Disney Diet Buddies...


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on here in awhile either. It seems like every time I try to revamp my eating habits I just end up gaining more weight. So, I started keeping a food journal and told my husband that it would be lean cuisines for dinner for me for a few weeks. Dinner is what seems to be my biggest problem, so having portion controlled meals will hopefully help me shake these last few pounds as well.

As far as workouts go my mother-in-law got me the Firm Fit in 30 program for Christmas. The program consists of 20 minute workouts, 3 days a week. For an entire month you never repeat the same workout. Your heart rate is up instantly, which I like. However, three days a week just isn't enough for me. So, on the other days I either walk to the gym at the university we live by and play racquetball or do the elliptical, do the p90x cardio workout, or a hip hop abs workout (because they are fun). Also, I am going to start running in order to train to do a Warrior Dash with my husband in May.

Eeyore - how do you like p90x 2? My husband has done p90x several times through and is interested in getting this one at some point.

Keep up the hard work, everyone!


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
Eeyore - how do you like p90x 2? My husband has done p90x several times through and is interested in getting this one at some point.

Keep up the hard work, everyone!

I really like X2 so far. It is VERY different than P90X, which in my opinon is a good thing, especially after you've done P90X a few times. I did P90X twice but that was more than a year ago now. Phase one of X2 is very core based and works on balance a lot and has minimal pullups (which I think is fantastic- I hate pullups!). It doesn't include the targeted strength training workouts like P90X either. Steve is on Phase 2 and its a bit more like P90X with lots of push ups, pull ups and strength training with the additon of the stability ball. I don't do the P90X yoga, I love Tony I just can't follow his yoga instruction. I substitute Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown instead.

Since I'm doing the chalene extreme strength training workouts I may skip X2 phase 2 and go right into the PAP phase. I'm not 100% sure what that's about but I watched some clips on you tube and it looks intense!


Well-Known Member
How's it going guys?

Kelly - Hang in there. I totally know how discouraging those "Holy Crap" moments are. I had one when I tried to lose weight for our wedding in 2009. When I first weighed in I expected to be in the 150s and clocked in at 178. :brick:

Rachel - I don't love keeping a food journal but it really is helpful. I like being able to look back at a couple week's worth of meals to try to figure out what did/didn't work. I hope it helps you!

As for me, this week hasn't been great. I've been very stressed (husband has up-and-down health issues, and he was down this week) and am still adjusting to working out in the mornings before work, and I'm just not getting enough sleep. It all came to a head Tuesday evening when I had a mini break-down. I slept in yesterday (missed lifting :brick:) and got to bed earlier last night, and I feel a million times better. Sleep is supposed to help with weight loss, right? Even if that's not true, it's a big issue for me right now that I need to fix.

Anyhoo, I ran 3 miles this morning, which went pretty well - the weight I've lost so far has helped me drop 1-1:30 minutes/mile off of my pace - woohoo! And I had my weekly weigh-in - down 0.4 pounds. I was hoping for more, but after the week I've had (not enough sleep, skipped a couple of work-outs, had a couple of comfort eating sessions :rolleyes:) I'll take it.

Have a great weekend everyone! :wave:


Well-Known Member
How's it going guys?

Kelly - Hang in there. I totally know how discouraging those "Holy Crap" moments are. I had one when I tried to lose weight for our wedding in 2009. When I first weighed in I expected to be in the 150s and clocked in at 178. :brick:

As for me, this week hasn't been great. I've been very stressed (husband has up-and-down health issues, and he was down this week) and am still adjusting to working out in the mornings before work, and I'm just not getting enough sleep. It all came to a head Tuesday evening when I had a mini break-down. I slept in yesterday (missed lifting :brick:) and got to bed earlier last night, and I feel a million times better. Sleep is supposed to help with weight loss, right? Even if that's not true, it's a big issue for me right now that I need to fix.

Anyhoo, I ran 3 miles this morning, which went pretty well - the weight I've lost so far has helped me drop 1-1:30 minutes/mile off of my pace - woohoo! And I had my weekly weigh-in - down 0.4 pounds. I was hoping for more, but after the week I've had (not enough sleep, skipped a couple of work-outs, had a couple of comfort eating sessions :rolleyes:) I'll take it.

Have a great weekend everyone! :wave:

Thanks for the kind words, sweetie. It helps. I've been really working on watching the eating this week. I've been eating a whoooole lotta chicken. I only cracked open the 1/2 gallons of Blue Bell once and took a single teaspoon from each. That's huge for me. Normally I'd get a great big bowl from each. LOL! The sweet cravings have been bad, y'all. Today (or I guess now it's yesterday) I stopped by the store on the way home from the vet and bought some sugar-free jello and popsicles. I used to do really good having those as my sweet alternatives when the guys are all savoring their bowls of ice cream.

I'll say a prayer for your hubby and you to get thru the trying times 'specially with his health stuff. :animwink:

Any week you don't gain is a good week. If you lost .4 then that's even better. You can do it!



Well-Known Member
Alright y'all. This is it. The gloves are off. It's time to throw down and see what I'm made of. Grrrrrr!!!!

Logistics shifted our September cruise plans to May 9th. Yeah. That's 81 days to shed at least 25 lbs. Can I do it? I've done it before. I know I can if I put in the work and unfailing effort. The cruise and the dreaded swimwear are my new motivation to go balls to the wall. It's on y'all! We fixing' to smoke this!

Anyone else????


Active Member
Alright y'all. This is it. The gloves are off. It's time to throw down and see what I'm made of. Grrrrrr!!!!

Logistics shifted our September cruise plans to May 9th. Yeah. That's 81 days to shed at least 25 lbs. Can I do it? I've done it before. I know I can if I put in the work and unfailing effort. The cruise and the dreaded swimwear are my new motivation to go balls to the wall. It's on y'all! We fixing' to smoke this!

Anyone else????

I don't have a cruise or Disney to do. But I do have a homecoming in June and still another 30lbs to go.

Call/text me and keep me motivated. I bought a treadmill and it stared me in the face as it is right beside our bed.


Active Member
Ok, I'm back! I have a fitbit that my parents bought me as an early birthday present, so I was able to measure all of my walking in Disney during this past week... 50 miles! :eek:
I gained 7 from all the eating (and the drinking....) that we did down there, and felt super bloated the whole time. BUT, the good thing is, next time I'm down there I'll look different because I'm back on the healthy lifestyle track (after a 5-6 day break lol). :)

I'll join in. :wave:

I lost about 20 pounds for my wedding almost 3 years ago and kept it off until I fell down some stairs at our house almost a year later. This left me with a painful back injury that took about 2 months to heal. Through lack of exercise and emotional eating during that time I gained back almost all that I lost.

Now I am finally back at it. Without changing my eating habits much I lost about 5 pounds training for the 2012 Walt Disney World Marathon. I am lucky that my job pays for Weight Watchers meetings, and they are right in our building, so I have been doing that since the week of Christmas. I have lost another 12.6 pounds since starting WW and am just below the weight I was at our wedding. :sohappy:

I am still running 3-4 days per week, as well as lifting 2 days per week and trying to get to yoga once or twice per week. I have never had trouble motivating myself to get the exercise in...my crappy diet has always been the problem. I am ultimately hoping to lose another 22ish pounds.

So glad I found this thread! Thanks for letting me ramble. :wave:

:sohappy: welcome to our group Shannon!!!! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words, sweetie. It helps. I've been really working on watching the eating this week. I've been eating a whoooole lotta chicken. I only cracked open the 1/2 gallons of Blue Bell once and took a single teaspoon from each. That's huge for me. Normally I'd get a great big bowl from each. LOL! The sweet cravings have been bad, y'all. Today (or I guess now it's yesterday) I stopped by the store on the way home from the vet and bought some sugar-free jello and popsicles. I used to do really good having those as my sweet alternatives when the guys are all savoring their bowls of ice cream.

I'll say a prayer for your hubby and you to get thru the trying times 'specially with his health stuff.

Any week you don't gain is a good week. If you lost .4 then that's even better. You can do it!


Thanks Kelly. I find those sugar-free Jello/pudding packs to be surprisingly good. My favorite low-cal thing right now is Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches...they're a little pricey but boy are they tasty.

Alright y'all. This is it. The gloves are off. It's time to throw down and see what I'm made of. Grrrrrr!!!!

Logistics shifted our September cruise plans to May 9th. Yeah. That's 81 days to shed at least 25 lbs. Can I do it? I've done it before. I know I can if I put in the work and unfailing effort. The cruise and the dreaded swimwear are my new motivation to go balls to the wall. It's on y'all! We fixing' to smoke this!

Anyone else????

Wow, that's a huge jump...but you're cruising in less than 3 months! So jealous! :sohappy: I'm actually using OUR cruise (as in, the September 2013 one) as my motivation even though it's still, what, 566ish days away?! :lookaroun :lol:

Ok, I'm back! I have a fitbit that my parents bought me as an early birthday present, so I was able to measure all of my walking in Disney during this past week... 50 miles! :eek:
I gained 7 from all the eating (and the drinking....) that we did down there, and felt super bloated the whole time. BUT, the good thing is, next time I'm down there I'll look different because I'm back on the healthy lifestyle track (after a 5-6 day break lol). :)

:sohappy: welcome to our group Shannon!!!! :)

Thanks Kortni! 50 miles...that's almost 2 marathons! Crazy! :eek:

Hope you guys had a fabulous trip, and I hope even more that you write a report! :D


Active Member
Thanks Kortni! 50 miles...that's almost 2 marathons! Crazy! :eek:

Hope you guys had a fabulous trip, and I hope even more that you write a report! :D

I know right? We were in shock by how much we actually walked (definitely didn't feel like that! haha)... I think one of the days alone we walked a half marathon. :eek:

And don't worry, the TR is coming. I've got part of Day 1 already written! Just trying to get through my school work that's due this week first. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I really like X2 so far. It is VERY different than P90X, which in my opinon is a good thing, especially after you've done P90X a few times. I did P90X twice but that was more than a year ago now. Phase one of X2 is very core based and works on balance a lot and has minimal pullups (which I think is fantastic- I hate pullups!). It doesn't include the targeted strength training workouts like P90X either. Steve is on Phase 2 and its a bit more like P90X with lots of push ups, pull ups and strength training with the additon of the stability ball. I don't do the P90X yoga, I love Tony I just can't follow his yoga instruction. I substitute Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown instead.

Since I'm doing the chalene extreme strength training workouts I may skip X2 phase 2 and go right into the PAP phase. I'm not 100% sure what that's about but I watched some clips on you tube and it looks intense!

I'm sure X2 will probably be our next workout purchase. I think I would enjoy it more than I did P90X. I did the regular version for a few months with my husband, and I really needed to get more cardio in when I did it. Plus, I do love to work my core. I agree with you on P90X yoga. I hated it!

Rachel - I don't love keeping a food journal but it really is helpful. I like being able to look back at a couple week's worth of meals to try to figure out what did/didn't work. I hope it helps you!

I'm hoping it will help too. I'm trying to be very detailed with it. If anything it will help me plan what else I am going to eat for the day to stay in my targeted calorie range.

Good luck with workouts in the morning. That is just something that I cannot do. I've tried and tried on several occasions to work out first thing, but I just feel like I can't give it 100% when I'm still trying to wake up.

Alright y'all. This is it. The gloves are off. It's time to throw down and see what I'm made of. Grrrrrr!!!!

