Disney Diet Buddies...


Well-Known Member
Try it and we can track our progress together!!!!

I'm sure I'll try it at some point...my issue with it right now is that I'm not sure I want to commit 6ish days per week or whatever to strength training, since I like running better. :shrug: Plus I don't think I'm in good enough shape to jump into P90X :rolleyes:

Wow! Everyone seems to be doing so good! Yay! :sohappy:

This past Monday was my most recent weigh-in. I knew that 190 lbs. was skewed by my clunky sneakers, heavy jeans, and huge sweatshirt. This go around I wore lightweight shorts & t-shirt w/a huge sweatshirt I could peel off. I weighed in my socks w/no sweatshirt. 180 lbs. Whew!

I've been doing really good with my eating. Not getting the sweet cravings so bad anymore. Lots of lean protein, less carbs or sugars of any kind (like in fruit). Let me just say I'm sick to frickin' death of chicken. :hurl: Oh well. Whatever makes it happen. I've restarted the 'Ease into 5k' app on my iPhone. DH got me an awesome bluetooth earbuds thing from the AT&T store that has me wireless for my tunes while I run. That was sweet! Aerobics via the 'Quick Fix' series and stair-stepper on my between run days. It's just a matter of time now... :D

I'll have to look at the P90X stuff again. The chick across the street does it. I looked at some YouTube videos once and it looked waaaay too complicated for an uncoordinated person like me. I'll look again. I need a good challenge.... :cool:

Way to go Kelly! That's awesome! :sohappy: I totally know what you mean about being sick of chicken. We're not seafood fans and don't eat a lot of read meat so we're pretty much in the same boat. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
I ran another 3 miles today and it didn't go as well as Tuesday's run. My legs just felt heavy and I had to stop and walk once or twice during the last mile. I don't know if it was a dehydration thing or just a bad run. :shrug: Oh well, at least I got some exercise in today. I'm determined to break through this mini-plateau! :fork:

On the plus side, I picked up my new jeans (had to get them hemmed...apparently Ann Taylor Loft jeans come in one length - long :shrug:) and they still fit! I think I was actually a little afraid I'd drop them off at the tailor, pick them up a couple of days later, and find that they actually did NOT fit. But they do! I'm so lame...haha. :eek: :lol:

Have a great weekend everyone! :sohappy:


Active Member
Tomorrow starts me officially getting back into the c25k program to get me ready for September. I made it part way through week 4 before school took up all of my free time for a few weeks (stupid finals). But, now I'm on a break and then a new block starts with easier classes, so... I should have a lot more free time to be able to work on my running! And other training as well of course. :)

Now just got to work on easing myself back into it... ahhh.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure I'll try it at some point...my issue with it right now is that I'm not sure I want to commit 6ish days per week or whatever to strength training, since I like running better. :shrug: Plus I don't think I'm in good enough shape to jump into P90X :rolleyes:

Trust me, although I wouldn't recommend P90X to someone who is absolutely inactive, considering that you are active you are in enough shape to do P90X. It is 6 days a week (or 7 if you do stretch on day 7, I didn't), but strength training is only 3 days per week on the regular version with 3 days of cardio. The lean version only has 2 days of strength training. The program is all about showing improvement. So, if you can only do 1 push-up the first workout, be sure to do 2 the next week. I really showed improvement there, but I was impressed by how much I improved with pull-ups. I still can't do a real one, but I can do a good 15 with just having one foot barely on a chair. Plus, you can substitute your running for the cardio days with P90X.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you're out running again- good work! :sohappy:

You should check out Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme too. If P90X isn't right for you one of those will be. Chalene Extreme is similar to P90X but geared more toward women and doesn't involve pull ups- Thank the lord!

How many days a week is the Chalean Extreme and some of these other workouts? I'm curious. Did some poking around online but couldn't find anything about how the schedule works. And how long are the workouts?

