Disney Diet Buddies...


Well-Known Member
I'm craving cake, too, which is particularly tough because there's 1/2 a cake in the fridge that DH & the kiddos have been eating on. I swear I haven't laid a finger on it. Not even to "pet" it (as my oldest niece used to say when she wanted to sample the frosting :lol:).

I **wish** I could cut out sodas and make an impact. I don't drink sodas & haven't for many years. I don't know why, maybe it's something with the carbonation and/or sodium, but even diet ones will swell me up all over. I always notice it in my fingers. My rings get super-tight and the joints almost feel tight & ache a little. Very strange. I looooove Coke. Cherry Coke. Vanilla Coke. Oh! If you go to Sonic you can get extra flavoring added! Once upon a time I was a carhop at Sonic and would make myself Vanilla Cokes with like 4x the normal shots of vanilla. Can ya tell I have a terrible sweet tooth???? Lemme go get some pineapple to munch now........


Well-Known Member
mmm there is some fantastic cake leftover from a retirement party for one of my coworkers at work. it's taunting me in the fridge. and it's the good sugary icing - not the cool whip stuff.

I stopped drinking pop all together at one point and dropped 0 pounds. So I just drink in moderation just because it's unhealthy...but so damn delicious! Coke is ever so yummy. I don't know what it is but Disney Coke is the best Coke ever!! My DF drinks only diet pop all year but at Disney - he only drinks regular Coke. It's his big indulgence at the World. My biggest thing about diet pop is all the chemicals so I try to drink regular pop ...but then it's all the calories. Calories v. Chemicals!!!:lol: I know...you're all thinking "just drink water, dummy!" but it's not nearly as delicious as a Disney Coke! :slurp:

I'll go drink my diet green tea now...:lookaroun


Active Member
mmm there is some fantastic cake leftover from a retirement party for one of my coworkers at work. it's taunting me in the fridge. and it's the good sugary icing - not the cool whip stuff.

I stopped drinking pop all together at one point and dropped 0 pounds. So I just drink in moderation just because it's unhealthy...but so damn delicious! Coke is ever so yummy. I don't know what it is but Disney Coke is the best Coke ever!! My DF drinks only diet pop all year but at Disney - he only drinks regular Coke. It's his big indulgence at the World. My biggest thing about diet pop is all the chemicals so I try to drink regular pop ...but then it's all the calories. Calories v. Chemicals!!!:lol: I know...you're all thinking "just drink water, dummy!" but it's not nearly as delicious as a Disney Coke! :slurp:

I'll go drink my diet green tea now...:lookaroun

hmm... I think I'm going to go give up soda, unless I'm in Disney now.... :lol: And diet green tea? BEST THING EVER. I highly approve!! As for me, I'm going back to my powerade to get me ready for a jog on my lunch break! :wave:


I DID IT! I hit my first goal! 50 lbs down. It took 14 months but I’m finally there.

I heeded the advice of many of you on here and took a hiatus from my scales for 2 weeks. I felt like I had hit my plateau and didn’t want to get discouraged. Stepped on the scales today and had lost the last 4 lbs.

So I will enjoy my loose fitting clothes and try to get to that 2nd (likely unattainable) goal of an additional 7 lbs. That would put me at my marriage weight (which was 13 yrs ago yesterday and 2 children ago). I won’t likely see that but if I can maintain this weight I’ll be very happy!

Again, I appreciate all of your encouraging words and the accountability you have all provided me with.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Just found this thread...I spent the past year taking off 10 lbs, which is a good amount on my small frame. My annual trip to the Food & Wine Festival is coming up, just last week I booked all of our culinary demos and checked out the menus at the booths, and I know I'll be eating like a you-know-what at WDW! :ROFLOL: I want to make sure that I don't come back having erased all that work, so I'd like to join this group!! :wave:

I am also trying to lose weight before our next trip, I have about 5 months to lose 40lbs. I would be happy with 30, but I'm aiming for 40! I joined loseit.com and I just do the calorie counting and exercise thing. I have lost 5lbs in about 2 weeks. Not as much as I was hoping for, but after 2 kiddos, working fulltime, and having to take care of both my kids during the night there is no time for the gym so I rely solely on walking and exercise DVD's.

