Disney Diet Buddies...


Active Member
What a great accomplishment!! Good for you! :sohappy:

I also think your outlook of losing "sets of 50" is great and sets you up for success.

Thanks so much ! I used to look at it as "I have to lose an entire person", however that got frustrating really fast and already left me feeling defeated. One day at a time !!


Well-Known Member
Be of good cheer; muscle weighs more than fat. Judge yourself by sight and clothes rather than by scale.

I have to agree with rsoxguy--go by the fit of your clothes and how you look. Considering what Insanity is supposed to accomplish, combined with the additional protein, the explanation for the upward creep as got to be muscle weighing more than fat. Also, no one but you knows what the number on the scale is, but everyone can see the definition you've gained, and that's a big statement as to how fit you are!!

Thans for the encouragement, both of you! I am trying to remember that I am buiding more muscle, plus developing muscles that have probably not been worked very much before.

We are finishing up week three tomorrow. We took yesterday off, so that means that we will not be able to take tomorrow off. Finally I am finding it easier to keep pace with the program. We have one more week of the workouts that we are currently doing before we begin a week of recovery workouts. Then, we are going to crazy hard and long workouts. This week I've noticed a lot more definition in my obliques. My husband has a 4-pack at this point. So, overall I really cannot complain about this workout. :lol:

Love reading this thread ... let's hear some more stories !! I have finally lost my first 50lbs and I am feeling so positive ! I have many more sets of 50lb losses to go ... but one set at a time !

I was on the treadmill the other day and thought ... how hard would it be to jog at my size? (currently 316lbs) Surely if I tried I may send that treadmill straight through the floor ! ... but after my first 5 minutes I gave it a shot, and much to my surprise it wasn't too bad ! I walked for an hour and at every 5 minute interval I jogged for 1 minute ! My friend the treadmill put up with a lot of abuse that day :ROFLOL:

I couldn't believe that this round old body could move that way ! It's amazing what a little determination can do and reading this thread really helps !!

Have a great weekend everyone ! :)

Great job and keep it up! It is amazing what our bodies can do. Keep up the hard work and soon you will be switching your intervals. Just remember to keep pushing through the tiredness and pain but don't do anything that could injure your body.


New Member
Hi All!!

I just started posting on the forum, partly because I wanted to be able to contribute to this thread.

I love seeing you guys support each other, that is so great. We all need it! I started my life style change to each healthier and get more active about 14 months ago... since then the weight loss has been SLOW but it adds up! I've lost just over 50 pounds. Which is pretty incredible to me - I had no idea I was capable. I have a LONG way to go, but I am on my way!

I wanted to be able to share some suggestions with you. First is a really handy site called myfitnesspal.com. If this site has already been suggested in this thread (I skimmed some of the earlier posts) then please forgive me! It has a calorie and exercise tracking feature and if you are into that sort of thing, it can be really helpful. They also have a success stories forum and real people post real results and I find that motivating.

I also wanted to share a plan that I have made with a few of my friends. We are in the initial stages of planning a trip to the world next October (2012) when our university has its first ever fall break. In an effort to help motivate ourselves and each other to stay active this year, we've decided to collectively cover the distance from where we live to Disney World! According to Google maps it is approximately 930 miles from us to the magic... so! Together in the next year we will walk/run/cycle/swim the distance of 930 miles so that we can enjoy our vacation that much better! I can't wait for CMs to ask us what we're celebrating and answer with, "The fact that I swam here, and she walked here, and he ran here!" Talk about motivation. :)

I am a swimmer. I walk too, but I love love love to swim. I also want to start weight training, cause as others have said, I know that will help over all.


Active Member
Hi All!!

I just started posting on the forum, partly because I wanted to be able to contribute to this thread.

I love seeing you guys support each other, that is so great. We all need it! I started my life style change to each healthier and get more active about 14 months ago... since then the weight loss has been SLOW but it adds up! I've lost just over 50 pounds. Which is pretty incredible to me - I had no idea I was capable. I have a LONG way to go, but I am on my way!

I wanted to be able to share some suggestions with you. First is a really handy site called myfitnesspal.com. If this site has already been suggested in this thread (I skimmed some of the earlier posts) then please forgive me! It has a calorie and exercise tracking feature and if you are into that sort of thing, it can be really helpful. They also have a success stories forum and real people post real results and I find that motivating.

