one in the vehicle. So this is a spurious argument at best.
The only reason I have allowed them is because they have locks on them. I don't see why gun owners get so mad when it's brought up that locks should become law. You would think they would want the guns to be safe.
If we're talking about guns that are used for sports only then I see your point, but if the idea is to have a gun for protection, putting a lock on it makes it useless. You're not going to have time to unlock the thing if you truly need to use it to defend yourself.
Seeing anyone justify having a gun really confuses me. Maybe Im an extremist? I dont think so - I just think Im taking the smarter stance on the issue. NO GUNS PEOPLE! not for any reason at anytime! If you want to carry a gun because you think you are entitled or its your right, what you really are passionately defending is an outdated written proclomation, and not the actual ability to carry a mechanism of death.
First off, what I'm defending is the constitution of the United States of America. Its the most important document in our nations history, and in my opinion one of the most important and brilliant documents ever written. If you're fine with just ignoring the entire basis of our society because it doesn't fit your worldview, so be it, but our constitution is far from an outdated document.
Secondly, there are tons of reasons why one would want a gun for protection. I can especially understand why someone who works for Disney would want the right to carry one in their vehicle. Many people at Disney work very late hours, and many of those people live in areas of Orlando that are very unsafe. Traveling home at 2 in the morning to some of these locations can be very dangerous. I think they have every right to carry a weapon to protect themselves should they be attacked.
I have two friends who are alive (or at the very least, escaped a damaging situation) because of their guns. One was a friend of mine's girlfriend. He was out of town and she was at home. They had a pump shotgun in the closet. At about 1 in the morning someone broke into the house. She woke up and made a noise. She heard one of them say, "Someone's upstairs, go take care of it." At that point she ran for the closet, grabbed the shotgun and pumped it once. If you've never heard that sound its a very descriptive sound. All she heard after that point was a curse word followed by him yelling, "Shotgun" and they ran. Had she not had the gun, who knows what would have happened to her.
Another friend of mine was attacked by someone while going home late at night from work. He got to his apt complex about 2:30 in the morning and someone attempted to jump him in the parking lot. The attacker hit him with something (he never knew quite what) which knocked him to the ground. He rolled a few times and pulled his gun from his jacket pocket where he carried it and pointed it the guy. The guy immediately stopped and ran.
So you try and tell me why someone shouldn't carry a weapon. Had they not had them they could easily have been dead, raped, beaten, etc... That weapon saved them and I am thankful that I live in a country where I'm allowed to defend myself from those who would harm me.
The fact is, those who are legally licensed to carry guns (which is who this law is written about) are not the ones who you need to worry about. I don't have the statistics in front of me, but those who legally carry firearms (especially those with CWL's) do not commit crimes. Its those who carry them illegally that you have to worry about. So sure, your whole "no guns people" argument is great if nobody would carry guns. But that's just not a fact of life, the truth is if we outlaw guns, then the only people who will have them, are those who will use them for harm in the first place.