I use loseit, too! Got the app for my iPhone and I also use the website. I think it's great, and I make sure to be honest with it. I'm not a gym-goer, either, so exercise DVDs are like my own private gym. :lol:

YES!!!! I was thinking just yesterday while I was out for my walk/run that I really really could use just this very thing: some Disney buddies to help me on this journey....again!

The Disney Dining Plan is definitely not my friend. We've done it twice and both times I came home with an additional 10 lbs. on my butt.

You have a full plate! You can totally do it, too. Which exercise DVDs do you use??? I have 2 of the 'Quick Fix' DVDs and they are awesome...especially for when you need a really good workout in a short period of time. They do workouts in 10-minute increments that really, really work well. Fabulous. I highly hiiiiighly recommend them!

I would have to agree that the DDP is not a friend if you're trying to lose weight or even just maintain! No matter how much walking around the parks we might do, it's not enough to battle that kind of intake. I've never actually done the DDP, but the F&W Fest is just as dangerous!

I have a few of the QuickFix DVD's, too, and I think they're great--Total Body, Total Mix, and Cardio Kick. Total Body and Cardio Kick usually come on vacation with me!

My last several trips, I've actually taken some workout DVDs on vacation with me--thanks to DVC, there's always a DVD player in the room. I make sure I take DVDs that don't require any equipment, either cardio, abs, or just using your own body weight. In fact, I just went specifically "shopping" for a few new equipment-free workouts and will be bringing them along this trip. If we have a 1BR, I'll workout in the living room before DH even gets up, and if we have a studio, I'll work out while he's in the shower/getting dressed.

One perk to all my work is that I went to sleep earlier than usual last night. Insomnia is a life-long battle for me. Normally I can't get to sleep until midnight at the earliest. More often than not, I go to sleep at 1:30 to 2:30. Last night I was out at 10:30 even after nodding off on the sofa in the evening for 1/2 an hour which normally spells certain doom. Whenever I work out regularly my sleep improves. Anyone who's ever battled ongoing sleep issues can appreciate the gravity of that. Really. It's a veeeery big deal.

I have to agree with that one. Upon turning 45, I started waking up several times a night (bet you can guess why!!), and since I went back to working out regularly, I've been sleeping so much better, and the :fork: have taken a hiatus!! :sohappy:

You should keep track of what you're eating every day. I use the "lose it" app for the iphone. I think they have a web based version as well. You can also track your macro nutrient ratios with "lose it" as well. For fat loss you want a ratio of 45% of your calories to come from carbs, 35% from protein and 20% from fat.

They do have a web version, it's loseit.com... I started using it last month, and would be doing well if I wasn't so lazy at recording everything! It's great because it lets you put in food calories and what you've done via work out, keeps everything balanced for you.

More loseit users! Maybe we should "friend" each other at loseit.com! :lol:

Thanks for that breakdown, Eeyore--I'd been looking for that information, and it looks like I've been doing ok with the carbs, but need to flip the other two percentages!! :lookaroun

You should have your (small) piece of cake but work out harder or cut back your calories somewhere else that day. Life is far too short to skip the things we enjoy altogether.

You are so right! This is where I find loseit to be very useful and helpful.

I will say that I do not keep ice cream in the house. If I want ice cream I will go on a Sunday to an ice cream shop. That way I can only get one and be done with it.

In other news I decided to increase the weight of the free weights that I use. I have noticed in just a few workouts that my arms already look more toned; my muscles are getting fatigued; and my squats, lunges, and dips are getting harder to do as well.