I also wanted to share a plan that I have made with a few of my friends. We are in the initial stages of planning a trip to the world next October (2012) when our university has its first ever fall break. In an effort to help motivate ourselves and each other to stay active this year, we've decided to collectively cover the distance from where we live to Disney World! According to Google maps it is approximately 930 miles from us to the magic... so! Together in the next year we will walk/run/cycle/swim the distance of 930 miles so that we can enjoy our vacation that much better! I can't wait for CMs to ask us what we're celebrating and answer with, "The fact that I swam here, and she walked here, and he ran here!" Talk about motivation. :)

I am a swimmer. I walk too, but I love love love to swim. I also want to start weight training, cause as others have said, I know that will help over all.

What a fantastic idea covering the distance from where you live to Disney World !!! If only we were close enough to actually walk there !! :) Have fun with it !!

BTW... I just figured out that I am 3134.92km (1947.94 miles) away from Disney .... yikes !!! That's a lot of step !!


New Member
BTW... I just figured out that I am 3134.92km (1947.94 miles) away from Disney .... yikes !!! That's a lot of step !!

3135km!! Yowza, that is a whole lot further. I only swam 1.2km today - I do 1.8 on a really good day - it would take me FOREVER to swim that distance by myself. Still, eventually you could do it!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Bump! :wave:

How's everyone doing?

I just started adding in some more weight training on Monday and then came down with a nasty headcold yesterday. It looks like I'll be forced to take a few days off. I guess that's a good thing because my upper body is a bit sore anyway.


Well-Known Member
I finished month 1 of Insanity on Saturday. This week is "recovery" week, and I do use the term "recovery" loosely. However, I think this week has helped with my flexibility. As far as weight is concerned, my husband and I were making fruit smoothies with whey protein for after the workouts. Now, I have him make them without whey protein, pour mine, add the whey protein, and make his. Since doing that I have lost 3 lbs of what I put on in the past week.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I finished month 1 of Insanity on Saturday. This week is "recovery" week, and I do use the term "recovery" loosely. However, I think this week has helped with my flexibility. As far as weight is concerned, my husband and I were making fruit smoothies with whey protein for after the workouts. Now, I have him make them without whey protein, pour mine, add the whey protein, and make his. Since doing that I have lost 3 lbs of what I put on in the past week.

Way to go. I've looked at Insanity but haven't had the courage to pull the trigger on it. It certainly looks intense! I'm doing a Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme hybrid of my own design right now or I will be once I get over this cold.

Its funny how each of our bodies react differently. When I started adding a protein shake daily I started dropping fat and gaining muscle definition. It just goes to show- you should never compare yourself to anyone else. We all need to just do our best and stick to what works for us.



Resident Redhead
Premium Member
Since doing that I have lost 3 lbs of what I put on in the past week.

I'm glad you found the answer to your problem!

I'm making a strong effort to stay on track--this is the time of year when it gets tough for me to get up early because it means getting up and working out in the dark during the week--because I've got my annual Epcot Food & Wine Fest trip next month, and I want to enjoy myself! I picked up a new equipment-free workout DVD to take on vacation with me (Tracie Long's Weightless, in case anyone is interested). I'm just not a gym-goer, but the DVD players in the DVC villas allow me to keep up with my workouts. At this point, I'm not really trying to lose any more weight, just maintain my weight and my fitness level.

And I added another vacation next month, I'm going to go to London for a week with my brother. And it's going to be Restaurant Week in London. :lookaroun But I plan to bring my portable DVD player and a couple of workout videos.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone,
I hope it's okay if I join the thread? I am a constant watcher of my weight (I can pack on the pounds pretty fast if I don't watch) and use Yoga as my main source of exercise. I am in the studio 4 to 5 days a week and when I am not there I practice at home.

Good luck to everyone!


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you found the answer to your problem!

I'm making a strong effort to stay on track--this is the time of year when it gets tough for me to get up early because it means getting up and working out in the dark during the week--because I've got my annual Epcot Food & Wine Fest trip next month, and I want to enjoy myself! I picked up a new equipment-free workout DVD to take on vacation with me (Tracie Long's Weightless, in case anyone is interested). I'm just not a gym-goer, but the DVD players in the DVC villas allow me to keep up with my workouts. At this point, I'm not really trying to lose any more weight, just maintain my weight and my fitness level.