Way to go Kelly! That's awesome! :sohappy: I totally know what you mean about being sick of chicken. We're not seafood fans and don't eat a lot of read meat so we're pretty much in the same boat. :shrug:

Thank you! Still chipping away...

I made spaghetti Friday night with turkey meatballs and whole grain noodles. It wasn't as yummy as what I normally cook but at least it wasn't chicken. :lol: I'm not a seafood person, either. When the guys go fishing or want shrimp or crawfish they have to do all the cooking/eating outside becasue the smell makes me -->:hurl:. :D

And, Hello! Yay for smaller jeans! Big high-five on that! I'm looking forward to my cute, smaller jeans...oh yes!


Premium Member
I'm sure I'll try it at some point...my issue with it right now is that I'm not sure I want to commit 6ish days per week or whatever to strength training, since I like running better. :shrug: Plus I don't think I'm in good enough shape to jump into P90X :rolleyes:

Here is the P90X fitness test. This will tell you whether you area good to start or not.

If you don't, take a look at Power 90. This is the earlier, and less intense version of P90X. A round of Power 90 would get you into a position to start P90X.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
How many days a week is the Chalean Extreme and some of these other workouts? I'm curious. Did some poking around online but couldn't find anything about how the schedule works. And how long are the workouts?

Chalene extreme workouts range from about 10-15 minutes for ab workouts, 30-35 minutes for strength training workouts, and about 45 minutes for cardio or interval workouts. The schedule tends to be about 35-60 minutes 6 days a week. You would need either a good set of weights up to about 25 or 30 pounds or a good set of resistence bands that increase in difficulty.

Turbo Fire is much more cardio intensive and is most like a cardio kick boxing class. It takes awhile to get the sequences down but once you do it really is quite a lot of fun and you sweat like nobody's business. The workouts vary in length but you don't have to do more than 1 hour and 30 minutes 6 days a week, most days are just under an hour. On the days with the longer workouts, when I was pressed for time, I would do my long cardio (either 45, 55 or 60 mintues depending on the schedule) in the am and then do the shorter (20 min) toning workout in the pm. The longest Turbo Fire cardio workout is 60 minutes but you don't have that in the schedule until the very last advanced phase. The only equipment you need for Turbo Fire is a resistence band and lower body toning band. There were days when my schedule just wouldn't allow me to spend the kind of time that I was supposed to be spending, so I would move the schedule around a bit and maybe do something on the rest day instead. I just made sure to fit in all the workouts that were scheduled for the week.

I really like Chalene. She's so positive and such a great motivator. She's really changed my mindset about fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

I love Beach Body programs and I'm not even a Beach Body coach! :lol:

Here is the P90X fitness test. This will tell you whether you area good to start or not.

If you don't, take a look at Power 90. This is the earlier, and less intense version of P90X. A round of Power 90 would get you into a position to start P90X.

Power 90- the on switch of fitness!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
If any of you have a fast food addiction that you're having trouble kicking I suggest reading "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser. You'll never want another McDonald's burger again. :hurl: It was a very enlightening read.


Well-Known Member
Chalene extreme workouts range from about 10-15 minutes for ab workouts, 30-35 minutes for strength training workouts, and about 45 minutes for cardio or interval workouts. The schedule tends to be about 35-60 minutes 6 days a week. You would need either a good set of weights up to about 25 or 30 pounds or a good set of resistence bands that increase in difficulty.

Turbo Fire is much more cardio intensive and is most like a cardio kick boxing class. It takes awhile to get the sequences down but once you do it really is quite a lot of fun and you sweat like nobody's business. The workouts vary in length but you don't have to do more than 1 hour and 30 minutes 6 days a week, most days are just under an hour. On the days with the longer workouts, when I was pressed for time, I would do my long cardio (either 45, 55 or 60 mintues depending on the schedule) in the am and then do the shorter (20 min) toning workout in the pm. The longest Turbo Fire cardio workout is 60 minutes but you don't have that in the schedule until the very last advanced phase. The only equipment you need for Turbo Fire is a resistence band and lower body toning band. There were days when my schedule just wouldn't allow me to spend the kind of time that I was supposed to be spending, so I would move the schedule around a bit and maybe do something on the rest day instead. I just made sure to fit in all the workouts that were scheduled for the week.