Same here with the ice cream in the house--might as well just take it and apply directly to hips!! Although my biggest weakness is potato chips. I won't let them in the house, which was pretty unfair to DH, so we struck a bargain. He will only buy salt & vinegar (which I can resist unless I am completely desperate) or unsalted (which I can resist even when completely desperate).

Heavier weights make a real difference, don't they? I use 7lbs, and have been wondering if it's time to step up to 8s.

My overall thoughts on Ripped in 30-

I think that its a great DVD and for the price, the short length of the workouts and the minimal equipment needed it really can't be beat. I'm definately in better shape then when I started. Though I can't honestly say that I'm "ripped" I am starting to see a 6 pack developing. I think anyone doing this DVD for 30 days (6 days a week) along with a healthy diet and some additional cardio may not be ripped by the end of 30 days but they will see results and that's a great place to start!

I hope that helps some of you guys out. If you're thinking about getting the DVD I'd recommend it.

I actually was looking at that workout, but passed on it. May reconsider now.

I know its hard to find the time to exercise. In the workouts that I've been doing both Chalene and Jilllian mention time and time again that you have to schedule your workouts just like you would a meeting- otherwise you won't find the time. That time is YOURS to grow so that you'll be stronger to support your family as well as being a really great role model for them! Be YOUR best (not someone elses!) every day! You've got this!

I have to work out as soon as I get up or it won't happen. When I decided to get serious about restoring my fitness, I set my alarm clock for an hour earlier than I have to get up. Even if I hit the snooze a few times, thanks to those Quick Fix (or the 10 Minute Solution) videos, I can get in 30 or 20 minutes. I give myself Mondays off (I have a first-thing Monday morning meeting at work that I have to write a report for, so that's what I use my early morning hour for), so I aim for 30 minutes of exercise four days a week. In the summertime, I do enough gardening and yardwork to qualilfy as exercise on the weekends.

I also realized that I don't like to get up in the dark, so in the winter, I have to work around that--it's still dark even at the usual "gotta get up or I'm gonna be late for work" time. I change it up so that I don't get up extra early during the week, but do a 60 minute workout on Saturdays and Sundays. Again, I have to do it as soon as I get up--once I get started on the day, I won't get in a workout.

It has been awhile since my last check-in. I am still 1 lb away from my goal. I blame it on my busy summer schedule. Some weeks I could only get about 4 workouts in rather than my usual 6. Next week will begin a normal routine again. I am worried about this weekend though. I am GRADUATING WITH MY MASTER'S DEGREE in the morning (I'm excited, can you tell?)! So, that is going to involve my family taking me out for lunch and my husband and I going to dinner tomorrow. I want to make good choices, but I have worked my rear off for the past 13 months to get this degree, so why not enjoy it? I'll pay for it next week, but I can do it.

Congratulations on your accomplishment!! That's huge! :wave:

....and I weighed myself first thing this morning and I was down to 166. That fast.

Don't you love nice surprises?? :lol:

Anyway, I look forward to hanging out with you all as we try to get and stay fit and healthy! :wave:


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I DID IT! I hit my first goal! 50 lbs down. It took 14 months but I’m finally there.

I heeded the advice of many of you on here and took a hiatus from my scales for 2 weeks. I felt like I had hit my plateau and didn’t want to get discouraged. Stepped on the scales today and had lost the last 4 lbs.

So I will enjoy my loose fitting clothes and try to get to that 2nd (likely unattainable) goal of an additional 7 lbs. That would put me at my marriage weight (which was 13 yrs ago yesterday and 2 children ago). I won’t likely see that but if I can maintain this weight I’ll be very happy!

Again, I appreciate all of your encouraging words and the accountability you have all provided me with.

Way to go!!! :sohappy: 50 lbs is an incredible achievement- the time it took you to get there is completely irrelevant. All that matters is that you did it. I'm very proud of you!

