Disney considering a new World Showcase pavilion BY REMOVING AN EXISTING COUNTRY?!?!


New Member
I don't think it's political either (thus me saying that prejudice is too high for it to be a practical business decision). Even if Saudi Arabia gives Disney a boatload of cash, that boatload will be offset by the people who will not have anything to do with that pavilion out of ignorance, fear, hatred, or what have you. There are simply too many Americans who, at this point in time, blindly hate that area of the world.

I could see this happening with Morocco though, since Americans in general aren't too up on geography. If it's not Europe, many people regard it with suspicion.
Just came in to add that Morocco is probably one of my favorites. Beautiful and immersible.

Unfortunately I don't care much for the current food choices at the table service restaurant but I do like their quick service options.


They can put the whole pavilion underwater?!? That would be COOL to see...



Well-Known Member
There wouldn't be much of a p.r. issues because some of those countries aren't paying much to keep their pavillion's maintained anymore.

So true sadly, look at Norway. At night it use to be beautiful from the eves of the stave church to the castle being aglow. Since the government dropped it, you can barely tell Norway even exists at all at night.

Turkey has expressed interest in the past, um Morocco could become Turkey if they were going to be that idiotic. Not happening Im sure but with TDO's shallow brains it would not surprise me if they tried.


Active Member
I can Confirm that this MAY be happening.......
At epcot they are taking surveys on....

Which Country Would you like to see

And Which country would you like to get rid of

MAYBE or MAYBE NOT?:veryconfu


Active Member
Me I would like to see
them get rid of Morrocco
and make an Ireland or Scotland Pavilion

Im very irish and i have no interest in Morrocco

On My trips we just pass it up


Active Member
Well, I'd dislike to see any of the countries previously there to go, but if I was asked to choose, I would either pick China or Japan.

I would like to see Ireland (definitely would love that) or Russian.


Well-Known Member
I thought about this too. But a crowd's going to be automatically bigger at a country that has an attraction (Norway, China) than one that only has shops and restaurants (Italy, Morocco). Plus many of the items are sold in multiple shops (foods, beverages, cameras, Disney-branded merchandise) so the reciepts wouldn't necessarily be indicative of that country's productivity.

Am I over thinking this? I'm new to the boards.

I wasnt think of any one marker to tell, but a combination of all. You can use spotters to tell the flow. Get estimates of how many people enter a pavilion per hour and how much time is spent in a pavilion (do they walk in and right back out etc).

Little Green Men

Well-Known Member
For me, I think Germany would be the one I would be least disappointed in seeing go. (I know alot of you must love it's beer) To me, it's design is similar to Norway, but atleast Norway has an attraction. The food doesn't appeal to me personally, and the shops aren't that great. If I were asked this survey though, I would probably tell them that there is no pavilion they can remove without getting me upset.


New Member
How about the American Adventure? If you want to see America - step outside the gate! I'll go put the flame suit on now.

It is just a question in a survey. It doesn't mean that they would actually do such a thing. Maybe they just want to know which ones need some sprucing up.


Active Member
Geez, Morrocco is one of my favorite pavillions. Fantastic food, music, and themeing; and the products they sell there are gorgeous. What up with the hate? :shrug:

This whole thing has got to be B.S........right? :lookaroun


Premium Member
I could see this happening with Morocco though, since Americans in general aren't too up on geography. If it's not Europe, many people regard it with suspicion.

This is exactly why it is important to have Morocco at EPCOT. World Showcase is meant to educate the park guests as much as entertain them, and what better way to do that than offer countries that most Americans don't know a lot about.

Ignorance about different world cultures should not be a reason to remove any kind of exposure to those different world cultures. In my honest opinion, that excuse is used way too much these days. I celebrate EPCOT and Disney for actually offering exposure to places like Morocco, Norway, China, and all the other countries which have cultural differences that many people simply don't understand.


Active Member
Instead of building a new country they should make the boring ones better. Such as Italy, Germany, Morocco.......? Morocco really, instead of Australia, Russia or even a hint of south america. What the heck did norway ever do to deserve a ride? I say drain some of the water and build all the way down the middle....that boat ride isnt all that charming. You could build a giant replica of all the famous world landmarks in that circle instead of being so segregated.

By the way whats up with the outpost? you really had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to have an african pepsi machine...boo! Africa is well represented in animal kingdom.....i really doubt anything they build will be as fun as harry potter though. But epcot really needs to reach out to kids cause the world showcase is a snooze fest for most kids i see in strollers.


New Member
I wish Germany would showcase more of the country's engineering aspects. Maybe, like automobiles??? :) They are as much of the country's culture than anything....

Dj Corona

Active Member
Granted, I know it would have taken a lot to put a somewhat replica of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, (or the Colosseum, for sure!) in Italy, but that's one country that I always hear about where people seem a little let down by the themeing.....Not that I would want to see any of the current showcases be replaced, when it's already been said a new one can be put at the outpost, for example.
I guess the point to my rambling was backing up how some World Showcases are somewhat well themed and others were done so-so. Also, I have no issues with Morocco, if they added another pavillion, Russia for the architecture alone would be nice, as far as Australia, I think that would be a great addition to AK.


Well-Known Member
I think we all can agree on one thing and that is that we do not want any of the countries to go, maybe updated and get some TLC, but that is all. We really could use the addition of one more country and most likely in the outpost area. It would be a good bridge between China and Germany.


New Member
I really doubt that Disney would scrap and existing pavillion. It really seems like that move would be a Public Relations nightmare.

I would love them adding as many as they can fit, though! The more diverse the better! Especially if they could add another African nation, something from South America and another from Oceania. The variety pack!


Well-Known Member
I vote to get rid of Morocco. It's boring, and the food served there is not easy on the palate. Germany or Italy would be my second choice for removal.

I'd like to see a country from the Pacific Rim added. New Zealand, Chile, Peru, or maybe something Southeast Asian like Thailand. But defininetly get away from the European and UN Security Council countries that only seemed exotic back in the 1970's.

Actually, I like Morocco in Epcot. It's different, and while couscous is not my favorite food, it is definitely different.

Is there room behind the Outpost for expansion, or is that parcel limited by infrastructure behind the berm? If it is limited, there may not be room for a new featured country there.


erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
But epcot really needs to reach out to kids cause the world showcase is a snooze fest for most kids i see in strollers.
I totally agree. I was always bored in world showcase when I was a kid and its not all that different now. My daughter likes the kidcot, just not the part walking from one station to the other, it gets tiresome very quick. I would rather see them add some attractions to existing countries(movies dont count) before they add another pavilion. Im not talking e-ticket(of course I wouldnt mind that) but a couple attractions on the scale of mexico/norway would really help WS out.

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