I really like Chalene. She's so positive and such a great motivator. She's really changed my mindset about fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

I love Beach Body programs and I'm not even a Beach Body coach! :lol:

Sounds good. I think I could make a pretty solid commitment to a maximum hour a day, 6 days a week. I'll look at it more, maybe go ahead and purchase. I wouldn't say I'm in absolutely pathetic shape but I'm not my fit-est by far. Does she start out at a level that will be manageable or should I focus on increasing my current fitness level first? I don't want to jump in and be beat down/disappointed in myself. That would be unfair to do to myself. Ya know?

Thanks so much for all the info, advice, and support. I do appreciate it! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow starts me officially getting back into the c25k program to get me ready for September. I made it part way through week 4 before school took up all of my free time for a few weeks (stupid finals). But, now I'm on a break and then a new block starts with easier classes, so... I should have a lot more free time to be able to work on my running! And other training as well of course.

Now just got to work on easing myself back into it... ahhh.

Yay Kortni! How did your first run go? Have you gotten yourself a pair of running shoes yet?

Trust me, although I wouldn't recommend P90X to someone who is absolutely inactive, considering that you are active you are in enough shape to do P90X. It is 6 days a week (or 7 if you do stretch on day 7, I didn't), but strength training is only 3 days per week on the regular version with 3 days of cardio. The lean version only has 2 days of strength training. The program is all about showing improvement. So, if you can only do 1 push-up the first workout, be sure to do 2 the next week. I really showed improvement there, but I was impressed by how much I improved with pull-ups. I still can't do a real one, but I can do a good 15 with just having one foot barely on a chair. Plus, you can substitute your running for the cardio days with P90X.

I'm definitely interested, and I think my husband is as well, but we both balked at the price. Despite that, I'd still like to try it at some point. I'm in probably the best cardiovascular shape of my life but my arms are like weak little noodles, so that part scares me! :lol: How well do you think it would go if I actually did skip the cardio days and ran instead? I do like the idea that they have a yoga workout in there as well. Thanks so much for the info, Rachel!

Thank you! Still chipping away...

I made spaghetti Friday night with turkey meatballs and whole grain noodles. It wasn't as yummy as what I normally cook but at least it wasn't chicken. :lol: I'm not a seafood person, either. When the guys go fishing or want shrimp or crawfish they have to do all the cooking/eating outside becasue the smell makes me -->:hurl:. :D

And, Hello! Yay for smaller jeans! Big high-five on that! I'm looking forward to my cute, smaller jeans...oh yes!

Slow and steady wins the race my friend...I guess that's what we have to try to tell ourselves. :) :cry:

The smell makes me gag too. Will and I popped into the Flying Fish at WDW one time just to check things out and almost gagged on the seafood smell. I wish we liked it. :shrug:

Here is the P90X fitness test. This will tell you whether you area good to start or not.

If you don't, take a look at Power 90. This is the earlier, and less intense version of P90X. A round of Power 90 would get you into a position to start P90X.

Awesome, thanks Steve! I've never heard of Power 90, thanks for the tip!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Sounds good. I think I could make a pretty solid commitment to a maximum hour a day, 6 days a week. I'll look at it more, maybe go ahead and purchase. I wouldn't say I'm in absolutely pathetic shape but I'm not my fit-est by far. Does she start out at a level that will be manageable or should I focus on increasing my current fitness level first? I don't want to jump in and be beat down/disappointed in myself. That would be unfair to do to myself. Ya know?

Thanks so much for all the info, advice, and support. I do appreciate it! :wave:

There are modifiers for both Turbo Fire and Chalene Extreme. I found that when I started Turbo Fire I just didn't go as intense as Chalene does and built up to a more strenous level as I learned the combos and got used to the program. There is always the pause button too! Even after a year of doing Turbo Fire I would still occassionally push pause half way through fire 60 to catch my breath. Turbo Fire is intense but do-able. Chalene Extreme has some cardio but it is really more of a strength training program. There is a trial period as well, so if you go for it and decide its not for you you're able to return it. Caroline (Kscar) is a Beach Body coach, I know she'd be happy to help you out deciding between the two and also with your purchase.

You're welcome! I'm so happy to help. It feels good to put the knowledge and experience that I've gained over the years to use to help someone else- its certainly been a huge benefit to me!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Thank you! Still chipping away...

I made spaghetti Friday night with turkey meatballs and whole grain noodles. It wasn't as yummy as what I normally cook but at least it wasn't chicken. :lol: I'm not a seafood person, either. When the guys go fishing or want shrimp or crawfish they have to do all the cooking/eating outside becasue the smell makes me -->:hurl:. :D

I've never been a fish eater either, but I've been trying to cut back on the amount of meat that I eat each week. So I've been sort of forcing myself to eat it and try a different kind of fish each week. I'm getting used to it.

You could go with a veggie dish like baked eggplant parmesan. I made some last week with a homemade sauce, whole wheat bread crumbs and low fat cheese, served with some mixed greens and a low fat red wine vinagrette. It was really very good. I've also made chili with extra lean ground beef and added some finely chopped carrots and celery and served that with fat free cheddar. I'd also like to try it with lean turkey at some point and also doubling the beans and omitting the meat.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Eeyore! :wave:

Hey! Let's have fun with the whole diet/exercise thing! I'll go first:

You know you've made the transition to "healthy choices" when the same turkey chili & brown rice you had last night and thought was just 'meh' is the best-tasting thing in the world a mere 24 hours later. :slurp:



Well-Known Member
Chalene extreme workouts range from about 10-15 minutes for ab workouts, 30-35 minutes for strength training workouts, and about 45 minutes for cardio or interval workouts. The schedule tends to be about 35-60 minutes 6 days a week. You would need either a good set of weights up to about 25 or 30 pounds or a good set of resistence bands that increase in difficulty.

Turbo Fire is much more cardio intensive and is most like a cardio kick boxing class. It takes awhile to get the sequences down but once you do it really is quite a lot of fun and you sweat like nobody's business. The workouts vary in length but you don't have to do more than 1 hour and 30 minutes 6 days a week, most days are just under an hour. On the days with the longer workouts, when I was pressed for time, I would do my long cardio (either 45, 55 or 60 mintues depending on the schedule) in the am and then do the shorter (20 min) toning workout in the pm. The longest Turbo Fire cardio workout is 60 minutes but you don't have that in the schedule until the very last advanced phase. The only equipment you need for Turbo Fire is a resistence band and lower body toning band. There were days when my schedule just wouldn't allow me to spend the kind of time that I was supposed to be spending, so I would move the schedule around a bit and maybe do something on the rest day instead. I just made sure to fit in all the workouts that were scheduled for the week.

I really like Chalene. She's so positive and such a great motivator. She's really changed my mindset about fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

I love Beach Body programs and I'm not even a Beach Body coach! :lol:

Power 90- the on switch of fitness!

Thanks for this info! I have considered trying her workout programs several times. I may have to give Turbo Fire a try because I do love me so cardio.

I'm definitely interested, and I think my husband is as well, but we both balked at the price. Despite that, I'd still like to try it at some point. I'm in probably the best cardiovascular shape of my life but my arms are like weak little noodles, so that part scares me! :lol: How well do you think it would go if I actually did skip the cardio days and ran instead? I do like the idea that they have a yoga workout in there as well. Thanks so much for the info, Rachel!

I definitely think you will still see results even if you used running as your only cardio, but it is good to give each of them a try. Plyo will definitely give you a good workout! I would mix it up as much as possible. For me, I'm fine with doing the cardio in the program, but if you mention the word 'run' to me, I will make all sorts of excuses. As far as muscle goes, even if you start out with 3 lbs - that is a beginning. I used 3, 5, 8 lb weights during the workout program and combined them for some of the moves. Plus, most of the moves are about how many reps you can do, not them.

Thanks, Eeyore! :wave:

Hey! Let's have fun with the whole diet/exercise thing! I'll go first:

You know you've made the transition to "healthy choices" when the same turkey chili & brown rice you had last night and thought was just 'meh' is the best-tasting thing in the world a mere 24 hours later. :slurp:


:lol: I've actually been making a lot of things using turkey meat lately. I've made stir fry with turkey meat and turkey soft tacos. On Sundays I make a whole wheat pizza with goat cheese and ground turkey meat. It is actually pretty good. Turkey hasn't replaced chicken in our household but it has replaced beef.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like everyone is doing really well! :sohappy:

I took the weekend off (I needed a break) but I'm ready to get back at it.

I ended up over-indulged on Mardi Gras (and no, it wasn't anything alcohol related) and felt bad about it. Then my husband and I went out of town for his birthday where I got my eating back on track. Had a big, satisfying lunch one day (tomato basil soup and manicotti)...really good. Other than that I didn't over-snack and I scaled back the fast food when we were driving. Also upped the water intake.

As far as exercise, EA Active is still doing it's thing. I can feel myself getting a little stronger each time I use it especially in my core. And that for me is the area I have the most trouble with. I have come to like plank positions, both normal and side when I have to do ab work. I'm afraid of hitting a plateau but if that happens I'm sure I'll find some other exercises I can do to change things up. One other thing I"m looking into is yoga. It's something I've always wanted to try. :D


Active Member
Thanks, Eeyore! :wave:

Hey! Let's have fun with the whole diet/exercise thing! I'll go first:

You know you've made the transition to "healthy choices" when the same turkey chili & brown rice you had last night and thought was just 'meh' is the best-tasting thing in the world a mere 24 hours later. :slurp:


I made turkey lettuce wraps just like they have at PF Chang's the other night. They were oh so good.


Active Member
I've got about 2 more lbs to go until I lose all of the vacation weight and am back on track where I want to be (yay!!!). I had a rough weekend due to my birthday :)hurl: enough said), but I got back on track on Sunday and am back into the training... when I stopped with my c25k a few weeks ago, I was on week 4 with the running (up to 6 minutes straight for those who don't know the program). I've been to the gym a few times since, like 2 or 3 times a week, and am usually on the treadmill while there trying to run between a 5.2 and 6.0 speed. I usually only last about 4-5 minutes straight.

So, Sunday when we went to the gym, I decided to set my treadmiill at a 4.1 pace (which is a 14:37 mile), and started to run... I ran 17 out of the 20 minutes I was on there, so needless to say I was excited. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
You know you've made the transition to "healthy choices" when the same turkey chili & brown rice you had last night and thought was just 'meh' is the best-tasting thing in the world a mere 24 hours later.

You know you've made the transition to "healthy choices" when you're at a Disney counter service place and pick an apple as your side (instead of delicious, delicious Chip and Dale pretzels). :sohappy:

I definitely think you will still see results even if you used running as your only cardio, but it is good to give each of them a try. Plyo will definitely give you a good workout! I would mix it up as much as possible. For me, I'm fine with doing the cardio in the program, but if you mention the word 'run' to me, I will make all sorts of excuses. As far as muscle goes, even if you start out with 3 lbs - that is a beginning. I used 3, 5, 8 lb weights during the workout program and combined them for some of the moves. Plus, most of the moves are about how many reps you can do, not them.

Ooh, I remember plyo from college...yikes! :eek: :lol: Right now I like to run and train for races (just started training for one today) so I would keep the running in, but I get what you're saying...the whole "muscle confusion" thing, right?