But...BUT- what is this business about unattainable goals!? You've lost 50 pounds, you most certainly can lose an additional 7! I used to tell my students, whether you think you can or you think you can't- you're right! It's all mental and there is absolutely no reason that you can't get there. I can understand telling yourself that you can't go any farther to avoid disappointment but in the long run it doesn't go you any good. Stick with it! :D


Way to go!!! :sohappy: 50 lbs is an incredible achievement- the time it took you to get there is completely irrelevant. All that matters is that you did it. I'm very proud of you!

But...BUT- what is this business about unattainable goals!? You've lost 50 pounds, you most certainly can lose an additional 7! I used to tell my students, whether you think you can or you think you can't- you're right! It's all mental and there is absolutely no reason that you can't get there. I can understand telling yourself that you can't go any farther to avoid disappointment but in the long run it doesn't go you any good. Stick with it! :D

You are SOOO right. I think that I put that in there because (even though I was feeling great about my loss) I just didn't want to think about giving it an even harder push. Those last few lbs have been a b*%^& to get off. And I know that I'm really going to have to work and definitely step up my exercise to make it happen.

But I'm a little more motivated this week. I let myself relax last week as a reward. Didn't gain anything but I feel a bit gross eating things I shouldn't. So, I'll push harder next week and keep a better mental attitude.

I appreciate you calling me out on it. I need a mental check every now and then. (Actually, my husband would say I need a mental check more than "every now and then" :lol:)


Just found this thread...I spent the past year taking off 10 lbs, which is a good amount on my small frame. My annual trip to the Food & Wine Festival is coming up, just last week I booked all of our culinary demos and checked out the menus at the booths, and I know I'll be eating like a you-know-what at WDW! :ROFLOL: I want to make sure that I don't come back having erased all that work, so I'd like to join this group!! :wave:

Anyway, I look forward to hanging out with you all as we try to get and stay fit and healthy! :wave:

Welcome aboard! These members have been great for me. They really have been my acountability even though I don't know them. As you have read, they are very encouraging and helpful with all of there tips.

Have fun at F&W!


Well-Known Member
This past week was not good. I was only able to workout twice, which I hate so much! My husband's family stayed a week about two hours away from us. So, every afternoon was filled with family activities.

However, I agreed to start Insanity with his today. Two weeks ago I started doing ab ripper X with him, and I could really tell results quickly. So, I hope that Insanity will do the same. I'm nervous about starting it, but I'm glad that we will be doing it together. Plus, this is only a two month long program, and in 54 days I will be in WDW. I told my husband that I would do this with him if he wouldn't say a word about what I am going to eat while on vacation. He agreed.
I am just getting ready to start my 2 month diet. I am Air Force and therefore have to take a PT test every 6 months. So it's time to slim down again for the next one in October. I am going to use myfitnesspal.com. Used that the last time and it worked pretty well. I am also going to work out 5 days a week. Hope I can get where I want to be.


Premium Member
I am just getting ready to start my 2 month diet. I am Air Force and therefore have to take a PT test every 6 months. So it's time to slim down again for the next one in October. I am going to use myfitnesspal.com. Used that the last time and it worked pretty well. I am also going to work out 5 days a week. Hope I can get where I want to be.

Good luck with it!

If you decide to do any running, check in with the running board at http://forums.wdwmagic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=128

Lots of great advice and motivation in there.


Well-Known Member
Well, I finished up my first week of Insanity. I will go ahead and say that this program is not for everyone. Honestly, if my husband and I weren't already active and in shape (he is, me mostly) there would be no way that we could do this. This week kicked our rears! However, although my body screams at me with each jump, squat, drill, or push-up that we do, I really feel a sense of accomplishment afterwards. One of the taglines mentions working out in a pile of your own sweat. I can testify that is absolutely true. I can already notice a big difference in my calves, thighs, hips, and core. Most of all, I've really enjoyed going through this with my husband. It has been fun working through this together and encouraging each other.