And I added another vacation next month, I'm going to go to London for a week with my brother. And it's going to be Restaurant Week in London. :lookaroun But I plan to bring my portable DVD player and a couple of workout videos.

That is great motivation you have to take workout dvds with you, especially equipment-free ones. The only equipment-free ones that I have are Insanity workouts, which there is no way I am exhausting myself on those before or after the parks.

I wish I had the motivation to workout in the mornings. I always workout better in the afternoon for some reason. I am just way too tired in the mornings, and I sleep until the last minute.

So, what is Restaurant Week?


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Everyone,
I hope it's okay if I join the thread? I am a constant watcher of my weight (I can pack on the pounds pretty fast if I don't watch) and use Yoga as my main source of exercise. I am in the studio 4 to 5 days a week and when I am not there I practice at home.

Good luck to everyone!

Welcome to the thread!


Resident Redhead
Premium Member
That is great motivation you have to take workout dvds with you, especially equipment-free ones. The only equipment-free ones that I have are Insanity workouts, which there is no way I am exhausting myself on those before or after the parks.

I wish I had the motivation to workout in the mornings. I always workout better in the afternoon for some reason. I am just way too tired in the mornings, and I sleep until the last minute.

So, what is Restaurant Week?

I would never have imagined that a workout called Insanity would be equipment-free! Now I am kind of intrigued...

I have a bunch of those 10-minute workout DVDs, that way when I'm on vacation, I can do as much or as little as I have time for, but I feel like even if I only do a 10-minute workout, it keeps the ball rolling, you know? Too often in the past, taking a week off from workouts just makes it too easy to continue to slack off when I get home, but I'm not looking to go crazy on vacation, it is still vacation after all!! :lol:

Restaurant Week is a promotion where restaurants try to increase their business by offering special price-fixed 3 course menus, in an effort to get people who wouldn't ordinarily spend the money to dine out to give it a whirl and hopefully get them hooked on fine dining and turn them into regular customers. NYC does them twice a year, in the summer and the winter.

Now that I've written that out, it kind of sounds a lot like the Disney Dining plan, doesn't it?? :lookaroun :ROFLOL:


Is it 5:00 yet?
Month 1 of P90X done...I definitely don't like it as much as Turbo Fire though! One thing I started doing in month 2 was adding extra cardio in the morning on the days that I have the weight lifting routines. I can already see a difference after the first week! :D


Well-Known Member
I would never have imagined that a workout called Insanity would be equipment-free! Now I am kind of intrigued...

I have a bunch of those 10-minute workout DVDs, that way when I'm on vacation, I can do as much or as little as I have time for, but I feel like even if I only do a 10-minute workout, it keeps the ball rolling, you know? Too often in the past, taking a week off from workouts just makes it too easy to continue to slack off when I get home, but I'm not looking to go crazy on vacation, it is still vacation after all!! :lol:

Restaurant Week is a promotion where restaurants try to increase their business by offering special price-fixed 3 course menus, in an effort to get people who wouldn't ordinarily spend the money to dine out to give it a whirl and hopefully get them hooked on fine dining and turn them into regular customers. NYC does them twice a year, in the summer and the winter.

Now that I've written that out, it kind of sounds a lot like the Disney Dining plan, doesn't it?? :lookaroun :ROFLOL:

Not having to pull out equipment every time I work out is nice, but these workouts are a lot longer than most others I have ever done. Also, I was worried for a while that I was actually losing muscle mass, but I actually think I am beginning to tone up.

It does sound a lot like the Dining Plan, and it also sounds like something that I could get myself into trouble with! :lol:

Month 1 of P90X done...I definitely don't like it as much as Turbo Fire though! One thing I started doing in month 2 was adding extra cardio in the morning on the days that I have the weight lifting routines. I can already see a difference after the first week! :D

Congratulations on completing your first month! I am actually going to start P90X next month whenever Insanity is over. I was to try Turbo Fire at some point. How does it compare to P90X?

Just finished week 7 of Insanity, which means only two weeks left! That will extend into three weeks since I will be on vacation during one of those. I have gotten so much better at the workouts, but it is definitely a matter of me pushing my body even harder instead of the moves becoming easier. Yesterday I was working out with my husband, and I really pushed myself to keep up. We had about 10 minutes of the workout left and went into a sort of recovery move. During the move I suddenly couldn't breathe. It felt like I was trying to breathe through a coffee stirrer. It scared me pretty bad because nothing like that has ever happened to me. I took a break before finishing out the workout. The only explanation I can come up with is that I woke up a little congested yesterday and maybe that caused it.


Is it 5:00 yet?
Congratulations on completing your first month! I am actually going to start P90X next month whenever Insanity is over. I was to try Turbo Fire at some point. How does it compare to P90X?

Just finished week 7 of Insanity, which means only two weeks left! That will extend into three weeks since I will be on vacation during one of those. I have gotten so much better at the workouts, but it is definitely a matter of me pushing my body even harder instead of the moves becoming easier. Yesterday I was working out with my husband, and I really pushed myself to keep up. We had about 10 minutes of the workout left and went into a sort of recovery move. During the move I suddenly couldn't breathe. It felt like I was trying to breathe through a coffee stirrer. It scared me pretty bad because nothing like that has ever happened to me. I took a break before finishing out the workout. The only explanation I can come up with is that I woke up a little congested yesterday and maybe that caused it.

Insanity is too crazy for me.:zipit: Turbo Fire is completely different from P90X. TF is mostly cardio but it does have strength classes that you use a toning band with. P90X is mostly strength but it does have 2 days of cardio and 1 yoga day. TF is intense but it's a lot more fun because the music is awesome! Some people have a hard time getting the "moves" but like anything it takes practice..:)


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Insanity is too crazy for me.:zipit: Turbo Fire is completely different from P90X. TF is mostly cardio but it does have strength classes that you use a toning band with. P90X is mostly strength but it does have 2 days of cardio and 1 yoga day. TF is intense but it's a lot more fun because the music is awesome! Some people have a hard time getting the "moves" but like anything it takes practice..:)

I have to agree. :) I found P90X to be lacking in cardio for me. I completed TurboFire and even though I love it I felt that it was lacking in the area of strength and conditioning. I just started a turboFire Chalene Extreme hybrid of my own design. So far I like it a lot and seems to be a perfect balance of strength and cardio for me. I'll let you know how it goes.

So I guess it all depends- if you want to build lean muscle but you aren't too concerned about fat loss I'd go with P90X. If you want to lose fat and get some toning and definition go with TurboFire. If you want all of that I would recommend a hybrid of all the options- either TurboFire/P90X or Insanity/P90X.


Is it 5:00 yet?
I have to agree. :) I found P90X to be lacking in cardio for me. I completed TurboFire and even though I love it I felt that it was lacking in the area of strength and conditioning. I just started a turboFire Chalene Extreme hybrid of my own design. So far I like it a lot and seems to be a perfect balance of strength and cardio for me. I'll let you know how it goes.

So I guess it all depends- if you want to build lean muscle but you aren't too concerned about fat loss I'd go with P90X. If you want to lose fat and get some toning and definition go with TurboFire. If you want all of that I would recommend a hybrid of all the options- either TurboFire/P90X or Insanity/P90X.

I love ChaLEAN Extreme! Very effective and the workouts aren't as long as P90X!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
I love ChaLEAN Extreme! Very effective and the workouts aren't as long as P90X!

I'm really liking it so far. I like that she works upper and lower body at the same time and I LOVE that there aren't any pull ups. I really liked p90x but chalene extreme seems to be a better fit for me.

How are you doing with p90x month 2 so far?


Tattooed Disney Geekster
Original Poster
Wow this little thread grew didn't it :) So far I have lost 22 lbs and I am on my way to losing another 2lbs this week. To be honest this last month I have got really serious, I will be at goal when I get to WDW in september! I have already picked my goal weight outfit for my picture in front of the castle. :)

Can somebody tell me more about this insanity thing??

Oh and a little plug while im here for my weight loss blog "Skinny Minnie" , on the 18th October, the lovely Catherine Ryan Howard who wrote "Mousetrapped" has written a guest post about florida food. Come and have (as we say in england) Butchers .........

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