I've actually been making a lot of things using turkey meat lately. I've made stir fry with turkey meat and turkey soft tacos. On Sundays I make a whole wheat pizza with goat cheese and ground turkey meat. It is actually pretty good. Turkey hasn't replaced chicken in our household but it has replaced beef.

I've made lasagna with ground turkey in the past...tasted pretty good! Your pizza sounds super good, I LOVE goat cheese!

Sounds like everyone is doing really well! :sohappy:

I took the weekend off (I needed a break) but I'm ready to get back at it.

I ended up over-indulged on Mardi Gras (and no, it wasn't anything alcohol related) and felt bad about it. Then my husband and I went out of town for his birthday where I got my eating back on track. Had a big, satisfying lunch one day (tomato basil soup and manicotti)...really good. Other than that I didn't over-snack and I scaled back the fast food when we were driving. Also upped the water intake.

As far as exercise, EA Active is still doing it's thing. I can feel myself getting a little stronger each time I use it especially in my core. And that for me is the area I have the most trouble with. I have come to like plank positions, both normal and side when I have to do ab work. I'm afraid of hitting a plateau but if that happens I'm sure I'll find some other exercises I can do to change things up. One other thing I"m looking into is yoga. It's something I've always wanted to try.

Way to go Erin! :sohappy: I could never get on board with planks (lame sort of pun? :lookaroun) so good for you! You should totally try yoga...depending on what kind of class you go to it can either by super challenging and have you breaking a sweat, or super relaxing. Namaste :)

I made turkey lettuce wraps just like they have at PF Chang's the other night. They were oh so good.

YUM! Should we start sharing healthy recipes?

I've got about 2 more lbs to go until I lose all of the vacation weight and am back on track where I want to be (yay!!!).

Wow, that didn't take you too long...way to go!

I had a rough weekend due to my birthday :)hurl: enough said), but I got back on track on Sunday and am back into the training... when I stopped with my c25k a few weeks ago, I was on week 4 with the running (up to 6 minutes straight for those who don't know the program). I've been to the gym a few times since, like 2 or 3 times a week, and am usually on the treadmill while there trying to run between a 5.2 and 6.0 speed. I usually only last about 4-5 minutes straight.

So, Sunday when we went to the gym, I decided to set my treadmiill at a 4.1 pace (which is a 14:37 mile), and started to run... I ran 17 out of the 20 minutes I was on there, so needless to say I was excited.

Awesome job, Kortni! :sohappy: Don't worry about speed yet, it will come eventually! Sounds like you're doing great. :)


Well-Known Member
So this morning I started training for a local half marathon that is in May and did my first-ever hill workout on the treadmill. I did 6 intervals with the incline between 4-5% and it was SO HARD. I definitely worked up a sweat! :eek: And yesterday I did my little strength training routine...my triceps are killing me today.

Yesterday we had veggie burgers for dinner (we like the Boca ones - I like the bruschetta flavor while Will likes the grilled vegetable). I had mine with lots of ketchup and no bun. :slurp: We had baked fries on the side...I found a brand that isn't TOO unhealthy. Of course, they're still french fries, so who am I kidding? :lol: :rolleyes:

Hope everyone is having a great week! :wave:


Active Member
So this morning I started training for a local half marathon that is in May and did my first-ever hill workout on the treadmill. I did 6 intervals with the incline between 4-5% and it was SO HARD. I definitely worked up a sweat! :eek: And yesterday I did my little strength training routine...my triceps are killing me today.

Yesterday we had veggie burgers for dinner (we like the Boca ones - I like the bruschetta flavor while Will likes the grilled vegetable). I had mine with lots of ketchup and no bun. :slurp: We had baked fries on the side...I found a brand that isn't TOO unhealthy. Of course, they're still french fries, so who am I kidding? :lol: :rolleyes:

Hope everyone is having a great week! :wave:

Put the incline up to 10, then we'll talk :lol: That's what I had to do on my interval training last night for the 10 miler. My calves are burning today!

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