Let's be vain for a minute--isn't muscle tone the best reward for working out?? Health benefits are great, don't get me wrong, but seeing some definition is the most motivating thing to me.
Absolutely. I agree. Good to be healthy but better to feel like you look like your best you, too!
I recall those newlywed days, and I also remember that different "medicines"
have different effects, even though they all have the same primary function. If your current prescription is causing you to gain weight, see if your doc will let you try a different one. I was having the same issue as you with weight gain, although that's not why I switched meds, I had some other complaint, and my doc changed the brand, and lo and behold, it seemed I could eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound. I swear those things kept me slim for a decade or more. Too bad I can't remember the names of them, or I would pass it along to you. I followed instructions and stopped taking them when I hit my late 30s, so I've been off them for about ten years (and you can see the evidence of what happened as a result in the "before" part of my before and after post!!)
Oh yes! I was 19 when I got married. I was a workout nut before I got married. I was small, curvy, and nothing but muscle. Then....I got married. I started puting on a little weight. I remember my then-pregnant sis-in-law laughing and telling me it was my "happy fat" to which I replied, "I don't care what kind of fat it is, I don't want it." Never could do the BCPs before I had my sons, not that getting PG with the 1st was easy or anything. They gave me tremendous headaches. After my 2nd son my doctor gave me Lo-Ovral which worked fine for me. I wouldn't say I gained weight with it but I stayed at almost 200 lbs. for 3 years. ((I gained 75 lbs. with that pregnancy..
)) I only was on the pill for a couple years until a few months after I took the hubby down to have him neutered. Seems like around that time I started working out and dropped 30 or so lbs. I guess I never correlated those things.
Welcome! My struggle with being married is that my husband has CRAZY metabolism and can just eat and eat without gaining a pound. Boys!
OMG! I can relate! Tracey was all of 120 lbs. @ 6'2" and wore a size 28 waist when we got married. Of course, he was only 21. LOL! For years it's bugged me to death how he doesn't balloon as easy as me. He's put on some lbs. in the past 5 or so years but I don't think he looks terrible. What used to kill me is that I had to
work to be able to run any distance at all and he could spontaneously throw his sneakers on and prance circles around me all day long with no work required. Ugh! Made me so mad! Then he'd stop drinking soda for a week and instantly drop 5 lbs. I don't even drink soda!!! One cup of coffee in the morning, 1 cup of skim milk during the day, and the rest is water. That's it. And I fight to keep from gaining.
I will say, tho, that age has been the great equalizer. :lol: I laugh but it's true and Tracey will be the first person to tell you so. He can't outrun me anymore and it's not like I really put the work in like I should. He has more trouble with cramping, his feet & legs, etc. His weight is a bit harder for him to fight, too. I'm sure being put on blood pressure meds correlates. It was around that time that things got tougher on him. Still, yay for not being as old as he is and still being in pretty good shape! :sohappy: No, I'm not competitive at all.....
I just came back from obtaining my Yoga Certification. I lived in an Ashram called Yogaville in Virginia for 4 weeks while I studied. The menu was vegetarian/vegan. Although I have been vegetarian for some time, there were no sweets and anything outside your 3 meals, except on special occasion.
I managed to lose about 4 pounds. I have been home 3 weeks and have kept it off, I am very pleased.
I wish I had someone to prepare 3 vegetarin meals a day for me. Ahh...One can dream...lol
Congrats! Gosh I wish I could get the yoga stuff down. It's brutal!
Congrats on your certification! Sounds like a nice 4 weeks...and I too would LOVE to have a personal chef cook my meals for me
Um, yeah! I remember after having my 2nd baby being upset at how heavy I still was and people like Madonna could spit out babies and come out a month after delivery better than before. Tracey said, "Well, yeah! Like it's hard when you have a staff of people cooking healthy for you and working you out daily." So true! If only, right???
So, okay, still not losing much of anything but I'll be honest and say the effort hasn't been on the running and working. Still doing very good with the eating which is an accomplishment of sorts for me. We ended up going to Saltgrass in Kemah for Chandler's 16th birthday steak-n-lobster feast vs. Shula's in Houston. ((Couldn't get a table for 7. :fork
) I'm proud! I didn't touch the bread or butter, ordered a steak-topped dinner salad, and only ate 1 slice of tiramisu. ((You know your kid is old when he opts for a specialty Italian dessert vs. a traditional birthday cake.)) So no cake pig-outs for me!!! :sohappy:
I know I need to get motivated on the exercise. It's almost like I dread doing any of that part. Always reasons I can't. I'm a creature of habit. My relaxed mornings, sleeping until at least 7 but often 8 or 9, etc. has been a helluva habit to try to break. If I'm going to make time to start my day with a run or a workout I've GOT to do it earlier or it's just not going to happen. **sigh** I'm pathetic.
Someone come to my house and beat me with a stick. Make me do it!!! I'll gladly give you people my cell phone number so you can call me and nag me out of bed in the mornings!!!! I'm not kidding. I could ask Tracey to do it but then I know I'd be mad at him and tell him to take a flying a leap. I'd never do that to my friiiiends. So who's up before 6 a.m. CST??? :snore: