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OK' history lesson time.Hitler? Stalin?
Communism was an idea had by Karl Marx that everyone should live in a classless society where there would be no exploitation of the workers and essentially where every person worked for the good of each other and the state. On paper this seemed like a noble cause but what happened was these ideas were easily corruptible and led to power hungry dictators such as Stalin who forced his will on all the people. Enemies of the state were severely punished or executed thus began the evil tyrannical aspect of communism that came to define the system. Hitler on the other hand was a fascist' He despised communism and essentially took control of Germany. He successfully managed to brainwash almost an entire country into serving his twisted ideology. Nazism was founded purely on evil intentions. Communism was founded on good intentions gone horribly wrong. The word "Communism" was thrown around frequently in the 1950s and more recently as a fear tactic for example communism= evil so all evil governments must be communist which is where a lot of these mis-conceptions come from. Communism is similar to a Greek Tragedy' A person with good intentions corrupted into doing evil things. I see no honorable intentions at all in Nazism. Essentially there are mis-conceptions about things in history which are fed by propaganda and the passage of time. Things are not all as black and white as they seem. OK I am done now.