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Welcome aboard! These members have been great for me. They really have been my acountability even though I don't know them. As you have read, they are very encouraging and helpful with all of there tips.

Have fun at F&W!

Thanks!! And hey, I agree with Eeyore--if you've already taken off 50 lbs, 7 more is definitely achieveable. Look at it this way, it's less than 10. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Week Two of Insanity is over! As of today I have gone through all of the workouts that the first month has to offer. I can definitely tell that I am getting a lot more definition in my legs from this workout. This is still by far the hardest thing that I have ever done!

I checked my weight and was disappointed that my weight went up. It was really discouraging to know that I have worked harder and pushed myself more than I ever have only to see the numbers on the scale go up. The only thing that I've changed about my diet is adding a homemade smoothie with protein powder after my workouts. My husband told me that I could be building muscle, and my body is still probably just trying to adjust to the schock it is going through. Still, I sweat my rear off with every workout, and it is discouraging to not have the results with my weight that I want.


Active Member
Love reading this thread ... let's hear some more stories !! I have finally lost my first 50lbs and I am feeling so positive ! I have many more sets of 50lb losses to go ... but one set at a time !

I was on the treadmill the other day and thought ... how hard would it be to jog at my size? (currently 316lbs) Surely if I tried I may send that treadmill straight through the floor ! ... but after my first 5 minutes I gave it a shot, and much to my surprise it wasn't too bad ! I walked for an hour and at every 5 minute interval I jogged for 1 minute ! My friend the treadmill put up with a lot of abuse that day :ROFLOL:

I couldn't believe that this round old body could move that way ! It's amazing what a little determination can do and reading this thread really helps !!

Have a great weekend everyone ! :)


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Don't give up on him! Keep encouraging him to join you in something. I have really enjoyed this time with my husband and that we keep each other accountable with this program.

On this particular topic, the line between "encouragement" and "nagging" is very fine, indeed. :ROFLOL: I've tried the health argument, I've tried "too bad you're missing out on the great feeling from working out", I've even tried "when we're 80, you're going to be decrepit and I'm not".

Week Two of Insanity is over! As of today I have gone through all of the workouts that the first month has to offer. I can definitely tell that I am getting a lot more definition in my legs from this workout. This is still by far the hardest thing that I have ever done!

I checked my weight and was disappointed that my weight went up. It was really discouraging to know that I have worked harder and pushed myself more than I ever have only to see the numbers on the scale go up. The only thing that I've changed about my diet is adding a homemade smoothie with protein powder after my workouts. My husband told me that I could be building muscle, and my body is still probably just trying to adjust to the schock it is going through. Still, I sweat my rear off with every workout, and it is discouraging to not have the results with my weight that I want.

I have to agree with rsoxguy--go by the fit of your clothes and how you look. Considering what Insanity is supposed to accomplish, combined with the additional protein, the explanation for the upward creep as got to be muscle weighing more than fat. Also, no one but you knows what the number on the scale is, but everyone can see the definition you've gained, and that's a big statement as to how fit you are!!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Love reading this thread ... let's hear some more stories !! I have finally lost my first 50lbs and I am feeling so positive ! I have many more sets of 50lb losses to go ... but one set at a time !

I was on the treadmill the other day and thought ... how hard would it be to jog at my size? (currently 316lbs) Surely if I tried I may send that treadmill straight through the floor ! ... but after my first 5 minutes I gave it a shot, and much to my surprise it wasn't too bad ! I walked for an hour and at every 5 minute interval I jogged for 1 minute ! My friend the treadmill put up with a lot of abuse that day :ROFLOL:

I couldn't believe that this round old body could move that way ! It's amazing what a little determination can do and reading this thread really helps !!

Have a great weekend everyone ! :)

What a great accomplishment!! Good for you! :sohappy:

I also think your outlook of losing "sets of 50" is great and sets you up for success.

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