Logistics shifted our September cruise plans to May 9th. Yeah. That's 81 days to shed at least 25 lbs. Can I do it? I've done it before. I know I can if I put in the work and unfailing effort. The cruise and the dreaded swimwear are my new motivation to go balls to the wall. It's on y'all! We fixing' to smoke this!

Anyone else????

Good luck on your goal! We will be in WDW during that time in May. Just don't make yourself sick doing it!

Today started mine and my husband's 'we are going to Disney in less than 3 months and we plan on spending a lot of time at the pool' diet. He has amazing willpower, so I know he won't have a problem during these next few months. It's me I'm worried about. Portion control has always been my biggest issue, so while I thought I would eat nothing but Lean Cuisines and Weight Watchers meals for dinner for the next 2-3 weeks I've decided to extend that until we go to WDW. I'd like to shed 7 lbs before our trip. So, between working out 6 days per week, doing a food journal, and eating portion controlled meals for dinner surely I can do this.


Well-Known Member
Not sure if I've already posted in this thread or not, but even if I have my goals have changed. :D

I am currently using EA Sports Active2 for my PS3 and it's been doing wonders! I've been using it since the first week of January and I've already dropped almost 10 pounds. It's four days of workouts with two rest days. And let me tell you, the workout aren't a walk in the park. There's running, basketball drills, soccer drills, mountain boarding (squats!) and mountain biking (even more squats!) just to name a few. I'm surprised how much I've enjoyed it and couldn't be happier with the results I'm getting. The one thing I really like about it is the variety of exercises and no two workouts are the same. You can also choose from two different programs for either a total body experience or one geared more to strength training. And even after you choose the program you like you can still customize it. I gotta say, it was the best $11 bucks I've ever spent (after New Year's sale! woot woot!)

As far as eating habits, I've really cut down on fast food and for me that was one of the biggest challenges. I also find myself eating smaller meals more often throughout the day. I take tips from Eat This, Not That and one thing I have upped the intake on is fruits and veg. I know, seem like common sense and boy did I have an "I told you so moment" once I started seeing results. My snack options changed as well. I still eat cookies and other sweets but in MUCH smaller portions and not as often. I try to grab something like an apple or some grapes when I get a sweet craving. The good thing (if you can call it that) is that my job doesn't really allow for me to have a long break. When I do have the time I head down the street and grab a salad or hit up the food trucks that visit the park down the block.

I knew I wanted to change things after I saw a picture of my on a recent Disney trip. It's not *really* bad but I know I can look better if I just put forth the effort. And I'm happy to say that the effort has been paying off...BIG time!


Active Member
Not sure if I've already posted in this thread or not, but even if I have my goals have changed. :D

I am currently using EA Sports Active2 for my PS3 and it's been doing wonders! I've been using it since the first week of January and I've already dropped almost 10 pounds. It's four days of workouts with two rest days. And let me tell you, the workout aren't a walk in the park. There's running, basketball drills, soccer drills, mountain boarding (squats!) and mountain biking (even more squats!) just to name a few. I'm surprised how much I've enjoyed it and couldn't be happier with the results I'm getting. The one thing I really like about it is the variety of exercises and no two workouts are the same. You can also choose from two different programs for either a total body experience or one geared more to strength training. And even after you choose the program you like you can still customize it. I gotta say, it was the best $11 bucks I've ever spent (after New Year's sale! woot woot!)

I knew I wanted to change things after I saw a picture of my on a recent Disney trip. It's not *really* bad but I know I can look better if I just put forth the effort. And I'm happy to say that the effort has been paying off...BIG time!

I've been having so much trouble with my EA Active every time I try to use it... it doesn't register squats or anything, so I just give up on it each time!

But, speaking of pictures from recent Disney trips...........


Next time I take this picture, I am determined to be much smaller and have a ToT 10 miler medal around my neck. :animwink:


Premium Member
Not sure if I've already posted in this thread or not, but even if I have my goals have changed. :D

I am currently using EA Sports Active2 for my PS3 and it's been doing wonders! I've been using it since the first week of January and I've already dropped almost 10 pounds. It's four days of workouts with two rest days. And let me tell you, the workout aren't a walk in the park. There's running, basketball drills, soccer drills, mountain boarding (squats!) and mountain biking (even more squats!) just to name a few. I'm surprised how much I've enjoyed it and couldn't be happier with the results I'm getting. The one thing I really like about it is the variety of exercises and no two workouts are the same. You can also choose from two different programs for either a total body experience or one geared more to strength training. And even after you choose the program you like you can still customize it. I gotta say, it was the best $11 bucks I've ever spent (after New Year's sale! woot woot!)

As far as eating habits, I've really cut down on fast food and for me that was one of the biggest challenges. I also find myself eating smaller meals more often throughout the day. I take tips from Eat This, Not That and one thing I have upped the intake on is fruits and veg. I know, seem like common sense and boy did I have an "I told you so moment" once I started seeing results. My snack options changed as well. I still eat cookies and other sweets but in MUCH smaller portions and not as often. I try to grab something like an apple or some grapes when I get a sweet craving. The good thing (if you can call it that) is that my job doesn't really allow for me to have a long break. When I do have the time I head down the street and grab a salad or hit up the food trucks that visit the park down the block.

I knew I wanted to change things after I saw a picture of my on a recent Disney trip. It's not *really* bad but I know I can look better if I just put forth the effort. And I'm happy to say that the effort has been paying off...BIG time!

Sounds like you are doing really well! Congrats! :sohappy:


Premium Member
I'm sure X2 will probably be our next workout purchase. I think I would enjoy it more than I did P90X. I did the regular version for a few months with my husband, and I really needed to get more cardio in when I did it. Plus, I do love to work my core. I agree with you on P90X yoga. I hated it!

If you like core work you'll LOVE being in X2 land! It is coreTASTIC!


Well-Known Member
I've been having so much trouble with my EA Active every time I try to use it... it doesn't register squats or anything, so I just give up on it each time!

Next time I take this picture, I am determined to be much smaller and have a ToT 10 miler medal around my neck. :animwink:

The only thing I had some problems with were tricep exercises and some of the lateral lifts as well. Not sure why it didn't register that I was doing them. But other than that I really like it.

You can do it! :D Look forward to seeing that new picture!

Sounds like you are doing really well! Congrats! :sohappy:

Thanks! It's nice finding something that finally worked for me. :)


Well-Known Member
Good luck with workouts in the morning. That is just something that I cannot do. I've tried and tried on several occasions to work out first thing, but I just feel like I can't give it 100% when I'm still trying to wake up.

Thanks. I've been doing it for about a month now so I think it's become a habit. Once I actually get up and out of bed I am okay...it's the whole getting out of bed thing that's tough. :brick: It's worth it though because I'd rather go in early than stay late.

But, speaking of pictures from recent Disney trips...........


Next time I take this picture, I am determined to be much smaller and have a ToT 10 miler medal around my neck. :animwink:

Woohoo! :sohappy: Love the shirt, and when I saw the picture in the blog it did not even register why you were taking it in front of the Tower of Terror...DUH! :hammer: Very cool!


Well-Known Member
This morning was our weekly weigh-in and I'm down another 0.4 pounds. I think I just need to quit being a baby and fully commit to this plan, and I need to take better care of myself (drink more water, eat less processed food just because it's convenient, etc.) because I know I could be doing better. I'm starting a training plan for a May half marathon on Monday so hopefully the longer runs and interval runs will help me.

HOWEVER, I had a GREAT run on Tuesday! I ran negative splits - each mile faster than the previous mile - without stopping, and my last mile was super fast for me. My overall pace was almost 2 minutes faster than what it was in the fall, and I think that's almost all thanks to the weight I have lost so far. Huzzah! :sohappy:

Have a great weekend everyone!

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